tv [untitled] July 22, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST
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door neighbor have three stories. the back of his house is 36 feet high, close to 40. we have taken a survey using a laser minute -- blazer management tool. 80% of the buildings are very tall. the model of having three floors of living over a it garage is standard. this is a green solution. it complies with all planning code regulations and guidelines. we worked very hard to follow the rules and trust the direction of planning staff. we also trust in you to support the staff recommendation. it has been a long road. commissioners, we respectfully
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request that you do not take discretionary review for this project. >> thank you. speakers in support a project sponsor, we have several speaker cards. ashley, william. >> ashley had to leave. >> dr. alan schneider. >> dr. schneider had to leave also. >> i am william bernard. i am the applicant in this matter. i am neither a real-estate developer or an absentee landlord. i am a businessman landlord. i have lived here for over 20 years. >> please begin to the microphone so that we can hear you.
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>> members of my family have lived on the street for 20 years. my plan is to retire and join my family at that location. the only way to do that is to get the permission to approve the plan to put forward. there have been some misstatements here. 100% of the neighbors i heard are opposed to this. the neighbor it directly to the west does not oppose this. in your packet you will see that they have given a letter of support. i do not know why we are here talking about the past of what some planning commission did in the past. we are here with the present and the future. if you looked at the exhibits, it is apparent that the planning commission the first time did not deny going forward with this
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matter on the base of its merit. they denied going forward because of neighborhood opposition. anytime you do something new, it is always more into -- in to oppose something rather than support it. consider the project validity itself. that is why we changed architects and one with a new architectural firm that brought a new plan to the department that the department fully complies with and approves of. >> thank you. >> [list of names] i might be destroying your names. >> i am mariah and i am here in
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support of the project. >> i just wanted to say that i am in favor of the project as it is. thank you. >> good evening. i live at union street. i walk this neighborhood all of the time with my dogs. i know about her husband and her family. it is interesting that we're talking about the past. the planning department has approved this project. i recommend that we go forward. if you look at the houses in the neighborhood, it is not the number of stories, but the height. it actually makes it more conforming to the street.
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>> thank you. >> chris, sonny, joellen. >> i have been a resident for over 20 years. my mother and father are applicants for this project. if i could thank staff for supporting the project, we appreciate all of their efforts. to say that this has been a challenging process is an understatement. we have worked with our neighborhoods. we have had numerous meetings with them. we have at least had it 12 different redesinggns of this project. we like our neighbors, we are good neighbors. this project fits within the
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character of this neighborhood. it truly does. there were some statements made about the majority of the buildings in this area were 30 feet or less. from my estimates, over 70% of the buildings meet the 40-foot height requirement. this property has a 40-foot height limit. that is the zoning in the guidelines that were adopted by the city of san francisco. we are following those guidelines. hi would ask any commission members that you would consider approval of this project, if not take discretionary review. >> i am sending peterson. i am a newcomer. i came to san francisco three years ago and fell in love with
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it. you are in an unenviable position. you are given the task of keeping san francisco's character and keeping the city forward thinking and progressive. it is incumbent upon you as a board to balance the forward thinking and the evolution of the city with the preservation of the past. since you cannot hear from every citizen affected by every change, there are guidelines that have been set. they do support this project. this board has established this to add to the architectural diversity of san francisco. that is one of the reasons i moved here. it is a beautiful city. i think this project maintains that.
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>> like a lot of the people here today, i think that edith alley is beautiful and quaint. i have seen the plans. the building and expansion matches the site. i think it would be a good addition to the neighborhood. i support this product. >> and judith shapiro, julia bernard, darla bernard. >> my name is to this shapiro -- in judith shapiro. i am a newcomer to san francisco. i move briefly to 30 edith when i first came here because i had no place to stay. i bought in the neighborhood on
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lombard street. anytime anybody moves to improve their home also improves the neighborhood. i think they have tried very hard to make this fit into the neighborhood. you cannot please everybody all of the time. you do the best that you can. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am here as a friend. i think the monster in the closet -- there are people are brown heard that have added to her buildings. they cannot add to the building. they have demonize this woman. she is a three-time cancer survivor. this has been a difficult struggle for her and her family. it has been my experience in the 25 years of appearing before
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the commission that you tend to believe the hard work that the department does. the department is recommending approval of this project and not taking on the discretionary review. in addition to granting on about property rights propertyranting -- ranting on about property rights, i am here in support of the project. >> good evening. i am julia bernard. a lot of people have talked about a project or a development. this is our home. but this is not only darla and tom's home, the home of myself,
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my husband. in addition for it to being a home and not a project, it is also adding units to san francisco. that is a good thing, having more rental units in san francisco. i would ask that we remember that this is a home, not just the project or a development. it fits within the guidelines. it fits within the code. we are not asking to do anything that does not allow. -- is not allowed. we are asking to build the home that my in-laws -- >> taylor, kylee, brad.
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>> commission members. my name is brad taylor. i am here in support of the project at 30 edith. i believe this is a piece of urban infill that is what the city of san francisco is asking for. it adds to our housing stock. it is appropriately respectful of the other buildings on edith alley. it will inject several hundred thousand dollars into the local economy. several of the other speakers have said that the project will add desperately-needed rental housing to the neighborhood. for those reasons, i came here tonight in support of this excellently executed project, which the project applicant has
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worked diligently with the architect. i think it is very respectful of edith alley. i support the project and i hope that you will, too. >> i am here in support of the project. it is a wonderful example of urban infill code compliance. i think it will be a wonderful addition to the neighborhood. >> i am friends of the family. i am in support of the project. not only are you following the zoning rules that have spent time complying with the neighborhood needs, this is their home and they deserve the right to expand into the home
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they have always won it. like other people tonight, multiple generations have lived in their houses. they like having that tradition. why does this family not deserve to have the very same tradition? >> good evening, commissioners. my name is brad. i just wanted to express my support for this wonderful project. knowledge only is this a beautiful addition to the neighborhood, it is a wonderful addition to the bernard family. it will enable them to stay together at home in this beautiful city. because san francisco is a job center, it means that less homes
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will have to be built on the fringe of development. we will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. we can benefit the environment as a whole. this project is supported by city staff. the people that we pay provide us with non-biased opinions that are supposed to benefit the city as a whole. thank you for your time and i asked you to consider this. >> thank you. >> stephen. marsha. brian. francis. >> good evening, commissioners. i live a few doors down from the project site. i have lived there the past five years. i have walked down eidtdith
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street just about every day. the primary complaint i have heard here is one of bulk. i find those comments to be disingenuous. if you look at the profiles, the size of the building is faring much in keeping, regardless of the number of stories that are present, it is in keeping with the number -- size of the buildings that have been developed. this is the last small building on that side of the street to be developed. i think they're being penalized to be the last. i find it unfair and inappropriate. i would like to -- for the project to go ahead as designed. >> patrick, vicki, theodore brown.
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>> good evening, commissioners. my name is elmer. i am glad to be here to speak for my friend. i have been a neighbor since 1985 at 570 and across the street. i have followed this project since its inception. i watched the many times that ms. bernhard and family, the many changes that have had to take place and the heartache it has cause for them. i am here in support of the project. the things i have heard about the wonderful parties and so
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forth in the neighborhood is true. unfortunately, vicki is not here right now. she gives wonderful parties. i have been too wonderful party -- party is acting bernard's house. i wish we could go with my other neighbor's that i have not met. i have seen them and try to speak to them on the street. i hope that this project can go forward. i hope that our neighbors can be what it is supposed to be. good evening, miss president and members of the commission. i am an architect. one thing to want to do is to thank our opposition.
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they have really been great people. we have sat down and had many meetings with them. i think we are still all good friends. we got along. we did not agree on everything. we had some good meetings. people expressed what they felt. i would like to look at the elevation on edith street. if you could bring this on the screen, this building is a 35- foot building. this building is 36. this building is 40, which is our proposal. this is 40. this is 35. this is 34. if you look at what this does to the street, it is actually a very nice facade. right now, it breaks up and goes down to atwo stories.
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the planning department worked very hard with us. 18 different revisions going over up -- eight different revisions going over el lining up facades to make this thing fit with the neighborhood. the planning department, i am really impressed with, their ability to bring up solutions that we had not thought about. to be able to tinker with things. these two facades match up. this gives them a corner window looking out here. the whole thing is integrated in a lace work character. it is not so obvious when you look at the plans. i have never done a project that was so thoroughly research. we hope that we can move on with
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this and have parties with the neighbors and move on. thank you. >> thank you. are there any additional speakers in support of the project sponsored? seeing none. the hdre requestor gets their time. >> thank you, commissioners. williams on behalf of the neighbors. there are two units in the existing building. there are two small, affordable, currently rent- controlled units in this building. there will be three at non-rent- controlled condominiums. this building is not consistent with what is there.
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it does not matter whether the drawings are in scale. you have heard albert said over and over again similar height. this building is going to be taller than the other buildings except for the one exception next door. you look across the street. all of the buildings across the street are victorian or edwardian. they are two stories tall. the black is the inconsistency. there are four buildings with four unoccupied floors at 40 feet. that is what they want to build. they are saying it is the norm on the street. they're saying that the zoning administrator and all of the senior planners caved in to public opinion. that is the theory as to why
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there was to shift and change in the opinion about what constitutes the neighbor of this -- constitutes the best they bread. if they did, it would have been the first time. following the rules. they mentioned how they followed the rules. my presentation was about how the rules were ignored and that there was an end run around the process. the cap guidelines are not being followed. thank you. >> hello again. i just wanted to address about the height that she was talking about. there are five levels. he did not say to you that there will be rooftop features and a penthouse on top of that. nobody on our block house that.
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i really appreciate all of the people coming in and supporting this. how many of those people are from this neighborhood? i am speaking on behalf of 120 residents. they actually live there. they are actual residence. they are not people from the street. they are not people from the park. there is the issue about having a home that the family wants to live there. if you see this map, there are only three buildings. they sit between two alleys. they can live together. they have three buildings. thank you very much. i am talking on behalf of the neighbors.
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>> thank you, commissioners. i wanted to clear up, i started with the three and four-story buildings. the green areas are gardens on the subject property on the corner of edgardo, on the rear corner of one of the edith street neighbors. then there are two-story buildings that our housing. some of those buildings -- it shows the elevation of the building. this was a 70-foot wide street or a 90-foot white st. that would be a good way to appreciate the height as they come up the hill and appreciate
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the height as the health plans out. in a 17.5-foot alley, when will never have that view. it is an abstraction of a reality that one can never appreciate. i would go back to what we had discussed. the neighbors proposal is to allow a two-story of variance proportion in the back. if they would like to apply for such a variance, a third story that is co-complying, meaning they have a rear yard that meets the 25%, this does not meet the cap guidelines. he said that it does -- it did meet the it cap guidelines. this is a 15-degree setback. even with the neighbors proposal, there are pieces of
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the buildings that do not meet the cap guidelines. it is such a better building. >> thank you. project sponsor. >> albert. i want to say that we are delighted that we are keeping and maintaining the open space and backyard. so often, i hear very insist paving over backyards. what mr. butler was just saying was talking about bringing in and paving over the entire site and moving back. i do not think that is a good solution. there are two existing trees down there. we're talking about being green and having good solutions. building above an existing
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structure is a much better alternative. in terms of the height, i want to reiterate the top unit. it nestles between these guys banged -- guys. this has between the top unit. staff has done a good job helping us find the solution. i want to commend them for bringing this here today. i typically like to stick to the facts and not correct people. mr. williams as saying that this is two units. it is actually a single-family unit. i want to make sure that we all know that. there are plenty of roof decks around the area and tall buildings. there are a lot of tall buildings. a lot of people enjoy going up
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on their roofs. thank you for the consideration. >> the public hearing is closed. >> thank you. this almost goes back to when i was first on the commission. not quite. 2005 i believe. it is quite a ways back. that was quite a different project. that was quick. i will have to say that i do, to some degree, agree with the analogy of the missing tooth. a tooth that brought about the missing troops. most people would prefer have some of a similar alliance. i think the design is quite a bit better than was the case in the past. i am not a big fan of modern architecture, but i think this is contemporary but tastefully done.
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