tv [untitled] December 23, 2010 1:30pm-2:00pm PST
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that can happen. we have star belly and frances. both of those have made it 45 minutes to find parking by my house at 7:00 at night. for different residents that live adjacent, they complain about the same thing. but we're happy to have successful businesses in the neighborhood. that is the point. someone who grew up in san francisco, went to grade school here, still lives here, choosing to open a business here, employing between 30 and 50 people -- everyone i have talked to who works there over the years has said he has been a great boss. i hear that when i talk to people who worked at trader joe's. some companies just have a gift for treating their employees right. i think it would be a plus to have him in the neighborhood. one more thing i wanted to say. there was another gentleman who mentioned this is san francisco and we have businesses and
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residential neighborhoods next to each other, on top of each other. it is true. there are lines out the door for buy right creamers, people with wineglasses. you walk by tarines, you will see 15 people in line. it does not have to be weekend. this is been going on for 50 years. do we punish people because they are successful? we should applaud them for opening a business and employee in other people. thank you. president miguel: thank you. is there additional public comment? supervisor dufty, you have been patient. supervisor dufty: thank you. i appreciated hearing the testimony today. if you do concentric circles around the caster community, if you got out of the immediate area, there is no question what ike's has represented for the
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castro. for activity in the neighborhood, he has been very accessible to the neighborhood, to the library, to good will, to a lot of charitable endeavors. that is much appreciated. i have listened carefully to the testimony here. i have been involved in the planning department, with the public health department. there have been a lot of issues at the original location. i think we're at a stage now where my hope is that going forward and moving into a location which is 10 times bigger, where ike's can apply the lessons he has learned from this experience previously, are going to make this not a better, but a really good business for the neighborhood. i know for some of the people who testified here it is stressful. it is stressful for people who do not want the business. it is stressful for those who do what the business and feel their neighbors objected.
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it is a very difficult way in which to start your day, where you are expecting to have litigation or inspections, health inspections coming regularly, conflicts with your neighbors. nobody wants that. you do not want to live in that environment. i honestly believe that after this experience, ike acknowledges he made mistakes when he started out and did not anticipate the success his business model would provide. he is also going to be opening another establishment. i was pleased to give him a hearty recommendation. i think as he opens other locations and enhances his business model to have 35% phone orders, i think we will see going forward that this can be successful here. i do want to a knowledge another neighbor who is not here today, who works for coop. she sent me some of the concern she had. i do not disabuse.
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in my district, i have been pleased that people feel strongly about things. my district is not homogenous by any means. it has a lot of different views. what we try to do is bring a maximum number of people together. i even felt among some that testified with trepidation or opposition that there is an openness to turning the page, as long as the business operates in the right way. i do believe the conditions that are before you, the track record -- he will prove he can be a good neighbor as well as a good business. i appreciate your support. thank you. president miguel: thank you. is there additional public comment? if not, public comment is closed. commissioner borden: this is a classic example of a business being the victim of its own success. i have wanted to go to ike's, but the lines of been so long i have not made it. [laughter] we do not punish businesses are being successful.
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this is a neighborhood commercial district. i actually have a nightclub a block from the. there was a shooting. someone died. i hear noise from drunk people and a whole different thing. we're talking about a self service sandwich shop. it sounds to me that what the project sponsor talked about was he learned a lot from the previous location and instituted a lot of new changes to make sure this would not happen again. i think the iphone app is a brilliant idea, having phone and internet orders. it sounds like the ventilation -- the new improvements sound like someone who learned a painful and valuable lesson about how they can make their business successful. they cannot be more successful if they do not make the neighbors around them happy. everybody can knowledge it is hard to operate a business if the people closest to you are really unhappy with you. i think with the addition of the line location and other
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locations, there will be less pressure. people will have other places that can choose to go to and not only have to focus on this occasion. i was happy to hear that the project sponsor has instituted a food and sanitation program. i think that is a really important element they seem to have added. i also want to look at the conditions of approval. maybe we can add a couple more things there. in particular, i think we have item # 6 -- it talks about the main entrance to the building and sidewalks. maybe we can put something in there about cueing. i noticed you have done some sidewalk line worked in the past. maybe you could add some language that says people will be out of the right of way. with knowledge that sidewalks are public space. people do have the right to sit on sidewalks. [laughter]
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we do a knowledge that for us the sidewalk is considered -- we do acknowledge that for us decide what is considered public space. people are allowed to enjoy the sidewalk at their own leisure. we could also, if it will make neighbors more comfortable -- we have done conditions of approval where we have asked the project sponsor to come back in the year to report back on how things are going with a new system being implemented. that might be something we could consider looking at so we could make sure we are dealing with the concerns the neighborhood has raised. i do have a question about whether or not -- how the conditions of approval here related to trash under no. 11 and 12 -- how they are similar or different to what fast-food establishments are required to do. maybe the staff could talk about that a second? >> could you clarify the question? did i hear correctly that you
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want to understand the difference between this establishment and fast food? commissioner borden: adjustment for the trash. i do not consider this a fast food restaurant. the concern was about the trash generated. i wanted to know about how the conditions of approval here are different than what would be required of a fast food restaurant in the trash area specifically. >> the conditions we chose to use in this case are typical, standard conditions we would use for food use locations. we did not distinguish from any other food-related uses. similarly, if this were a cookie store or something like that, we would still require that trash be closed and on premises instead of outside on the sidewalk. commissioner borden: it sounds really similar. i trust this project sponsor wants to do right by the community and do all the other improvements that will manage
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this. i would move to approve with the additional conditions of adding some language around queuing in item six under the conditions of approval. also, and a condition that the project will report back to the commission in a year about how things are going there. that is all. vice president olague: i think it is a great project. i think it is fantastic that somebody who was raised in the city opened up a business and it can become so successful. this is a type of business within current -- i think we are looking for to see more of in the city. independently owned. entrepreneurial. you have an idea. your creative with it. -- you are creative with it. to be creative with a sandwich
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and have such a successful shopping is very interesting -- such a successful shop is very interesting. congratulations. i live in an area which has experienced a lot of changes in the last few years. it is nova. it was western addition, and now it is north of panhandle. whatever. i was one of the neighbors who had a lot of concerns when we saw new businesses, and. -- new businesses, in -- new businesses come in. there was a building we approved with a conditional use called a green chile kitchen. it was a small start up company. it went from being as well corner where we approve that to having, as there were beyond capacity. -- it went from being at the corner where we approved it to
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having to move, as they were beyond capacity. another business opened at that spot. we had a cafe. when it opened, they were requesting a liquor license. i was one of the uptight neighbors calling abc and the project sponsor in hysterics over what type of business there were going to be running. as it turns out, they have been a wonderful addition. none of the fears were actually realized. i think that sometimes i had to change my attitude and my insecurities around these issues that a lot of neighbors have. in has been really wonderful to see all of the revitalization in the neighborhood, providing jobs and interesting ideas around businesses. it is a lot more creativity. there is even a place now that offers classes in crafts. it is kind of an interesting
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shift in the neighborhood. i think this is the kind of thing we welcome. i think the conditions we have in place are going to safeguard that it is run responsibly. it sounds like you have a commitment, the project sponsor, to doing so. the gentleman who lives at 35 sharron -- you are right. we live in san francisco. there are a lot of mixed use neighborhoods. i appreciate your comments and want to a knowledge of for those. i fully support this. commissioner antonini: i also fully supported. this reminds me of the case we had a couple of years ago in north beach with golden boy pizza. those were the pizza wars. this is the sandwich wars. a lot of the same issues came up about perhaps people becoming ill afterwards, things like that. but it was generally felt it was other activities, not the pizza.
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in this case, it is probably not the sum which is causing that. this is a little like what we approved for tony's pizza. perhaps the could have a school sometime percentage making also there. it seems like -- perhaps they could have a school sometime for sandwich making also there. it seems like they are doing a lot of things well. this is not a formula retail, although it may soon be with its success. but that is an issue for another day. certainly, these are healthy fast foods. this could be the real happy meal here. [laughter] i think commissioner borden added some conditions that will answer some of the concerns. there are things already in place with regards to private property, where people may be sitting on steps, and the other issues that were brought up. i was also a little bit concerned. i want to make sure we keep the headquarters here in san
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francisco. i am happy that he has satellites and i hope he does well in some of the other places he has in mind. i do not think they have the queuing problems in santa rosa and san jose we have here, but the often eliminate those by not having enough sidewalk. people cannot queue up on the sidewalk because there are not any. there are other places. san francisco state sounds good as a satellite. i think in mission bay there is a lot of potential for something like this. not to add other issues here, but i think this is really a success story. i am very supportive and hope we can work out any concerns. commissioner sugaya: i have a quick question for the project sponsor. if we look at the floor plan submitted to us, there is an extremely large area for
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kitchen-related activities -- worktables, refrigerators, and everything else. i assume the back of the house location is aimed at preparing -- and i could be wrong. you can correct me here. it is aimed at preparing sandwiches for your other locations? >> as it is right now, we are only going to be focusing on preparing for that location. the additional space and storage area and preparation area allows so that -- at our old location, we had to -- because of the size of it, we had to get deliveries every day. this way, we have more storage, more prep area. we can cut our deliveries to traditional twice a week deliveries, maybe three times a week. that is what we were shooting for with that. commissioner sugaya: so it is not the case that you will be pre making some and shipping them to san francisco state, for example?
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or any other location? >> with the san francisco state location, it is a smaller area. it is about 700 square feet. we may do preparation in the morning time, 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., in this location, and transfer them to as a state. -- sf state. commissioner sugaya: does that change the nature of the use of this establishment? >> possibly. that was not part of the original proposal or part of the application when it was submitted. i think the sf state development was quite recent. at least i was not aware of it until today. typically, under the definition for self-service specialty food use, you are limited to preparing food for on-site sale. if you're preparing food for off site sales, that may be
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considered a manufacturing use. correct me if i'm wrong. we will have to review that if that is part of the proposal. commissioner sugaya: the direction i think we should go that at the moment since he said he is not going to do that, we should use it for storage and refrigeration of things that will be consumed during the rest of the week. then i think the cu is probably ok. if the nature of these changes, i think the for example we are going to have the report in a year for if the operation happens to change. if the use in the rear ends up being an off-sail tech use, then we can address that at that time. in terms of killing, i think that just to add onto commissioner borden -- in terms
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of queing, i think it just to add on to commissioner borden, try to keep it inside. if he could have some signs on the interior reminding people that this is partially a residential neighborhood -- i do not know exactly what they would say. but you have something to remind the patrons that are coming there to respect the neighborhood and what not, perhaps he already has that done. you live upstairs from the establishment? you could just have people queue up the stairway, then. [laughter] >> for what it is worth, within this use category there is a certain allowance of wholesaling type activities
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allowed as an accessory use. we will monitor that and make sure it does not exceed that. one other item i needed to bring up relative to commissioner approval -- in your case report, you seek approval related to some outstanding issues related to the previous location of this operator. we wanted to have a place holder, an acknowledgement of those issues. but after consultation with a city attorney, we have decided this condition does not make sense in this motion. i propose that condition no. 5 be removed. president miguel: thank you. i am quite familiar with this location because it was the original retail location for joseph smith chocolates, which also became extremely successful. my wife and i knew joseph quite well. so the location is one that is somewhat built for success in that regard.
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i visited the location and got a little more familiar with the back room. i was not as much before. i appreciate the changes which have been made as far as the venting and the concept of the interior space that allows for much more to win -- more queing than about zero at the other location. it is my hope, and i feel fairly certain that ike and the rest of the management understand fully, what problems were created before and why, the fact that they illicit opposition which is not good for any retail establishment, let alone for the city i trust we will find out at
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the report within a year that this will be taken care of. >> you have a motion on the floor for approval with some modifications -- the deletion of condition 5, to add to condition 6 language about killing -- queing, and to add language that there should be a report back in about a year on the status of the project. on that motion -- commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner moore: aye. commissioner lee: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. vice president olague: aye. president miguel: aye. we are going to take a 45 minute lunch break. >> the commission is >> the planning commission is
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back in session. we would like to remind you to turn off electronic devices that may sound off during this meeting. you are now on item 15, 2001 market street. >> good afternoon, members of the commission. you have before you a request for a conditional use authorization for a plant used development to develop a mixed- use building at 2001 market street at the mouth of dolores street. the project would provide a 31,000 square foot ground-floor grocery store doing business as wholefoods and 60 commercial parking spaces. the project is located in an mcp3 zoning district in the market/octavia planning area.
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the project also includes a dr. ceqa findings. -- adopted ceqa findings. the department has received a lot of correspondence from the public. we received a letter from hbna who generally supports the project but has concerns shared by dtna and the market and octavia cac. those concerns include the inclusion very good at not being located on site. they support the original parking keeling which that was contained in the -- parking q language that was contained in the mmrp that is somewhat diluted in its current form. the loading at 14th street should begin at 9:00 a.m. or later, not 7:00 a.m. or later as
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indicated in the mmrp. edna the generally supports the 9:00 a.m. loading time as well. the department also received several letters from residents in the neighborhood. many residents south of the side are concerned about the impact of the parking and loading on 14th and landers streets. they do not want large trucks driving down through their neighborhood. grocery store freeloading in their minds is inappropriate use in a low density residential neighborhood. most, however, support the overall project but are concerned about the adverse impacts of this large grocery store would have on their neighborhood. neighbors are concerned about queuing on dolores street, a similar situation seen at nearby grocery stores. some residents feel is out of character for the neighborhood because it serves as a back up house for the grocery store. some do not think that another large grocery store is even
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needed at this groceries -- at this location, that it would adversely impact small grocers in the area. several residents of 2027 market street have expressed additional concerns about life in view blockage and general noise impact from a high density building being adjacent to their building. as indicated, this project is also well supported by a number of neighborhood groups, and i just wanted to call that out as well. i mostly focused on comments that were received since the report came out. the site is difficult because it is long and narrow with three significant street frontage is. given these constraints, 14th street is the most suited for back of house operations, which was its traditional function. the department designed the facade in such a manner as to give it the residential
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character and disguises function. we recommend a 7:00 a.m. delivery time to address noise impacts. we think that is adequate. the mmrp also includes a parking queue condition to address cuing impacts. we feel the language is more balanced and gives to sponsor a number of options for abating the line. the sponsor has declared but has a note on file that he is working with the mayor's office of housing to find a suitable offsite housing location of the neighborhood to meet the requirements. it is on don hall wholefoods will impact smaller grossers in the neighborhood, but -- is unknown how whole foods will and have smaller grocers in the neighborhood. it mostly contains a more robust suggestion about how this may or may not impact local grocers. i would refer you to that.
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in the opinion of the department, this news would complement the safe way that is right across the street -- this use would complement the safeway. a little bit of housekeeping -- the project specifies 107 parking spaces. the sponsor will need to remove two of those spaces. it was just brought to my attention. car shares basis -- car share space is due count against the parking maximum, two spaces will be removed against that. we have 41 residential parking spaces, 60 commercial parking spaces, and a total of three car shares basis, one required for the residential, two for the commercial. this concludes my presentation, and i'm available for questions
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or comments. also, i have victoria and gregory year from environmental analysis to answer any questions you may have as well. commissioner miguel: thank you. project sponsor. supervisor dufty. >> thank you again for letting me visit with you. i want to just state that i think this is a project that is a model on how it is thought to work with the neighborhood and the planning department. you know that some years back, i worked to get funding through the board through the upper market planning process because there was this a turnover of underused parcels. we wanted to have thoughtful input from the community. it was one of the most dynamic processes the planning department has seen with hundreds of people coming up to express what they wanted to see in the development. you have a project sponsored that has had over 60 community meetings over the past three
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years to dig down with community organizations, and many of them will be here. much of the support has been very nuanced where there are concerns that groups continue to raise, but in response to these meetings, over 27 changes have been made. i think they have tried to work with the neighborhood and to build a better project. i live in the immediate area, and i can tell you that i think there is room for much more dynamism. there are so many people who traverse this area with all five streetcar lines, all coming together there, and there is just not activation of that street. having a fenced parking lot for safeway there, having not strong retail across the street -- i think this is going to be and unconcerned that we want to see -- and i am concerned that we want to see neighborhood reta
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