tv [untitled] August 25, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm PST
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planning processes, of eastern neighborhood and if we should have a department of public outreach and those with plans and consider hiring a public plan specialist. on the whole we have got better and as i don't expect to do my own dentistry and i don't plan for my public outreach. and supervisors have lead to be culturally competent and that's the fruit of experience and time and it's difficult to find traffic engineers that are good at both of those things. and it's the risk of hiring more staff and hire public outreach city agency and that
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we would build better plans. >> i want to complement the city of the sign and san francisco summit and taking big steps to a safe green walkable city. and my question, will be city consider more green signs like outside of the city hall. >> fluorescent green. >> yes, we will include that comment, green is a part of it and we talked about the integration of transportation, and have to include what we are facing with climate change. and more and more we are doing work with them as addressing the climate change issues. and that's futures are we won't be able to separate transportation from environmental. >> and i think she meant literally the hall and it's a
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light green color and we are firming up a city wide policy of a plan of bringing those out in the areas. >> and i took that opportunity to steer back to the green message. >> i am isabell and from the department of public health and working on a child issue and including the children in the thinking and planning, and mr. albert, you said in comments about pedestrians, that we are adults and remember that some of us are not adults and we are going through different stages of development and have our own challenges and needs. >> when i said that, that's why we set an example, and we model
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the behavior. when we jump out in front of the car, and bridget reminds me and it's a red light and don't cross. and i am thinking, that's how i raised my chidz -- kids in the city and i told them you stop on red. and the pedestrians are the most vulnerable of the modes and who are more vulerinable are the children and seniors. >> and one element of this picture of creating a good environment for pedestrians and transits is bus stops. and that's it's vital part of the planning process. and from my old days at muni and we placed bus stops through
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the neighborhood arbitrarily based on criteria that no one understands but to get a bus stop to change or relocate, these are all challenges. and as hope as this process goes forward and look at integrating the processes and tep and other projects but integrate the challenge and looking at a bigger picture of how bus stops can create a good environment for pedestrians or create a poorer environment for pedestrians, especially those who just are about to board or deboard our busses, and now are going to become pedestrians and may be at risk based on the location, the traffic flow and other issues of that location. >> thank you. we should add bus stops and transit stations and bart.
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and those are natural hubs and there was a comment of making sure that we look at the region. and my work at bart taught me that a lot of people at san francisco and come out of the bart station and are they met with a pedestrian friendly environment? is it a challenge to cross some areas and we need to remember that and to think of the pedestrians. >> i will make myself real popular, the fundamental rule for pedestrian safety is to watch the cars, not the lights. the lights don't kill you, the cars do. if you come to an intersection and here comes some sob running the red lights and it's not safe to cross and yet you come to the intersection and there
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is not a car in sight and you cross and you are obviously jay walking. but remember, the lights don't kill you, the cars do. and one more thing, the vehicle code in two different places tells motorists they have a duty for the safety of pedestrians, that's the wording. and one even says if the pedestrian is jay walking and the motorist still has the duty. and we need to come back, and it's the motorist that has the primary duty and keep that straight. and remember, watch the cars, not the lights. the lights don't kill you, the cars do. >> my final comment, we talked about a lot of exciting things and i want to encourage the mta to go back to the basics, and that's is if we have a sidewalk we need to walk down it and there can't be cars parked on
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it. and the visitor from portland, they observe this and when i have company, they say, why are the cars parked on the sidewalk. and we become engrained with that and we have let this grow. and what i would propose that the mta develop an action plan specifically against getting cars off the sidewalk. and that action plan should be time bound and measurable. and not the measure of having more citations than the prior year. if we do our jobs right, we should issue fewer citations, and an action plan that's thought out and measurable, and it will make me feel i have been heard and make progress. ail the other fancy things that
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we to and bulb's out, they aren't worth a hill of beans, if you step out on your sidewalk. >> i have a comment, has to do with money. if we are going to have bulbs out on residential streets and the 78 million on the curb ramps, i hope those are coordinated. and i remember when we pulled those out and put them back and i hope we don't repeat these in these projects. >> that's important and they are coordinated but that's a point we can't forget. >> i want to make sure that we need the cleaning up the way fare signage and set up the
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designation of the public parking and they don't circulate around the blocks. and there are many places like erie boulevard and there is 50 of them and 50 in a grouping and there is great savings between engineering and the shops that install the signage, they are not hung at the right levels and inconsistent and gives clutter and motorists have to look too many directions and not seeing the pedestrians. and on third street rail and you look down the ramp and avenues, and it's so compressed that you really focus on the
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center platforms and pedestrians are getting off of those platforms and don't stand out in the crosswalks, and there is a lot of crosswalks there and so sign signals don't cross and rail signals and light rails, and that's through the quarters of the city. and a reassessment and decide how many signs. and 19th avenue, and do not left turn in writing and the european with the slash through it is more graphic and because we have different ethnicities through the city. >> i have seen that comment is taken. let's do this, and invite the experts back to the front here, that would be ellen,
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vanderslice and michael and peter and jack and maggie, and we are lessons learned and i really appreciate the feedback and you staying with us throughout this day. >> i guess, i will kick this off, and start at the far left, jack, would you. would you like to reflect on what you have heard or maybe, i think the forum itself presented some new ideas with your work in san francisco. would you like to share those?
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>> thank you very much for sticking around and i got a lot of notes, about 10 pages and i will have to di -- digest it and i heard that there are streets that are too wide and i heard the discussion about bulbs out and i know they are expensive and work with the better streets and the most cost effective way and there are great ways and to get scientific on resources. and i heard about speeding, and i heard some good suggestions and heard about statistics from the police, i would like to find out more about that and how many sites are we writing and that's an important part of reduction. and good ideas about education
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and the decals on the busses and decals on the meters. and that gentleman, we will put in a lot of multispace meters that will have room for messages like that. and that's an idea and visual cues, where reducing speeding and closely spaced trees. and have a lot of homework, and one way streets and a lot of crosswalks that are closed. and dual turn lanes, we have done a lot of work and several things we can do that are effective. we have a separate phase for the pedestrians when we have the turns. and have a leading interval, that gives the pedestrians a chance to cross and the cars go to the end. and there are a lot of things we can do and trying to attack
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those and dual turn lanes and sidewalk parking, a ton of talk about that and i mentioned some progress, and another thought, with this concentrated campaign, one idea i had on that, the neighborhoods that have a lot of that and perhaps leaflet the cars and let them know this instead of hitting them with sticker shock. and right turn on red, and we have looked at these numbers, and we feel that right on red is safer than right on green, and there are a lot of aggravated people and i hate it when people don't look.
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that's a violation of the law, and when people don't watch for the pedestrian, and when people say they want to inhibit the right turn on red and to enforce the law and that right goes to the pedestrian. and we implement a lot of no turn on red's and maybe 15% and we are happy to look at those more on a case by case basis. >> michael. >> >> hard to cover jack, and he covered a lot of issues. and like i said, when i started this morning, that san francisco is a leader in a lot of ways. and the issues you deal with here, they are so much more
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urban, and focusing on probably repeat some things that jack said, and focusing on issue that is relate to issues and turning and the dual turn lanes and the lead for pedestrian head start. those are critical and the speed issues there are several tools and the signal progression speed and i thought it was 13 miles per hours, now it's 11, and that's something that downtown tampa has similar, their speeds are 35, not 13, and it's amazing how much difference that makes in livability and safety. and that i think is a tool that challenging to implement, and take this huge network overhaul, but could be a good
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feature next step. and those with less major streets is a way to deal with the speeds. when it comes to getting rid of the fatalities and you drop and that speed drop is great, but to get our number down to 0, and that's our goal, and speed is a major factor. and the bulb out issue that jack mentioned not just from the cross distance but site aspect. and the -- believe it or not, we say that adding bulb outs can increase parking and when you stripe 10 feet, you won't get much more than bulbs and some
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for uncontrolled crossings and very few that don't have signals or stop sign, but the bulbs outs will help there. and the last session about the end street signs and some of those things is another tool, and part because it's an uncommon situation here in san francisco, where you have a crossing, that's not signalized and no stop sign and more than one lane in each direction, and an advanced yield line, a line in place of a crosswalk and they stop at that location and it's a tool that has very little application, maybe a few places to be applied and uncontrolled crossing, but not
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necessarily multilane. and some near st. petersburg, where i live use that and i will say that now. >> we have until 3:30, and i want to be sure we have time for questions. and before i hand this to maggie, i want to make my own observations and like jack, i work for the city. and for san francisco, there are two things that i am thinking about differently, one is outreach, and be sure that we look at the true nature of san francisco and the languages, and the preparing of outreach materials. and the second one is education, and that's a two way thing and i started to write down the community and policy makers. and often in san francisco the
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community is the policy maker and the planners are the community. that gives us a new way to look at two different things, maggie. >> i would like to encourage as many of you as possible, and if you can't go, tell your colleagues, and other members, if you are a member of an advocacy group, to go to this workshop, it's a big investment of time, three days, but what we were talking about and what david talked about in our panel about designing safe streets. so that if someone makes a mistake, it's not a fatal mistake. and those things will be talked about in the workshop and talk about the california mcud, and that's the law of the land in california. and the engineers have to follow it at their peril. if they don't, it's lawsuit
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time. and the other observation i would like to make, is that the empowerment, knowledge is power. and it's an awful lot of homework for advocates to do to be familiar with all of these different guide books. but if nothing else, perhaps you can download part of the guide book and read the intro~duction and if you think that your planner is not aware, bring it to their attention, they will appreciate it. >> i also took about 10 pages of notes and tried to pull out and i commented and the parking on sidewalk stood out for me, and i hope you deal with that and i heard other things that
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could use attention and challenges and the gridlock of drivers blocking the blocks and the opportunity you have with the seismic upgrade and freeway ramps and getting plans in place in advance of that and trying to address the transition from that highway speed mentality down into neighborhoods, that's something to jump on. i sensed being here today that you all have a challenge to coordinate the activities of all of these different agencies, not only in san francisco but the region that impacts what the work you are trying to do. and that's the huge challenge for the advocate. and be steadfast and latch on to your local agency and be always asking if they are coordinating with the other
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people. driver attention, this seems to me a place that everyone, across the country, we need to work on this and people taking driving seriously and something that's a potential lethal activity. and it's become so invisible in our lives that it's just what we do. and we try to live our whole lives and multitask and somehow we need to get people away from this and focus their attention on that activity that they need to be doing. or get on transit where they don't need to focus their attention on it. the last thing i want to talk about is something that didn't get mentioned today, in talking about needing a lot of people walking to have a safe pedestrian environment, as peter said, i want to talk about the biggest barrier to
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people changing their behavior and beginning to walk more. and that's nothing out there in the natural environment, except the environment in their head. and there is a lot of work going on around the world in getting people to change their behavior through marketing directly to the things that interest them. and i think we are at a place now, between the health benefits that come from more environmentally sensitive modes of travel and the environmental benefits and the fact that people are finally starting to get it, and the individual actions they take make a difference. and we are at a place where those resonate but people have forgotten how to do this. and that is where this next step can come in and change the people's mental landscape and people will make different
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choices. and all of a sudden, from their personal economic benefit and they feel they are contributing from that and the health benefit and all of things you have done already and will be doing to make a really wonderful city to walk in, good luck to you. >> thank you, one of the things i pick up on here, some of the conversations we had in the last half-hour, i see a struggle on focusing on the pedestrian or motorists. and the word tossed around like personal responsibility and things like that. and i encourage as we move forward, is use evidence based information. we talk about jay walking and if jay walking is risky, and i
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don't think there is evidence that it's risky, and i pay attention to the literature, and i think it's the function of the person doing the jay walking, and that's the chooser than the choice, i figure i am safe jay walking and i suspect in 20 years, i won't be. and that's just the way it will be. and there is this talk on personal responsibility, and i think that falls apart and when we talk about children, and i despise personal responsibility about children, and we need to make our streets safe. and have a friend who failed the driving test in germany and it was a tough test and he failed. and the tester said that there is two teenagers on the sidewalk at the crosswalk and
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the driver, my friend, did not show that he was aware that these kids might step out in front of him. and that was enough to get him to fail the test. and to an american, that boggles the brain. anyway, so i think, that's something that we struggle with her. -- here. and i don't have the perfect answer, but would like to bring this up and make it visible. and then one other thought, is safety the goal. i think it's a good goal, but is it the only goal. and that's something to address, and i believe that there is tremendous benefits to get people to walk. and the health benefits of bicycling outruled the injuries 20-1, and this is from a
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research and not a flaky number, and what is our goal, and have some conscious thinking about that. and i heard the phrase, pedestrians are vulnerable, and this is maybe a pet peeve of mine, but are they vulnerable or benign users, and are the motorist dangerous or pedestrian benign. and the humans, the evidence of them walking is footprints across a lava field and you see two adults and a child, so walking is really, really important to us as human beings, and with that, we need to think about walking, it's a benign activity occurring in a dangerous environment and we
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need to reduce the danger. those are my thoughts. [applause] >> so what i would like to do is open up for questions while we have the panel here. >> hi, michael from the health department. first of all, to jack's point about the right turn on red, i want to, i often argued the opposite that , we ought to ban right turn on red in san francisco and then mark those intersections where it's allowed. but and thinking about what you said, the problem isn't right turn on red, the problem is the expectation that you can make a right turn on red, which rt
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