tv [untitled] September 23, 2010 1:00am-1:30am PST
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>> right. >> no you can the volunteer hours before you put the application together? >> yeah. absolutely! >> really? >> sure. >> absolutely. one of the most like i said before the most difficult thing is to get from 0 to 1 that's the work that's the hartest work you should be rewarded. the reward is there is a value of your time. mind you that doesn't preclude you from still bearing up your end of the 5 year maintenance plan. in that case we would encourage you. a project like that you will have well beyond the percentage match required. a minimum of 25 percent match for small grants. >> we need to see a 5 year
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maintenance plan. >> yes. if you say, we will do something in a park and park and rec will take care of it. we will not fund you. that's not acceptable to us. >> it was originally 250 thousand dollars. so we were well over that 25 percent match. we asked for nearly a hundred i think. 99, 999 i think. >> you know, there's several businesses that a combination of my professional service were 30 grand i think. and businesses giving in cash
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grants and there was service people producing benches actual labor. there was i can't remember it breaks down for maintenance. maintenance is it's own thing. basically alot of cash from various businesses that pledged it. and there is a gap. i think, still. which is you know question mark still. may be more. [laughter] guesstimate. >> bases on that scale are expensive. anything that involved concrete is expensive much remoremoving . >> no, not in the end. >> was there a neighborhood organization? >> there is a neighborhood organization that encomp uses that area the hayes valley neighborhood association which i am a member of.
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and they have been supportive. something they plugged into immediately because it's in the market/octavia plan. it's identifiable on their agenda for years. >> you would think but that's not what they do. it's about the neighborhood. all about the neighborhood it would be great if we could use their, say, we will have a work party day every third saturday of the month. >> may be the organizations are about policy and discussions and not or land use issues. you had your hand up. [inaudible].
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>> right. >> i don't think you necessarily need a master plan. i would say he will give you a technical idea. >> september 21st is parking day. yes. >> take you know go to home depot and get turf on the place and show people want it would be like. >> it's establishing the conversation to figure out who the players are because typically what we see in the projects -- we do repeat funding we have done repeat fundings of street trees.
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>> there is actually. many alleys in the mission at the moment are being permitted to hav units built on the alleys for that reason. it's a naturally traffic calmed says and family friendly in on the flip side. and that in a way in certain neighborhoods they are typically more affordable. the city is encouraging that. and it's difficult but -- >> garage? >> yeah. >> [inaudible].
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>> yeah. >> right it's difficult you have to deal with issues of the historical pattern most of the alleys in the mission were if ice delivery with horses that's why they are small. and then garages went in in the 50's. we are used to them now does not mean it was that way. go to the library and look at the historical photographs of the neighborhood you can get inspired by realizing you can change things. like ice delivery. well, what do we do with it now?
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>> well, yeah. the maintenance plan that's in part with the conversation with, for example, for the projects that take place on at a school. it involved a conversation with the principal and with the pta. so, for example, the pta of jefferson which was already very involved in a gardening program. so, you know, like i said, neighborhood beautification. the wheels in terms of bringing the community together to transform this space were already moving. i was able to hop on that band wagon and so basically i created a letter of agreement with the pta and the principal. that the principal signd and the pta president signed saying they will take responsibility for
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removing graffiti that come up. that was a big issue. murals get tagged. i have done 60 of the projects and 3 have been tagged. it 's surprising to me how i hae not had a problem with vandalism >> on the one at 19th and everybodying the door next to the mural has been tagged the bus stop is tagged. they climbod top of the bus stop to tag the stop the star bucks build you but left the mural alone. why in i don't know. may be their siblings worked on the mural. may be they decided to leave it alone. it's a cared for space. that's a key thing if people see that a community's going to come back and remove the vandalism it sends a powerful message. that's one of the key things. that was part of the
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conversation and involving the community. >> yeah. with the painted mural there is a varnish called sheer coat it's catalyzed varnish. the tricky part when you remove the graffiti you replace the varnish. with tile it's easier to remove spray paint because you can use solvants and remove the paint. not -- i had 3 projects that have been vandalizede and one o the murals. >> people have done things.
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on the back of the mission the safe way market safe way. and that has been tagged very infrequently. it's another example of a cared for space. it has been deemed by shopping carts. it needs tlc. she works with a guy who has done a lot of technical fundraising. his strategy was to have sort of the mural printed up in a long form and they sell that as a package that has the history of the mural on the back and who everybody is. we gets on the muni line that goes past the safe way and talks about the mural to muni riders and sells that package. it's a wonderful spiral it gets
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the money for the maintenance and it also makes more people aware of the mural and the neighborhood cares about it and it's a community benefit. and i always liked that idea. so, we actually funded them to do some they received funding to implement the mural and we funded them to do some maintenance work. part of the match was his time. mona's time and the neighbor's time and the money they collected from muni riders, there is a lot of way to roll stuff like this. >> yeah. >> the standpoint of looking at stake holders through our community meetings. are you excited about this plan? yeah, great. are you excited enough to donate
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money up front or will it be worth it to you to say 20 dollars a month because you live, work in front of this pla place. are you interested in the spiritualy and financially enough to contribute to it. that's going to the community benefit district is to create an informal but binding subscription, if you will. yeah. i think -- i think it's going to be a bit of both. it will be we who i don't work there anymore but the people that are still in that lyndon building are the primary tenders. they will pick up trash and replace plants that get stolen or vandalizeded. whether it's tree pruning or
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paving repair that might need to be done by an ouder a outsider for. there will be a fund established. like in a homeowner's association. >> but that's a very complicated project. there are much smaller projects. what come to mind is a project i worked on at caesar chavez and gererroro. this house was delomolished. it was concrete and now it's a dumping ground. because in the absence of any plantings it as a freeway connecter came tire land and
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encampment and the cattate a rat and -- it built. so we pulled it down and planted it. getting resources in the neighborhood. there was a little old lady across the street that lived there forever. when she sees anybody out there doing something she yells at them. we passed the plate around and got a hose and sprayer. she waters and when she's on vacation she talks to her neighbors on either side. it's not rocket science. i encourage to you walk around your neighborhood and look at where there is too much concrete. there are a lot of ridiculous concrete things that are crying
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out for something. you know planters or garden spaces. those are the things that make neighborhoods liveable and the process of doing something with them also what makes neighborhoods liveable. go ahead. >> well, i would, the question is, where do you start if you have a big problem how do you scope it?
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and i would again go back to talking to your neighbors. so, in my neighborhood -- we have not been ccg funded in my neighborhood the big issue was traffic. gererroro street takes up a lot of cars on the freeway and there were many intersections that didn't have traffic controls. any time you wanted to cross it was 6 lanes doing 70 a lot like 19th avenue. we downloaded dpt has a traffic calming request form. and we went door to door and asked people to sign it and in a month we got 300 signatures. it was hard to get out of people's houses in less than an hour because they hold me hear
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stores. i got to know the neighbors and they got to know me. in the process we learned who got which skills. peep will say i don't have money but i can do this and i have a truck. that's how you answer that question. you could work hard to figure out on how to raise the money to get it professionally done that will not build your neighborhood. you have to start small and figure out who are the few care takers and you become the planet as you get bigger you attract for matter around you.
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>> what's the -- >> did everybody hear that question? >> the question is, if you are looking at the case of tree planting and you have an area in which there is a high population tenants only 30 percent of san francisco owns homes. the property owner has to sign off on the tree planting but the property owner may not live in the building.
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if the renters are interested and the property owner is not the property owner wants but the renter wants to park their car. how do you deal with those issues. >> i have been a renter and been involved in plantings as a renter. i think -- start with the assumption now as a homeowner i think, renters they don't have anything anything invested in the neighborhood they are here today and gone tomorrow. that's not true. they're just as invest instead neighborhood because of living there and they can pull the strings on who has to sign and release the magic reliability form to the city. >> it goes back to finding the stake holders. most of the people on the pta's and our schools are renters.
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they are very concerned about the state our schools and the quality of our education for their kids and are willing to put in time and energy to doing that. the other thing i would say is i mean, planting a tree is about a lot more than planting a tree. it's taking back your neighborhood. putting a mural on a vandalizeded wall is more than art it's about you know, and -- finding stake holders. >> yeah i would say that's my experience to gererro there are many blocks because of all the traffic it'sal a's all tenants. because the sidewalks are so narrow and there is no street scape it's a hostile place to live with few exceptions everyone, regardless of whether they own or not want to see a
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liveable city and greening. my experience is the tenants are the ones that go to the property owners and say we will take care of it can we have a tree much the property owners the way you get them will say, look it will raise the value of the property you can raise rent. there are various ways to appeal to what it is that will get somebody to sign o. if your tenants say the balance of my lease i promise to water the streets or pick up the dog poop that accumulates in it. one group to bear in mind in all of this conversation is most [inaudible] you have to have a physical sponsor that will help you with your grant amount.
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that is actually an incredible boom there are terrific fiscal sponsors in the city. there's the san francisco clean city coalition that runs the san francisco tool lending center. there is liveable city. there is the friends of the urban forest. the neighborhood parks council. the reason i bring these up now is part of the conversations with stake holders you have are with the fiscal sponsor. many of the fiscal sponsors have technical skills and lots of experience with the city that they will absolutely share with you and become stake holders in your project. >> yep.
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>> right. you might want to bounce your if you have an idea and we haven't addressed it. you might go down and talk to those people and bounce your ideas. >> one of my sponsors 8 years ago was the bernel heights neighborhood center and it dealt with the vandalized wall. they became my fiscal sponsor and talk about a community alli and way to reach, like the tree with branches that reached out to the other people in the neighborhood. what better resource to work with? >> great. >>
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>> right. the question is if you require certain permits if your project requires permits dou have to have the permit necessary place before you aply the answer is, no. however, you would caution you th that there are some things that will not fly and some things are complicated and you should vet them with city agents and stake holders to get a sense if it's feasible or not. it's common sense stuff; right ? >> no. it eliminated 3 parking spaces and narrowed the roadway.
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so you can go through but it's apparent as a driver you are in a space that you should drive slow and cautiously because tell will look and feel like more of a closet than a road. so it's about choices and over lays of multiple uses rather than the monocars here and people here culture. >> that type of street type is common in europe oon here it's wooners. and they are shared space. what do the british call them. shared streets? [laughter]. wooners means living streets. in dutch. you know. done in denmark, england, holland and germany for 25 years
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>> uh-huh. dpw has alot of underutilized parcels that are too small to be parks. you have to initiate a street parks program and talk to liz and she will help you about what's possible. what springs to mind is shotwell avenue in the mission. jane started a nonprofit called plant sf. they it quality of life issues on their street.
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they have a 24 foot sidewalk great for parking your cars. that's what people did on shotwell in the evenings for the purposes of prostitution. people would park perpendicular. the neighborhood became a parking lot for prostitution and there was dumping and drug use and it was driving people crazy. she figured out we will make lemonade. the kicker was in the floods of 2002 in the mission and she woke up in backed up sewage. twin peeks down the hill backed to the mission. see realized that we are relying too much on the city's storm water
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