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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 30, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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pure cryptocurrency liquidity for international payments, it will now be possible in such a limited, let's say, legal regime to use cryptocurrency, to work with cryptocurrency and russian companies in the veda region and russian banks in the veda region, but here again it must be said that we are not talking about mass use, since this is an experimental legal regime, the ban on opening is also lifted. russia branch of foreign banks. they have the right to open only one branch to engage in professional activities on securities market. at the same time, the minimum size of the security deposit must be no less than one billion rubles. this will ensure the fulfillment of obligations. as expected, the work of foreign credit institutions will expand the conduct of international settlements. this will naturally simplify the opening of accounts in foreign banks for russian participants. taking into account the fact that it will become
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physically easier to open directly in russia. secondly, this will possibly reduce the number of refusals to conduct transactions. thirdly, this will potentially allow attracting funds from foreign investors to the economy. branches of foreign banks will not be able to conduct transactions and deals with individuals, including with... an exception was made only for transfers without opening an account and currency exchange, it is also prohibited to attract depositors' funds and open accounts in precious metals, both for individuals and legal entities. experts believe that banks from the brics countries may be the first to show interest in opening branches. they are interested in ensure the conduct of foreign trade settlements with russian businesses. also now.
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in the register of representative offices of foreign credit institutions, which the bank of russia maintains, there are banks from germany, vietnam, italy, cyprus, china, south korea, restrictions for banks from unfriendly countries, the law does not provide, but at the same time all created branches of foreign banks, yes, will have to comply with russian legislation on counteracting sanctions restrictions. changes affected the sphere of loans. the central bank wants reduce the debt of citizens on unsecured.
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is very small, and perhaps the bank of russia wants to introduce even stricter restrictions in advance so that these situations do not arise at all. the requirements for organizations that issue mortgages are also being tightened; consumer cooperatives and microfinance organizations will not be able to enter the special list of the russian federation. the rest will have information about the founders and financial results checked, as well as issued loans for compliance with certain parameters. starting from september 11, individuals will be able to independently sell mortgages housing, to pay off an overdue loan debt. after the application, 4 months are given for the sale. it is implied that when it is sold unforced, well, like this, at auction, as is customary, then the amount received for the apartment will be greater, accordingly, the person will be able to get out of this situation with a larger amount of money, that is, in general, they have streamlined that '. the procedure, which was based on
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the voluntary attitude of the bank to the person, is now an inalienable right of the borrower, to apply with an application: i want to sell the mortgaged apartment, the bank will not be able to now refuse, starting from september 8 , bankrupts will be able to keep their mortgaged housing, but only if they manage to conclude a settlement agreement with the creditor and agree on repayment of the debt by a third party or from income that cannot be subject to collection. pentalgin - remedies for different types of pain. pintalgin works against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentelgin, we will do without pain. giving away movies and music in exchange for paying for mobile communications is normal. that is why we give away. сbirmobile.
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many colors in stock, bought a couple of pieces in kuchobe ready, delivery on click, it is convenient, we are looking for a backpack, bright mods, they put up a quick hashback in addition, old things will go to the country, sale where did i buy it? russia and belarus held a telephone
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conversation, during which, as reported by the kremlin press service, the politicians also discussed the issue of developing mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation between russia and belarus. the moscow regional hospice for children has increased its bed capacity. recently , children with serious illnesses from kursk were admitted there. these days, the institution is celebrating a significant date - 5 years of work. how life is organized in the hospice and how they help children with incurable diseases and their parents, sofia sergieva saw. in her moscow regional hospice for children celebrates its fifth birthday in style. today , its wards are not just patients, but princes and princesses. little fairies, fairy-tale creatures, like one big friendly family that lives in a magical house, in a house where life is cherished, where there is no pain or fear, where order and comfort exist, the word hospice seems out of place here, doctors do not wear white coats, the intensive care unit is equipped in the bright halls of a former noble estate. over 5
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years, the employees of the first and only in the domodedovo hospice region has helped thousands of children who need special care. this is truly our home, we come here as if it were our family. almost as if we don't leave our apartment, we walk, we get physical training, we get massages, we visit the pool, there is a hunter in the forest, words, drawing, music, fairy tale therapy, every day the patients are filled with care and warmth by doctors and teachers volunteers. recently, 18 children with serious illnesses from kursk were admitted to the center, little diana with a heart defect was abandoned by her mother.
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for a doctor, this is a huge experience and a good opportunity to practice their skills. if necessary, hospice specialists - doctors, nurses, psychologists - can come to your home. over 5 years, they have made more than 40 thousand visits throughout the moscow region. so the hospice became friends with little ilyusha. the boy learned to swim before he could walk, now he is engaged in paralympic swimming, setting records. the hospice is a great help, because all the specialists come to your home, it is very convenient, considering that. the whole school he has a massage a visiting nurse-masseuse comes to us once every two to three
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months, they do massages, an exercise therapy instructor and a pediatrician come and are in constant contact with us. last year, the hospice opened a branch. the hospital fund has increased. private charitable organizations helped, but first of all, the state. many ministries are united here. from the outside, it is a cultural heritage building. inside, it is the ministry of health, the ministry of social development. what do we have today? we have a digital register. we have a legislative base today, when in system of meats there every doctor in the clinic, there the pediatrician can open see your child, when you don't have to drag a bunch of papers, there during hospitalizations. caring for seriously ill children requires daily dedication, their parents often have to give up their leisure, plans and desires, so the hospice introduced a good tradition, a social respite, offering to take children under its wing for a while, so that tired parents can rest with new strength and a supply of love and be able to continue doing their...
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american-made, and also destroyed t-64 tank captured several ukrainian soldiers. dmitry ermakov talked to russian soldiers. we study, study weak points, work on them, deadly snares of soldiers
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of the group of troops center got other samples of western armored vehicles, experimentally managed to find out that their weak zone is the roof, no matter how they welded the bars, the fate of the cars in the donbass steppes is known in advance, they hit, several pieces hit, well , respectively, pickups, uazs, various lightly armored vehicles, the operation itself was... executed brilliantly with already honed skill, first the reconnaissance identified the target, and then the strikes forward, by the way, we managed to hit it on the move, this is an indicator of the operator's skill, only after the infantry entered the action, they began to prepare it for evacuation, well, and accordingly we flew in, there was a small fight with us, well, we are sane guys, victory is ours here, we quickly recaptured it, while we were recapturing it... the guys hooked it, we dragged it away. the pokrovsky section is all boiling and seething. defenders of russia
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took their pace and changed the tactical map in our favor. in such difficult conditions , every machine counts for the enemy. therefore, the armed forces of ukraine are throwing all their forces to remove our calculations from their position. the barrel is working on our regiment , no birds are flying in, no birds are flying in. well, thank god, while everyone is alive, everyone is safe, we are working. our fighters meet any attacks on the armed forces of ukraine with all weapons. the militants' tricks respond to any maneuver with cunning, countermeasures. dmitry ermakov and denis vedyaev, vesti: donetsk. due to the recent events in the kursk border area, more and more russians want to enlist in the military under a contract. the selection point specialists try to take into account the wishes of volunteers, where and by whom to serve. our correspondent maxim akhmetov saw how recruits are trained at one of the defense ministry's training grounds. attack aircraft enter their positions.
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uav operators. drones in the combat zone perform a variety of tasks from bombers and reconnaissance aircraft to cargo deliverers. delivery of the necessary funds to...
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is already ready for dispatch, i have been planning for a long time since the beginning of my, but the action in kursk has already i was completely pushed to this decision. everyone came here consciously, psychologists say so. the candidates are mostly driven more by patriotic feelings, they want to defend their homeland, they want to benefit their homeland. the selection point specialists try to take into account the wishes of the volunteers, where and by whom to serve. special attention is paid here to the future military registration specialty. if, say, a contract soldier has a category bc license, then he can be offered the position of a driver, but if someone has medical education, then they will offer a corresponding specialty. groups of volunteers will go further south, to training grounds, most of them will become the basis for the formation of reserve regiments. maxim akhmedov, dmitry shutos, dmitry belyansky, anatoly obremsky and nikolai
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norvatov, news. residents of the donetsk people 's republic today remember the outstanding artist and their fellow countryman, the hero of the dpr, iosif kabzon. he passed away exactly 6 years ago. according to donetsk residents, iosif kabzon loved donbass very much since 2014, from the very first days conflict, helped people whose cities and towns were under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. the artist came regularly, bringing humanitarian aid, including vital medicines. he himself visited hospitals where wounded soldiers were lying, sang songs familiar to them from childhood, and also helped his colleagues. cultural workers. kursk volunteers brought 12 people from the village of spalnoye to the border area. they spent several weeks under occupation after the invasion of the ssu. the volunteers were helped by a native of the village, who came from moscow to save his parents. these and other stories rescue from evgeniya petrukhina. he was looking for his parents, the mother and father of a disabled person in the kursk
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border area, in a village occupied by ukrainian militants. he was looking together with the kursk people. it turned out that the ukrainian fascists had already occupied their house and the house of their neighbors, dmitry's parents had been hiding in the basement all this time, dmitry immediately went to them in a village called spalnaya near sudzhiy. i call my friend, and he is already in the sleeping area, i rush there at night and fly there, meet him, and we go there again, he went for his own, and i went for their own, but it turned out that there were still people there, we split up, one in one direction, in the village. dmitry says that at some point he even had to hide his parents in the forest-plantings, that's why, what are we going to do, let's go, let's split up, one in one direction of the village, the other in the other direction of the village, that's it, they were yelling, screaming, is there anyone alive, come out, evacuated, people slowly began to come out, dmitry and his friend saved 12
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people, led them out through the fields or from the plantings, dmitry took his disabled father to garden cart. gathered everyone in one place and came for mother, for father, took the cart on which i put potatoes, sat him down and ran, yeah, as far as we could. natalia kortechka, from here she walked 50 km, decided to evacuate after the vsu soldiers broke into her house at night, went out onto the balcony, saw men, saw autumn bandages, thinks. now i will die, hid in the apartment, stood, they pulled the doors, said that everyone had run away, all night they ran, shouted, shot from machine guns, as if they were endless, these are bullets, all of natalia's neighbors had already left, she
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had no choice but to save herself, and there was practically no connection, so with the vsu... and so natalia was already thinking that our servicemen had boldly approached her, and then she even flinched. he turns around, a blue stripe, i think, it went away from there, they'll kill me here. i asked for water, when he turned around, i say, i don't need anything, i went on, and he
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said something to them in bendel, as soon as the connection appeared, natalia's son immediately sent volunteers to her, who took her to a temporary detention center placement, in this temporary accommodation center natalya vasilievna is now helping others, she is a psychologist, here are some more shots - these are those who were saved by kursk volunteers , our military personnel, residents of the border area say that... they were held hostage, they were not even allowed to go to the well, to drink water, they covered themselves with brush as if they were living, well, we are old, don't kill
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us, and he is standing in front of it and is some kind of crazy, kurdish volunteers, now they even refuse to comment, they say they don't have five free minutes, they work selflessly 24:7, and it happens, unfortunately so that they do not return from the exit, so the ukrainian militants killed a volunteer. anton mertuenko, he himself was traveling from the kursk region to help evacuate those who could not get out of the border area on their own. his car was hit by a ukrainian uav. and before that, remember, a ukrainian armed forces shell hit the car of the people's front volunteers, david sokolov and nikolai kovalev. the border mission sometimes costs them their lives, but despite everything, they go to evacuate civilians, you can't count how many they took out from under fire, but each of the evacuees, about his volunteer save. now he will never forget.
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since august 1, the green standard for individual houses has been in effect, what advantages it gives and what it includes, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in this issue of the instruction, a new gost development according to the roadmap of the ministry of construction and the house of the russian federation together with the national agency for low-rise and cottage construction, its full text can be found on the official website of the federal agency for regulation
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and metrology. it includes 45 criteria, which are divided into eight categories. projects individual housing construction is assessed comprehensively, everything is taken into account, how the building is designed, how it is built and from what materials, how comfortable and healthy it is to live in it, where the waste will be disposed of during its operation, and so on: when developing the standard, we tried to maintain a balance between the categories, without singling out any specific one as prevailing, since according to feedback from the market company, according to feedback from experts, from the technical committee in which we developed the standard, we received different proposals, different wishes, and accordingly, our task as developers was to achieve a balance, and personally i can highlight the main categories, such as architecture, environmental safety of the site organization, comfort and quality of the internal environment, energy efficiency and atmosphere, and engineering support of the building.
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construction companies and manufacturers of house kits will be able to offer customers projects with gold, silver, bronze ratings. the more gost criteria the project meets, the better, to confirm compliance with the standard and to be assigned a bronze rating , it is necessary to fulfill the basic criteria, including the use of energy-efficient space-planning solutions, responsible construction, comfortable living conditions in the house, improved consumption of energy resources and controlled consumption of thermal energy, as well as acoustic comfort. compliance with the green gost is not a tribute to fashion, if a house built from high-quality materials is well insulated, there are no cold bridges in it, then there will be no dampness in it, and it will be difficult to heat in winter or cool it in summer. it will be necessary less, its owners will receive small bills for electricity or gas, and it will stand longer, a simple
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example can serve. wall and uninsulated, when a person arrives after a long absence, his walls are frozen, the appearance is lost, the bearing capacity of wooden structures is lost, for example, and if we take for example a good house with high-quality thermal insulation of the outside with a high coefficient of energy efficiency, accordingly there is no such problem, the house retains heat, maintains stability, that in the long term, of course, it affects the marketable appearance of the property for... it will be easier to find financing for green projects, for example, to get a mortgage for it, banks are more willing to lend money for an object that is almost guaranteed to be in demand on the market, that is, if something happens , a green house in collateral can be sold more easily. our guest is aimed not only at individual improvement of the house in terms of energy efficiency and resource-saving technologies, we have many criteria related to infrastructure, such as
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proximity... houses that will be built according to the new state standard will be more durable, and it will be easier to find money for their construction. want to learn more about modern construction of your own home and support measures for homeowners, write to us in telegram, send your questions, we will ask them to experts, we will tell you about everything in the next issues of the instruction.
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two colombian mercenaries were detained, they were wearing ukrainian-style military uniforms, the results of the fsb special operation, what testimony do the detainees give? ukraine. series first f16 and now they are looking for a scapegoat, according to one version the car was shot down by its own missile patriot, in the us they claim it was a pilot error, who was trained in an accelerated mode, who will blame it all on? early voting continues in the kursk region, there are no violations, a missile threat has been declared several times, now in the region we will ask stanislav bernwald. kamela haris's first interview as a candidate, what she talked about what...
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she did not say what kind of cafe it was where the conversation took place, and what word did her competitor trump respond to haris's revelation with? barel declares that they support ukraine, complains that europe has exhausted its military reserves due to kiev deliveries and adds that no one wants to fight with russia. how to decipher all this? and vladivostok is preparing for the eastern economic forum, it starts next week, how the huge region is changing and what. will be discussed there. russian air defense systems shot down a ukrainian drone in the kursk region. this is data from the ministry of defense. at the beginning of the day, an alarm signal sounded here four times. in addition, in the region now already early voting is underway for the gubernatorial elections. according to the regional committee, there are no violations. it continues in kursk oblast.


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