tv [untitled] November 10, 2010 8:00am-8:30am PST
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>> i need to get these mraps out. >> my purpose is to get the recruits prepared for the construction training. >> what you do is get a 2 by 6 sitting on the saw horses. we will cut 10 feet. everybody going to get one and you measure up 6 inches. you sure you got 8 feet. >> as a carpenter you have to let them know what's expected and they need to know the stuff to get going on the trades. >> the main thing they need to know is how to carry the stuff on the job and the hussle. >> you can't work with the gloves. >> my part is a small part. my part is the best part. the part that really teaches them how to go out and fish
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rather than go to the fish market. my job is how to teach them to fish when the fish market is closed. >> this requires i thinking. when you go on the job site they will pay you 20-15, dollars an hour you have to think and figure stuff out and get the jobs done in a record time. >> one of the things we try to teach with the construction trades is your attitude going to work. how employers look on new workers and it's about profitability and productivity. it's not how much swings it takes to drive, you know, ita about do you have the right attitude? can you show up on time? can you make the company money? >> 12.5 times 15.
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>> i don't want you to use the calculator. >> the students go through approximately 420 some hours of training. we operate at the campus of the community college a 12 week, full time program, 7-3:30. >> if you were going to figure out how much [inaudible] you need you rounding up. >> average age of individuals in the trades is in the 40's from what we are told. in the 50's quite frankly those folks are getting ready to retire. we see a void. >> the average is making 60-80 thousand dollar a year more with benefits much it's hard work i will not lie. >> if you like working with your hands and creative and you look at a building and say, i
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did that finish and that building is there for a hundred years. come to my program you will work for anyone in the country. >> we send people to the dry waller the carpenters and the plummers. >> we are conscious who we give a job referral to. >> we look at the skills part as far as hayou do with a hammer and nail there are other components to be able to be a team player. be able to take directs and be precise and punctual things like this you need to help you keep your jobs. >> we will looking at the interviews today and doing the critiquing from the papers.
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>> i was thinking last week we were talking ask that was so much thinking going on about the interview and how i was going to do it. >> i feel like, me, as an african-american woman and older woman with children i feel i have to set an example. a lot of people don't know how to deal with anger and conflicts. the kids here look up to me. if i do something and don't set an example then they are going to follow. since i've been a positive roll model, coming to school everyday. some of those kids pick up on that and i see the improvement in them. >> one thing that i knew but
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the class helped reinstate is that you have to check yourself. we are all grown adults. >> i try to be motivated in everything i do in my life. if you don't encourage yourself to do something or do things for yourself you can't expect somebody else will do it for you. some people didn't make it to class because they have a bad attitude and decided it wasn't worth it. >> when you do something you have to understand why you are doing it and you can't say and come in and say, i will make good money. construction's not like that you have to want to do it because it's not aedz work. you have to want to get up and go to work and do physical labor for 8 hourses. >> i lived next to biotechnology companies and was a recruiter. i was getting tired and felt
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sluggish. >> i knew from the first day we were outside being outside having fun, climboth ladder and hammer and the physical labor i knew it was something i would enjoy. to say i put 15 years into this and not retire a multimillionaire but retire healthy and feel good about the work i have done. >> the greatest accomplishment is you drive by a building or bridge and say, i helped build that bridge or helped build the building on market street. the most greatest reward for me is i taught that student to work on the bay bridge.
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taught the student operating the crane that student was in my class. >> our goal is to have a core group of people, we are hoping it's over 50 percent of your grads complete and become journey people andup standing good roll models and citizens. the largest public works our city has season in many years going on now the private project that 1 rincon hill. huge project. we had 5 or 6 people work on that project thus far. the rebuilding of the academy of science in golden gate park. the rebuilding of our public hospital laguna honda this is on going work with the same contract ors that move successful apprentices from one
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project to another and keep them working for several years. the construction workers of the future to be the superintendents the construction owners. that's the perfect thing there. that's success. >> good afternoon. thank you for joining us. today is a major milestone in our sf park program. it is a new system of managing parking in the city and county of san francisco. the mta was fortunate enough to receive a $25 million partnership grant to look at ways to help with congestion in
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urban cities and find a way to do with pricing. rather than looking at toll booths and things of that nature, we thought it would be a more elegant solution to look at where the cars are going better actually trying to park. by making parking easier and getting better data, we believe we will have a strategy that will reduce congestion on city streets. over 30% of the contestant dickcongest -- congestion is related to automobiles looking for parking. we want to provide better data in terms of the sensors on the street. they will have a real time information needed for 511, through the website, or through their smart phones to receive information as to where parking is available in the city. the parking will be made available because we're going to properly priced the parking in the city. by having these smart readers, we will be able to properly
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priced the parking in the city to provide at least 15% availability on almost every street in the city in terms of parking. by guiding you there, we hope you can get off the street quickly, find your parking spot, and pay the appropriate price in terms of the value. parking. we're very excited about the project. today is the launch of about 190 meters that will be installed as part of the pilot program. we will be collecting data over the next few months. the pilot will last a total of two of years. this is the first area where it will be implemented. over the next three months, we have five additional areas where we will be implementing new leaders. we're also looking at new technology related to multi- space meters. we're looking at better using the parking infrastructure on the street so that it is not obtrusive to pedestrians and at the same time is aesthetically
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pleasing. i have several staff members here. they're going to be able to answer any detailed questions you have about a project. today is a very exciting day. by reducing the circling parking spots, we help with many mu -- ni --muni to be able to travel quicker. we reduce the amount of carbon emissions created by cars circling trying to find a parking spot. if you do not use muni and need to use an automobile, where making it easier for the automobile users by providing real-time information on parking availability. we're also making it easier to pay. inconnus points, credit cards, a debit card -- you can use queens -- you can use coins,
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credit cards, debit cards, and other forms of payment. >> how will the congestion pricing work? >> we will be able to price the parking, the cost of parking on a daily basis, time of day, day of the week. in case of special events down by the ball park, we will be able to properly price on street parking as related to what is happening in the city. the current plan is not to make adjustments on a daily basis. it will be more of a monthly basis. that is the plan entrance of adjusting prices so do not confuse people. the idea is to properly priced the parking so that we create enough availability on the streets of the automobile users will be able to park quickly. we are not extending or changing any of our current powers of
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enforcement in terms of the parking meters. we're not want to be implementing sunday parking meters. we're going to keep the current practices and policies. with the data that we collect from the meters and the censors in the 2011 timeframe, that is when will will start putting in for mission to the -- putting the information to the mta board to make policy decisions. the meters generate $26 million in terms of revenue each year. citations represent about $20 million. it is a significant revenue impact of the meters. we're looking at the meters not just to create more revenue for the agency. the goal is to really reduce congestion and deal with carbon emissions.
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[unintelligible] [traffic] >> by making it easier for people to pay at the meter using a credit or debit card, we think it will make it much easier for them to pay for the utilization. they will not take a chance of not having enough change in getting a citation. that is why we're doing, a pilot. whee need to get an sense of the impact on the new technology. we would prefer that our revenue comes from the parking meter and it being properly administered instead of issuing citations. citations are somewhat punitive. we want to make it easier for people to use our streets and parking in the city. they can get a off the streets so that muni can go through
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easily. >> what is the most expensive parking right now? >> the most expensive parking right now is $3.50. that is downtown. that is $3.50 per hour. we do expect to have arranged. right now, is about $2 in residential parking areas. it is $3 over by the wharf and $3.50 downtown. i have a range from 50 cents up to $6. -- we expect to have ranged from 50 cents up to $6. if we have an area that is underutilized, we will try to steer you there with low or parking rates per hour. >> is there a chance that the price will fluctuate on the high end any day? >> that will be the price during the day. we do not want to make it more confusing to use the parking and
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for structure. yet it is to stabilize it, use the data we are collecting -- the idea is to stabilize it and use the data we're collecting. any changes will occur every four weeks in terms of rate changes. >> the most expensive hourly parking right now is $3.50. you anticipate some parking up to $6. when would that happen? >> the pilot study is going to be over the next two years. it will be some time before we get to those numbers. the most important thing is that we will have the data to make better decisions in terms of the actual utilization. that is the most important part of a pilot. what is the actual utilization? how long do people need to be in a parking spot? in some cases, we expanded the limitations. we may move to four our parking in some areas. this is a major milestone. it is one of many steps towards
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a new parking policy in the city. it will take about two years to do that. >> are there censors around here? >> there is one right there. there is one right behind you over there, young lady. the sensors will provide information when someone is parking and pulling out of the parking spot. in conjunction with the meters, with a much better data collection in the city. we're very excited about the project. we've got attention from around a country if not around the world. this is one-of-a-kind in terms of using new technology to deal with on street demand parking. >> if i go to five and 11, with the data be there? >> it is not there yet but will be there in the next few weeks. we expect to provide this data in an open source manner. we expect some smart phone applications to be developed out of that. we expect great things to happen.
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you will be able to with your smart device know exactly where a spot is and find your way to it. >early 2011 for the real time data, the early part of next year. >> what will determine what district these meters and sensors will be? how did you decide on the test areas? >> the short answer is we try to look a good sampling of different positions, more tourist areas versus residential and business and financial district. we need to have a mix of six different pilot areas to get an idea of utilization. parking is not the same in any -- in every area, as you can imagine. the pilot project areas chosen were part of the agreement with the u.s. department transportation. they were chosen as sample
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areas, represented of neighborhoods in the city. downtown, the civic center, employment centers, places that generate a lot of traffic. the case valley civic center, the marina, fisherman's wharf downtown. >> they will be up and running over the next three months. >> who makes the systems? >> the company that is based in san diego. [unintelligible] [traffic] >> that is of a question. -- that is a good question. we will get to test that out in terms of the ruggedness of the meter. the plan originally was to replace all the meters over the next three years.
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we were fortunate in getting the grant. it allows us to test out a lot of technologies and go beyond simply replacing the meters in kind. this will also be a pilot in terms of ease of use by customers, usability, simplicity, and whether it will stand up to an urban environment. >> aside from the meter head itself that we're piloting to see how durable it is and whether or not it is easy to read, with also built-in security measures -- we have also built-in security measures into the infrastructure itself. all of these parking meters have an hour thing that rotates. this is to prevent people from putting a pipe cover on it -- pipe cutter on it to remove the head. [unintelligible] >> how you assure people that
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put in a credit card in [unintelligible] >> part of the specification was the highest level of security or credit card processing. none of the data is stored on the meter or by the mta. it is handled by the meter company and processed as quickly as possible. there's very little risk of using credit cards at the meters. >> [unintelligible] concerned about the possibility of [inaudible] [traffic] >> one of the great things about the meters is that it makes it so easy to pay. people should get a lot fewer parking tickets and area. that can leave people with a bitter taste in your mouth. that is one part. the demand response of pricing ,
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the mta is legally obligated to charge lowest pricing available to create a target. it will be easy for customers to come and find a space quickly. my name is jay primus. i am the program manager for sf park. thank y>> thank you very much. why don't you do a demonstration for them? >> meter has some time on it. you concede the flashing -- you can see the flashing led. now it is cancelled.
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it is going through the verification process. it starts with a minimum of 30 minutes. you can add or subtract time. [traffic] when you are ready, you can cancel or ok it. i am one to hit -- doh link to hit -- i am going to hit ok. it is verified. it has 53 minutes on it now. >> they are ready to go. we have most of them out there already. if you recall, we have the sf park card.
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they will not work in the meters right now. the programming issues to deal with. we expect that within two month, the card will also be available. you will have coins, credit and debit cards, and the sf cards. there will be four different ways to pay to use the meter. you will not have to walk around with change. the ease of use will be some of the benefits of the meters. with that, i think we're done. thank you for joining us to help us get the word out. ♪ >> thank you, everybody.
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happy anniversary. first and foremost, i want to acknowledge susan's outstanding leadership, her stewardship. it is interesting, every couple of weeks we get together, all of the city department heads. every week, we get together in smaller groups, but as a group, 60, 70 of us get together, and it does not matter what the topic is. susan will chime in and make sure she raises her hand and say, "wait a second. did you consider the rights of mobility issues, the rights of those that are impaired? did you consider your responsibilities, your obligations, moral, ethical, legal as well to include this, to include that?" i just want to give a big round of applause to susan for her stewardship and leadership.
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i want to acknowledge the number of department heads here that have been doing great work and trying to lead the way and lead by example in terms of fulfilling our mandate to fulfil our promises that we made some 20 years ago. it is extraordinary how far we have come, but it is equally extraordinary how far we need to go, and i want to underscore that we understand that. we understand that we are not there yet. we understand there's still discrimination in the workplace. we still recognize there is still accessibility issues on our own streets and sidewalks. there's even accessibility issues in our own board of supervisors chambers, which still have not been made completely accessible. we recognize our rights. we also recognize our responsibilities, so i want to just began by making that point.
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i also want to make a few points about ed roberts because it is absolutely right to remember that in 190062, he was out here -- in 1962, he was out here in the bay area leading the way, and so much of the progress that has been made, not only around the state, but this nation, and around the world, can go back to the work he initiated and the leadership he displayed in the 1960's. do not forget -- it was extraordinary. the headlines of the day -- these were the headlines of the day when he was accepted to uc berkeley. the headlines read, "a cripple is accepted into berkeley." that was acceptable nomenclature. that was acceptable headline writing by the editors of local newspapers. that is how people were referred to. but it is because of his commitment, his constancy, his
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faith, his devotion to the cause of true equality that others started to come out and others started to join and others started to organize, leading to 1977, and many of you may have been there, in un plaza, and how appropriate. remember, the birthplace of the united nations, and the full promise of the united nations -- it all began here in san francisco, and there, many of you were. 100-plus-wrong with the largest demonstration this nation had ever seen at the time of people saying enough is enough, and we are going to demonstrate our right to demand that our rights are extended, and people paid attention. in so many ways, that was the cataclysmic moment in time that really will people of so that
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some 13 years later, we woke up the nation when 3000 people strong came out in washington, d.c. democrats, republicans, independents, and we got the americans with disabilities act signed by then-president bush at the white house lawn 20 years ago today. so it is remarkable, those origins. is remarkable progress. it is remarkable the work that all of you have done. if you have ever watched, and maybe you do not want to, or maybe you had to -- i never good with notes. i have my own learning disability called dyslexia, so i cannot be very well, but i thought it was important to make susan's point, and then doing something that i never do, and that as i wrote some things down because i wanted to get some things right because i wanted to underscore what susan said about the last six-plus years. years. when i first became supervisor,
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