tv [untitled] November 3, 2010 12:00am-12:30am PST
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gornment's fresight rojec on floing nd coaaldefse and e eec li ange there urands here. the left-nd band ithe present scenario th's a smary of the av analamage esult of flooding in the uk. th wehe fourer ds and these are the four uture scenarios. this is looki at eay h worlconomic enronment and hothat mht h n te fu. th is n conom envient tat i bedon wod mkets divg econ e next onesb on l tese ving he economy. the nt onis ne of local to egnaeno ad t g reduced ght iseytng diven sicallo t bsif environmt protection. our feelg the moment s th 's the second ofthe at is the most lik ha is nationanterpri model. and we can see as we look at
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that that there's going to be very substantial increase in flooding in the future and within that, that the biggest increase is likeliest to occur within our urban environments. so although we will see a very significant increase in flooding due to river flooding and flooding due to coastal impacts, the biggest cause or biggest increase in flooding in the future is likely to be within the urban area. what we've been wrestling with is how might restart to adapt to that? how might we cope with that future? this one shows the number of properties affected. what's interesting about this one is there isn't the same differential between the future assumptions that irrespective of how we see global economy developing we're likely to see something in the order of 4 to 5 times the number of properties affecd by urban flooding in the uture if we continue with our current
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levels of investment. we have exactly the same picture if we look at coastal impacts as well, that shows the same sort of picture, although the increase is perhaps more dramatic. we see here something like an 8 to 10 fold rise in the number of properties affected. so how might we deal with some of this? one of the things the projects wod te imiciofng at w coinngithour uent li managinba drainageanagi rive fldi, nanagcota dens whatcan see st h storagsoluons 're d throbms inurb, the ost of hose od b o iree soin een o ad urmes prest ayalues. ifwe e olicof stretention to crea coeyce, we an ctainha coalleit e ost rses re not oig
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ther twot .times present day vaesbutt o n counfor theimpao h urban ommuns, he sron a ls sinees tt ecse urban systems. of ou iwe weocntl th scharg tprenday impact standar, hen w i beloetngike 3 to 10 times the cost f managing hedischargend erflows. and as has alrdybeen said today, gvethat our investme in nfrastcture is cog n rei it's ry uikely t af , thmoiging be avaible o eal withuan chge roloongma toluonthere it thse are goi o bval sat
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feible in thfute long-termecse f the imp climate change. i'd ke o give smeemples of some slhtly aternative solutions thatare being oposedow nhothose might changea some of the headne solutions the rst messageihat when we're looking to contl iver floongnd urban floodin then conveyance i ilyto become more popular than oragnd attentionchemes. a ts showsa lengtof mplete n river that's been bui to the west o lond. thii the jubie river. re ily to see me he es. convance solutis ofthis pe beingconstructed in the futu. many of you ilbamiliar th the thames garagepro. this has been in operati or
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quite a umber years and esntiallprotects he hole of the essential london ea om ring sa leve. his will ha o e replace with a much bgeareri the future starts hav alrebeen mad lning and titi . will be totalimpsibl toefd a are future.vrisihe t s halue areas ere e will be able t af su protection from coast chans. in our urban areaasell, as i said, w wll not e ab to ford simply to iree he ze of our infstructe deal wh t evtse will a a rul of clite cge. this iaptu f se
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floo in gassotlan . you cn he ontrutio thathe draage syemis ng here. you n see he werof s srfe. he foovt sd t sem s to pacityxitely s tothto. only nveyed le erceo floodwater. the sorlaoaout ho 80erntof tfw co othe suac ue vood e h tha goompof t sotreme hat frequeian eas. our badrnage syem nveying st othe lood ter th as fm ense storms andty re ely t even less likely able o carry that i he futu.
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so how ae we going to cope with that aspect? what we're starting it look at in e u s how do e esign our urban areas bter so these flood fws can emanaged ove gun recognizinth major above ground system is going to have to playa key role in coeying storm water in the future. by conver ood phways, creasing e between buils anev desting sacrificial th c b cred in afodeent. tast art iwant osay th is beingpiln t
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pls st tsameto ve to coastal def. i'd lito perhaps expln a little bitbout why intrated proachs import is is apicture ofa lave small ar of flooding in te noh of eland. small picturut 'd ke to ta you thr. the first n t t left shows the sour ohe flding. thisis i win a i develobecause alarge area of largely rural of ld got comptely water logged a en ding a storm vt hat tewaed offtat areinto the uan area. theresponsibility for naging that drainage liewith the local draigeauthority, whi is the rainage ard. itfwed n t highways in the area -- yose in hto right icture ighway flooding. respsibility f draing t highway is te lcal highway
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authority. t en flowed intohe preron the left of the pictur as sooas it crsepasthe wall tre n the ropert the responsibili for that draige shifted to the drainage -te esnsility of t lalwat company, icis arivatcompany reonsiblin prt for draining property. it went ithugthe front doors those propertiesit went down ne foor a came out through the bdoors, as we can see n the ottom ft-hand picture, nd drained f. anunderneathaswe see in the oomright, ehind some oftheprerties is also an undergrod culvert wich also but open causi flooding. that is thepoibility of the local -- differenlocal draige ahoty ere's our different aencies ryime anlize di eve. ntohl.lleeo he ophte e loing ra
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they 'c is onble;y stwthe m ed. iffere urisdiconhvet start loping iegrate apchesr we wi n o e plic able deatelcope l b ime ange ffects ndeasowhy ited oach amportt i th in almo al cases urn oong is very, vcomplex. ight be de, as the top leftpicture sws, to erloading o the dainage inasuctureithin the rban ar. as the op ight-hand picture shs, t might be due o dualcncrelyl b
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how s hat om eng erveiry ffult. inctcondo y tce ledevop aproper anhen,rd, otheedsolutto e bl problemse have wh flood precti is that drainage enneers a lood protection gineers, for many, many yes in the develop orld have be working in theirown compartmen as the picture shows, th i always the way we did ur urban drnage planning. but what we're begning it realize is h we have o thk about ts ithe much decte f urban aea and rogzeat the are other agenci nvolv, t just the raina agencies. tre's a transporta agcyhe pnng agenci,
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health a siaservices and so on. whenwe sta to get thes encies aund the ae all ing together f common objectives, e haveauch somef t challens at we have to face. and, finally, hat this graph shs,ga, thes4 future scenarios te rig, we've seen the onge onebefore, the potential eects conventional solutions, curnt scenario othe left-nd si, very graphic representation of at we ay sense, bt in llow we se the current poteial of iegrate apoaches if weget all the stake olders together a we get a integrated understandi ofe technities of the problem, th e ve a can of delopingsolutions that will
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cope wituture clime hange in a waythat may just about be affordable. so oll 'd like to conclu wi jt a few key messages. firsy, that conventional apoaes for flood protection are prably going to be unsustainable in the long-term likeliho oclimate change. secondly, extreme ents do need to e manag. we need othink about ow do we manage flood water on he grnd. thirdly, that conveyance i likely te ore cost effeive than the more traditnal attenuatioand storage solutions in t future. coastal protection is only kely to be affordable to protect high value aeas. urban foodingusbemaged abovground as wll as below apprch t w forward.ed thk you very much.
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we a sf, t all do ol d ar th eo sund by otofwater. andi sw ait sn fraco' silel ill ith weavacombined sewersystem. san frcisco's system staed to e built i te 1860's, o it's pretty well eebut ot by the 1930's or 40's. t was uilt a cmbined wer stemnd what th means isthat the sanitary sewa fl nrun off fm streets d storm daina all flows i the same ipes.
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the syst is built now with a large storage and rspt syst, e idea being w collect a rainyday we can collect a lot of the storm war,tore t in e system, then reat ilater when the rain tops. thislittleiagram shows you how the system would wo. adry d, most of the sewage would be coming down the pipe, it would be flowing into e big transport structures that exist around the city probably fwi rht at the boom of these very rge structures. ey re on the or of dozens of feet wide and ozens and doze of ft deep and hey have lite sloped bms n q ts at the ottom where mt of the dryweher sewageflows all the time. that wastewateis transported to thetrement lant. on a ai day, those transport e ructures, the lrge structure presented he centerf e pure,st
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nd tally. alws mazes mt wcha ow gge el gaug t ucs. justgiu a eir siif y oyou ae famili he righ t oan beach, thers oe abt two m labout etwide and aboe handleitorm so en ll, what happen is e have plan anpus hat can pump thirge vole of wat ita lge gree to ur treaent lants whe we can it in many cases fll condareatment. but on ve peak torm days, and this is something hat he other spearsha bought up and ow tesntse storms
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are prlematic or us, wh we gea bistorm we are pumping and eang all w can ut we n'have enough capacity to handlell the wat. so what willappen s these structures will fill and ten they will dischge. we callhat co sewe diharge into the bai the ocean i want you to take note o that pipe that's represted going t to he right therehere we draiinto the ocean. there's where we srt to g into our pblem with rising sea level. this is a ltle bit bigger representation of the slide will showed that was showing the bay side ofthe city. this is sort of our transport storage structure around the entire city. e call t a oat. it's the way we collect rain water for later treatment. as i said, in light to moderate storms we cn oa ptty good job ollecting all of t rain wat and sanitary sewage and running it through the treatment plant.
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in act, there re probably, in terms of calendar days, there might be 14 to 15 calendar days a ar where we ould actual have cbinesew ischarge. he wuld be nthe heavit storms. around this moat strucrein thcity ere are 36 outfalls. hese would b the overflow points when the system flsto capacity and we can't treat any more. the west sde of te ity doesn't presenn immediat oblem for s yet bee of its elevation. it's a bit hgher thane think will be mptete nt, sa 30to 50 years by risg seleve t's t bay si otcity where we nticipatsome probms. isa photo's alitt stormyda areknd of gray d ea and's toh to get a right piure of this. what oure eihere sone stct a wt you areischarge
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ngs ischarge of combinsege on a very heavy ra day, probablto9 perain war, de th domestic wa oou perct. i want to where y see the sewage cing out of this structure and when we o to the next li, iwa to compare th with the sea leve seen before.u ee here yu ha it's that clearly shows a historal tre f rising sea leve there's just o doubt about that. and onthe left-handsideof e cte i wanted to transport store struur thbay would be n the righ side of the ark blue ar and the dark blue line, the gap
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represents the weir. at's whe the overflow pot would be. if we progress on with ur projections of where sea lel is going, te horizontal red bar represents the lowest elevation of our current weir ructures. if we lk at ipcc projons, for example, of where tides are going, it doesn't take too long -- not too many years, maybe abou2013, 2014,we g to a point whereapeak tides we have very regularccurre of b war actually topng the weir and comg back int our system. the bad ne i we actually see this happeningow the pho on tlt is that same sucre you saw scharging in a pevious lide
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thwir strtures are the slots underneath. the lor righho you are seeing a high tdethat is actual n happing on a ormy day, not when we're having alot of ind nd til surge; it's just a ery high de th's aually topping er the weir andoming back into our ystem. he in thaif th ecom-- right n tis is ybe l imes, severadays yent. urand t sto.cosel wean sort death th. the ssui, thgh, his arts t , wh - ndfrigroemh
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ableo treaevytng atcomeou. weir lh-- the pt,these this we designeda lg time agand sume -- there's an assumed sea level, so you would set your wrs t a point higher than thaso any st of high tide youodn't expect o have any st of nflow int the system. but the wrs have to be t low enough that f y ha large inundaition, the drainage wi aen in a maer that n'cause a ba-up in the system and flood ppertieand streets like you saw i the previous slide. back flow and that's wh we really havt ook at in t next ltlwle. in fact, we ha -year master plan we're working on no'looking attis problem of inflow in the stem from high tides in a
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very serious way stt menting soi's just going to. soome f he things we could prably do od , f example, these --we call the l vals thatwe cou instl some of our weirs. sounds ime enough, but if yorember thenfiguration te weir i just howed you, ey are quite lo and we don't ha too manysortof pipes, small pes, like that that just end ad you c puta bn ndto prevt e f from comini buonptlly ocan do this wi a long weir. here'aher exampl a ng weir structure. this isrt of south of
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monsr park aong the b. on the lwer leftyu can e of te weirrrangent as it currently exists. one ofour ncepts would be -- it's a little hard to sbut yocan sort owall off those extingeirs andpt some sort of a dbill type of ba flow preventn in there. sowe see this as a near term solution to a currt proem we haveomhing we caar inht wd i tnk gineers gestthat his woulprobl'' y for t nex3yea thiis aed, w obvd er pro wi salt water ntrusion. start oking at the lnger termi don't really know wha you do other han instalmore pump will talked about this s a
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