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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  September 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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hello, with you kirill vyshinsky and this is the program "typical novorossiya". our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots in novorossiya. with the help of a close look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find typical features recognizable signs of the past. and here's what ... we will talk about today, the decade of the first minsk agreements, memories lessons, what can and cannot be agreed upon with kiev in the dialogue about novorossiya, a conversation with an expert of the programs, pages written with persistence and courage, the story of the author of the story in spite of all deaths. 10
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years ago, in these september days in minsk , the first document from a series of agreements was signed that were supposed to stop the civil conflict in donbass. this was the so-called minsk protocol. its full name is the protocol following the consultation of the trilateral contact group, regarding joint steps aimed at implementing. the plan of the president of ukraine petro poroshenko and the initiatives of the president of russia vladimir putin. before the negotiations, there were a series of meetings, including at the highest level. presidents poroshenko and putin met at the end of august 2014 and spoke on the phone the day before the document was signed. the first point in it was an immediate bilateral ceasefire in donbas. at that time, ukrainian troops were in the ilovaisk cauldron, suffering huge losses. kiev needed
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a respite, and it was willing to sign any documents that would provide it. in addition to the ceasefire, the ukrainian side pledged to adopt a law on special status donbass and hold early local elections, improve the humanitarian situation in the region, and not persecute activists of the people's republics. two weeks later , a memorandum was signed in minsk, where they were. ukraine did not fulfill its political promises, the law on the special status of the donbass regions and local elections was not implemented, and the humanitarian situation did not improve. moreover, taking advantage of the respite, the ssu regrouped already at the end of 2014 and began a military. second agreement,
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which largely repeated the agreements fourteenth year and partially expanded them. at the signing in minsk, there were leaders of four countries, russia, germany, france and ukraine, who adopted a declaration in support of the minsk agreements. however , minsk-2 was never implemented. ukraine did not fulfill either the military or political part of the agreements, even after poroshenko was replaced by... merkel and allande, almost in sync with poroshenko, stated that they had no intention of supporting the implementation of minsk-2, ukraine and the west simply needed a break after another defeat in the ssru from debaltseve.
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the decade of the first minsk agreements, today, against the backdrop of the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces on peaceful cities and villages in the kursk region looks. very indicative about what lessons can be learned from the history of the minsk process, in the story by anna efimova. we all need peace, glory to ukraine. the peace summit in switzerland is the last of kiev's demonstrative peace initiatives. zelensky offers his own plan for resolving the conflict, although it seems to be a little out of touch with reality. in fact, the so-called peace formula implies a return to.
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in the final communication of the summit on ukraine in switzerland, only three points from zelensky's peace formula remained, they concerned the exchange of prisoners of all for all, safe shipping , attention to nuclear safety, taking into account the latest events in the kursk region, this point is especially indicative. what is happening today in the kursk region, well, this is a pure military adventure, it is obvious that the goal was to seize at least several regional centers and the kursk nuclear power plant, well, this had would make some sense. change, blackmail, nuclear, yes, but they did not get this prize for one simple reason, that in the first 3 days, the objectives of the task, these were not implemented by military means, then what happened happened, as soon as a continuous line of combat
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contact is formed now, we will find ourselves in our natural habitat, here the enemy will have no chance, some adequate assessment of these events from europe, the usa, the whole so-called... world essentially did not follow, moreover, state department representatives called the strikes on kursk common sense, the kidnapping of people, mines scattered on the roads, random shooting at cars with civilians trying to evacuate. all this, apparently, fits into those so-called european values, for which they stood on the maidan. it was the february coup in kiev in 2014 that became the starting point of the bloodshed that has been going on for 10 years, then. no one could have imagined that the situation would go beyond all reasonable limits, that is the price of the agreements that came to the authorities of the euro-integrators became obvious immediately: here we had an agreement between yanukovych and, therefore, the so-called guarantors, germany, france, poland, in terms of restoring peace
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in ukraine, stopping this coup, in turn yanukovych gave some of his obligations, yes, to hold early elections and so on, it would seem, here is a compromise, when it was violated, maybe it existed for 2 months, maybe for half a year, no, it was violated the next day, so what other examples are needed, already on april 13 in 2014, the national security council of ukraine made a decision on the so-called anti-terrorist operation in donbass, in fact , a full-scale war began against the population of the regions that did not support the illegal change of power in kiev , two republics of the dpr were formed. the lpr, so, there was an attempt, four strikes and completely cut off the republics from the russian federation. and they seriously advanced , literally a few dozen kilometers of tank attack remained there. if the ukrainian government does not
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understand that people live here, and not, as said yatsenyuk, subhumans. maybe something will happen. just let the children live, the old people die normally. like human beings in bed, and not under shells. this video was filmed in krasnyi luch in luhansk region on september 2 , 2014. in those days, the ukrainian army suffers a crushing fiasco near ilovaisk. in smin. nezalezhno it will be called the most brutal defeat of the ukrainian forces in the entire war, only it will force kiev to sit down at the negotiating table for the first time. minsk-1 will follow soon, and then literally in a few months minsk-2, officially a set of measures to supplement the minsk agreements. it follows from the name that the agreements reached in september were not observed. by the way, minsk-2 was adopted only after the ukrainian armed forces were driven out of debalsove. at that time , ukraine was on the verge of a serious military defeat, a rout, and perhaps these
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agreements became a way to avoid this rout. i think that the president, former president poroshenko, who in 22 said publicly that we were not going to implement this, he was sincere. it is noteworthy that the istanbul agreements, the discussion of which was already underway at the height of the svo, put ukraine in a much stricter framework. than the minsk agreements that preceded them, where, in addition to the withdrawal of troops, the talks were essentially only about the federalization of the rights of the russian-speaking population of donbass and the holding of local elections, however, both istanbul and minsk still provided for the preservation of ukrainian statehood. all the formats in which the negotiations on the settlement were held, they were all, without exception, disrupted by ukraine. and in this case, they will start from those agreements that were already earlier, to to ukraine's misfortune they will only get worse. that is, the proposals that were. for example, in february of 2014, they will never be available to ukraine, so in the format
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of 2024, we will not solve the issue now without two components: these are the borders that must be somehow fixed anew, the second component and this security guarantee, these are some limits on nato's further expansion, what russia demanded from the very beginning, of course, all this will be for... from the balance of power and i would say from stability of all players. while diplomacy is stalling, the infantry continues to advance. the rate of advance in the toretsk direction is estimated at 3-5 km per day. recently, our troops took another important fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces, new york. the village of novgorodskaya was once renamed by petro poroshenko in the heat of the de-cumanization of ukraine. now it is part of russia. however, all this, both territorial and, most importantly, human losses, could have been avoided; for this , it was simply necessary to be able to keep one's word. anna efimova, valery savelev, anastasia popova, typical
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novorossie. about what experience can be drawn from ten years of walking around the minsk agreements. and about how this experience can help. today we will talk with our permanent expert, alexander vasiliev. sasha, good afternoon. hello. sasha, i am sure that you remember. how many rosy hopes were associated 10 years ago with the signing of the minsk agreements, why did they not come true? well , the hopes were different, it seemed that with the help of this document it was possible to force ukraine to go to a certain, there were different options yes, but some form of federal structure, yes, actually, to make ukrainian nationalism less aggressive, yes, to make it less , as if to limit its possibilities. let's say so, yes, because at that time in the fourteenth year, this ideology, it, its
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adherents, yes, they actually determined the policy and the atmosphere, yes, that is, here is such an alloy of such as euro-atlantic, pro-western nationalist forces, it seemed that it was possible to somehow curb everything in this way, yes, in this way, why expectations did not justified, and if ukraine had implemented them, yes, then this would have broken that nationalist consensus that was established after the victory. maidan, but actually, well, what else do we need to wish for more, yes, that is, just so that this was not ukraine an anti-russian project, now we clearly see that it would be rational for them to establish at least such cool neutral relations with russia, yes, but not hostile ones, and in moscow they proceeded from the fact that this rational behavior would prevail, yes on the contrary, confrontational behavior prevailed, those elites that were formed in kiev, yes...
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here is the unwillingness of ukrainian society to compromise, yes, it is embedded in the very, in the very logic of the government that was established after the maidan. the guarantors of the second stage of the minsk agreements were the leaders of the largest respected european democracies. why did their guarantees not come true and what lesson can be learned from this? is it possible
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to somehow negotiate with them, with these leaders of european states? globally strategically they were not going to give up anything, not an inch, but overall, of course, they turned out to be simply too weak, these european elites of france and germany, they had no real influence on what was happening in ukraine, because the anglo-saxons had real influence, yes, first of all the usa, then actively intervened in these processes. food, they are the ones pulling the strings, these old europeans, yes, in this sense they were even shown their place, on the one hand they had no interest, from russia, those elites who are now they are in charge there, they are actually euro-atlantic, that is, they themselves are oriented towards washington and are very afraid
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to cross some red lines, and washington, naturally, was absolutely not interested in normalization. it is very comfortable for the us, being overseas any cold or hot military conflicts in europe. 10 years ago in minsk they agreed with poroshenko, zelensky came to replace poroshenko, and it is possible that at some point it will be necessary to agree with zelensky too. is there any optimism about this? to put it mildly, reserved, yes, it is difficult. it is difficult to look with optimism at m some agreements with even personally with him in the sense that he does not look adequate, kiev is not capable of negotiating in principle, ontologically, yes in its essence of the regime that was established after the maidan, are not capable of agreement, starting from the everyday level, and ending of course with political, just as
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insufficient subjectivity of these key eu countries, it is impossible to negotiate with them, yes we remember that a special...
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minsk here in this sense remains the one who really determines, so to speak, the possibilities, and then again, the main thing, of course, is not to fall into this trap again, yes, in the sense of not overestimating the rationality of political behavior. sasha, thank you very much for the detailed analysis. biographies of people who lived and worked in novorossiya often serve as an example of courage and fortitude. in the most difficult life circumstances. miner vladislav titov became a writer in soviet times, whose story was translated into more than 20 languages. the book went through 11 editions. plot dramatic. a young miner prevents an underground explosion during an accident at the coalface, does
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everything to save the lives of his comrades and save the mine from destruction. having received many severe burns, he undergoes several operations and the amputation of both hands, but despite everything, the hero continues to live and work. the work is autobiographical, vladislav titov told his story of overcoming physical pain and inner despair after an underground tragedy. the first pages of the manuscript were written in pencil, which the author held by teeth. after publication in the magazine youth in sixty-seventh year, readers who did not know the author's home address sent a letter with the only note on the envelope, donbass, to vladislav. the book of the miner and the writer is also a story about true love, which helped not only to endure all the tragic trials, but also to find the meaning of
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a new life. at the time of the accident, vladislav titov was 25, his wife rita - 21. this girl not only nursed her husband, but inspired him with confidence in his own strength. in lugansk, they have long dreamed of establishing. a monument to this amazing couple, who became a symbol of selfless love, incredible courage and the triumph of the will to live. our author, olga mokhova, visited the writer's museum apartment and learned what had been preserved there since soviet times. it was fate that brought the eldest son of the large titov family from kalinovka, lipetsk region, to donbass. vladislav failed the medical examination for the military school, and was about to enter the agricultural institute, but he saw an ad in the newspaper about recruitment for the voroshelovgrad mining college. donbass had to be raised
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after the war. voroshelovgrad mining college invited graduates straight to the third year. you study for 2 years on an accelerated program, and you are on your own. a recent village urchin with a cheerful but explosive character, literally fell in love with the miner's profession. andreevich, without thinking, accomplished this feat. by turning off this electricity, he gave his colleagues in the brigade the opportunity to live a long life. he took a
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6,000 v shock, and then crawled a few more meters , covering the burning cable with his body. doctors were puzzled how he even survived. burn fourth degree 8 months in hospital, lost both arms, there was talk of amputating a leg, but zhinarita stood up for it. and then the question arose of how... school, now he was learning to write again without arms for 7-8 hours a day, sometimes until he lost consciousness. the editorial office of the magazine in the world of books, where he sent his essays, drew
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attention to the independence of the author's judgments, advised him to continue writing, establishing contacts with local newspapers. in this small one-room apartment, much is as it was during vladislav titov's life, the literary memorial museum was opened in lugansk in 1988, a year after he passed away. here are books, personal belongings, letters, and most importantly - a work corner, where he wrote his first autobiographical story, holding a pen with his teeth. the manuscript was returned several times, one of the editors even doubted that what was described was true, and out of resentment he burned this copy. the next one was sent to his homeland, where the story was published in parts in the newspaper dobrinskie vesti, here is the editor-in-chief of the all-union magazine yunost boris polevoy, titov believed immediately, offered only his title, to everyone.
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and this story was dedicated, small, frail, according to the recollections of contemporaries, it did not simply replace his hands, providing all the life, it became his wings. we idolized
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rita petrovna. and i believe, and not only i, i believe, but many, that vladislav, despite the fact that he is amazingly talented, all this, if it were not for rita petrovna, he would hardly have succeeded as a writer. after the first book there was the story of the wounded chibis, in total the miner-writer published several stories and a novel, philosophical sometimes ahead of time always honest. the team of the lenin mine included titov in its composition and... took off the norm for him, and he transferred earnings to the peace protection fund. he was elected as a deputy of the city council three times, he always helped others and did not behave like an invalid, helped in the garden and even painted for his daughter. today, the ministry, the ministry of education has decided that in the year of vladislav andreevich titov's ninetieth birthday, schoolchildren should get acquainted with the museum's exposition with his literary
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works, this is a very good solution, we say that you need to love your homeland, but you need to know its history, you need to know its heroes. the employees of the apartment of the vladislav titov museum, whose dedication to the cause deserves special respect, popularize his work in every possible way. as part of the city competition , luhansk schoolchildren were asked to write an essay, create illustrations for his works and even sketches, a monument to true love. the boy, one created. such a project, a growth, a figure of titov and wings instead of hands, there is an essay by children who were able connect titov with our current situation with our heroes, who also found themselves here, now live broadcast on our channel, rosatom, the ministry of foreign affairs, rostekhnadzor, the ministry of defense,
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the russian guard.
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is fundamentally different from the situation in zaporozhye, in this sense, work in constant, as they say, in permanent... security of the kurdish nuclear power plant to residents of the city of kurchatov, including workers of the nuclear power plant, were recorded. well, here the technical aspect is important, important, it is important to understand the technical aspect related to the design differences of the rbmk units located at the kursk nuclear power plant.
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in comparison, say, with the zaporizhzhya station, in comparison with the vvr reactors, there really are no powerful containments in kursk, therefore there are no protections, concrete protections for the reactor vessel, therefore even light weapons, even a drone attack can lead to irreparable consequences and we are absolutely in solidarity with the leadership of the magat that an attack on the kursk nuclear power plant will be an attack on the nuclear energy all... this in particular. the second important result is a deep discussion of the situation at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. the director general visited it literally the other day on the fourth and personally headed the rotation mission there. the twenty- second rotation of the twenty-third mission has begun its work and we note the improvement of technical cooperation, and the improvement of joint work and...


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