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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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we support entrepreneurs who invest money in rural, remote regions, develop businesses, we return up to 50% of their investments in order to motivate the development of such remote areas. and the last thing i wanted to say is, of course, open government, these are mandatory meetings with residents, not online, in person, face to face, and heads of departments, the government of the yaroslavl region, and heads of districts, their deputies, so that ... people understand that their problems are heard and solved, these are the bright ideas they have, of course, they are born thanks to our residents of the yekaterinburg region, for which we thank them very much, you have a number of good prospects and investment projects, which of them do you consider the most interesting, i consider the most interesting those projects that we currently have related to industry, and we literally recently... opened a number
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of industrial enterprises, new ones in rostov, veliky in the danilovsky district, these are projects related, among other things, to packaging, to new technologies, but i wanted to say that we have the only such territory interrupting development in the central federal district, which has a very preferential tax regime, this is not only a property tax, land tax, zero profit tax, but accruals to the payroll fund instead of 30% are only 7.6%. and we are now negotiating with a large number of investors so that they come to tutaev, well, in fact , the old name is romanov boris glebsk of this city, and we are counting on its serious rapid development, we have an industrial development zone in yaroslavl, the village is currently underway construction of low logistics centers with a total cost of about 15-20 billion rubles and a huge data center is being built, the total investment volume of the project is about 18 billion rubles, these are the serious large projects we have many of them. and i would like to say separately that for
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ourselves, as the locomotive of development, we see industry, we see agriculture, and we are engaged in this separately, we have developed livestock farming, but if we talk about livestock farming, then we have something to work on, because 70% of our land is not yet under cultivation, we need to manage them economy on the contrary, of course, such a locomotive is tourism, of course, and construction. if we talk about tourism, our figures are high, we have reached 3 million tourists staying, we, of course, set much more ambitious tasks for ourselves, because we are the capital of the golden ring, we do not need to invent anything, we can study the history of the country in the yaroslavl region, and we try to make sure that we have well-appointed spaces, a decent level of service, we are building hotels in large quantities now, but we have such the most beautiful village in russia, vyadskoe, is located not far from yaroslavl. and we
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are building three hotels there at once, two four-star, one five-star, with 285 rooms in total, and we expect, of course, that we will have a large influx of tourists, we are actively working on this, we have made two portals, one tourist portal, one investment portal, and we want to make them so popular that everyone and investors, all tourists, ordinary people know what they can see, not only see, but we are also making it as a market place, so that they can book a hotel right away - buy an excursion , buy tickets to a museum, that is, we are seriously promoting both the economy and the social sphere, of course. good. so, vladimir putin met with the head of the yaroslavl region mikhail evraev. the kursk nuclear power plant is operating normally, the radiation background is normal. this is a statement by the press service of rosenergoatom after the report of the fragments of the haiers rocket found in this area. it was found 5 km from the nuclear power plant. a shot down projectile of a rocket complex.
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inspect the object were found cluster submunitions, 183 ammunition were found, they were destroyed by an overhead charge, there were no triggers, the work was 100% complete. now a message from the ministry of defense in the sumy region, a hangar with a haimers launcher was destroyed, there were also rockets, a loading vehicle and an escort vehicle. the crew of the russian aerospace forces aircraft worked on the target on the footage of objective control, explosions, detonation of ammunition, fire. after
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confirmation from intelligence, the pilots returned to the departure airfield. well, all the latest news we will discuss the legislative initiatives of the communist party of the russian federation with the party leader gennady zyuganov. he is a guest of our studio. so gennady andreevich, hello, hello, alexey, i am glad to see you, you are a wonderful journalist, we are waiting for you again in the duma, thank you, gennady andreevich, thank you for the warm words, in the duma we will certainly follow the duma agenda, but here is the latest news, first of all, what is happening now in the kursk region, 5 km from the nuclear power plant, where heimers was found, heimers' shell, what is the faction's position and i know that a lot of work is being done to provide assistance to residents of the kursk region, what does it consist of, just now? now 150 tons of a large 128 convoy have been sent, first of all for the guys and those who work, protect us in the kursk region on this hot front line, and so we send from the territory of the country to all regions that require
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real assistance, we have already accepted more than 19 thousand children, and i want to thank everyone who participates in this holy work, our headquarters is headed by vladimir ivanovich kashin, together with today with safonin and karitonov we have done this exceptionally important work, but as a person who served in special intelligence against atomic chemical and biological weapons, i want to say that what london and washington are doing today, these main provocateurs on the planet, is complete madness, because any provocation against a nuclear facility threatens everyone without exception, including their executors, including...
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chernobyl, when he reported to the un about the cause of the explosion at the station. listen to his phrase: the main reason is that those who operated the station relied not on tolstoy and dostoevsky, the same technocrats as themselves, their
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moral and cultural level does not correspond to the complexity of the controlled object, and if you look at world processes now, in many places those who are close. cannot be allowed, by the way, and president putin needs to look at the personnel policy and personnel, we need to sharply strengthen and enlarge all the top brass, right now the election campaign is underway, in some regions, it's just embarrassing to watch, they pulled out all the dirty technologies from the time of sobchak and yeltsin, they are trying to fool people instead of organizing an honest, normal, decent choice, and some are only offered an electronic one, tomorrow is impossible. there will also be a paper ballot, this is complete stupidity, this is depriving a citizen of the right to vote, i hope that yaitsyk panfilov will pay attention to such gross violations. gennady andreevich, the opening of the autumn session is ahead, already now, well, we discussed it with you, the deputies
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are preparing for something new, for a new session, what will come to the forefront, what the cprf comes with, what legislative initiatives do you have? four days ago, we held another international, large financial and economic forum at the lenin state farm. the three previous ones were in my homeland in orel, where we outlined the image of the future and showed it using the example of my native region. how can you get an amazing harvest? the orel region has been producing 6-7 tons of grain per person for the third year in a row, this is a unique harvest, it was unthinkable five years ago, so instead of supporting klychkov and his talented team, they are starting again. look for fleas where they actually aren't and interfere with work, i've already contacted the presidential administration, i hope they'll bring basic order, we...
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three to three times for production, they give us expensive metal, then we won't be competitors, let's regulate prices, grudinin comes out and says: look at my products, i sell them great, they go on ice, but where can you turn to other stores, the price of carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes has increased by 20-30%, this is evidence that we simply don't regulate prices, we last once introduced a law. this could have been adopted long ago, it is fundamentally important for us
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to stop extinctions, and this is a whole chain of proposals. nina ostanina proposed eight laws introduced to support large families, create conditions for education, free training of the first job. we will put forward this package first of all. it is fundamentally important for us that all the subsoil work for each person, and not for... going to the presidential elections, proposed 10 steps for a decent life for our victory, starting from the far east, now there will be a far eastern forum, ending with assistance to young families, students and those who should get their first apartment, in my opinion, this is the development budget program. it is 10 trillion more than the one adopted today, will help the country
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get out of this dead end of the crisis, where we all got together, you actually already mentioned the vladivostok eastern economic forum, which will soon open in vladivostok, traditionally, investors traditionally come there, including from the countries of southeast asia, i understand that the cprf will also be represented, what is your initiative, what are you heading there with? alexey, the main world events will develop in this region. i once restored full ties with the chinese party, starting with min, huden tadin pine, we signed all the agreements and fully implemented them, here came the chairman of the chinese republic, a talented man, we met when he was still the mayor of shanghai, we are now preparing a new document on the implementation of their agreement with putin, and they had 42 meetings, this is our strategic ally. i flew to china and vietnam with the president, i think that this direction
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is not only important for us, it is also in many ways a salvation for china, we are against this nato gang, which is headed by the americans and which unleashed a war against the russian world, we can only act together. brics, highway, the unification of the efforts of china, yes, china, india, russia, the ndr, vietnam. arab countries today will allow us to stop this madness, stop this soros, which offers a completely different world, it is worse than hitler's fascism, without citizenship, without gender, without family, without friends, without children, without faith, without culture, without history, without traditions, it destroys human nature, its memory, its spirituality, without this humanity will simply perish, now a new one is coming... an epidemic, a new epidemic will be called heat, you know that this year in all months
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records were broken, which were earlier, the area of ​​the earth 72% is seas oceans, how much evaporated, so much will fall on your head, and you see, and you see, and this requires a fundamentally different approach, a person of high culture, exceptional behavior, we need to limit our consumption of what... is necessary for a person, an ordinary person does not need much, as for knowledge, food, education, culture, medicine should be available to everyone, and this has long been, and... tested, the soviet country reached heights, only thanks to the transformations of the leninist-stalinist modernization, today we have approached these most important tasks, to say the least, and putin has long confirmed that capitalism has reached a dead end, everyone sees this, a turn to the east is a turn to spirituality, to unique experience, the experience of the ussr, the experience of china, the experience of vietnam,
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the same experience of india, the experience of arab countries and africa. pay attention, we held several forums through the duma, and i want to thank, volodin supported us, melnikov, afonin, novikov, kalashnikov, taisaev, in general the team prepared these forums, we have many friends there, none of them imposed sanctions, they are our friends, and the eastern forum, this time it can play a big role, kharitonov, astana went, they will hold there a whole series of events. i'll ask briefly, salevan just flew to beijing, and the new york times writes that this is an attempt to put pressure on china to reduce support for russia, can the americans achieve something there? the chinese understand perfectly well that neither we nor they can cope with this, with this invasion alone, so from the first day i called for maximum unity and unification, but on
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the other hand, if we take the military challenges in taiwan, the americans can...
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if they got to trump, i already think, they would clash with weapons in hand, remember we need, we are smart, strong, successful, in this world we are needed first of all for ourselves, we will be strong, successful, we will listen and there will be no provocations, we will be weak, disunited, those who are now these little ogres of the yeltsin era, this is the fifth column, it has now crawled out like cockroaches from all the cracks, i would ask the president... the prime minister to pay attention to this, and the leaders of the two chambers in the conditions of war, and this war is serious, very serious, when they sit and cheat in elections, when they do not give the opportunity to express a point of view, when they begin to steal and attribute remove from the elections, only provocateurs or absolutely incompetent people can do this, we
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need to bring everything to the president's demand: maximum unity, mobilization, mastering the latest technologies. win, without victory on the spiritual and military fronts, we cannot have prospects, we need to triple our efforts to win now, in this situation they especially often remember, they remember belarus, our closest neighbor, our closest ally, i know that the communist party of the russian federation held an anti-fascist forum there, now you have, as far as i understand, a second forum ahead and traditionally the party has very strong contacts with the belarusian side, what do you think, what role in general?
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a couple of days ago he has a round date, an anniversary. for 25 years he has faithfully led belarus along the path that allowed them to preserve industry, bilingualism, their spirituality. their culture, plow the fields, build an educational base, we made several films, now two new films have been made about what patriotic education is and how
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to work with foreign specialists, because they do not have the problem of unregulated immigration, we need to urgently put on the brakes and take emergency measures, they go, sign a contract, bring it, here's your ko... power, that you can't move the city to another site, they restored everything, and not only restored it, they ennobled it so much, they created an atmosphere, there you can walk at any time of the day
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, not look around, there are no floors that cling to the zvy, those who came not to work, to wander, you understand, i am a person of orthodox culture, i do not congratulate in advance, but lukashenko aleksandrovich sent a very warm telegram and thank you.
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and 80 thousand enterprises were killed, 50,000 collective farms suffered and 30 million almost russians, decreased, our task is to take all the best
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from the unique experience of our thousand-year history, in recent years the most effective experience is fraternal belarus. let's briefly return to current international issues, one of the most sensational cases today is the case of pavel dorov, who was detained in france, today it should be clear. what next, do you even follow this situation, to what extent is what we see in world, this is not admission to the olympics, and global provocations, do the left have the strength to counteract this, let's start with durov, alexey, a talented person, my friends studied with him, he did a lot before, but he forgot the simple truth that he lives in a world where... american globalism has set the task of complete dictatorship, and their dictatorship begins with their strategy, open, he was obliged to read, the first point, we keep information under crowd
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control, anyone who sticks out will get in, this is special operations, why did they have to fly into this trap, i don’t understand, he should have known that in this case the safest place is in russia and china and there was no point in going there, macron was bent over, i think macron doesn’t... like it, but this is a complete disgrace, he will have the role of snowden or whoever else, you know, in what way and so on, it’s a pity, sad, a talented person could organize a business and do business, in our country and work for victory, or in the second, the americans control the retail chains on the way, and military strategic superiority and dictate, and the main thing is that a new competitor does not appear on the planet, there was a competitor, they strangled and killed.
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you are armed, he turned out to be a slob in this regard, you will have to pay dearly for this, i assure you that without a command from washington no one will let him go in the near future, they need complete control over information, and information today is who dies first in a war, the truth, and without the truth you will never win, so we will continue to convey the truth, thank you gennady andreevich, thank you very much gennady zyuganov, our guest in the studio, with whom we discussed the most pressing topics today.
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russian military repelled eight attacks by the ukrainian armed forces in the border areas of the kursk region. ukrainian militants lost 380 people and 30 armored vehicles in 24 hours. these are the figures cited by the ministry of defense. the situation in the region is tense, for security reasons it was decided to hold the voting in the gubernatorial elections early, it started today. more details, our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald. the situation in the kursk region remains extremely tense. the border area is probably the hottest spot right now, despite the fact that fighting continues there from the border zone, border, our military, our volunteers are evacuating people, it is worth saying that today ukrainian militants tried several times to break through deep into the territory of the kursk region, but all attacks were repelled, to be precise 11 attacks by the armed forces of ukraine in the direction of the settlements of borki, kulbaki, kremyannaya, malaya loknya, they also
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thwarted an attempt to attack in the direction of the settlements of krasno-otkrytskaya, olgovka, cherkasskaya, porechnaya. in the ssu in general difficulties. during this time, we lost 65 people killed and wounded, an armored personnel carrier and eight large armored vehicles. the settlement of tyotkina came under massive shelling today. the footage that you are now seeing confirms that the center of this settlement has almost completely burned down, please note that they are beating. ski militants and aiming specifically at civilian infrastructure, trying to inflict maximum damage, as people say, the worst and hardest thing is that the militants are really using civilian the population as a human shield, not letting them out, not giving them the opportunity to go out, as eyewitnesses say, cars shot up near populated areas, on the side of the road, there are dead, unfortunately, and any attempt that is made by volunteers,


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