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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 31, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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writing one of his scripts about theft, about corruption, and told me that he listened to an interrogation, the investigators showed him an interrogation, a man who worked as a storekeeper at a military warehouse, and as you know, every certain amount of time everything that was in this warehouse was taken out, new muddling was brought in with
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boots, sheepskin coats, caps, but not, so to speak, in a store-like quantity, and there were 70,000 pairs of boots, i say, there were 500 clubs and so on and so forth, since it was very difficult to carry out audits all the time, this the man got the hang of it from time to time, letting things slip to the left, either quilted jackets, or boots, or... artyanki and so on and so forth and during this interrogation i heard an incredible thing, he remembered everything, when , where
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, who gave him money for what he stole, he didn't remember how much, he didn't remember how much, either 30,000 or 70, why? because they didn't matter to him, they didn't make sense. he couldn't buy himself a car because he was a storekeeper, they would ask where he got the money, he couldn't go on vacation to the south, he couldn't walk, he couldn't buy himself a house, he couldn't do anything, he could somewhere secretly, having gone somewhere, enjoy the opportunity that this money gave, but it didn't mean anything to him, he couldn't... use it, that's where everything loses its meaning, work, hopes, the desire to get a better job, with a better salary, everything loses its meaning, that's what people must experience, before whose eyes the budget of a small town is burning up, the money that could have been used to build kindergartens, crèches, movie theaters, and so on and so forth is burning up. what
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does a person experience? here, watch a clip from our film 12, and we'll continue. rolex, well , yes, dear, well, yes, in a cemetery, in a cemetery, yes, in a cemetery. i won't lie, only i also restored a chapel in the cemetery with these cemetery ones, i feed the homeless all the time, the cemetery that has come to stay, they need to eat somewhere, and i built a school in the village where i grew up 830 km from moscow, there's a gym there, come and see, this horror of a nightmare, this is not there, i have a pipe. ground, as it should be,
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a computer classroom, with liquid crystal screens, teachers from the city all with good salaries, i started a bus so that the swans from the area would also be brought to school, and of course, they would be taken back so that they wouldn’t have time to sniff glue, and if you ask the people in this village, what money was used to build the school? you know, they don’t give a damn what money was used to build the school, the school needs to stand and work, so i use the money of the dead to help the living, well, since no one else does this, i understand, they will tell us that you encourage money laundering, the mafia, corruption, i’m completely not about that, i'm talking about something else, but something more... deep,
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where did this matrix failure occur, what does it consist of, it is directly connected with the huge. which we are experiencing in our country, one of the most important qualities of a person disappears, compassion, pity, and what it is based on, both pity and compassion, sincerity, no, compassion is, of course, loud compassion, so that you are heard, compassion, which is more connected with being the one to figure, be compassionate. this is not the quiet, sincere, spiritual compassion or pity, we are losing the ability to be horrified by the vile act of people, your little girl lives, when i was
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pregnant, what did you write to me, so that she would die, she grew, you sit, like that, we have a desire to savor.
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under a bullet in a duel for insulting one's own dignity, today the situation is absolutely the opposite, that the louder the scandal, the more dirt is turned out, so to speak, a solitaire game in front of the country, the faster your path to glory, to fame, this is very important, this is a terrible force. it excites in him not a desire to help, but pleasure from the fact that this is happening with someone else, you watch her when this conversation was, and you want
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the commercial to end soon, to go back there again , to where they sort things out, to where it's dirty, loud, hysterical.
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this is the education of incredible pride and impunity, because there is always someone who is worse than you, it's not hard to be better than someone else, it's hard to be better than yourself, and there is no other at all, he killed five people, and you only two, well, that means you are better, and this... happens in development, and it leaves an imprint on our entire life. if we look closely, our the elite does a lot to ensure that this terrible path, indifference and gloating
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develops, because you have no right to demand compassion for yourself if you have this germ of compassion for someone else in you. it does not exist, you have straightened it out yourself, one example, although there are thousands of them, recently igor maloshenko committed suicide. a legendary figure who stood out from the currents of modern television and so on and so forth, you can find out about him, about honor, much has been written about him, his wife, bozena, she is a famous blogger, politician, calls herself a warrior of light, an oppositionist, such a noisy famous woman, here is a piece from her interview that she gave ksenia sobchak, i don’t feel the taste of the products, i don’t see any beauty.
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igor, i still don’t understand how this could happen. sincerely, of course, you believe what she feels and says, of course, and pity comes to you, it should, it should, after all, but it disappears, this pity, when you scroll back a little bit to what renska said and wrote about others, i read, it’s about the tu 150 disaster. four, the whole alexandrov's ensemble, the whole, no, the whole
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ntv board, why musicians, why a wonderful ensemble, thank god, of course, for the bonus in the form of the ntv film crew, but why the rest, for god's sake, think about it, the plane crashed, more than 100 people died and... it's time rynska says that it's a pity about the ensemble, but not about the journalists, thank god that at least he punished these journalists, how is that? in november of 2015, mrs. rynska commented on the news of the death of the former head of gasprom media, mikhail lesin, that's what she writes: we heard the news of lesin's death with our... best friend in the elkup fish restaurant. they brought us a huge
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halibut and langoustines. i, just like chekhov's merchant, who looked out the window at the funeral procession, said with satisfaction: "you died, they're carrying you to the cemetery, and i'm going to have lunch now." she wrote this on her facebook page, what kind of compassion can you claim? a person who treats life and death like that. and here's an example for you right away in the same interview 10 minutes later. and that i won't go court, i'll hang myself. i screamed, first leave something to me, please, and then hang yourself, otherwise i'll be left with nothing at all. and then, like, when i said that i would turn his life into such a hell that hanging would seem like heaven to him, then he said, i give you my word of honor that i won't hang myself, i 'll go to court. here, ms. rynska is a political figure, this is the free russia forum,
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listen, she often asks me, well, why are you, a wealthy person who basically has everything, why are you in this you're butting in, why do you need this, why are you involved in politics, i'll answer, i'm not involved in politics, i don't like to engage in politics and i don't want to engage in it, as soon as a moral and not stupid person takes over the country, i'm here...
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the microphone for everything you do, tay's fee, what are you doing, well, this is a tika territory, get out of here, does this person have the right to demand pity for himself, okay, indifference, but this gives rise to gloating, we
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become like such people, we internally understand that this is not good, we think so you... need it, but why do you do this, but why do you do this, this corrosive feeling, this self of duality, these double standards, it is spilled all over the world, look, a terrible tragedy of such a global scale has happened. just a global scale fire has engulfed notre dame de paris.
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the world responded immediately, in less than 3 days more than a billion euros were collected, this is good, wonderful, and we are also trying to join in, mr. gref proposed to create a fund to collect money for the restoration of notre dame de paris, our first museum worker, the famous mikhail borisovich pyatrovsky, even lowered the state the flag over the building of the armitage, that's what it showed. statistics, to the question: will you help restore notre dame de paris, almost 85% of respondents answered: no, why? it's a pity about the money, that's not the point, because our people, they are very sensitive to falsehood, to
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injustice, and no matter how it is veiled... whatever it is, all the same, in the end, the most important and true, will be clear to them, tangible, they cannot be deceived, didn't old europe do everything to destroy the spiritual temple, the spiritual meaning of notre dame cathedral.
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to marry same-sex couples, does the old world defend the principles by which the great european culture, history, tradition developed, and this shabysh in the singatara tunnel, when it opened in switzerland.
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was brought up, absorbing the surrounding world of christian culture. and don't we take part in this? isn't the exhibition of the artist and director in farbra in the hermitage, where among the great canvases, the great masters, a stuffed animal is hung. as an artistic phenomenon, when the guides say that this is not a feeling, these are animals that get: new life, normal, and the play of the same director farbr, which runs for 24 hours, mount olympus, with such a dance
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of sertaki. and why such selectivity, and why did they not lower the state flag of russia in a mourning bow over the armitage, when the beasts from isis vandals tormented palmyra. pulling down, breaking monuments, despite the fact that, let's note, palmyra was created 1500 years earlier than notre dame de paris, i do not condemn or
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propose lowering the flag in a mourning bow on the occasion of any accident with an architectural monument, i'm not talking about that, i'm talking about double standards, looking at how the great monument reproaches and sang prayers, psalms, je vous salue marie complète.
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i really hope that you understood me, i 'm talking. not at all about the fact that you should not help others, i'm talking about the fact that respect for others, without respect for your own. in my opinion, there is
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hypocrisy and slavery, the very slavery that anton pavlovich chekhov suggested squeezing out of yourself drop by drop, that's all for today, our midshipman has already come up and said, let's leave one by one, if anything, next meeting, i'm waiting for you, modern technology, confidence in
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stable operation. flexibility for application in any industry, reliability and efficiency, new quality for your success, tomzel electric drives, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24,
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fix. i, traveler, balloonist, jean ivan, and so we go out teski, what a fairy tale, without ivan, eh, what started, without deception, without flint, in flints or go imprisoned me, pen, self-written ink magic, you will get it, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, oh, hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you, you fool, want to go, where you need to go, i can't live without traveling, flint, he who has a flint in his pocket doesn't need a pen, soon!
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in the korpskaya region, a unit of the sever group, with the support of aviation and artillery , repelled six attacks by attack aircraft in su in the direction of the settlements of borki komarovka. loknya and matveyevka. in a day, zelensky's formations lost 400 servicemen and 18 armored vehicles. well, on august 6, in the korsk direction, kiev troops lost more than 8,200 soldiers, officers , mercenaries. 701 armored vehicles were burned. well, in the following shots, militants in an american armored vehicle humvee, humvee tried to escape from a russian drone.


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