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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2010 3:30pm-4:00pm PST

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coming from and we see the need for it, and we agree fundamentally with the comments that agencies need to stay within their contractual limits. we established our limit in 1984 with the puc, now the isg, before the isa. since that time, through prudent and responsible planning, we took this as a limit not to be exceeded. we approved an irp and we decided not to increase imports but to suplement it locally. we have invested $100 million into this. we have conjunctive groundwater use and off-site -- and the first brackish facility and future recycled water. these work in the existing irc
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with the buc. we appreciate the complexities of the situation and we appreciate that they have put this into the second draft isa. it is unfair for an agency the this invested in conservation premised on an established contract, that they must be first and foremost on the establish a contractual supply. >> thank you very much. the next speaker? >> good afternoon. i am of the council member in east paolo alto. the mayor was going to be here
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but he was not able to attend. i represent the city on the task force and today, -- >> thank you. just kidding. >> we will be back in december. >> the, mr. gordon is here, and also the director of development. i would like to say a couple of things before i make my comments, which will be a little bit more general. we have submitted a letter, and i want to congratulate you on the completion of the tunnel. i was there and we do appreciate the effort to have water for the long term.
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i apologize, i will have to leave after my comments although i would like to actually stay and learn more. i am is filling in for the mayor, and i had another commitment. in a couple of years we will be 30 years old. and so, we have many contradictions and paradoxes. this environment. on one hand, we have inherited a lot of debt, and this is part of the unincorporated county, and there was really no projection about the balance. what i would like to say is that for us to sustain the overall community, we will need to do a little bit more development. we have 32% unemployment, and we
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actually have a very good record of conserving. the working class communities by this dynamic, we are very frugal. we're one of the six, at some point -- we can only go so far. and so, in the 1980's i have the honor of serving in the first city council and i want to say that the basic position is that we support the first draft documents. we would like to be able to project that -- some additional supply for us, because we inherited a toxic environment. and we have a lot of work to thrive as a city.
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we're actually doing well and we are in the planning right now. we are building a in a healthy community, perspective. we are unconscious -- we are very conscious of the environmental issues. but we are stranded by the previous history before we were able to take destiny into our own hands. we're one of the later customers and we feel that we are disadvantaged. i hope that you will take into consideration these concerns. thank you very much. >> good afternoon. i am the director of water resources, and you see this as part of your package. we complement the outreach
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efforts by the staff to present this draft and respond with comments. we recognize that this is the choice that will be made but there has a distinction between individuals with the guarantee and the supply allocation. this is based upon the initial draft that is distributed. and the methodology was based upon these agencies, with the numbers developed by each agency. this bus -- this best serves to remain under the annual number of 265 million gallons per day until 2018. and this will not create any unreasonable burden upon the agency, and those agencies that did not possess this guarantee. use all that we were one in six, and this has one of the
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lowest water usage is in the region, and i believe that all agencies -- we have a strong water conservation program for the local plumbing codes, and we recognize our responsibilities for the city of san francisco. we would like to give the water supply to harding park and in the westside basin for drought reliability. these programs are designed to reduce risk. and this should remain the primary focus of the san francisco methodology to achieve this number. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. the next speaker?
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>> president and members of the commission, i am the manager of south bay water recycling. the regional water recycling program. i would like to discuss the impact of the interim supply allocations that this would have on the water supply. and would like to thank you for your diligence, in meeting with the wholesalers of water to explain your methodology. i also have a copy that is entered into the record. we have serious concerns about the approach that reduces the allocation to san jose by 20%. compared to the current usage as allows other wholesale agencies with 10% increase over the usage in 2018. this is contrary to the
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agreement and the goal of the overall system usage. this is especially troublesome, for the bay area leaders in water conservation. not only have we worked in these goals and retell programs, we also have refunded $20 million in local infrastructure. nearly 10% of the water used in san jose is served by them. and this has been decreasing over the last decade, and the usage of last year was the lowest in 10 years. we are good stewards of this resource. if the commission decides to continue this approach that allows some agencies more than what is required, we believe that this should be phased in over time to make certain that these projections are correct.
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this could prevent an overestimation. in short, we're asking for special treatment, but we would like our customers not to be unduly saddled with excess of charges. -- excessive charges. >> i am the director of water in santa clara, and we have been a longstanding customer since 1974. we have a non current agreement. we have a very aggressive conservation program. the other wholesaler noted that the city of santa clara was the best in conserving of all the agencies and the county. as the owner of the control plant, we have aggressively
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invested in recycled water. this accounts for 25% of all the water used in this area. we are looking at a potential draft that will burden the city above and beyond all of the aggressive conservation and the recycle water that we have been performing. we feel that the intention of the agreement, we were looking at if there is a reduction, on average this will affect all the permanent customers. just not the customers that refuse to comply. if you would like to incorporate this into the equation, instead of that and 10% to some customers, the 6% allocation to those customers, their own
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projections for 2018 still allow the city of santa clara to meet the requirements and the commitment for san francisco. i appreciate the work of your staff, and the transparency and the openness in providing information to the retailers. >> the next speaker? >> i am the that the director for the city of hayward. i would like to thank your work on this issue and the transparent manner in which you have communicated. you have reviewed a couple of different options for allocating the water and in our opinion, the first option has the only projection for 2018, this is
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reasonable and equitable and sustainable for all the agencies. the second is, much less the sensible and almost certainly is going to cause financial hardship. this is if and when the total derivatives have exceeded this number. although we respect the legal standing, we find, in the water supply, there is no legal position to compare these in terms of the allocation. this also keeps hayward's usage at the 2018 level and denies us what has been given to other agencies. if the commission chooses to proceed with the second option,
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something must be done to make this all tentative. let me address the matter of content. in the second option we have been assigned an isa to the 2018 demand. we cannot express the precedent that this is setting. this completely ignores and is contrary to the contract. the water supply agreement approved by all parties clearly recognizes that the supply contract is unique. this does not include the limitation and there is no expiration date. they will supply the total
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service area and the contract is superior to any other. can the second option to be improved upon, except for the other shortcomings? we believe that there are changes that can be made that will address these concerns. may i finish? the 10% additional allocation that is used by the staff is a completely arbitrary figure. and a lower percentage can be used to offset the shortfall. we are requesting, if you wanted to the second option, to provide these agencies with the
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projected purchases, with an allocation that is either equal to the isg or 5% greater than the purchases. this may fall short of the projected demand, in the allocation equal to the projected amount, or + 20%. i have a copy of the results of this analysis that show how the allocation is going to look if you pursue this. i would be more than happy to share this with you. and i just want to thank you for the opportunity to comment. >> thank you. >> the next speaker? >> that afternoon, commissioner.
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-- good afternoon, commissioner. i would like to thank you and for your great leadership, last year. i think that the staff has done a great job with a very challenging issue. there is a lot of historic promises, and there is a lot of difference in the demand for water use. there will be winners and losers. and some agencies appreciate the first draft, and others appreciate draft #2. but the losers should not be the agency that has the lowest per capita water usage. the lowest water use in all the territory. i think that they are around 45 gallons per person every day, against one year ago when this
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was about 50 gallons. they should be rewarded for that. and maybe work something into the formula. the local water use is 50 gallons -- and they should be guaranteed with the projections are for 2018. and you divide the rest among the other agencies. on the other hand, there are those that stand to lose under the second draft. they have 300 gallons per day and they have money to purchase this. they are going to purchase some water, and they would use the water to expand the water program. this is in east paulo alto. this is a little bit challenging. and some communities are in a better position. something i would really encourage for you to look at ,
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is to consider the pricing for the wholesale customer. you may have four tiers. the cheapest would be for people with 60 gallons, and over 100 gallons -- this is what is going to encourage recycling and conservation to marry -- the cycling and commerce -- recycling and conservation. that will get the communities together. >> the next speaker? >> good afternoon. i am the utilities director for paul although -- paulo alto. i like to commend the staff effort, working on this -- the process has been cordial and opened and i appreciate this. -- cordial and open and i
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appreciate this. we have not agreed with the unilateral position for this allocation and we continue to seek legal remedies if appropriate. we provided a couple of letters in response to these proposals. in summary, we believe that the water supply agreement and the individual guarantee provides critical certainties for this agency. this has created an environment where we can work together for conservation of recycled water and new supply developments. the change this principle now would place a cornerstone the has been in place for 25 years, weakening the long-running relationship between the agencies. you have a responsibility to many constituents. most of whom did not have any
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formal representation in san francisco. we consider this agency to be in partnership. and we are troubled by any action that puts the sppuc for dictating policy outside their borders. the memo states that the individual accounts to not account for individual water use, land-use planning, and water decisions by an individual customer. we respectfully disagree with that statement. the isg has influenced everything that has happened with land use in paulo alto since 1984.
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the perpetual rights of each of these agencies -- especially based on subjective issues. this is an interpretation of what constitutes good water yes. however, we recognize the nature of this and it will cease to exist after 2018. we empathize with the commission of the commission -- the position of the commission. there are several issues that cannot be ignored. in the second draft isa proposal, this is below our isg. the surplus, the difference between the isg and isa is re- allocated and we are supporting a reassessment for agencies with contract rights to recieve
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recognition of those rights. >> can you read the last part -- about if you support the reaoolocation of -- reallocation of the isg? >> paulo alto supports reassessing how they allocate the surplus, the difference between the isg and isa so agencies with contract rights recieve their rights. aulpaulo alto may be one of the. >> the next speaker? >> any others? >> we had two other cards. mr. gordon and mrs. -- >> thank you for having us. i am naomi, a sophmore at
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stanford. >> i am a junior. >> we like to read the statement. we are for the students were susceptible stanford, to keep stanford never city and the surrounding areas clean. we're trying to keep a harmonious relationship between the local communities. we have been approached by several members of these communities to find better water demand allocations. as residents and concern members of the community, we believe it is our responsibility to advocate for the just usage of water in this area. we have the first draft interest -- entrance because this all greeks the environmental goals of -- meets the environmental goals.
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specifically with paulo alto, this meets the needs of the city and we cannot support the second draft. there is an unfair burden on east paulo alto residents. and reduces conservation by allocating them in excess. we ask you to reverse the trend of environmental injustice, to allocate a more justified use of water in the bay area. >> thank you. >> i am the interim city manager for east palo alto.
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i want to thank those of you who have read this, and those of you who are supporting east palo alto. after -- being the last speaker, everyone has basically said what could possibly say, so i will be brief. it seems that we actually have a plan before us that actually does not treat everybody equitably. and i would ask for the commission to consider flexibility among all the jurisdictions. and i would also like to say that there is nothing in the report that i have seen that encourages or rewards those who are conserving. it seems that there are penalties that somehow this is
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how we reward people. adversely. i definitely would like for them to consider how you reward people for doing what we all need to do. with that, i will close my comments. i definitely urge you to consider, because certainly we are opposed to the second option. >> thank you very much. and the next speaker? >> i have a couple of brief comments, and one of them is to emphasize something about the first comments. this is according to the correspondence -- we're not conceding the legality of this, or opposing the collection of the enhancements surcharges.
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the second is a minor point, but major in principle. the sets forth the allocation to san francisco for the retail customers. and to the wholesale customers. wholesale customers in the water supply agreement, in this very provision, this is capitalized as a defined term, and includes not only -- those who are included. this does not include the smallest will sell customers. they are not part of that agreement and they do not belong there. we hope that this is removed. thank you. >> and other any other public comments? >> i have a question. i did not mean to put you on the spot that this is uncomfortable.
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in the presentation that we have, we have the water supply agreement, and it says this is the responsibility of the tolls of customer to limit the water for the supply guarantee. the believe that this limits the ability to give someone the allocation in excess of the supply guarantee? for example, we have the projections that surpass the supply guarantee. is it acceptable to the allocation that is beyond this? >> i like to consider this and give you a thoughtful reply. the provisions are not related in the contract. >> we have no other speaker cards.