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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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this means that this plastic is purchased by these enterprises and is already used for - the production of these small architectural forum. last year, at the st. petersburg international economic forum, the sberbank of the government of karelia signed a cooperation agreement. the main goals are the development of artificial intelligence, digital and isg transformation of the region. new technologies will be implemented in healthcare, the agro-industrial complex, transport and construction. forward transformation. development of asg, but this is one of the global trends that has entered sberbank's strategy until 2026, in order to somehow secure these agreements with the region, and there was a roadmap for their implementation, both on the part of the bank and the government, sberbank signed an agreement on pef, we signed it last year, it clearly outlined what projects we will implement on digitalization in the medical field, in the field of ecology, in the field of volunteering, social orientation, and now this is our main map, according to which we interact with the republic. we
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continue to talk about how russian regions are implementing principles of environmental, social and corporate management. next time we will go to the tula region.
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in russia, it is necessary to more actively implement the specialty in shipbuilding universities, this was stated by the presidential aide and the head of the maritime board. meetings on training personnel for
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domestic shipbuilding. the meeting was held at the st. petersburg state marine technical university, among the important problems that need to be solved is the quality of training specialists and, first of all, total engineers. the most popular specialties are design engineers, commissioning engineers, fitters of various professions, ship welders, turners.
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for the period from 2019 to the twenty-third year , the number of budget places in colleges for shipbuilding profession by 20%. now a message from the ministry of defense on the situation in the border areas of the kursk region , units of the north group of troops repelled four attacks by assault detachments of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​three settlements. air strikes and artillery hit clusters of live enemy forces and equipment near 17 villages. in just one day, the enemy lost 400 people , almost 30 armored vehicles, plus an artillery piece and a rocket launcher. thus, the total losses in the ukrainian armed forces since the beginning of the invasion of russian territory are almost 7,500 fighters. the ukrainian armed forces are shelling the belgorod region again. the strike
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hit shibekino. one civilian was killed and two were wounded. the victims were taken to hospital. three more villages were also attacked by drones. about what is happening in the region now and how schoolchildren's education will be organized. olga kurlaeva. to our great sorrow, one person died during the morning shelling. he did not even wait for the ambulance to arrive. according to preliminary information, two more civilians were wounded. a man and a woman with shrapnel wounds of varying severity were taken to the central hospital of shibekino. as a result of the shelling , administrative buildings and social facilities were damaged. a car also burned down, now. emergency services are working on the scene, trying to put out the fires, but the threat of shelling still remains, it ended late at night meeting of the operational headquarters of the belgorod region, at which a decision was made to resettle
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residents from four border villages, a decision was also made to close several villages for entry, entry there will be allowed only with special passes, checkpoints are now being set up there, these residents... federal level emergencies, housing certificates are also offered for those who decide not to return to dangerous border areas, a decision was also made on auto payments for passenger cars, since september of this year, payments will be made not from... from an extra-budgetary fund, but from the regional budget, there will be individual changes, although for the majority of the population this will not change, this will only affect based on the introduction of a payment ceiling, it will amount to 2 million rubles for a damaged car or for compensation
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in the event of a complete loss of property. another important decision, it concerns the educational system, it concerns schoolchildren and their parents. in the border zone 20 km from the border there will be distance education, that is, exact education will only be in cities where it is safe, but at the same time , payments for teachers will be maintained. we understand that there is some reduction in the number of students in classes, we understand that this should not affect the salaries of teachers, otherwise, we understand that we will lose teachers who will disperse throughout the country, this will be irreparable damage to the entire education of belgorod. therefore, in order to prevent such a situation, we decided to take measures to maintain teachers' salaries at the same level. also, teachers will come to the pvr points from september 1, well, full-time training is of course in the rear zone, including in belgorod. as for special vehicles, that
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is, repair crews, ambulances, as well as school buses, which are used to transport on unsafe sections of the road, they are now being intensively supplied by the system. around ukraine are doomed to failure, this is the opinion expressed by the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs. sergey lavrov emphasized: there they are increasingly talking about the possibility of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia and for this they are literally pumping kiev with modern weapons. for characteristics of what is happening now, in europe with the ocean, the minister drew historical
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parallels. this is a continuation of the same line that we have observed for centuries, about which our emperors.
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10% bonuses for purchases by card. sberbusiness. there are many children's cards. and the most profitable is one. free children's. alfabank card, with it children receive up to 7,000 rubles. cashback for purchases and money in games. not childishly profitable, alfa profitable.
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pavel durov was released, however, now he will be under judicial supervision, must report to the police station twice a week and post bail of 5 million euros. in addition, the founder of telegram was banned leave france. here, as the new york times writes, the durov case has heated up the debate about freedom of speech on the internet. and the british guardian notes that the charges have raised the stakes for the eu, with its ambitious plans to control the internet. more about the high-profile case from our european bureau chief anastasia popova.
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released, but remains in france. pavel durov left the tribunal building late at night after paying bail of 5 million euros. the investigation against him continues. journalists hunted for him all evening. the police tried to put the press on the wrong track, distracting attention to themselves at one of the exits, while a black minivan pulled up to another. dressed in all black, as usual. in durov's signature cap, he quickly put on his sunglasses and walked into the car without saying anything to anyone: why did you come to france to you, pavel, where will he be now the question: it is known that twice a week he must voluntarily come to the police, check in, and so on until the case goes to court. durovo is accused of complicity in six different crimes, because telegram did not delete dangerous content when the intelligence services asked to do so, and almost completely refused to cooperate, here are just some of the claims. complicity in the management of an online platform for
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the purpose of carrying out an illegal transaction as part of an organized group, the crime provides for a maximum penalty of. years of imprisonment and a fine of 500,000 euros. the preliminary investigation began in february of this year, the case was opened in july, it may still be supplemented with new details. in particular, the prosecutor's office sent a request to switzerland to understand whether it had place from the country of the billionaire, violence against a child. we are talking about three children together with irina bolgar. in addition, the european union decided to make claims, which accuses telegram of understating the number of real users, which seems to allow.
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president of the country emmanuel macron, but did not want to participate in increasing france's influence in the world, and at the same time he became a naturalized frenchman. there are many questions for durov, lawyers consider the accusations absurd, and french officials , in turn, write to figaro, are afraid political consequences of this case, which, according to experts, could drag on for years. anastasia popolia bernadsky, evgeny samsonov, vesti, paris, france. well, it is worth saying that claims against messenger and its creator are made not only. in france, indonesia, south korea, germany, great britain, and other countries are also dissatisfied with the platform's activities. what exactly is at stake, we will tell you in our material. after pavel durov was detained in france, many countries began to bring charges against the founder of telegram and his platforms. thus, indonesia threatens to block the messenger if it continues to ignore
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warnings about insufficient moderation. the south korean government plans to hold a meeting with telegram representatives. regarding porn fakes that are allegedly actively distributed using the messenger. in germany, as in france, the platform is accused of insufficient cooperation with the authorities. and in the uk, they claim that certain international programs that search for and remove materials related to violence from the internet contacted telegram executives. regarding children, and that they allegedly refused to meet halfway. the danish minister of justice expressed a desire to block all messengers that use message encryption. the head of the swedish ministry of justice also expressed a desire to influence such platforms. in his opinion, the company is not doing enough to prevent criminal groups from negotiating with each other. a criminal case was opened against pavel durov himself in switzerland. the lawsuit was filed by the possible mother of the entrepreneur's three children, irina bolgar, allegedly for non-payment of alimony and physical violence against one of durov's children. in murmonsk
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, the trial of alexander bydanov, who is accused of attempted murder, has begun. governor andrei chibis. on april 4 of this year , the attacker stabbed the head of the region with a knife at the exit of the cultural center, where a meeting with residents of the city of apatity was taking place. the attacker was detained, he explained his actions by a feeling of personal unpleasantness, although he was not familiar with chibis. earlier, bedanov's lawyer said that the case would be considered with the participation of a jury. according to the defense attorney, the accused insisted on this. this summer, to cope with students helped with the flow of tourists at pulkovo airport in st. petersburg. all of them are participants in the "runway" project. over 2 years, 2.0 young people from different regions of russia took part in it. details from ksenia yakubina. is it convenient for you to pay here or at the checkout? the holy of holies of pulkovo airport, from here the dispatchers distribute the flow of passengers so that there are no queues anywhere. if necessary, they open additional parking zones for the check-in counter. monitoring,
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the minute-by-minute passenger flow is unprecedented. by according to statistics for the past year, pulkovo became the second most visited airport in the country, for the first time. its history , about 80 thousand people visit the departure and arrival areas here every day, that is, conditionally, the air gates of the northern capital receive the entire population of anapa or magadan every day, because of the indifference of tourists , there were not enough hands in the air harbor to satisfy the personnel shortage, the colonel organized an internship program for students. alexander is a fourth-year student at the russian customs academy, he was looking for a part-time job at during the holidays, ended up staying. in pulkovo combines it with lectures, says that working at the counter requires stress resistance, but there are also pleasant surprises: recently a couple came to the check-in counter, agreed with me in advance, and the guy proposed to... girls, for me it was just a purely summer job, but for 2 and a half years i have been officially working at the airport, and it seems to me that for the first job this is a very good
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breakthrough, a start. the project runway helped me find a job, so that i could participate for the third year in a row , students from all over the country have been coming to st. petersburg, 900 people from twenty regions are participating in the program this summer. students do all the work that the basic employees do, including new vacancies in the transport repair and maintenance service, the good side of this project is that you can easily move around various services, try yourself in completely different areas, from the platform to the office, and ultimately find something that really interests you, will involve, maybe even as if your main sphere is connected with it, your profession, but you will find something so special for yourself that you will say, wow, this is what i want to do, hello, hello, i wanted to say so much, pulkovo airport
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became a concert venue for the first time, this is a kind of graduation for the participants of the runway project, with the end of the hot summer season, a musical holiday thanks to all the current employees of the air gate, before the performance, the group of the culture room also passed express internship.
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trusts the institutions of power, on the other hand, are ready to participate in elections, to use their right to choose, to use
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on vacation, someone wants peace of mind, someone is looking for thrills, russian the tourism business is ready to provide all the opportunities for both the first and the second, and what solutions are there for
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entrepreneurs to be able to... climb the mountain and at the same time keep up with suppliers and partners. what is our competitive advantage if we remove the equipment? in price, first of all. how much cheaper is our equipment? about 30%. and will there be demand? of course, given the development of domestic tourism, i think that demand will be much greater. a whole large industry has been born around us. what as for furniture, these are agricultural entrepreneurs who supply us with meat and dairy products.
3:00 pm
the ukrainian armed forces are shelling the city of lgov in the kursk region, two residential buildings have been damaged, a civilian has been killed and two wounded in belgorodsk , and another strike has been launched on shchebekina. what do our correspondents report? russian troops have liberated two more villages in the lpr and dpr, a warehouse of stormsheduu cruise missiles, an oil depot, a hammer air bomb, and a hymars projectile have been destroyed. what else is on the front line? promsvyaz-bank is successfully supporting our defense industry, and military mortgages are also developing. meeting of the russian president with the head of the bank petr fratkov. what was said about the state.


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