tv [untitled] November 1, 2010 4:00am-4:30am PST
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evidenced by me getting endorsed by people such as our current mayor newsom. these are people who are highly respect. there on the site of what is right for the people, the common sense approach. i cannot be pigeonholed into an ideological stance. >> thank you. >> miss smith. >> i have rarely missed something. some of these people, since the 1970's, our community has been declining. i'm the person who said -- you know what? the leadership we have had is not working. if it is not working, why are we still doing the same thing? i am a mother. i was 57 when i filed my intent to run. i'm now 58. with a 41-year-old son and grandchildren, i did not like
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what i saw. i did not like what i felt was a lack of leadership, strong leadership, for the people. it is for the people, of the people, by the people, and that it is us. if it is not us, then it is them. there's not one person in this room that is happy. there's nothing to be happy about. we need someone strong. in a right or wrong person. if it's right, i want to go with it. i will not be popular all the time, but i will be right. >> neighbors, earlier i mentioned that we have a very interesting progressive-moderate pull. if you do not stake your claim, they will do it for you. the reality is, we have pockets of progress of folks. we have homeowners that are conservative.
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we have ethnic communities that have certain reservations when it comes to a lot of the progressive ideas. the reality is, in a pragmatic leader. i've been able to demonstrate this by working nine majoin the mayor's office. also, i've garnered support with the assemblywoman. it goes back to the original point. we do need a consensus builder. we need someone who understands the challenges on a daily basis. thank you. when i first started running, people told me that i needed to pick a certain look because i looked like a hippie. then i got some suits. people said i looked too
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conservative. i would say that i made good, solid democrat. i think district 10 is different, and so am i.. i think of myself as an independent. i believe in good government. i believe in putting the community first. my tagline has been, we live here, let's tell our own story. that did not come from a poll or a consultant. that came fro year experiences and 500 meetings working on the issues facing this district. i'm focused on solving problems. that's what i will bring to the office. >> our next question is from the audience. i am sorry. >> no one is going to let me ducked >> i am chris jackson.
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i used to chair the budget committee. it is the only major public institution to submit a balanced budget without laying off a single teacher or frontline worker. we expanded our outreach program. we instituted the gateway to college program to help high- school dropouts get there. i am working class advocate. i am working class progressive. i do believe in some of these struggles. they are real. sutter health is something to hundred $50,000 into our district to tell us what to do. that is unfortunate. they do not want to allow nurses to organize. -- i believe in the right of the folks to organize. i have been forced by harvey milk and the laborers. i believe we need to expand affordable housing. we need real job opportunities. we need to talk stopped the bout migration of working-class families from the city. -- we need to stop the out
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migration of working-class families from the city. that is where i am on the political spectrum. >> mr. jackson, i will give you 10 more seconds because of my oversight. thanks you, sir. let's start with mr. lacy with the next question from the audience. the support more housing development or business development? >> both. we definitely need for housing. the housing cannot have no place for small businesses. we have to increase opportunities for local small businesses in the district and also housing. we do that in a few ways. the development projects at bayview/hunters point, we make sure that there are opportunities for affordable housing. also, we make sure that local businesses have an opportunity to thrive in those markets. we do that by instituting things
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like theú3áx9ç. for small businesses and the community benefits agreement. also, by making sure that the businesses that do exist have the support they need from the city. what mi>> miss morris? >> i support more businesses. people have to feel safe to patronize businesses. we have to look at community support and partnerships with law enforcement so that our businesses can stay open longer and more patrons can come by. we can open businesses every day, but if people do not feel safe and visit in their corridors late night, the businesses will not flourish. of course, more housing. i am a social worker. more tax credits for housing.
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san francisco is becoming an elitist town. we need more affordable housing for our working class to low income community. i am pushing for more affordable housing and for businesses to be safe. >> mr. moss? >> i think if you allow the status quo, we will not have affordable housing or jobs. most of the time when we say that we want jobs, they are imaginary. no one creates jobs. even at the shipyard, they talk about feeding thousands of jobs -- creating thousands of jobs -- but they are all on paper. we should be paying careful attention to making sure the housing is built and extra sure that the jobs are created. there are huge opportunities in district 10 to have that happen. we've talked about the wholesale produce market. did to me jobs around food production and catering.
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-- there can be jobs created around food production and catering. the shipyard needs to be treated as a job center. we need to have companies coming there. i am mystified when we do not have the leadership from the mayor on down getting on the phone and calling potential employers and telling them that they're welcome to come here and that we want them here. i think jobs are very important. >> thank you, sir. mr. smith? >> we definitely need both. this is the only district in san francisco that has that many boarded up homes. it is unbelievable. we need development, but it has to be responsible. i am a big fan of folks owning their own property and businesses as part of the committee. they do it in cleveland. if they do it there, we can do it in san francisco. we need to drive the economic engine here by bringing in businesses and cooperative models that will sustain us. what we have right now is not
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sustainable. we need housing. we need development. it has got to be responsible. it has got to be with community input. it has got to the outcome based. that is what we need. we cannot do one of the other. it has to be both. it has to be all-inclusive. >> miss sweet? >> this summer, and held a news conference concerning violence. -- i held a news conference concerning violence. -- youth conference concerning violence. i thought i would have to make phone calls and get kids jobs. i ended up getting 50 jobs. the number one priority in district 10 in this person's opinion is jobs. jobs are what is going to make this district -- bring it back to where it should be in the great city of san francisco. that can only happen if we have more business. we need homes.
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you cannot pay for your home without a job. if i were to give a choice, it would definitely be jobs, jobs with local hiring demand. we need more businesses to come in. we need to come in with the attitude that they are going to hire locally. that is what is going to drive our economic injun of. with the 10,500 slated to be built at the shipyard, we do not need to look for more housing at this time. >> thain q for the question. for the last five years, i have been working on a balance. the thank you for the question. i like balance. wherever that leads me, it leads me to a place where i believe in win-win. i do not believe everyone has to lose. i am the real estate broker by profession. i became a real-estate broker because i saw the disparity.
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i saw the building of the homes and wondered who was going to live there with a 73% and employment rate. some people disagree with me on that. i know the people out there who do not even file any more. they do not complete anything. i 'd small-business assistance immediately. i am for any business coming to the district. no more outsourcing of our jobs. district 10 is first. san francisco is first. >> miss cohen? >> it is very difficult to address whether i would support housing over jobs. the first question we need to talk about his education and strengthening the education system. when you begin to develop a robust education policy in san
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francisco, need to identify pathways that will lead to jobs and careers, sustainable careers that will lead to a person being able to afford housing. we're looking for sustainability. the number one way to destabilize any community is for a home to go into foreclosure. that usually happens to someone is under-employed has lost their job. that is where i stand. we need to have pathways to careers that are sustainable. that will help to stabilize communities that would then lead to jobs. thank you. >> we do have a tremendous amount of housing programs for district 10. the shipyard has over 10,000 homes planned for phase two. let's not forget about phase one that has homes planned if the
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49ers' do not stay, we will have more homes. this more like 15,000 homes just of the shipyard -- at the shipyard in candlestick. we have a lot of info coming in bayview. we have rebuilds of public housing. i think the public dollars from redevelopment need to go towards economic development. we have the requirement to fund a historic survey in the bay view project area. we can use the knowledge to create an historic district. we can create a lot of character in the bayview town center. we can do other things in the commercial quarters. there are two approaches to affordability. raising income is one we need to focus more attention on. >> mr. jackson? >> when we talk about housing, jobs, and careers, we do not go the step deeper we need to. what types of housing question
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if there is no clamoring for an abundance of market rate housing. this committee has a deficit in the affordable housing. -- this community has a deficit in affordable housing. we did not sign up to have the regional housing crisis of on our backs. we need a strategy to solve the foreclosure issues happening in our communities. we support is sustainable for affordable housing and affordable housing construction. we also need to ensure we have a cooperative land trust approach to ensure the when people are for closed on a home, the city can buy foreclosed property to help keep those people in their homes. when we talk about job development, what types of jobs? >i want to have a commitment toa green collar and blue collar jobs so that the unemployment
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rate will have the jobs meeting the needs of the community here. >> mr. kelly was in the? >> about 80% of the district, more than 4,000 acres have been rezoned or are under redevelopment in the past few years. the genius of that is there is planning going on. the challenge is it will double the population of the district, more than 100,000 people. how you manage the growth becomes the challenge for the next supervisor, to build complete the roads and manage job growth in the diverse working-class economy. i do not believe we have a housing crisis. we have an affordable housing prices. there are measures that the board has taken with rezoning to maintain affordable housing and preserve jobs.
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we cannot get amnesia about that with a new supervisor. i know a lot of the measures because i worked on them. i will keep on them when i am in office for. -- when i am in office. >> next question is, how can you bring tourism dollars to district 10? ms. morris? >> it would be nice if the forty-niners stay. i think district 10 needs to reinvent itself. every community has a look. it is something we need to do. i have not really thought about what it would be for district 10. our incomes are so different. we of the extremely poor to middle to wealthy.
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maybe studies some landmarks and put it on the tourist map to bring people here ended the tour buses to see the old shipyard with the hunters point shipyard, we can use that definitely has a tourist site. that will be our biggest tourist site in district 10 probably. >> i worked in dogpatch. a cruise ship would stop off. the people would get on the bus to get out of there. they did not realize when they were being let off there. we have a waterfront in district 10, but we do not seem to understand it because we do not have access to it. the way you bring tourists to district 10 is by bringing back the waterfront. you can bring it back with better wetlands, better recreational opportunities,
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redeveloping. 70 -- pier 70. in the zoo world-class asset that is sinking into the bay. but -- it is a world-class asset that is sinking into the bay. it has the best weather ever. it has an interesting shoreline with a great history. we need to tell the story in a way that people can visit and enjoy it, including the residents and not just the tourists. >> mr. smith? >> i love living at dogpatch. it is wonderful to live there. it is sunny and not foggy. there is good food. there is a new ice cream store that i should not be going to. i would like to see third street turned into a destination. i am a big fan of business zones that encourage tourism. we can rebuild that strip and
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drive the business is to be more sustainable. we should be celebrating our heritage, our african-american heritage. this should be the destination for folks. they come to the castro and other places. we can have our own place. we should have that. that is one thing i will strive for. that is one thing i would like to see happen. the community can benefit. there will be amenities for them. tourism can come there. we can have banners and signs. we can have all of those things in district 10. we deserve it. that is what i would like to see. >> thims. sweet? >> i read over the shipyard plan and saw the was a 9,000 ft arena. it was planned as a small arena. i got on the phone and started making calls to find out what you put in in 9,000 ft irina.
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-- what you put in a 9,000 ft irina. the answer was 18, preferably a women's team. -- answer was 18, preferably a women's team. someone came out for a conversation on how we could make this happen. my idea has translated into a campaign platform for one of the women running for the mayor right now. they want the team. the idea with tourists is to have to have a destination point. you have to have something to bring them into your area. we did a scavenger hunt. we do have a lot of good destinations in district 10. something that would be a major draw -- ag. >-- thank you. >> i have been meeting with a couple of -- the project manager for cold ironing.
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it is a way to transfer power from the tourist ship to land power. the computers and various technical equipment does not disconnecte. it simultaneously transfers power. that will cut down tremendously on air pollution. while the cruise ships are idling, they're putting out tons of pollution. tourism is going to expand. pier 27 is going to expand. we have a large waterfront property. some of the most valuable property in san francisco is in district 10. as tourism expands, we would have to do some dredging. the plans are there. a lot of ideas are coming through you. it was not done. >> ms. cohen. >> in our community, we have the
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highest number of children in the southeast. we have few opportunities to interact with our friends, family, and kids. how about we take some of this land that we are talking about developing and make it family friendly. create an opportunity. when tourists come to san francisco, they're stopping in the mission and chinatown. let's create an opportunity for them to stop in our neighborhood. let's create something that we can all benefit from. the other thing i think is a good idea is to create an art is in food -- artisan food district. we could bring in all the different flavors we have in our communities and nestle it around the waterfront. the opportunities are golden. we need to be smart. we should not squander our resources. we should be very thoughtful on
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how we develop the land and who we invite to be part of our community. >> ms. enea. >> district 10 has what every tourist thinks they will find in san francisco. of the waterfront, diversity. i am certain there will be a date in my lifetime when i can rent a boat at pier 70, have lunch along the shoreline, do birdwatching. i have mentioned history. we have huge upside in terms of tourist potential. we have to be real. tourists will want to feel safe. i want to feel safe. safety is interrelating to all of these issues. people want to feel safe in the commercial shopping districts. we need to invest more in community policing, crime prevention efforts like paid on i am pleased with the efforts
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being made by the captains. we need to do more of that having the police and the president's coming together. we can have safety for ourselves and our tourists. >> mr. jackson. >> we have to strengthen our small businesses. the great attraction to san francisco is that they get to go to our great restaurants, museums, small businesses. without small businesses, we do not have the magnet to bring folks to our neighborhoods. we have an issue in the western addition where were crosses would drive to the neighborhood but not visit -- where the tour buses would drive through the neighborhood but not visit. toward businesses go through district 10. they know how to findmfrlvçi the district. the idle the buses and to not put us on the tour map. i would mandate that if you drive to our neighborhood, you ought to come visit.
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i would do that. i would create more parks and open spaces and support small businesses. this would be done for the folks who live in district 10. they would not be done just for tourists. they would be done primarily for the people that live here. the tourists would then come visit our wonderful neighborhood. >> mr. kelly. >> need waterfront development and development of the arts. i was the only district 10 resident to serve on the advisory committee for the port on the giants' parking lot. and worked specifically on the proposal about the arena for a professional basketball team and various venues including a hotel. i am familiar with waterfront development. i think i know what will bring that home. that project was also to support pier 70. i also served as the vice chair of the arts task force. i built a theater that is the
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only professional non-profit performing arts venue in all in district 10. the arts are a major driver of the tourism industry. we need arts venues. burning man is looking for a year round site to operate. imagine bringing that to a site in the city here around. that is what appears 70 can do. it would be kind of crazy but fun. that is exactly what would bring people here. -- that is what pierr 70 70 can do. it would be kind of crazy but fun. that is what would bring people here. [laughter] >> there are some things we need to increase tourism. we need to have good transportation from the rest of the city so that folks can come to the district. that means tackling the muni problem c. what about and hotel that is
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locally run? it would give tourists a place to stay within the district so that they would not have to depart in cars on a one-hour trip. they could see all the parks the people talking about. that is the way we increase tourism. we have a beautiful district and neighborhood. that is why we live here. to make it accessible, we need to tackle transportation. we need to make it safe. we need to also make sure that there are businesses that will support the tourists that come here. >> mr.a , assuming you are the no. 1 vote-getter in the november 2 election, whom do you support or indoors for second and third choice candidates region who do you support or endorse -- who else do you
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support or endorse for second and third choice? >> i will answer this. much the same way others would. i am running my campaign. i am focusing on the issues i think are important. i have not decided to what i would support. -- i have not decided who i would support. i am not going to answer this question in a straightforward way. [laughter] everybody in the audience does have the opportunity to vote for three candidates and probably should. i tell this to my friends. you can look me in the eye with your tony kelly t-shirt and tell me you will vote for me. we need to understand that we have three choices. i have not made my decision about who i will push the button 4. >> mr. smith. after hearing that, i have not made my decision either. [laughter]
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there are a lot of great candidates appear. i have worked with many of them. i do not know what i will do. we believe that to the voters. -- we will leave that to the voters. you will have to ask who will be best suited to serve the community and the district, and on the board of supervisors. that is what it comes down to. i do not know if it is steve>so. i am just kidding. that will be the important thing. there are many qualified folks appear. i know many of them. i have worked with many of them. i do not know some of them as well. i think he will make the best choices when it comes time. i hope that i am one of them. if not, i hope i am one of the other choices. >> ms. sweet. >> with 41 days
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