tv [untitled] July 20, 2010 9:30am-10:00am PST
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>> dancers from over 20 countries are staunch cultures are participating. >> one of the things that is inspiring is how many are being invited back to their home countries as cultural ambassadors from the u.s.. we are teaching them in committees so that the next generation here in america and back to india or bali or whatever will be able to get enriched by these very beautiful art forms. >> thank you for watching "culture wire." and you can find more information
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>> the workshop will focus on eligibility rierms to meet legalally mandated requirements for condos. attendise will be given insights on the process of filing and initial application torreceiving the certificate of completion. i'm edsweening a senior belling inspector be dbi. we are joined with jcooniofor
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dbi. timothy leaf from the rent board and share herrara from department of public works. before we start we would like to have an audio survey. who is here from the real estate industry? contractors? the homeowners? mostly homeowners and design professionals. we have mostly homeowners, that's good. has everyone had a chance to pick up the guided materials from the rear at the table. if you have not please get the hand outs so you may follow the presentation. the hand outs may have issues that may will not be presented. there is 2 pages. out there.
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so as i mentioned before we have the good fortune to have ms. cheryl herrera with the department of public works street mapping. she will relate to you issues related to condo conversions. and timothy lee for the san francisco rent stablization board. he will give us information on his knowledge on the elis [inaudible] our presentation will walk you through the presentation come good afternoon condo conversions. set aside you may have been told about condo conversions hold questions until all presentation ares complete. the mic located in the center will be available for your use. if we don't get your questions wool will ajourn to the hall outside and attempt to answer
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all of your questions. now to begin may i introduce from dpw condo conversions cheryl herrera. hold all questions until the presentations are completed. >> good morning. yes. my name is cheryl herrera and worked with dcht public works for many years. i will dive right in. most of the information covered today can be found on the department of public works website sfdpw. org. if you don't have access to the internet or can't access it call 554-5347. there are 2 groups of buildings that can convert to condos. the 2 unit by pass. in san francisco buildings can 7
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or more units may not be converted to condo minniums. you have to determine if you qualify do you meet the owner occupancy requirements, any evictions in your building might determine when or if you will be able to convert to condominiums. for 2 unit lottery by pass each must occupied for a year by the time of application the key is to be an owner for a year and occupant for a year. each qualifying owner of record must be in the title report and have a minimum of 25 interest in the building. if you approach or owner occupancy or once you decide you are ready to convert you will go to dbi and apply for your
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physical inspection report and the 3 r report. when you apply for your inspection you get a receipt, keep a copy of that you need to submit it with your cond momini conversion application. some general lottery information, as of this morning the dates for condo lottery for 08 have not been finalized. lottery ticket sales start and run through the end of january. you can buy them at 845 stevenson it cost 150 dollars. you need 3 units occupied with separate owners of records for 3 years. it's counted back from theidate ticket sales close back 3 years. buildings with 7 or more can not
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be convert indeed san francisco. it takes 7 days for a department of pbt works to have the certified list and notify all of the winners that are eligible to submit their application. all lottery participates should receive something in the mail. if you haven't heard from our office by february i would call 554-5827. when you have been notified you were selected in the lottery i would see john here and apply for your inspection report much hold to on to your receipts you need that. okay. this part of the process is the same whether it's a lottery bypass or lottery conversion. begin compiling your application. correct auflt documents. when you go to our website sfdpw. org click on forms.
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in there you will find the application for residential condo conversion. go ahead and have a close look at that. begin shopping for your license land surveyor or civil engineer license before 1992 you have to have a map prepared. when you read the application pay attention to the section titled finalizing your application. dpw cannot coreulate your application or make copies. all of that has to be done at time of submittal. it's not required, a majority of the applicants chose to have a professional compile and submit their applications on their behalf. so once you read the application, you have a complete application you will submit it to our office 875 stevenson room 410. when you have your physical inspection report from dbi begin
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your code compliance work right away. once complete you get a certificate of final completion. and you will need that as a part of your condo conversion application. you will begin working with your attorney to prepare the legal documents something coalled the ccnr's had records after your map the final document to record on a conversion. dbw will refer your application to city planning, human rights, rent board and street use permits. once all agencies submit written approval to our office we issue the tentative map approval. at that time we will request a copy of the cfc. you may not have it you will still be working on the code compliance issues but i imagine you should complete that and get the cfc shortly.
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the tentative map decision is sent to your map preparer. so when dbw is ready to record your map we will request a final my lars the document signed by all the owners of record. you submit them to our office along with a recording fee and tax certificate. only after we have auflt items will we review the millars, tax certificate, cfco, mylars recording fee. it's complete it will be passed to the county surveyor for recordation. once the map's records you record your ccnr's you work with your title company or attorney to sort of monitor when that map has recorded. and that's pretty much the process for residential conversion. i do want to ask if there is
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anybody here for a commercial conversion, straight commercial no residential units. no. all of the applications are on your website sfdpw. org? the link called forms. thank you. >> thank you, cheryl. and so to continue with this presentation john cooniowill take you through the next process. thanks. >> yeah, my name is john coonioa building inspector for dbi responsible for the condo conversion process. you submit the application and go to 1615 mission room 312 c or file and we will mail them to you. or we can e mail it to you. you want to make sure on the top line you put all addresses associated with the property on
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that line. and your name and then on the primary use of the property for 2 units you check that box. for 3 you pick the box below and list the units to the right how many units there are. for mixed use say you have a flower or bike shop on the ground floor and residential above you list that. you list the square footage of the commercial space right there. then if there is more than one structure on the lot you list that here. and the rest is all your contact information. currently, from the time that you would file weer less than 3 months to the inspection. this time last year would have been 9 months. this is the fee break down for residential units. on the day of the inspection there will will be 3 building
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inspectors. one building, one plumbing and one electrical inspector. when we say we can complete the inspection in as little as 30 minutes we are expecting if there is an attic you provide a ladder and if there is a basement and padlocks you will give us access to the storage rooms. we don't come out there and have a room where the bok are piled into the hallway it makes it suspicious much we want access to the entire building when we come out there. after the inspection we will research the property and permit history and prepare the report of physical ing spection. this will take a month if your physical inspection report will itemize the violations there are some that have no violations. you want to discuss the report with all owners. this is important because you want to get through this together and sometimes one
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person with the most minor violation doesn't want to cooperate with the rest. everything on the report is going to have to be dealt with for you to get to the final ccsc. you have to get together and discuss this. you or your contractor will go to 1616 mission and apply for a permit you must bring your written report with you. you will get this pink application. and the first line, we put all addresses associated with the property not just yours. on line 16 comply with the physical inspection report and 3 r number. doevent list individual vilagszs you let the 3 r number. you receive that this is your receipt when you file your application. this is your 3 r number. this is also cheryl's going to want this part of the package when you are finished with the total inspection process.
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this number here we refer to as your 3 r number is unique to our property is referred to over and over by dbi like you were drivers license and social security during this process and unique to your property. we are back to the pink application. construction type or occupancy, you may not know. it's contained on the report. if you are not a professional architect, engineer or architect my associate or myself are willing to fill these out for you and have them ready you have to sign your name and the value on the form. we do that as a courtesy in the afternoon. for electric and plumbing you fill in the respective numbers listed below. once the permits are issued you
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call the mrming department and request reinspections so you can demonstrate that you have taken care of those violations. once that's taken care of you phone the building inspector for that district will come to your property. and this job card will be issued to you. this is the front of the card will be issued to you after you filled out the pink application. this is the cover much the job card. this is the back. these are the numbers you will be using to get your building ing spection, electric and plumbing. this the inside of the job card the most important part. you want to keep this on the job the entire time. this is your permanent record about everything's inspects you want your electric and plumbing to sign off here before you
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phone building. once they signed and they are satisfied you phone up and have the district building inspector come. they sign this line right here. after they sign that they will issue this. the holy gral and this is what you are gunning for and had is the final step with us echl and you will want toçó make a copy this for each one of the owners. . and you will provide this and that receipt to cheryl to prove that you complied with everything with dbi. and that end you are done with us. >> thank you. that finishes our presentation for today and we will open up for questions and answers. if we could could we get everyone who wants to answer a question to the center and use the microphone. we are recording this and it
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helps make a better presentation. >> i am back at the beginning of how do you even qualify, how does your building qualify? i have 4 units 3 are rented and i have lived for 15 years in my own. so, if i wanted to convert this say 3 tenants move out one at a time they leave and 2 tenants turned over this last month. so, after i rented it out i was thinking, may be i should have converted these and sell them and not worry about fixing broken water heaters anymore. so, is there a certain amount of parking spaces? do the electric meters have to be separate? does the water have to be separator. the water is one, those details like how does your building
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qualify? what would those violations be one would have to do before one could become a condo? >> let me start. you have a couple of questions going on some is dbi and some is condo conversion. in order for your building to qualify to participate in the lottery it's 4 units? >> okay so as long as you have one unit owner occupied for 3 years you can apply to the condo lottery. that's what it is you will participate in the lottery. if you are not selected and you choose to come back the next year until you are selected you the minimum is one unit it seems like you meet that. that's the next step. what i usually tell people on
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the day you find out you will talk to building inspection. >> thank you, cheryl. >> for the questions about the electric and water i suggest phoning electric and plumbing. i will answer to the best of my ability. if you have common areas they want a separate meter and panel. for water i believe there is no need for separation. >> that can be covered by ccnr's. >> and parking? >> that's a planning issue. it fall it is into the general plan. check with planning. >> if your building was built without parking there is no requirement to add parking.
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>> you say there were 10 years of applications on file so -- >> i'm sorry can you come on i can't see who i'm addressing. >> use the microphone. >> that was what i was going to ask about the lottery how it works. there are 50 permits if you could clarify that a year? is that correct? department of public works according to the subdivision code you can find it on line at muni and look for article 9 of the san francisco subdivision code. article 9 tells us we are allowed to convert 200 units per year by condo lottery that's unit it is not buildings. that translates to 60-85 buildings. on condo lottery day. and everybody else is wait listed or on the stand by list.
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i guess a little more detail about the condo lottery. you are pool a and b in the condo lottery. pool b are folks participating for the first, second and third time. pool a are the people participating for 5 and so forth. each year you come back and participate your granted an additional ticket. you have one ticket for each year of participation. we draw the first hundred units from pool a. and within pool a we have pools within pools. ranked by their senior year of participation. this year i don't remember what the highest number is i will say it's we have 6 year participates coming back i don't remember. we will start drawing on lottery day from the highest senior pool
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when we reach a hundred units the lottery stops and all lottery participates pool a and b participate together in the remaining portion of the lottery for the last 100 units. does that answer? i hope that answers your question. >> any other questions? >> please stand in the center. form a line, please. >> my question relates to the first question. i'm aassuming that any building inspected by the department of building inspection to qualify to be a condominium, has to conform to the applicable building codes that apply to that specific structure and occupancy? plus, then does also the housing rules and regs kick in as well?
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and thirdly, is there a special hand out that would address specific issues that buildings that want to be condoed have to conform prior to inspection or prior to passing inspection. >> your building will beñi inspected if your building is 1920. has to conform to what it was in 1920 with some life safety upgrade. some pass throughs. basically if you have a building from 1920 and you have done very little to it, just some of the title 24 stuff, like weather stripping the doors and some fire related issues very low threshold in my opinion what we look at in the physical inspections. john could talk more about it. >> yeah, a few months ago a
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fellow phoned and said he had a building i would be thrilled to inspect early 50's building and the realtors told him this would be a great building. 3 violations i hole in the ceiling in the garage. because the building had never been altered. the only thing we could enforce were weather stripping he had it and smoke alarms he had it. we come into buildings where people built out the garage and attics with no permits and it's a totally different issue. >> i'd like to add when that does happen they have to be brought up into compliance. they will be looked at today under the 2001 california
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building code and come january we will look at the 2007 california building code. >> yeah. my third question remains, is there a separate category of criteria that have to be met such as common area that may be wouldn't be required by the building or housing code. or the same is qualifying for an apartment building? you see what i'm saying. everything is based on the california building code today. >> the common area you decide in your ccnr's? >> what you can do is you can look up on the internet look up condominiums and the definition and you see it's specific and tells you what part of the building will be commoned and what part, the only part you
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will ever own is the unit you occupy. everything else is common. you can look up the definitions i think that will help. >> hi. i have 2 questions but i don't think they are very long. first is i have been living in san francisco since 1970, 35 years i was a renter prior to rent stablization. and the rent stablization board did a lot to equalize rents. people have proand conthoughts about it but it's a good thing. 10 years ago my wife and i bought a condo. i'm curious about the rent stablization board smooths overer helps to resolve problems between landlords and tenants and i'm wondering especially in the 2çó unit condo situation. 2 party condo situation, you
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know, some people say you can ensure a life by selecting your parents carefully. when there is a 2 unit condo thing i'm thinking about improvements on the horizon. is there anything on the books you might be thinking about with regard to counseling or decision makes process arg an arbitration in the ccnr's to get over the small but help things grow it's sometimes things get crazy. conflict resolution in ccnr's through a review of the submitted ccnr's in advanced for that kind of thing. the second thing is in regard to the ccnr's with the passage of the sterling and davis act there
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are additional regulations that have modified certain things that you can do in condos. the last one that come to miend. one pet is allowed regardless of what the ccnr's say. are you having notification to condo owners changes in the laws that folks might want to look at. those are my 2 questions. >> i can addressñi your first question with regard to the rent board. the rent board has an alternative dispute resolution, adr there is a form on the rent board's website much that is not limited to disputes to the rent ordinance itself. it's noun
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