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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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in brentwood, california. everything is fine there, only the neighbors grumble because the street is always blocked by secret service agents. wall street journal reporters collected the opinions of the dissatisfied. it is very annoying to be their neighbor. the street is always blocked. i will vote for her if she agrees to sell her house. in washington, harris and her husband have official housing, the naval observatory, the official residence of the us vice president. they often hold receptions there, but donald harris is specially hidden from the guest list for 3.5 c neighborhood. who knows, maybe leftist economist donald trump? his aggressive marxist views, formed in academic circles in the sixties, make him easy prey for attacks from republicans. in short, plus another reason to doubt.
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another hollywood star joins. harris has publicly endorsed ben stiller. what do you like about the harris program? i'm just really excited about the forward movement of all the energy and excitement that is going on right now. on the labor day commune on september 2, when, as the presidential race is believed to be really getting underway in america, with harris leading trump 48% to 43% in national polls. democrats are ahead of republicans in
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support among blacks, latinos among young people, but if you look at the swing states, it 's still tight. of the seven key states, harris is ahead in georgia, michigan and nevada, while trump is leading in arizona, wisconsin and north carolina. both are ahead in pennsylvania, where the first debate will be held on september 10, further increasing the values. of this state for the final victory in november. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and timofey mukhin, vesti usa.
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mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale. in the three
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ninth kingdom, the three tenth state. let's translate from office language to understandable, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction.
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she still wears white, enjoys life at someone's expense in dubai, and they are still at the forefront of their own, where completely different entertainment is a priority, like this. supposedly a successful test of a certain ballistic missile in the ssu, it supposedly hits the target right on target
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hundreds of kilometers, that is, it is capable of seriously competing with our calibers and is generally nothing less than a real wunderwaffe, although the kiev regime for some reason demonstrates evidence... but is it worth taking its word for it? let's figure it out with the help of vadim zavodchenko. kiev is changing its strategy, informational. previously , they begged for superweapons from western partners, now they come up with them themselves. first, vladimir zelensky, and now the adviser to the head of the presidential office , mykhailo podalyak, announces a new wunderwaffe, saying that ukraine has created its first own ballistic missile. of course, everything is top secret, they only revealed the characteristics: flight range from 600 to 700 km, seriously, if they are not lying? i think that now this is such an approach, you know, when the country needs a superweapon and it needs to be urgently presented to the public, and this is of course now the main driving force
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of all these ukrainian stories, analyzing chatter from the bank streets is not an easy task, and here there is confusion right away, the fact is that about ammunition with similar characteristics, kiev has recently told, at the same 700 km they allegedly have a product flying under the ugly banal name of polyanitsa, however, this is not a ballistic missile, aborting ammunition, it's just that the same person came up with the numbers, of course, this is not a drone polyanitsa and in general this is not about this story, yes indeed there at one time... there ukraine developed various operational-tactical missiles, but today they do not have the technical capability, yes to set up this production, in fact, now there is no complex military-industrial complex production on the territory ukraine is impossible, even if local engineers have invented something, this is definitely not the first
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ukrainian ballistic missile, the independents have their own developments in this direction, the most famous point is u and its... fications, but there were attempts to develop more modern systems: grom-2, sapsan, these are pirated copies of iskanders, have similar combat capabilities, ballistic missiles fly 480 km, have a warhead of 480 kg, a strange coincidence, confirming the creative impotence of those who draw numbers for the bank, however, these systems officially...
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what if the long-range ballistic missiles were secretly transferred to kiev by the owners for use in the country at the testing ground to remove the nameplates from the parts so that the ukrainian or american ammunition did not break? here we can also talk about the fact that the western military-industrial complex in secret. secretly transferred certain technologies in the interests of the kiev regime, or the corresponding capabilities were created, the so-called screwdriver assembly of almost finished products on the territory of ukraine, be that as it may, the statement of the kiev tsars is a reason
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for alertness, but not for panic, zelensky's phantom missile, if it is real, is not the first ballistic missile that will fly in our direction and like others, will be with... our air defense systems are, in principle, capable of resisting all types of weapons used, which are at the disposal of both the kiev regime and the collective west, and as practice shows. well, we intercept most of the attacks, the hands intercept, and we already have enough air defense systems that are capable of intercepting high-speed ballistic targets. or maybe it's not worth it look for a black cat in a dark room? ukraine , a country that has lost all its industrial potential in 30 years and succeeded only in rewriting textbooks, just went and set up the production of ballistic missiles, even screwdriver ones. most likely, they are simply lying to maintain the fighting spirit of the armed forces of ukraine. this is much
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more in the style of president comedian and his entourage. the president of france said that he was not going to meet with pavel durov on the day he arrived in paris. earlier, information appeared in the press that it was macron lured the founder of the telegram messenger into a trap under the guise of an invitation to dinner. at the same time, according to media reports, the prosecutor's office did not inform either the president of the fifth republic or the foreign ministry about its operation. in turn, ososhe. the press states that after his arrest, durov asked the police to inform billionaire xaviel, co-owner of the lemont newspaper, about what happened, he is one of the businessmen close to macron. however, now durov can do it himself, from paris, a report by anastasia popova. 5 million euros bail, a written undertaking not to leave the country and an obligation to report to the police twice a week in person. all of pavel durov's passports were confiscated and he was released from the courtroom late at night under these conditions. according to some reports , he spent his first night at the mercurр paris lavette hotel. formally, he has been placed under judicial supervision
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and will live at the address set by the judge. it is reported that he will not have to wear an electronic bracelet since he is not under house arrest. why did you come to france? if you move, you will need a new address agree with the judge. dressed in all black , wearing a cap and sunglasses, durov jumped into the passenger seat of a black van with german license plates, without telling anyone. the french prosecutor's office has six claims against pavel durov as a result of the preliminary investigation, the charges have been brought and filed officially, and he could face up to 10 years in prison and a fine of 500,000 euros. this is if the charges are proven on all counts, although the list of claims may still expand during the investigation. to suspicion in complicity in the distribution of pornographic images of minors, drug trafficking, fraud and other charges, violence against a child may also be added. the french prosecutor's office has not yet made its conclusions. but requested information from its swiss colleagues, where irina bolgar filed a lawsuit against durov, claiming that they have
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children together, according to her, the billionaire was deprived of parental rights because he refused to pay her 150 thousand euros a month in alimony blocked her bank cards when she refused to move with the children together with him to the emirates, the lady described her subsequent suffering in a conversation with journalists as follows: the bulgarian complained that because of this , the family's standard of living had dropped significantly. when we first flew economy class, the children, who had previously only flown on private jets, asked where the other people had come from, she shared. now the french public is concerned about where the new girl, or as she was called in the french media, durov's assistant, has gone. presumably, we are talking about twenty-four-year-old yulia vavilova, she accompanied him on the trip, posting photos, as well as telling where exactly they were and where they were heading next, as soon as they did not call the satellite. sudurova, a cryptocoach, blogger, streamer, the british tabloid went further and
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suggested that in fact, vavilova is an agent of the israeli intelligence agency massad, whose goal was to lure durov to france. indeed, some observers believe that it was her posts on sites such as instagram, containing geolocation data , that allowed the french authorities to obtain information about his movements and wait for him to land. this has led conspiracy theorists to suggest that vavilov was an agent of masada, whose job was to set a honey trap for durogo in order to deliver him into the hands of western intelligence services. the use of women as traps by intelligence agencies is a long-standing one. the 2011 rape charge against maid put an end to the political ambitions of imf chief dominique strauscann and forced him to resign. in 2010 , a criminal case was brought against wikileaks founder julian assange a criminal case of rape, according to a statement by swedish anna ardin. the case marked the beginning of a series of arrests and many years of imprisonment for assange, while the original rape case in sweden was simply
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closed nine years later due to a lack of serious evidence. assange's associate, australian mp adrian macrae, believes that durov's arrest is a step by the west towards total control over freedom of speech. pasha's arrest, a frightening development within the framework of an increasingly dystopian model in which western governments and intelligence services are moving aggressively toward total censorship and state control of thoughts, opinions, and what not.
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support, this is a big step, it is very difficult for an outside observer, like me, without knowledge, to believe that macron could or would do this without the support or at least the consent of the biden administration. the media saw in this case a duel of state regulators of legislators, against those who defend free speech on the internet, durov and musk. elon musk commented on the decision of the french court succinctly ironically. photos of french streets with cameras and the words "liberty, equality, fraternity." we can say that what durvo is accused of is to some extent what any new technology can be accused of since its inception, it has both pros and cons. the french press can't decide who mr. durov is for france? we gave him citizenship to protect him, we constantly hear this word: protect, but if we protect him, then he is
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a friend, if the president wanted the headquarters, the telegram to be with us, then is this a friend or is it?
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the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces looks like this: civilian trucks are taken out of russia to the marauding area, a comment by the adviser to the head of the kursk region roman alekhin to this frame from our unmanned reconnaissance. despite not the best qualities, you can see that the body is filled to the brim with boxes and bags, that is , retreating from the border areas, ukrainian militants are trying to take out
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the property stolen from civilians, and according to the same alekhin, they take with them not only household appliances, but also tvs, washing machines cars, microwaves, are even interested in plastic windows, which they dismantle without a twinge of conscience, and sometimes do not disdain clothes, against the background of such news it is difficult not to recall with what persistence at ... nothing more than a mirror of ukrainian reality, where ignorance has long been in the forefront, which is confirmed not only by ukrainian looters, but also by ukrainian witches, who in their own way experience the lack of victories. anastasia ivanova took a closer look at the rituals. instead of trained warriors , the wives and kings of pentacles go into battle, well, and if the cards tarot does not help, then the witches themselves have to go to the cemetery to film tiktok. we are doing it on elon musk, we are doing it for elon musk for our guys who died because of a non-working
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starlink. it is necessary to prepare dead needles in the cemetery, for this, leave sewing needles on the old grave cross overnight, after a night in the cemetery the needles are ready for use. we insert needles into a photograph of a person, in our case, elon musk. such elon musk could hardly imagine, but the author did so.
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much blows, well, yes, after all this, yes, it will bring, here is the chariot, changes for the better, and it does not matter that the viewer does not see that
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the witch is hanging out there, the main thing is that she does not forget herself in the end and said that all dreams are close, similar to predictions, no matter what is on the cards or in the imagination, like a carbon copy, first the magicians build up their prediction, apparently, so that they will watch until the end, and then they calm down, our under threat, our dreams are under threat. there will be some difficulties that our dreams will not support, will not allow them to develop, but always, when clouds fall, they show that these are temporary difficulties that we will have to go through. there is such an expression: pour water, this is what the vision is doing, it distracts attention from more serious problems, from zelensky's acting performances, which promote ukrainian witches. one would expect that in a stressful situation, people would turn to some more traditional and safe forms of spirituality. but unfortunately, the blow is directed in this direction, these antics on social networks, associated with witchcraft, magic, casting a spell on some imaginary friends of russia and
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imaginary enemies of ukraine, it all fits into the same trend, it is such an attempt to instill in the ukrainian people the idea that not everything is so bad and that at least some levers of influence on reality remain. there are still attempts to make a controlled herd out of ukrainians, to make esoteric ideas almost the main source of information, this is not a joke, instead of the ministry of defense, often independent media, witches give comments, however, in the style of the kiev elite, zero specifics, promises in this case that the war will soon end are in abundance, i lived in crimea before russia, before 2014, and i remember very well all these mystical atrocities that were imposed on us, when such funny people with tara cards or with spells, incantations gathered in the tezikov circus, look, a ukrainian, what about good, he does not want to do much himself, try to plow, to make life good, they are waiting for some malfar in the carpathian...
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mountains, someone else, something there will be in someone poke someone's photos, then there will definitely be a victory. but not a single ukrainian witch will say how many vsushnikov died at the front without any rituals, this is the magic of the russian army. you imprisoned me in the fires, a self-writing pen , get me some magic ink. the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, in those old days, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it is necessary, that's what my name is, because i'm not taking you where you , a fool, want to go, where it is necessary, he doesn't need a pen, who had a rotten thing in his pocket,
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a document confirming the intention to carry out a policy of ethnogenocide, that very crime against humanity at nuremberg, which just fell under the plan, the expected losses of the civilian population, numbering in the tens of millions of people, were clearly indicated. this policy of pressure on the east, it was hitler's borrowing, he will solve the issue of creating a thousand-year great reich at the expense of the eastern territories, which from his point
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of view are much more adaptive for...
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in the korpskaya region, a division of the group the north, with the support of aviation and artillery , repelled four attacks by assault groups of the ukrainian armed forces in the direction of populated areas. well, on august 6 , they lost 7,500 in the kursk direction, kiev troops in total , soldiers, officers, mercenaries. 660 armored vehicles were destroyed, including 74 tanks and 64.


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