tv [untitled] November 3, 2010 1:30am-2:00am PST
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pact. he bowling watershed i not a rh environment. we do regularly et snow 's not particularly siifict for our municipal supply. onof hese reasons is or he late springrin peri. at e typically ses the snow fall th does hed s oured out n latapril nd y site asa much bigger impact on our fish flows potentially. another thing the palmer study
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gave us was effect on our projected demand. you can see the higher line represents what we think would happen based on the climate change effect and that's 8 percent bump over norms in 2040. so a cte change enhanced veion. the footnotes o this sli s since we conducted this study anthis spks to something en
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sil. tharsf hthings e tt how th mpts our lanning. next slide. so what are we doing as result of this ork. well, first we plan o use our work with local models f watershed and there's new models this yfor the,ipc, these we thk i be etter to down scaling t global effects on to a more watershed effe sle. the rest of thetgs are informed by the wo e did o these are notthings we wnt out ansetout o do specifically butin oing ll these things nw we ave arneom ate hange. tooroh e,anew
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whalwar sd it's a ificantldiffent ckn and areen we apped t otalaun teolitet cuoms th'say e tualt on a emd control o prio rand basicay re a lnl. e uppo ress me peakad awnetiate with the federal regulato agencies andoucompliance. we'rassessing or groun resources and future reliabity and resource nd working renal in thely t set up ierconntion and encouragpartnerso ondu studtheiroa hr sttio o m running out o te? onmi soconith he
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adtionnformation wd lisee. wee still orkinfrom broad assutions that derive om clima hange mel. we nd to improve ur understanding olocal and watershed products ad continue to do model reliae ets garbage in and garbage ot projects and it's incumnt on us to do that. the adics g lf but nd ocal dle on our nformion. the urrent ls arenotariable fo ecitioas th areor glal. ifeawpriovents wulnge theconsption ernsondend t
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for sy capaci we underanwhether or noh arl ibity ardfr utke catol mentdecisio. finally, weeed ode that address increasing complex models and we have multiple systems and portland we have a hydro facility on both our damages and we're planning and are in the process for providing fish flows. other systems dealing with navigaonnd theto
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>> good ornin, jarsai hiucon this paneas gointo talk aou e' pning r the orst and how we pnng di it'srobone of w intrucs vead's ch adwnerwho was t hereally? o as of haucti jro i've ded o ntle prestati eel o m tters iave u he. welcomo cliforniawte i'g ota abohe anysis that were donor mef thnicaplanng ave de really f atermgementa h 've one sifally reled n degi w te
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yw he authory is. wee he region oleser we spplyo24 retaers and we iwater from e colorado r and the clodo rives in 7th r f out a rord w levels ontirs. thotr s cali wilutes. soi ini dn't ble juwork clier. yoget hea sensation oheneath ti. ave a larcapit ovent ogram nd rtof e alysis d i matelyhrese do mef tese challeng let e how youwhe ur
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ansmsion le is. go he northernbr to themicbord.the thousanmileop nobout 3fet i ameter awe erve 3 pnt 2 million ppla yarand serve an economy f billns. there s mlife. arehe. theri am. i'm that orneat the bottom of the es in aralbright an low rea. e ean e oinpe eter vry ltlw cado reted raallnd carun off.oustteht ifferent nd chuck hting poran
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and seattii there's anythiy akaw if'sotaoss alfor ao is. t fr califora r ern stat. u ry t to sitngimcurwer supplyowing mand fr water. howeve we gearlyt yes in iego incrd hdred ousand peoplea d ndturw ca fm aoinary rtt indemand, harded conseation ad continuing growth and increased poti and econoc acty and obvushtter yer er. uncertnty ourimport a
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small facelevel supply. less reliance onthe hydrli ndensupply a all o thhas ondered. how e espo ag hr prg ctionpan. i want to touclitly oneach of these. rsidiveity abs ou water sply prtlio and is couctinga variy until fcilityto dress her canng dema he nd prudent thro t andoking atituatiefore hougoit adess o sho su. notj versificioals mag the ci d ctiint cedemd
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un. he seone ire doing n ddional ud thousandt aisi n ti ma 2undrf tallg it ya25 o tilbe inteinproject tomple and hailbeish nd stt t yarad will coley 2012. thext, d linizati, ave portunies intake and o falli existing ower antsanevehough hps y go awathose are crital for us avehapiece of ouwerortfolio athen t manament planning, that i, kahat hpps we're shin year, wo yoand llis lkinabo ding h tabncatthe napn, ou'le
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will le 2 pnt me oerpctnsilosi by250h ot fnd e preconorsn hat. cay wehve shown he nature f he ramot of run fat os a ault r e a ts fferf fpecte,ext sli. isay t be bvusbu this pakdfwss ittigepeence inthsysi th aern ve hefoagea ese e t ae oons floomname 'sow ou wod str. w scei sifhe he ecord vehpesie tag
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was built. has the corporation chaed the criteria, no. we have been aware of this from some time. this s feather river and,orville, was ctructed here and if youed a 06 you wod have four of the highest flows that ave occurred since we constructed that. from a flood stand point we're not king this into considation. in terms ofthe roll or rule terms there's not much change in tose. final exple is san,jaoquin, refr, you se2006 is missing. there's a couple of points.
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one, the flashier nature that will continue as we lose snow back. the other is from a flood standpoint, but if you think about thhundred year flood has a chae of occuing one in a hundred years. most of that analysis was done in the first or middle of the st century. all the higher flows have occurred since hen some what is the real hundred year event now and what is it going to be. so how do you desi yourflood syems to deal with th and they may be robust and not just rely on fooding levies. next slide. again, kind of a summary. muchigher inflows during winter and early inoph
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