tv [untitled] July 28, 2010 11:33pm-12:03am PST
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facilities play and how the 3 will consolidate the resource. the crisis counseling what the roles are. also important factor obviously is how we can stay in communication in the aftermath. with the assumption in a major earthquake there may be not power or working land lines or cell phone service. one thing we did was to purchase radios for shart range communication and hand radios for our central system to communicate with dem and other organizations. sorry. >> and so, you know, and the plan also identifies potential shelter areas in the local area. also designates open spaces. we designates port mouth square an open park with garage under. the facility we will use to
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perform medical triage. it's a wide open space. the plan also enters into mou with the various organizations in our preparedness and response network. secondly, another activity is with san francisco fire department, nert to conduct trainings. we have training for the local residents and also for our agency workers. we actually advocated and help establish for the first time cantonese language workshops. i mentioned a minute ago that a majority of the residents are not english proefficient this resource is important. we have been involved in doing community wide drills. this is an opportunity where we can take a plan on paper and put it into physical practice. these are neighborhood wide
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large scale disaster drills. where we have volunteers with the help of the fire department. volunteers who simulate real life injuries. they will come in to our port mouth square looking like they have trauma and injuries and our team will triage. that's when we put our communication systems to the test using a hand radio. our radios to community. to be able to find out what the capacity at each medical facilities are and where we put folks for different kinds of emergency services. we used to do this probably twice a year in the past. because of constraints we are doing table top discussions and drills. we hope to do more large scale community drills. before a close i want to share a couple of other things we are working on for the future. worn is having to do with trying
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to security and purchase food and water suppliers for the community. a majority of san francisco population and the china town community few would have enough food and water to last 3 days. for many of the sro residents one issue is even if they could where would they store the food and water in the cramped places. we will have food bars or energy bars to be located throughout the china town area for those in need. also one. other things is to work with the city and local businesses. we saw in 89 when folks accesses restaurants, markets, stores to access food supplies they were denied. we are trying to set up a system working with the local businesses to empower them to distribute their foods with the
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promised they will be reimbursed by the city for products and service. those are some things that are a work in progress and we are continuing to make our plan better and i will be happy to answer more questions you have after. >> i'm judy choi with the san francisco dcht animal care control. i am on the committee the disaster committee with our shelter. as well as 5 other partner organizations in san francisco. we meet regularly and we have been meeting for the past 10 years. i have been with animal care control for 15. what we talk about in a larger scale is what happens to our pets in san francisco when there is a disaster. in a smaller scale the agency
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our department responds to disasters. animal related emergencies. so if your apartment building has a fire and you happen to have pets on the property animal care control will respond and we will house your animal for a holding period. so that you can get yourself situated and find a permanent home situation for your pet. at least that-s you out in the short run. so when we look at the whole picture of when there is a disaster in san francisco, how are we going to have the amount of pets we have in the city? if we think that there are at least 2 pets in every household, where are all the animals going to go? the first thing we want to tell you is as you are preparing yourself for your disaster kit
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you need to prepare a disaster kit for your pets as well. hurricane katrina what we learnd and they were told to keep their pet necessary their house. fill your bathtub with water. rip up your dogs of food and leave it out. same thing with your cats. and leave them at home. we are not telling you that for san francisco. we are telling you to take your pets with you. do not leave them at home. because we will provide as many housing as we can for your pets and for you to stay with your pets we will provide shelters in human shelters so you can stay with your pets. if you are well prepared for yourself and you are well prepared for your pets then that leaves animal care and control a
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small city agency if 40 personnel to help with the other animals that don't have immediate care. so what can you do to prepare for your pets? your kit will have a week of food and water, your supplies, a picture, form of identification as well as medical records. the most important thing is for reunification is to have your mets microchipped. microchip is a permanent form of id injected under the skin in the back between the 2 shoulder blade, we use a scan sxer they will identify you owner of the pet. that is the best way for us to help reunite you and your pet. you can do it on a dog. you can put a microchip in your cat or on a rabbit or a bird.
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so we can't stress enough how important it is to microchippure pet. check with your vet for microchipping if you want to get your pet microchipped for 10 dollars we will have it on october 28 in sharon meadows. we meet and we discuss with the san francisco vet medical association on what part the vets will play. there are 25 vet services in san francisco. each of them have agreed on what services they will provide for san francisco. also we have our other bay area shelters that will come and help. when we have a disaster as well as we will go and help a bay area when they have a disaster. we are able to and hopefully
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have enough help where we are able to take care of every animal in san francisco. thank you. >> good afternoon. michael peterson with pacific gas and electric director of emergency planning for pg and e. my timing was outstanding to do this presentation in front of residents that are pg and e customers the front page of the chronicle talked about what, your rates are going up at pg and e and here i am. i mentioned, don't take a shot at me i'm a lonely security director trying to make a living. the other thought was why is pg and e talking about disasters
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when we cause disasters with our outages. i'm confident we will get that fixed. the key point i want to make here as a representative with pg and e and touched by some speakers. as an organization as a company we realize the importance of emergency planning. disaster planning, disaster recovery. we recognize it from the standpoint it's a grass-roots operation for us to restore power, either gas or electric that we need to have folks ready to planned and engaged in emergency mrarn itting makes our job easier. if it isn't there the crisis and confusion will slow us down from getting people back with lights on and the heat going.
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that's an important point that i like to make. and how do we try to accomplish that? as an organization, as a private company obviously we do have additional funds. we try to infuse the funds into the community from the standpoint are they ready and prepared and how can we get them ready and prepared? as mentioned. we gave a million dollars to the red cross. we take active role in nert training. provide fund to help them. i was surprised about involved with michael's group another outstanding program. for us to engage in disaster recovery from the standpoint things will be better when we get there. we provide what's called public safety training. that's if you have a wire down or a gas leak what do you do as a citizen? as a neighbor? as a community.
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we provide that training from the standpoint of safety. that's the bottom line of what we are trying to do is to create a safe environment. the folks that are available to provide the training across the city here but we provide it to emergency responders, local law enforcement, fire services. we provide it to community groups themselves. if it's a community group a safe group and/or nert group we will provide that training for individuals. the other as an organization for us to take care of business during an emergency. for us to take care of your needs to get power on, we have to have aggressive emergency response planning for our employees. we have 20,000 employees they need to make sure their families are in good order and all the things, communication pieces are
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all in place before they will come back to us to work to get your power back on. we provide training to our employees. we tell them, force them, put together your kits. put 2 or 3 together one in your home and work vehicle and family vehicle. we also again as a first responder we are a first responder because we have to get the power on f law enforcement and ems so say can do their jobs. we engage in the eoc's the county eoc's the policy groups for the cities and counties. we are active in san francisco. we as a company can be told what is the priority of the policy folks here the decision makers of where do we turn the power on
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first? where do we put the gas lines back in place. we are trying work together as a time. prior to here i worked with the california highway patrol i had opportunities to be in many emergencies one that stuck with me i was brought over to a structure during the parade earthquake. i was the sdmacommander for a 1w shichlt i'm trying to go through the cries and fear and concern, one of the things that stood out was what i saw were people from the community from west oakland wanting to help the foeblgs stuck on the structure andment to help their neighborhood. there were rat in a maze.
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they didn't know what to do but want to engage. the involvement in the community and training is critical for everyone to get back on track and recover from a disaster. stay with it it can be frustrating to energize people to say it's coming when it hasn't been here for awhile. >> thank you to our panelists. you heard a great variety of ways that you can take this information and apply it in your community from knocking on your neighbor's doors with information to getting the red cross to do a training to organizing a nert training in your community. there are a variety of things that are available out there. all the way up to the china town disaster committee. they have been doing that for 15
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years they are further ahead of other neighborhoods but it's an example what can be accomplished when you bring in a variety of community partners. jamie touchod the concept of knowing people's names. the guy who did the bowling alone book. his follow up book shows evidence that links a stronger community with neighbors knowing each other by their first naps. reduction in teen pregnancies and less crimes all tied to the fact that neighbors know each other by their first names. we are trying to build on existing social networks. in our case the issue of disaster preparedness. as much as we can do now we will be better off after a disaster. we have some great questions that have been handed out. and i think we have a
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microphone. we will have the panelists answer. may be i could have someone or -- may be i will just go down there. >> our first question -- a couple of people had this. are there a list of disaster shelters available to the public so family plans can be made. i will answer that. the city identified over 65 shelter in san francisco. they are primarily in community centers, public schools, various facilities. we do have that list. we don't necessarily put that information out widely to the public because one of our major concerns is people will show up to shelters before they have been inspected or before they
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are set up. you can contact our office and we will tell you where our shelter might be. you don't want your emergency plan to say we will meet at marina middle school because it might not be safe or the priority is to use that as a triage area or nert staging area. you can go in advance but encourage you not to count on those places and not deploy to locations. >> did you have a follow up? >> the reason i asked that question is that people are going to be at different places at different times of the day. if the home is demolished we want to know where we can go as part of our family plan. and down stairs i was told by
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nert and red cross that they don't give that list out because for that reason. that it might be down. but it gives people an idea of where they can go to meet. can we go to fire departments. they will be overwhelmed but is that a people where people can do to connect with people that are across the bay trying to get home? >> within our training, the designation of your cites is not dependent on a fire department. not dependent on communication at all. it's really one site is in front of your home and the second is a
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secondary site like your aunt's home. it's about building a network. it's about building a network at the school if your child is at school the schools provide for them until you are able to get there. could be organize and meet at home or if home is is not available we will meet at the school. you want your cites not to be dependent on communication and services which the shelter and fire department are services. >> yes. and that is absolutely not the role of the fire department. >> no. after a disaster. one of the things that when nert and your neighbors are nert that is the basis of training is to post a resource board where people can stick notes. your nert staging area the cites
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are on our website to get the know the neighbors who are trained and get trained to help build a krcritical mass. that's a place where people can stick notes on who's okay. >> out of area contact? >> as we discovered in katrina the out of area contacts are important for communication. because no one you couldn't call a new orleans area code it was not happening. he was able to reach myself in california and our aunt in dallas,texas on a land line. how many know their relatives phone numbers. i'm not meaning picking up your cell phone and clicking, mom. the red cross has a wallet card there is your emergency contact plan where you write down a land
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line number. we're discovering that text mess anning and e mails work. having the information in your son's back pack or your purse or the car in multiple places so you community with your out of state contact and through that you coordinate your reunionification. >> you have to speak into the microphone. >> it says all the communications will probably be down. >> on your pile of rubble that's your house there is no reason why you can't put a note saying this is where the family is. when you listen to the radios and the radios tell you where the shelters the first thing we set up is communications. you can go there and get communications out. you are right it will be chaotic in the beginning.
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you have to keep trying. by having everyone's e mail and phone number and the out of state contact you just keep trying. >> on a basic level, member pay phones. those are supposedly operating on a different system they supply their own power. i'm not a technician but that's what i have heard. we recommend to people to keep a roll of quarter in their kit because you will not have a place to get change. there will be a huge line to use the pay phones if the communication towers are down. that's another one of the as everybody said. we will do what we can. there's not going to, a lot of things you can plan to being available. you will plan to utilize those things where you find it available.
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>> i want to add. if you have a digital phone system when the electric guess everything goes. if you have a land line that does not depend on any of that. and you know good if you have home security. in 911 it was difficult you can't get your cell phone to work. if you have a digital phone and your computers depending on that on cable you will not be able to get anything through. no e mail or nothing. >> erica we have lots of questions we will get to them >> i wanted to really encourage
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you in building your network cindy from safe is in the back of the room they offer safe blocks we are tapping that resource with nert and providing a block captain training for nert that will include the preparedness to teach about making that block communication plan. that will increase you were network and your ability to tell them options in tomorrterms of them. >> what to immigrants face and how can they be addressed? >> can you briefly repeat. >> what are issues immigrants face in emergency preparedness and disasters and how can they be addressed. >> i think about folks want to
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be able to have a list of the documents to keep with them. especially those that are on work visace and don't have citizenship able to meet that. there are other barriers as well. i think for during the initial emergency services those services will be available. >> especially in san francisco the immigrant status will not be an issue. yeah. thanks. >> i can't think of other things. >> i know that the immigrant community expressed from the mission district that service a lot of immigrants there might be a fear that even my union form my indicate to them they would be turned inform so i would like to welcome people to who do have a better connection to know that
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getting nert training does not go to anything connected with police or turning in there is no background check. free training is available to immigrants and nonim grants alike to connect to agencies where they are not afraid would be helpful for us. >> anybody in the audience want to speak to that specific issue? >> okay. >> do you conduct out reach in schools? and in public housing laelement and how do you work with rec and park. >> yes, yes and yes. with the schools we have red cross youth clubs. we do the training and first aid and cpr. we have the 1 minute announcements for everyday we do a preparedness message to get the school prepared. we do out reaches to schools and
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the pta's and churches and other organizations. we will come out to your homes, neighborhood associations. all we need to do for our free training is need a room with 20 people. everything else we take care of. >> we partnered with the disaster coordinator for the school district to train teachers and students. the students receive the 20 hours of volunteer credit if they take the training class. we are trying to start a team nert training program in the high schools. the health and science requirement is somewhat of a fit but whenever you add something to the school curriculum you take something away it's an about the of a bit and take. lincoln and washington high school are the 2 high schools that have hosted nert for their high school students.
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>> if you are parents or have connections with schools talk to the principals and school board and advocate for preparedness. if we get third graders trained they will go home and say where's our water. do we know how to turn off the gas or where will we meet. be the voice if promoting that in the schools. we have the information available we need help getting in the door. >> one more thing is many of the nert cites are rec and park cites. we have an emergency permit on file with rec and park for use of the cites. >> and in terms of rec and park most of the rec and park employees have gone through or going through training through the red cross. they are tied in to this they are a very strong partner. >> jamie. >> the same tng
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