tv [untitled] September 14, 2010 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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not just pull off? >> they could just pull off. that would be useful. if we found there was not a signal, we could that can read it manually. the meter itself records. that will not change. it would cost money to get us meters modified, to take that feature off. >> what is automated is the reporting, not necessarily the meter. that is the difference, i think. >> i suspect the transmitter is somewhat water -- you know -- what is the word and looking for? >> watertight. water-resistant. >> that is it. >> colleagues, and the questions? ok, hearing and seeing none, any
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public comment? >> we have one speaker card. commissioner crowley: 90. -- thank you. >> i was almost asleep, but he will bring up when he said good faith effort. we have been talking for the last year-and-a-half. good faith effort does not mean jobs for my people in the community. it is not local hiring. i have heard that word for 40 years. that was when we had redevelopment time for our community, like you had in 1972 the expression of the sewage plant. that word was used. i want you all to delete that word open a " good-faith effort" but i want to go back to -- "
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good faith effort" but i want to go back to proposition 26. i have a great concern because of the fact that when you stated if a yes vote goes through, that would jeopardize a lot of people like myself, retirees, receiving less than $62,000 a year, to vessel were on their homes, and you said that the board of supervisors are supposed to be may be voting on it today, a no vote. i do not know because i'm here. i do not know if you have someone who has heard whether or not they have voted on it, but if so, my request to you is that you send notices to those of us that pay our bills, informing us that 26 will jeopardize, if passed, our solar
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in san francisco, since we are supposed to be a green city. i'm just asking -- will you please consider that, and let people know and understand? people who do not attend these meetings do not know about services you provide other than challenging us for the sewage, and i would like to say that, too, while i'm on it. i have been back in my home a year, will be, on the 28 of september, and i would like to say i have been receiving my pg&e bill, and my electricity has been less than $4 a month, and this is because of the solar. people listening in the audience because they see me all the time, and i let them know that i am your ambassador, and i am requesting that everyone get solar because the benefits -- it benefits not only the applicants, but as well as our
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breathing, our health, and i know we had a concern about those smart meters. there were people at those hearings, and i am afraid, and a lot of people are as well but are getting sick on those smart meters. please get the information on the effect on health here in san francisco. commissioner crowley: 90. >> if i could clarify, no supervisor -- i know supervisor mirkarimi had legislation today. i did not know if that is for today or the 26. >> before the general managers' report, there were some comments, and i wanted to say something about them. we have a precautionary principle, and that is expressed
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into the system fish from the aquarium died, in view of that and other things, i think we need to have another hearing. a lot of people that have adverse impact can benefit from that hearing. on the san bruno natural pipeline blast, the gentleman gave some information, but we need to have protocols introduced at the office of emergency services because they did have a meeting there, but the role of sfpuc and the role of other emergency services that rely on water, we know sometimes we cannot use water in certain cases. we have to use other types of chemicals.
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in this case, water. we had an incident not too long ago on thomas avenue where we did not have sufficient water. the pressure was very low. my thing is this -- if we know that there are these large gas pipelines in areas where there is a heavy density of homes, we need to establish some sort of pipe line to address that. in southeast corridor, because of the power plants, we do have these large plots. most people do not know about it. i know about it. we cannot reveal it to to many people because, as i said, after 9/11, things have changed. on the closure of potrero power plant, we have been going back
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words because of the california independent systems operation, which i said a long time ago, the other one should make that determination. we need to look at it from the point of view that sustainable practices are implemented, but also, the the constituents know about it, and that is always good because any other rebuilding in the city, the constituents need to know about it so they can participate in those deliberations. and i am off to the board of supervisors. thank you very much. commissioner crowley: next speaker place. >> i had three comments. one on the san bruno incident. david was nice enough to get
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information to me and then to all the member agencies that your system was intact, and that is very important communication. we appreciate it. otherwise, they'd not know when the system is ok, and that is a horrible place to be, so that the information was very useful. bthe second part, that was on my end, and i will take care of that, but i was not aware of the fact that the rp had been sent and there were no responses. we would be happy to support that. we have people come to every one of our meetings, some of them very constructive and polite, and some of them not so polite. but we would be very interested in seeing that issue will forward. the letter to the epa, which the commissioner mentioned, specifically asked them if they
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would do research. it is good that they think the puc is doing a good job, but i would like to respond to the request for research and see what that response is, but we would support that. i would like to be able to support that, and if that is something we could arrange with your general manager. lastly, on the wsip report, just as your report on the power plant in san francisco, there was the issue of who was responsible for cleaning up that contamination, and if that is a cost of the program, we would be interested in knowing whether someone is going after who should pay for that cleanup. thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. just two points -- one, i was able to go to the caliso meeting with the activists and
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environmentalists working with the goals as the general manager closed the power plant, and we came with a letter signed by the sierra club, the green party, and a lot of folks united to get this thing shot, and we heard one piece of good news, that when that cable is running, the power plant is not. that is good news, but what i heard on that day is that the cable has to run for a month and a half straight for us to get the green light for us to say we are now in the final stage with this issue of a notice with intent to cancel, but the main thing is they were very straight up claim communicating with us letting community folks know
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what is going on. even the governors were saying that they want the thing gone as bad as we do. with one thing, i think we want to see this shutdown on super riser maxwell's watch. she has been working tirelessly. she is out of office at the end of the year, and we expressed how critical it is that this thing shuts down on her watch. -- we want to see this shut down on supervisor maxwell's watch. last year, the use to want to kick us out of the room, and they never succeeded, but they still wanted to do that nonetheless. the other point i wanted to make was to echo ms. jackson's statements about the good faith effort approach to local hiring, a lot of us are working to strengthen and eliminate the good faith effort approach to
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local hiring, hopefully, to get the kind of system where we can get everybody who is out of work right now, especially the folks that are struggling as much as folks on the ground in communities to really get more of -- what we're looking for is union jobs. to get folks in the community in good, solid work, and to get our brothers and were -- brothers and sisters from the rank-and- file to work. we think the way to do that is to eliminate good faith effort. we even published a report called "the failure of good faith" because we feel very strongly about this because we feel that it failed. so i'm going to give you a copy of this. and that any further public comment? -- >> any further public
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comment? seeing none, we can move on. >> mr. president, the next item is the consent calendar. all matters listed here under the consent calendar can be redeemed by the public utilities commission and will be acted upon by a single vote. it authorizes the san francisco public utilities commission to executed public services agreement for the amount not to exceed $3,000,750,000 for the duration of the time.
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b, approved modifications six to water enterprise water system improvement program project to mounting cascade increasingly contract for a total contract duration of war ended 26 consecutive calendar days. the increase in contract amount and time extension is to adjust piping and structural steel design. c, approved project manual and construction task catalog award general construction san francisco/peninsula/east bay to hetch hetchy for a not to exceed amount of $5 million to the lowest qualified responsible and responsive bidders, selfless construction and property management, to accomplish general building construction work to accomplish restoration and bureaus. d, approve the plans and
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shop type line for water enterprise, water system from a program funded project. g, coke plans and specifications and award water enterprise funded contract water supply and treatment administration tenant improvement item of $763,159 to the lowest, qualified, responsible, responsive bidders. h, accept work performed by shop pipeline for waste water in a prize for replacement program, contractww 422 -- contract ww 422, for a just and to actual quantity used, increasing the contract
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and authorize final payment. i, approved modification to waste water enterprise contract ww-477 job order contract spots or repair to perform spot so were repair work in san francisco, increasing the contract, and with a time extension for a total contract duration of three years. modifications of the contract will allow for continued spot sore repair work and investigations in about 17 major locations brought the city. commissioner crowley: ok, michael, take a deep breath. [laughter] colleagues, on the consent calendar, does anyone want to pull any of those items? comments? ok, it has been moved and seconded. any questions from the audience? >> we have no speaker cards.
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commissioner crowley: hearing and seeing on, all those in favor? opposed? ayes have it. >> next item is the regular business calendar, agenda item eight, presentation and discussion of findings and updated information on the ongoing effort to develop a comprehensive community benefits plan that will facilitate real opportunities for city residents on sfpuc projects. >> good afternoon. i am actually pleased to invite the consultants up to give a report, but also, i would like to say that i am very excited about handing the soft as will as juliet comes on board -- handing this off as soon as juliet comes on board. with that, i wanted to bring of two people to bring an update,
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but i also wanted to give special thanks for helping facilitate the consultants in doing their research to get to where they are today, so with that, could you guys come up? >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am with davis and associates communications. with me today is but neither reagan with meriwether and williams, and we are happy to bring our initial findings of the development of the community benefits project, but first, i wanted to thank and applaud the commission, a specially commissioned a julia ellis -- commissioner juliet ellis for your commitment developing a robust community benefits program. we would also like to thank
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everyone for their assistance in the project. you have taken on this work with a view towards sustainability. we sought a wide breadth of programs that we researched and talked to so many people within the out -- within the agency and outside the agency. there is a breath of programs and much opportunity for staff and leadership to maximize what your doing to achieve greater community benefits. i will be taking you through the first part of our presentation, which is the outline of what we have done to date, provide an overview of our findings, and bonita will walk you through a first draft of our definition of community benefits, and lastly, our recommendation. because there's so much work around work force development, we concluded that work force development should primarily be
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directed by oewd and integrated into the overall benefits program. she will address this later in our presentation. thus far, the project has been a huge undertaking, and we have spent many hours going over lots of documents, talking to folks in other cities, so now, i would like to direct you and walk you through what we have done to date. initially, we met with the commission, with the senior management and presented our project goals to you, the commission, in april. we conducted over 30 interviews, one-on-one, with people both internally and externally. we have held focus groups. we created a web site and an online survey, which you can find on sfpuc's website. we developed a mission to
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conduct a nationwide survey and contributed to the work force strategy. we have also visited many of the facilities and toward the community benefits sites, and we have created an enormous, incredible inventory of community benefits programs. specifically, what we have done, as it relates to our research with the utilities we look that brought the nation, three of them being the top in the country, meaning the largest agencies in the country, we selected them based on geography, the size, and the location of those utilities as we did our research. we look at new york, chicago, los angeles, portland, san diego, santa clara, and east bay. we wanted to see where sfpuc was on the pendulum of community
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programs and how it stack up with other agencies across the country. in terms of utilities, the good news is we are way ahead of the curve. you have some terrific programs. they cover many different areas. they can create sustainable relationships with the community and its customers, and we will talk about what we think should be the next steps. we also found that there is not a standard definition of community benefits. nobody has won. there is no set of guidelines anywhere throughout the country. even in australia. we look as far as australia to see what they are doing. they are very much in the leadership in this area of community benefits. all were subject to some kind of economic or political climate structural organization or legal restriction. most utilities offer the
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baseline of community benefits like education, sustainability, tabling at community events. what we concluded was that out of all of those agencies was that there were three models -- there was a de-centralized model, which is one that is based primarily on a budget. whoever is in line first for community programs get that program. second, there was a case by case model, which was either based on pressure from the community. second, if you knew someone in the agency and are able to sell them your idea. thirdly, it was based on a particular -- excuse me -- it
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was related to a capital improvement program. those were the three ways that a case by case model work. the centralized model is an overall community benefits program through a well-defined community actual program. under this model, the ordinance should have centralized leadership, which reports to the commission, board of directors, and has a quarterly reporting process, which reports on the overall progress of the program. project-specific, and projections for the future. the program sets the needs of the communities that they serve, while also converging the goals and interests of the municipality. so it was a centralized model, it would be someone like juliet leading up that charge and creating consistency with the
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programs. some examples are in los angeles, they have the million- tree program, which is a program with the utilities giving away free residential shade trees to help conservation. it was a neighborhood council collaboration where they funded a collaboration of community groups throughout the city that were broken up into segments, and they assisted them with how to deal with government entities and how to request -- how to have government participation. in new york, they have a floating quality, which is a 20,000-square-foot sustainable design floating poll as part of a recreational investment. that is the new york utility system. that also have the historic park, a 10-story-deep project beneath the van cortlandt park
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in the bronx to address the construction of the bread and loss of the use during its construction, a utility offered $243 million worth of improvements to dozens of parks throughout the bureau, hired and trained residence during construction, but dissipated in an apprenticeship program -- participated in an apprenticeship program, and provided education. they also have the way wall -- we've wall, which is based on a 1% fund -- wave wqallall, and ty use that money to beautify the exteriors. it forms the perimeter of the coney island water pollution prevention control plant, and it is funded through the city's
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mandate. you also in portland have the hydro park, which is the water facility that now serves as a public open space, and they are usually in deficient communities where there is a deficiency of parks, and the agency works with the community to create hydro parks by installing binges, walking paths -- installing benches, walking paths, and that is to give you an example of some of the programs but some agencies are undertaking and underwriting through their community benefits program. we also have compiled a list of over 80 programs that sfpuc has going as we speak. there are 80 or more community benefits programs that are either managed, funded, or managed and funded by the sfpuc.
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they are a wide range of programs, and we have compiled a list in a binder here that we will provide to you both electronically, on the website, and we will leave copies as well. a lot of them are organically developed. they are developed by people within the organization that felt the passion to do something more for the community. oftentimes, it is not sustainable because if that person leaves, there's no one to pick up the torch. we have also conducted stakeholder interviews and talked to almost every executive manager in the puc as well as senior staff, community groups. we talked to the southeast jobs coalition, save our sunol, se utilities commission,
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