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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm PST

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>> thank you for taking the time to be here. i am very enthusiastic about the work that folks uc to my left and your right, and behind me, in front of you, have done to get us this far and really lead the way in terms of making government more transparent and
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more accountable. and empowering people. at the end of the day, the spirit of the legislation that i am signing today is about empowerment, connectivity, turning back government to the people who have allowed us to serve them, by giving them the most important resource, information. i have said this in the past. it is remarkable. the transparency that we promote, particularly, here in san francisco, seems to be limited to gotcha government. the transparency is the sunshine asking the mayor to turn over a document based on the meeting they had 15 months ago, based on the expectation that there would be that gotcha sentence so that we could expose corruption in the government. that is important, and we should promote that kind of transparency, but it is so limited and how is focused on what is wrong, not what is
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right. we are taking that notion of transparency and actually challenging people to do good things. and to promote their government by promoting the government they want, a government in their image, in our image. we, the people, not the image that their elected representatives believe we should have. we talked and we have had other opportunities, the chance to talk about two different government, the vending machine notion. you have a limited amount of choices, you pay your taxes, and then you pull out your limited amount of services, they replenish the services, next here is a little bit less, but you could be paying more. then you have your 10 things which are limited. now this is really a celebration of creating a more complex
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relationship in terms of the kinds of programs and services that the people themselves in government can provide to make us more responsive and accountable. i am excited about this. i may be wrong, but i believe 10 years from now, we will look back at this as the genesis to something that i do not think any of us fully understand. you have seen this with apple. what we know is the limit last this for people to have -- limitlessness for people to have an interracial idea. creating opera tours, small businesses.
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brian was the impetus for me to be motivated by this when he was at the press office, before he left us for more money. i will be honest. he will be last honest. he says, for new challenges. more money. >> [inaudible] >> we have got these data sets which are machine readable. we load more information. mothers' groups say that they are going to go out and track down the closest recreation
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museum that is family friendly. you have some people who say that they have a better idea with muni, they want to make it better. taking next level information, a crime mapping. all kinds of things have happened without cost to the taxpayer. if we initiated some of these things, it would go through the procurement process that begins at 8 commission, it has to be there for 30 days, then we come back, recess, all this other -- executive directors are sick, paternity leave -- then we get the appropriation -- then it is a new fiscal year and then we have less money. then there is a board of supervisors. then another when changes their mind. then the comptroller leave because they became the city
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administrator. and then nothing gets done. it could cost $1 million for just one thing. or you could give people information, and within weeks, days, as we have seen, magic occurs. that is why this is just an amber. we do not know what we are unleashing. -- an ember. we just need to convince politicians and bureaucrats like me that it is okiokay to let pee know what you are doing. this is not a way to fire or embarrass you. it is a way to support you. all these datasets are coming out, apps, all this new competition. i just want to think jay and his
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team for a great job. thank you for supporting this and being on the cutting edge. brian, ed. and to phil teng who really supports this. and to our new school board member who is going to bring this to the school board and force education reform by empowering parents, not just special interest, to release information in a way where they can start designing the future of education reform. i think that is perhaps the most
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exciting place to see this kind of application. let me say this in closing. mark my words, this is coming to the state of california. if it takes me four years just to get it killed in committee, we are just going to keep at it until the state of california leads the way in open data. we are going to bring some sort of legislation. get ready. thank you very much. with that, ed, come up and give us a sense of the more practical applications of why you really love this. >> i actually love this from the start. i was a believer -- one thing that i have told my staff, colleagues, what we're
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talking about is not our data. it is not the department heads, not the city's data, it is the public's data. we have an obligation, i would say, to push it out to the public to make it available and useful to the public. when you do that, it can help the department and city, but most importantly, it can help the public. it can be very empowering. a lot of what we do, whether it is abating graffiti, picking up trash, filling pot holes, improves someone's quality of life. when a neighborhood group is getting together to see how they can improve the conditions in their neighborhood, it is hard for them to do so if they do not know what the crime looks like in the neighborhood, where they have the legal dumping problems. community groups can then have real data to base their solutions on. it is very empowering in that respect. it can help us avoid a lot of
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cumbersome public record requests, rather than waiting for people to come to us to pull data out, we push it to them. they do not have to come and ask us for it, which for us to track it down. it is available for them to use. and finally, the mayor made reference to this, there are some leads that we have that if we were to try to address them would be costly and time- consuming and may not even yield the results we want. a small example, mechanical streets weeping. we have them go around the city and we have people move their cars in order for us to be able to clean their streets. for those people that do not move their car, not only will they get a ticket -- >> [inaudible] >> for the record, the department of public works receives no revenue from street cleaning tickets. that goes to my friends at the mta.
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>> [inaudible] >> but if you do not move your car, not only will you get a ticket, but i cannot clean the street. then when the control or somebody comes out to inspect how well we are keeping the city clean, that reflects badly on us. that information will be going out on data sf. one change that we made recently, at changing the street cleaning frequency from weekly to twice a month in about half of the areas in the city. now not only do you have to remember it is thursday, but you have to remember, is this the first or third thursday, maybe it is the second or fourth? it has gotten maybe a bit more complicated. it is not the first thing that people are going to think about,
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so we wanted to think about -- create a smartphones application so people could be reminded, sent a message, just be able to look it up. if that is something that we had to do, you heard what the process would have been. the mayor recounted just a few of the many steps that would be required for us to get an application procured. what we did is we put out the raw data of our street cleanings in the city. for each side of the street, what day of the week, what time of day, and the frequency, weekly, semi monthly. lo and behold, somebody picked it up and there may actually be two applications now. right now, you can go on to the city site, download the application, the information is there for you. it did not cost the city
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anything. it will help us do our job better. it is really a win-win scenario and a reason why all of our departments should be embracing this. thank you for the leadership. glad to hear that it will be coming to sacramento soon. >> a very powerful job that i have as lieutenant governor. you are smiling, i cannot believe that. you can edit that out of the tape. phil, why don't you say a few things like this about this. >> mr. mayer, it has always been great to work with you. the mayor has been a passionate reader on user-generated government. this takes us one more step forward, for anyone who cares about a user-generated government. for those of you who do not
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know, our offices data is one of the most widely spread data out there but you did not know that. money may not know about this office, many of you have heard of zillo. all those real estate values, that comes from assessor offices from all over the country. that is data that companies take and they have done something with and have found a way to make money and do something with it. every month, when you see "a chronicle" talk about the in home prices -- "the chronicle" talk about median home prices, all of that data has to be compiled. foreclosures had been one of the major stories for the last couple of years. we have been working on that issue since i have been in office. really, all that information
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come from our recorder's office. that is your information. that is the people's information that anybody can use. at this point, only sophisticated companies have been able to use it. if you wanted to try to figure out our data, you would need a programmer, you would need people to crunch the numbers, and it is a huge effort. this is an opportunity to make this information accessible. that is why we are working with the dpw to have a master database. it is silly. there is no database in the state that has every address. we are getting ready to do that. we are getting ready to go live in the next few months. jay is like, yeah!
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maybe in january. we are excited about that. this is just one huge step for the future, the people of san francisco to have incredible access to their government. thank you to you all for your leadership. >> we have about 27 apartments that have really stepped up to the plate, and we have 60-plus that could do more. actually, do something. we need to see folks stepped up. i started this as an executive order a few years ago. ed lee was an exception, but most people were pretty nervous, hoping that i would forget about it. we did not and we codified it. i was worried that the next mayor would not understand what
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we were talking about, let alone care about it. that was the idea of the legislation. that was passed unanimously and reasonably so. there was still some controversy. again, people are fixated on their rearview mirror about what opened it is. again, it is not just playing gotcha. it is empowerment. user-generated government. who else wishes to say something before we sign this? you have to get going somewhere? by the way, thank you to everyone at 311. the origin of this was at word press. and all the work that the guys did at twitter, they decided to join us. and you, dt, i cannot forget you, forma