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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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chief expert on technology sale where i bought mega school style buy a genuine leather bag for 3,199 rubles. hello, correspondents of the vesti program will tell you about the main legal events of the day duty unit and i, maxim mavchan. be careful, hidden camera. in moscow, fsb officers and the bureau of special technical measures of the ministry of internal affairs of russia detained a major dealer in spy gadgets. and he wasn't exactly hiding, he was selling them anonymously on the internet, on the contrary, he even opened a store. such gadgets are prohibited.
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sale, because a small camera built into a charger or pen can do big things, material by maxim shevchenko. security officers in balaclavas carefully examine the contents of the shelves, in one of business centers in the west of the capital , they visited the premises with a search, the warehouse inside the boxes, gadgets with eyes. a table clock with a secret audio-video recording function, purchased by the suspect on a ukrainian website, with the purpose of further sale. operatives of the bureau of special technical measures of the ministry of internal affairs of russia and fsb officers calculated that thousands of electronic devices were ordered by entrepreneur alexey davydenko, he was detained, and the equipment was sealed and taken away. during the searches , over 3,000 different electronic devices were seized, which are currently being sent for examination to the forensic center of the ministry of internal affairs of the russian federation. prices for illegal gadgets davidko varied from ten.
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in the public domain, however, such camouflaged devices with sound recording elements are sold, in particular on marketplaces, it took less than a minute to find such a device, a flash drive with a built-in microphone, intended, as it is written here, for secret wiretapping, it is inexpensive, you can get it tomorrow, but there is a nuance, everything will be saved in history...
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article, which means he will go to prison for 4 years and may get a repeat conviction for the same year if his guilt is proven. maxim shevchenko, nikita shchuchkin, mikhail zhilin, news, duty unit. all the most interesting, after a short commercial, do not switch. durable and not afraid of moisture, protect from heat and cold.
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penoplex. effective thermal insulation sale where i bought megamarket school style. buy merci candies for 299 rubles. megamarket school style. alfa investments - this is for money. we give up to 5,000 rubles. to everyone. open a free account for investment in alfabank. and get a gift. not just profitable, alpha profitable. you can't find experienced pilots even with fire, but we found real specialists, it is more difficult to find a competent agronomist than an astronomer, a rare phenomenon, we found wonderful ones, a good engineer, like a perpetual motion machine, it seems that it does not exist, it exists, if you know where
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alfa bank is the best bank for business, we give 3 months of free acquiring, and also a terminal and a cash register, open a free account for
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business. magnit - the price is what you need, condensed milk 1499. vtb brings us rubles, cashback up to 25%. plus one category of cashback for a vtb transfer from other banks. vtb, everything will work out. the legal program is live on air , the duty part is hosting, we continue the release. five more defendants have appeared in the case of the terrorist attack on the kroku city hall concert hall. the security forces did not report them earlier. these are a certain shakhram dzhon gadoev, zubayduyla, ismailov, umidzhon and mustakim saliyev, as well as khusein khamidov. the basmanny court of moscow extended their arrest until december 1 of this year. it is also known that all five were detained in dagestan about 5 months ago, they are accused of several articles at once, including.
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perpetrators of a terrorist attack, their probable accomplices. all of them will remain behind bars until at least november 22. new houses are rotting, orphans are to blame for this in the krasnoyarsk territory , a developer will appear in court in the near future, who built kholupas for graduates of orphanages. they accused them of mold and cracks. vaselov, they say they are living incorrectly, reports on the progress of the investigation have already been twice demanded by the chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin. material by olga zhurinkova. these homes for orphans in the city of uzhur in krasnoyarsk krai are only 3 years old, they are already falling apart before our eyes. an expert examination found one unfit for habitation, conclusions are being prepared for the others, but the local administration employees are incredibly altruistic people, decided to help, sent repair crews to houses that should only be torn down. here are the consequences of such repairs.
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our program has repeatedly reported on this scandalous story in the spring, the head of the uzhursky district administration, konstantin zaretsky, admitted that he himself learned about the problem from journalists and representatives of the people's front, and refused to visit the rotten houses. when did you see the mold? that's when you showed it to us on tv, you should have shown it to us earlier.
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in houses that are unfit for habitation, before they also handed out memos to the residents on how to live in apartments correctly, advice such as not covering radiators with curtains and not drying anything on them, in their opinion, dampness in apartments is precisely because of this, i am violating the rules for the operation of residential premises, since i was drying my laundry at an unacceptable distance from the radiator, the general director of the developer company, former district deputy nikolai morozov, his deputy, and part-time sons, assure that the houses were built according to all standards, here are numerous conclusions in which
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it is said that the buildings are suitable for habitation, we have acts for almost all apartments, where people are improperly using these houses, indeed, that is, people are to blame for this, but not only we do not say about everything that people are to blame, in any case, some defects could have been revealed, in any case, we bear warranty obligations for this, we will fulfill them according to the developer's version, mold appeared because people allegedly save on heating and arbitrarily close the ventilation. you think that you built good apartments, of course, we have everything conclusions, everything is there, we are not that, if you think that you are a good apartment, built a house, then what is this, improper operation, black green mold all over the wall, from the floor to the ceiling has already gone along the ceiling, but what is this because of, moisture has found a place where the coldest place is, defects in each house are the same as if under a carbon copy, this crack, what does it give, is this shrinkage of the house, this is not a crack. is it again the fault of people, residents? yes, improper operation. chairman of the investigative committee of russia
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alexander bastrykin has already taken on twice control the situation with poor quality housing for orphans in the city of uzhur. according to the expert's conclusion, the said house was built with critical, irreparable violations of the design documentation, and therefore does not meet modern construction safety requirements and is not suitable for habitation. the investigation of the criminal case is currently in its final stages; the accused and his defense attorney are familiarizing themselves with the case materials. while the proceedings are ongoing, one of the families was forced to rent another home due to constant dampness in children began to suffocate in the apartment. other residents, who do not have... money to move , are waiting with horror for autumn and the first frosts, which will come soon in siberia, but it is still unclear how to live in the undamaged apartments. olga zhurinkova, denis bezlakovsky, ruslan abubekerov, vladimir bazov, dmitry manushev, news, duty unit. technique worked out to perfection, conquering heights on horseback, finally a sport worthy of admiration, both from the point of view of aesthetics, and complexity. the best of the best riders decided in kazan who
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would take the main prize of the international tournament in show jumping. galina khungureeva has the floor. seconds of hovering in the air that take your breath away, these couples can handle any height, show jumping is a type of equestrian sport, the embodiment of grace and nobility, the best athletes and their partners demonstrate their skills at the international tournament in kazan. i don’t worry, let’s say, at least with this horse, i never worry, i know that he will do everything for me, and thanks to this horse i jumped only 110 last year, now i already perform 150 cm in routes. there are eight routes in the tournament, each unique. the scheme is published 30 minutes before the start of the first rider. the height of the obstacles is from 90 to 150 cm. there are routes for cleanliness and sharpness, when quickly without knocks down, there are only high-speed routes, where you need to go as quickly as possible, there are classic routes. show jumping is perhaps the most spectacular of all types
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of equestrian sports. judges evaluate every detail: the rider's skill in moving on horseback, the strength and accuracy of the jump, speed, catch. even the freedom and energy of the couple, mutual understanding and work in tandem are important, good results are possible only with full mutual trust, you need to love your horses, yes, after all, this is a pair sport, and a lot depends on it, when horses have been jumping the route for years, they also know when they are good, when something didn't work out a little, the horse is an empad animal, it feels not only every movement of the rider, but even emotion, so there is definitely no place for fear or doubt here, as soon as the rider slightly tenses his muscles. the animal's movements also become constrained. ideal execution is passing the route cleanly, without penalty points, that is the athlete finishes his guide without destroying any obstacles. the athlete had no problems with the horse's obedience, there were no throws, there were no throws with destruction, he did not fall, he sat, his horse also did not fall during the round, and he showed the best time.
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equestrian sport in russia is no longer just a discipline, but a part of the culture of national heritage. it is developing. attracting an increasing number of participants and fans, such tournaments, they allow athletes to hone their skills, exchange experiences, learn everything new that is happening in the world, sport is developed in 79 regions of our large country, so it is a sport without age, it can be practiced not only by children, adolescents, young people, but... athletes. the tournament is attended not only by athletes from other regions of russia, but also from other countries: kyrgyzstan, lithuania, uzbekistan, kazakhstan. international competitions in show jumping, prize of the rais of the republic of tatarstan, kazan holds for the second year in a row. the competition is timed to coincide with the celebration of the republic day and the city day. the most experienced athletes will compete for the main trophy of the grand prix tournament with the height of obstacles
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up to one and a half meters. galina khungureeva, almaz khakimov, the duty unit is conducting. in the burman region, the accused of an attempt on the governor of the region is beginning to be tried, the accused himself hopes for leniency from the jury and a lenient sentence, let me remind you, the criminal attacked andrei chibes with a knife, the governor quickly recovered, but the accused himself still cannot recover from the injury, he was wounded by security forces during the arrest. oleg posobin's report. the beginning of the court session consisted of several formalities: the accused of an attempt on the governor murmansk region andrey chibis, alexander bydanov asked to postpone the hearing from ... change of lawyer in the last few months, this is his first appearance in front of the camera. the stairs of the apatity city court, the accused moves with difficulty, he was wounded in the leg during the arrest immediately after the attack on the head of the region. the assassination attempt took place on the evening of april 4 in apatity, forty-two-year-old alexander
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bydanov stabbed andrey chibis with a knife at the exit of the palace of culture, where he met with residents. the attacker was immediately detained employee. the examination confirmed the sanity of the accused. it was established that bydanov decided to commit the murder of the governor because he did not agree with the decisions he had made. the wounded governor was operated on at a local hospital and then transported to murmansk by helicopter. the mobile court for choosing a preventive measure was held in a hospital ward. police inspection rare cases in judicial practice, then badanov was transferred to a pre-trial detention cell now the accused of attempted murder is counting on the jury, they should have select at today's meeting, but the procedure... andrei chibis himself returned to work a month after the attack, despite being seriously injured, now the governor is actively working and continues to meet with residents,
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the day before he presented a 5-year development plan for the murmansk region. the next meetings will begin intense work, the parties need to select six jurors, two more substitutes, only then will they sort things out, the most intriguing question, after all, what is the motive for this assassination attempt on the governor? oleg posoben, pavel tretyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, news, duty unit. in moscow. he is a suspect in the murder of his wife and small child. according to investigators, former central bank employee alexander lepatov threw his wife and child out of a sixteenth-floor window, after which he was detained as a result of the storming of the apartment.
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fyodor eliseev has the details. the courtroom of the lifortovsky district court of moscow alexander lepatov, who threw his wife and child out of a window, arrived on foot in good health. he even had enough strength to shamefully cover his face a white sheet of paper. after the brutal massacre , the alleged killer was taken out of his apartment in the southwest of the capital, under the supervision of police officers on a gurney with an oxygen mask on his face. the thirty-five-year -old man was in a state of severe poisoning with some drugs, he was brought in for questioning as soon as izuver came out of a coma. according to the investigation, lipatov threw his wife's child, milena lepatova, out of the window of the sixteenth floor. they had no chance of surviving. when the maddened man dealt with his family, he began throwing everything out of the window that came across. under my arm, i hear a terrible rumble, then i went out into the courtyard, and there lay a woman, already the body of a woman and a small
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child, on the sixteenth floor there was an inadequate naked man right at the window, shouting very obscene things and doing very obscene things. special forces soldiers broke down the door and handed the suspected killer over to the medics. during the search of the lepatov family nest, they found medications, and also strange incoherent notes. according to neighbors, the family lived without scandals. the spouses held high positions in large companies. according to some media, lepatov had been suffering from mental illness for several years. investigators said that during the investigation he would undergo a psychiatric examination by a psychologist. if the experts conclude that the man did not realize what he was doing when he killed his loved ones, instead of a penal colony he will be subject to compulsory treatment. in the meantime, by court order, he has been placed in custody in a pretrial detention center. fyodor eliseev, this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel, don't miss duard petrov's investigation , the pill case. save at any cost.
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parents of children diagnosed with rare diseases buy drugs abroad that are prohibited in our country. epilepsy is such an insidious disease. no doctor will give you a 100% guarantee that this medicine will suit your child. is subject to criminal prosecution, in my opinion, these things that exist, this is not a criminal offense at all, who stamps out pill cases, allows this parcel to cross the border, knows which post office it arrives at, how to save your child and at i can't go to jail for this, i can't put my child's life at risk because this drug can't be taken as a narcotic. we took on this case and conducted our own investigation. now the latest
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news that our editorial staff receives directly from lentinformagent. in the east of moscow , a nissan driver hit a mother and child on a crosswalk. as a result of the accident, the woman died on the spot. the pedestrian girl was taken to a medical facility with injuries of varying severity. traffic police inspectors are working at the scene of the accident. investigative and operational group. air travelers have been warned again about the dangers of transporting portable chargers. the reason was an incident at shremetyevo airport. passengers had their batteries confiscated from their suitcases without their knowledge, and this was discovered after landing. on what grounds can your luggage be opened, how to return the gadget, and why many are in no hurry to do this - kirill popov found out. andrey abramov's suitcase became lighter on the way from moscow to mineralnye vody, when he received the luggage about '.
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spend half a day to get to sheremetyevo, find this warehouse there, more it is unclear what is going on with the parking, time is money. paurbanki are classified as dangerous goods, they tend to catch fire from impact or shaking due to temperature or pressure changes, because the components contain lithium, this is footage of the evacuation of passengers at damodedovo airport. the phone exploded, it was lucky that the device caught fire in the cabin before takeoff, the flight attendants put out the flames in a matter
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of seconds, no one... was hurt, but what if a fire occurs in the luggage compartment when the plane is in the air? storage temperature is from -5° to +30, and it is precisely in flight that this jump is dangerous for internal elements, a highly active reaction begins, therefore, according to international conventions , special rules for the transportation of explosive gadgets are established, even a small charger in luggage is prohibited, but you can take as much as you want on board an airplane, even a full backpack. the main emphasis is on the characteristics of the device, its power. it is indicated on the case and, as a rule, corresponds to the standards for hand luggage. in sheremetyevo about the rules for transportation power banks are informed during inspection at the airport entrance. power bank capacity up to 100 w is transported in hand luggage. everything is fine, thank you. there are also signs near the check-in desks that remind you of the requirements for batteries and chargers, but if the passenger still checks in the battery in the luggage, it
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will be noticed at the pre-flight. according to russian law, if the power bank is still in the luggage, then the luggage is inspected, it can be done either in the presence of the passenger or in his absence, more often in the absence, because at this point the passenger is most likely already boarding the plane, and the responsibility for the safety of the confiscated power bank will not be borne by the security service, but by the commercial company, it is in charge of the storage room, it also sets the rates, it seems to me that it is worth insisting that such cases ... baggage inspections take place with the participation of the passenger, in order to avoid some not very pleasant situations. by purchasing an air ticket, the passenger automatically agrees to all the rules of air transportation, pay more for his things that were pulled out of luggage, i don't want to at all, but in fact this is the price of my own inattention, and most importantly
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, a safe flight. kiril popov, novikov, andrey ganykin, ilona agasieva, news, duty unit. with the help of a white shirt in st. petersburg, he is looking for a car worth 22 million rubles. all that the alleged hijacker needed was a white shirt, black pants and desperate impudence. he dressed up like employees of a salon that sells premium cars, came to the dealership, went out to the parking lot, looked into the booth with the keys from the cars, chose the right key fob and got into the car. the guard didn't even think that a stranger was driving the luxury car, so the security guard calmly opened the gate. as it turns out now, the expensive car didn't have a tracking system, and now the police are looking for its thief. the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided . an investigation is being conducted into this fact. the police have taken measures to search for and detain those involved in committing this crime. by the way, this is not the first time that a self-confident an impostor takes someone else's without breaking in. the day before, a similarly resourceful adventurer was caught in moscow. he stuck a fake badge on his chest, showed up at the travel agency office and
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pretended to be a new employee for several hours when he was left alone in the room, grabbed all the proceeds from the nightstand and was gone. the entire legal news feed in the telegram channels is conducted by the duty unit and honest detective, subscribe, also watch our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective. and our this concludes the episode, maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. in white medical coats , they penetrated the border area under the guise of a sabotage and reconnaissance group to evacuate civilians. kursk volunteers, stories of those who went to the border area for their loved ones, ultimately saving 12 people.


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