tv [untitled] October 15, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST
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. >> my name is mark tieman and i'm senior councilor at pet camp, san francisco, california. we dispose of a lot of carbon-based material here, dog poop, and the more we can turn that into something viable, the better off we are. in san francisco there's more dogs than children. finding a viable use for dog poop. >> proenvironmental policies, that's a way to win hearts and minds.
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>> this has been interesting and exciting week in san francisco, the last week of september. this was a company that is well known to many people, but boat -- that will be well known to many more people. >> we are home to twitter, wikimedia, foursquare, and we are home to a 270,000 square foot headquarters at 8th and brannan, zenga. it was leaked they are announcing their new headquarters.
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america's cup. those of you not familiar, you should just care on this basis, besides the love of the sport and showcasing the natural beauty and wonderment that is sailing in the san francisco bay, you should care because of those 9000 jobs. the economic stimulus for the region is the equivalent of three super bowls. if we succeed in getting the america's cup to defend the cup here, there is great expectation that they will win that defense and continued to make subsequent investments for many years to come, so this is an extraordinary moment and opportunity to really jump start our regional economy and our local economy, and i want to congratulate everyone that has worked their tails off to get us this far. the reason i mention this is because this week, we submitted our term sheet to the board of supervisors, laying out the scope and commitment we are making to being the host city. we have a lot of work ahead of us. we expect a decision in the
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next weeks, but the determination of which of those three countries will host the 34th america's cup will be determined very soon. i just cannot say enough about all the elected family here in san francisco, and the corporate commitments we are getting from ceo close of companies large and small throughout the bay area that have really stepped up -- from ceo's of companies large and small. king juan carlos and berlusconi have been involved in the country's bids. we have a different kind of political system in terms of expectations and other folks -- other things that falls in d.c. are focused on. there is a lot going on. we hope to get rid elections and then see that same kind of enthusiasm. i expect we will, back in washington, d.c., not just the state. again, thank you to speaker
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progress -- speaker perez for release stepping up. third thing is we had a really exciting announcement as well -- at least i thought it was -- because we actually competed against cities large and small across the country for a $12,000,000.30-year grant that cames from the great -- from the gates foundation -- $12 million three-year grant that came from the gates foundation. there were years where they were not so sure that we had our act together as it relates to public education. in this case, we are one of four cities that received a multi- year grant, millions of dollars used to focus on college going culture and partnerships that will be developed. we call it a bridge to success. 2.9 million students in the community college system.
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we often forget how important the community college is for vocational training and the community track and for people regardless of their time in life to get quality education, but we needed to create a framework to streamline our data collection, to streamline our collective efforts, and the gates grant will allow us to do that over three years. here is a good idea that his generated money and resources and support. our job is to implement it and deliver on this promise, and that will happen with your good work and your good judgment, and so in closing, let me thank you in advance for that work. let me thank you in advance for your collaborative and these partnerships that you will advance. let me thank you for your wisdom in getting us here today and remind you -- the future is not in front of us. it is inside of us. we will determine the fate and that future of this program and whether or not more money will flow because we have aligned our collective strategies in a new
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and profound way. again, as one of four cities that will be receiving that $12 million. i want to applaud hydro mendoze for really leading that charge. and everyone at the community college system for release stepping up to the plate and showing what we can do. and we built public-public partnerships, not just public/private partnerships, and really worked in a collaborative. my core beliefs has always been that money should not be the limiting believe, meaning a lack of money. if you have a better idea, the money can start flowing. i have always believed that. that is why we did universal health care. it was not that we had hundreds of millions of dollars at our disposal. we had a better idea. same case here. because of the work we have done with kindergarten and college and because we are handing out
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college savings accounts to many kindergartners that are entering the system, because of the work we did for san francisco promise and the guarantee of a four-year education for our sixth graders, because of the work that has been vance by the school board, all of those things contributed to us getting in the mix and getting this grant, and now, the eyes of this foundation and others are upon us to actually deliver on promised, so i cannot be more complementary and enthusiastic about what this means. i have always said that once the mine is stretched, it can never go back to its original form. once we create that kind of imagination in the mind of a young child that now has a streamlined pathway to that bridge to success, which is a college education or career track through community college, then great things happen, so that is really where we celebrated earlier this week, down at that community college campus, and out in ocean avenue. complement's and hats off to
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everyone who made that happen. finally, a bit of sober news, but also new is that i think should give us pause and a little bit of optimism. we are going to lose the federal funding it looks like on this jobs now program, which is arguably a back breaker for hundreds of thousands -- and i mean that literally, hundreds of thousands of families across this country that may lose their jobs, but rather than just accept that fate, we have some ideas. we have 4127 families that have been benefited because of the jobs now program. most aggressive expansion of this program of any city or state in the nation. they should be complimented and truly elevated in people's minds in terms of the good work they have done. we recognize that this federal money may go away, and we are still fighting for it. we have not given it up completely, but we are going to
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take some existing job-training money and redirected and realign it so we can keep roughly 470 slots available to those families that would otherwise lose their jobs. the hope is that roughly half of those 4000-plus families will keep their jobs because a private employer will keep them on, particularly through the holidays because so many of those jobs are in the service industry. in january, to make sure we can build that bridge, we are going to create some incentives and open up the opportunity for folks to continue to get some benefit for continuing to employ some of these individuals so they can support their families. it requires us to redirect about $9 billion that we will be asking the board of supervisors to help us redirect. the other money was going out anyway, but not totally dissimilar programs. we think the best job training is on the job training. we think the best job is not
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receiving $450 a week in unemployment, but $447 a week which many people do through our transitional program, but that comes with the dignity of the job itself and a paycheck and the work ethic behind it. this is important, and i think i have brought this up in these weekly videos probably 20 times. i would say 30, but that would be exaggerating. we are fighting hard in congress. speaker pelosi has been a great. senator feinstein and boxer has been a great. the president said he would sign the extension of the bill. it is just pretty damning that we have a program that is creating private-sector jobs, creating a real opportunity, giving people a real opportunity, and a costs for many folks less than it costs the taxpayers to just hand out an unemployment check. yet, there is no debate about extending it, even though we rightly extended the
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unemployment insurance benefits. this is frustrating, but nonetheless, we will keep fighting, and that frustration has borne some ingenuity and entrepreneurialism on our part to think about our existing job- training programs, again, so we can provide at least a framework of 1740 slots and the opportunity to extend this program for many families. that is the update for the week. a lot of things to talk about, but those are four important things, and we look forward to checking back in in a week or two talking about our progress on jobs now and america's cup, and those other companies i mentioned that will be making some big commitments to our city.
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>> we came to seven straight about 10 years ago. -- 7th street about 10 years ago. the environment is huge. it is stronger than willpower. surrounding yourself with artists, being in a culture where artists are driving, and where a huge amount of them is a healthy environment. >> you are making it safer. push, push. that is better.
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when i start thinking, i see it actually -- sometimes, i do not see it, but when i do, it is usually from the inside out. it is like watching something being spawned. you go in, and you begin to work, excavate, play with the dancers, and then things began to emerge. you may have a plan that this is what i want to create. here are the ideas i want to play with, but then, you go into the room, and there maybe some fertile ideas that are becoming manifest that are more interesting than the idea you had initially set out to plan. so there has to be this openness for spontaneity. also, a sense that regardless of the deadline, that you have tons of time so the you can keep your creativity alive and not cut it off and just go into old habits. it is a lot like listening. really listening to watch what
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is going to emerge. i like this thing where you put your foot on his back. let's keep it. were your mind is is how you build your life. if you put it in steel or in failure, it works. that works. it is a commitment. for most artists, it is a vacation and a life that they have committed themselves to. there is this notion that artists continue to do their work because of some kind of the external financial support. if that was taken away, artists would still do their art. it is not like there is a prerequisite for these things to happen or i will not do it. how could that be? it is the relationship that you have committed to. it is the vocation.
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no matter how difficult it gets, you are going to need to produce your art. whether it is a large scale or very small scale. the need to create is going to happen, and you are going to have to fulfill it because that is your life. >> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to a gorgeous day on treasure island. in the redevelopment director of the treasure island authority. would you please rise for the singing of the national anthem?
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>> ♪ o, say, can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hail at the twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming and the rockets' red glare the bombs bursting in air dates proof through the night -- gave proof through the night that our flag was still there o, say, does that star spangled
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navy, ray davis. [applause] and the honorable mayor of the city and county of san francisco, gavin newsom. [applause] today we stand on the brink of the future of this island by commemorating the historic agreement with the transfer of the formal the -- naval station from a united states navy to the city and county of san francisco. i know i speak for many people who have worked extremely hard to make this day a reality, people on all sides of the table, across organizations, when i say that it is truly an honor and a proud moment. i would like to take a moment to acknowledge our many partners and supporters who are here today. please forgive me if i do not mention everyone. there are too many of you to name individually, but i would like to recognize, and if you
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would please stand, former mayor willie brown, current and past members of the treasure island development authority board of directors. our treasure island citizens advisory board, and the treasure island homeless development initiative, one of our great partners, and of course, our private sector partners, the treasure island community development. and to the many folks in the audience, the many members of the city family and regional partners who we work with on a daily basis, and now, it is my great pleasure to introduce the mayor of the city and county of
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san francisco, the honorable gavin newsom. [applause] mayor newsom: thank you all for being here. i could not hear a word that jack just said because i'm sitting next to the flag, but obviously, it shows who is expandable up here, the person sitting on this side of the stage, but let me welcome speaker of the house nancy pelosi and secretary mavis and all the people that helped make this day possible. welcome and thank you for your leadership and your stewardship, to mayor willie brown and all of his hard work. his then staffer, now my staffer, who worked so diligently through two administrations to get us through this day. i thank you. to the development team. to the residents of this island that have been patient beyond imagination.
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with the hope and expectation we would get to this point. to all those that are looking forward to the ground breaking to be hosted some time next year. it is pretty remarkable -- this is a small city, and about 10% of our land happens to be on three principal areas. all three of them former naval bases. out there in hunters point. the army out on presidio, and here on treasure island. 25-plus-hundred acres in the '70s -- the 1970's, 1980's, 1990's. since then, we have been talking about revitalization. we have been talking about reconstituting these pieces of property. just two weeks ago i had the pleasure and privilege of signing 12 pieces of legislation, marking over the
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course of over two decades over the course of hunters point. creating a framework on an economic development framework for 10,500 new housing units, 32% of them below market. hundreds of thousands of square feet of new retail space. yes, a new stadium for somebody someday as well as revitalizing the county, which is long overdue. this was an extraordinary moment, and here we are just a couple weeks later celebrating another extraordinary and historic moment. we have been talking about this since 1993, informal process that began this. the formal negotiations in 1994. the navy ceased operations formally here in about 1997. we are standing, remarkably, on awpa project -- on a wpa project
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were folks started taking land and rocks and putting this project out here. then, it was supposed to be converted. you can only imagine, as an airport. luckily, there was some wisdom, and that vision did not take shape, but for over half a century, the navy has been out here doing administrative work and training work, and we have been figuring out what exactly to do in the last decade and a half. we could not do it alone. we needed to work with the navy. we needed the process of an agreement. we needed a private partner, and we worked to gain that support, but it was not easy because this is a different era, appropriately, where you cannot just take a dollar bill out of your left pocket and handed to the secretary of the navy and say, open a " thank you for the property" and walk away and start to develop it. we needed to create a different framework with a participation
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agreement. what we're celebrating here is a long negotiation where we developed a strong partnership with the navy and the private developers, where if we do well in the city, if the developer does well, then the navy does well. our federal taxpayers do well. we have a participation agreement that in many ways we think will become a model for other similar agreements across the country. it was not easy to put together, but we are here today to celebrate that agreement. we are here today to celebrate a two-page term sheet that the secretary, myself, the speaker, and others agreed to in december of last year that now is about and 80-page legal document, and financial framework for the future of this site, and we are here to celebrate that we're just months away from some time next year developing literally thousands of jobs. 30% of the units below market.
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another 300 acres of open space. the wetlands. a new ferry terminal source, smaller version. a new waterfront. the most aggressive environmental policy organized around sustainable development that will allow this to be arguably the most environmentally friendly in field development in american history. it is an extraordinary vision and extraordinary project that will also ultimately include wind generation, surprisingly, and some state of the our efforts, and we hope eventually, that waves power project we have here off the coast will also play a key role in terms of the cogeneration and generation of renewals that will mark and distinguish this great read of elements. that is why i'm here -- to give thanks and gratitude for all the work hard to get us here. i want to thank those just once again, the secretary, for his willingness to think differently
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and look differently at this project. this project was dead many many times, but it was because of his willingness to look at this in a new light and consider things that previous secretaries of the navy had not considered because of the great work of his staff and both the department of defense and because, more importantly, of the incredible commitment, not just passing interest, speaker ned to pelosi, who started this thing through three presidential administrations, secretaries of navy, mayors like me that come and go, members of the board of supervisors, treasure island development authority that stuck it out for all this time. to nancy pelosi, thank you yet again. what a remarkable effort. you deserve an enormous amount of credit. we thank you. we are proud of you. this is a big deal. on top of
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