tv [untitled] November 18, 2010 3:00am-3:30am PST
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probably if you don't know your officers on the street and their personalities to call our captain and ask him or her if they know of someone you can work with. that's really important. and a lot of the stuff we do we also they wrote a grant for mayor's office of community justice. we actually, i worked with them we got a grant to educate the community of what we need to do to help them in their work. there are things you can do with the mrapolice officers if you st from scratch and think creatively. the next thing is with the da. we have a strong partnership with the da and the liaison with the da. there is a da liaison in every station. you need to get to know that
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community liaison from the da's office. they are an attorney at the da's office. we took this best practice from on hayes will valley. we have people in our neighborhood with their support, care and love are not coming through the door of light. and getting away from their criminal activity. when there's an arrest and there are repeat offenders. we have the officers tell us the arrest number when they arrest the person. then we hand over letters they are called stay away order letters. they are letters from the community, all of us. we are the ones that have to do all of this. that's an important message. we write letters to the judges saying that we would like this person this individual to be not be able to come back in our
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neighborhood. just because that disconnects them their community as far as the criminal community. the da hands the letters to the judges and the judges read the letters and realize it's a real impact in the community. that way you don't see the person back on the street within 5 or 6 days. if they are doing the same thing or in the area these guys can arrest them right away without probable cause or anything like that. i will turn it to ethyl and she will talk about the d's and the stay orders. >> thank you, valley. as the officers mentioned it's not always like it is on tv. when you see somebody doing
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something on the street they will not be in jail for the rest of their life. a couple of things have to happen. one thing that has to happen is they have to be arrested. in order for the district attorney to prosecute anyone they have to be arrested. just because you know and i know and they know that something's been done doesn't mean they are going to jail or prison. the only way the officers can arrest somebody if they have probable cause. sometimes the probable cause is you calling the mreet and saying there is a guy doing this and he looks like this and blah blah blah. if there is enough reason, probable cause the officers can arrest them. then we get to, what's enough for the district attorney to prosecute? what's enough for the da to prosecute is evidence. the burden of proof in court is
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a higher standard than the observation and the complaint that the police made. so, in the perfect world, somebody has called the police. the police are able to get there in time. remember they are extremely short staffed. the police are able to get there in time. there is evidence. there's an arrest. there are witnesses willing to testify. and the da gets the case. what happens then? the case will be brought to court. tried and a person will go to jail or prison for however long. how do we make this happen? in your office we have the neighborhood assistant district attorney program and we have assistant da's assign to the police districts there are 2-4
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assigned to each district. within the assignments they break it up by neighborhoods so there are at least one assistant da assigned to work with the groups and the police in a particular neighborhood. the lower haight group has 2 people they are working with and others that have worked with them. what we have done is have the assistant da's familiar with the issues in a particular neighborhood. and it changes. it's different from one neighborhood to the other. one neighborhood it may be drug dealing another it may be prostitution. it may be assault, autoburglars whatever it is the da is familiar with the issue and works with the neighborhood group and the neighborhood
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district station to brain storm how we can alleviate this problem. in the lower haight, we worked with valley and the lower haight association and northern station to try and have stay away orders enforced. stay away order is a condition that a judge sets when someone is convicted of a crime. part of their sentence and part of their condition of probation is they have to stay away from a certain area and there's a designated area from the intersection of you know blank and blank. it may be thousand feet or the entire district. may be the entire city. we haven't been that lucky so far but we try. and if that person is seen
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within that area, they violated a condition of their probation and they are supposed to go back to court and judge is supposed to say, you violated our probation you have to serve out the sentence whatever that was. it wasn't happening. people would be picked up for violations of stay away orders and the judges were not enforcing their own stay a an order. we worked out a plan with the neighborhood groups where when someone is picked up on a violation of a stay away order the neighborhood group would get together and write letters to the judge. and say, mr. whatever his name is, has violated the stay away
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order and he has been the scrounge of this neighborhood. he's here and disrupts our lives. he is affecting our safety and peace of mind and quality of life and we want the stay away order upheld. the neighborhood da receives the letters, presents them to the judge and the judge gets a different perspective on how a community feels about a specific criminal. we have been very successful in having the stay away orders upheld. okay. another part of our neighborhood assistant da program is to provide the community with information. we all had the experience we see something get arrested.
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someone who has been a major, major pain in the butt in our neighborhood. either they are a drug dealer or prostitute, they are a burglar. we know this person has been doing their thing for a long time. we know they got arrested now happens? how do we tell the judge that it's important to get this person off the street? what we have done is made ourselves available to follow up for you. if there is someone you want to follow up on, if there is an arrest you want to follow up on you can contact your district station. get the case number the incident number or the defendant's name. then you contact our office through me. i will assign it to the neighborhood da to follow up and
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then you do those other things of cooperating with the da's office, writing the letters, et cetera and the impact on your neighborhood will be heard by the judges. [applause]. in the lower haight with the stay away letters are in the thousands we had success every time. ron was talking about in the last session we had someone we could not get rid of. they arrested him they found out he had 80 priors or something like that. >> yes. >> 33 arrests on that same block in the last 10 years. we used the stay away order. he came back and they arrest
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happened him right away and we haven't seen him since much this is someone in the neighborhood for years causing chaos. they really do work we are pushing that forward. we've talked to the da about it on extending the stay away order perimeters. the da when we met with her said it was really working with the judges. something to really think about and it's very powerful. the next person that was supposed to be here was our city attorney's office. he couldn't stay for the second session. regina and i from mirkarimi's was will talk about a couple of our experiences and regina will give you the particulars about
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that. the city attorney office what we use them for is we had property owners and one property owner that owned a lot of buildings in our neighborhood and a lot of unsafe conscience unsafe as in drug dealers went on the property there was not a garage but an opening nothing to keep them out. violent people living in place. another property owner owned an illegal guest house on the website it says the best play to stay and walk out the door and use drugs and use them. what we did is talked to the city attorney's office but what we did as a community, this is important when you deal with properties like that. we actually went to the property owners and said, we have safety issues with your properties. these are the safety issues we
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have with your properties it's unsafe for our neighborhood. both situations unfortunately the property owners were like, too bad. they were not going to react. so what we did is contacted supervisor mirkarimi's office and contacted the city attorney and they brought in code enforcement. the community once again, this message in this workshop is the community that has to step up first. has to step up and push what you want done in your neighborhood. we stepped up. they had hearings. we had everybody a huge amount of people going to the hearings. they went to an appeal hearing because they lost. the appeal hearing we came out again. both times when they went to the hearing and apeels hearing they lost. i will let regina talk about the
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procedure from her office. >> hello. regina from supervisor mirkarimi's office. he represents the fifth district of san francisco. and the lower haight is one of the areas he represents. and this particular, working with code enforcement as the captain said, in the city attorney's office there are 10 city attorneys one assigned to each station that deals with code enforcement. the code enforcement the city attorney pulls out the code enforcement teams to do the investigations on the properties. they will then bring in an inspector from health or building be it they have an officer with them in case there are safety issues. and if there is issues with an
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elderly person they might bring in adult protective service. from our office perspective -- being an organized neighborhood helps set the priorities of some of the properties that need attention in dealing with that have a tremendous effect on your neighborhood. and with my supervisor's position is being very closely connected to the community and having an organized community helps us so we can go to the city attorney and say we really this property up and have attention paid to before you deal with this particular property because we know the impact is this. that's how our office can help you. also we receive information from the captain as well in terms of
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problemed areas. but to reiterate the code enforcement is one tactic we use in dealing with the situation. and sometimes it's -- we have to be a little, i don't want to say too creative but take a look at how we can provide a safe environment for that particular property that has an impact on a neighborhood. >> okay. so, i will -- in regards to my supervisor, his philosophy is an organized neighborhood is a caring and important -- an organized neighborhood is caring not just responding to crime but
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working if a comprehensive way. model that's set up in working in a comprehensive way the neighborhood is coming together and asking, how we want our neighborhood to look like? our job is to legislate and work with the city departments and city agencies to run the city better. to be an effective voice for you have basically in city hall. so what i like to say to you is you use us to leverage your goals and objectives as it relates to the city. some of the things that we have done to build the comprehensive view is that working with the neighborhood organizations as they talked about the pta. the supervisors on the pta as well. connecting the dots between the
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community based organizations that are running the programs that are for the youth, for the adults and taking a look at the goal and the vision of what the neighborhood wants to creates. so instead of being reactive, how do we build what we want to create together and using the tools of connecting the piece. the lower haight and hayes valley and the western addition and the north the panhandle neighborhood, people are working together to do events. working with the cbo. volunteer i volunteering their time in activities that are not just in their block. or just within you know perhaps within their sort of immediate structure.
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the vision is also that all the kid are our kids. and so whether they are the good kids the trouble makers what have you we are all responsible for their health and well being. the other element that the supervisor's office does and what supervisor mirkarimi does is he chairs the public safety committee. much of what is agendaized or what he focuses are things that have germ natd and ideas that have come up as a need from the community and that have been communicated to him. the capability that we have is in pulling in the different city agencies and departments and say, here's an issue how will we solve it? how will we deal with it? so, and that things are not working in the triage mode. the other thing that our office
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has done is part of the vision that some of the neighborhoods wanted is a clean neighborhood. we worked with the merchant's association and neighborhood associations to do cleanups. the benefit of our office being involved is we go to dpw and say we want a little extra. we want you to do a bit more. we can help leverage that. your city supervisor can help leverage things you might not be able to leverage on your own. and let me look at my points here. >> so one of the things the captain talked about the effectiveness review. and so one of the things that supervisor mirkarimi when he came to office in 2005, heard a
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lot about our district is primarily governed or policed by 2 different police stations northern station and park station. and the western addition is divided in the lower haight is divided between the 2 stations. people were saying it doesn't make sense to us while we have a police station 2 blocks away the station a mile and over in golden gate park is responding to our calls. and so, the supervisor took a look at it and realized the district boundaries had not been reviewed in 30 years. he pass the legislation to make this a city priority to reevaluate the district station boundaries. that's an example of hearing the voice of the community and how the board of supervisor's office
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can create vision and direction to help facilitate your needs. [applause] thanks regina. you know after the last session we were at lunch and going around. a couple of people came up to me and said, i would like to have a supervisor like mirkarimi or i don't have beat officers like you. no, it's true there are some people that are more involved like us as community people we are more involved and some people in the police department or in the supervisors that are not as involved as others. the thing is this is the message because we are the power right here us community is if we ask our captains or our police officers to be come and be part of our community and our liaison or ask our supervisors and expect them to do things like
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this. we are the power. we are creating models. that's what we want to get out to you. is create your own model and we what you want and what will work for your neighborhood and ask for it for the supervisorer the da, captains and the city attorney's office. i mean that's what we really are stressing is community. one last person who is important is ali the head of the merchant association is that this really important relationship because a lot of times the merchants have their agendas. people think and the neighbors have their own. our agenda is the same when we want a safe and caring neighborhood and want a vibrant merchant corridor or shopping area for us and everyone else. so ali will talk about how we work together to create that.
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and on one of our merchants made our banner for free. that's what you get when you have a strong people in the merchants we support each other. >> everybody still awake. or are you falling asleep after that turkey lunch. i will talk a bit about what merchants and basically how we interact together. there is a lot about pieces of the puzzle. basically one of the things that's helped work in our neighborhood that i think should work in other neighborhoods is the cooperation that exists with the different organizations. wew merchant association and different people running around. we have police officers and city services and a lot didn't come together until somebody stepped up and took the initiative to
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make it come together. it doesn't take 50 people but it one person saysil make this happen that's all it takes to get something that works in a neighborhood. i will give you an example for why merchant associations work well together when the merchant association startd and didn't much about the neighborhood. we have our own problems here we have people breaking into our stores and people robbing the place. and the neighborhood has problems they are problems we didn't understand or know about. once you come together you say you don't have the separate problems all the time. we have the same set of problems we have them at different times of day. we experience the day problems and the neighbors are there at night and the may be at work in the day and experience different
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times but the same problems we have the same objectives. coming together or if there is one or 10 people that bring you together to work together on these problems it kind of it extremely makes the problem solving better in the neighborhood. one thing we did was community out reach a bit to the neighborhood and merchants and enabled people to get to know each other in the neighborhood and people to get to know the police officers and beat officers that helped with community -- helps with trust between people and the police department. we did different events the clean up efforts. doing the clean up efforts when you are out there cleaning up. the homeless people are wanting to help you clean up. it creates pride in the
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neighborhood. it makes you feel good and makes people come out that don't usually come out. we do clean up and bbq's and in the lower haight we did the christmas drive. we did the banners in the lower haight which is one thing we had that defined us as a community. it's things like that when people say this is an actual community not just another neighborhood. last year we started a lower haight street fair. this was a major effort with the community and city service. once we got the fair going were it was coming off the heals of a violent summer we had. a lot were afraid that this
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would cause problems but it went off without a hitch. now everybody wants us to do the fare again this year. when you saw the banner of the fare you saw every merchant logo on there because every merchant stepped up and said, we want to be a part of this . there were so many in the neighborhood and helped out. to wrap it up i will say to make the community work out reach is the most important things you can do. it only takes one person to do that or start the ball rolling. it's like a viral effect if you start it going. sometimes you get thousands of people involved if you start with an idea and the ideas takes off. if you get others involved their ideas mixed with your ideas will make an incredible situation and
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clean up the neighborhood quite a bit. [applause]. we have a question and answer and we before we go to that just let you know you have an evaluation in your packet. evaluate this workshop it helps with the others we might have. the message before we open it up to you is that i will say this, you can start with onor 2 people. power is right here. these are our resources. they are our partners. we are a team. i consider them my friends and a team. but it's the community thal drive everything you do in your community. all the good and positive will be driven by you. we will open it up. are there questions? >> wow! we were good this
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