tv [untitled] January 3, 2011 2:30am-3:00am PDT
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keep? energy bars. dry food. canned vegetables. can corn, can peas, you can drain that and drink the water and eat the vegetables. buy can food that you eat normally. and a can opener. first aid kit, have 3. have you a small one in the car, have a nice sized one for home and make sure you have one at work. make sure if you are a diabetic or have a heart condition, something that you normal take have a little supply. have a storage area for this. consider this. if you have a supply kit, make sure you have one that's mobile.
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mobile meaning, if you have to evacuate a square mile for disaster or terrorist or anything, have it in there with you in case you are on your own for a bit. you might not be in your home. you might be somewhere else. there's a tsunami coming in. if you have kids at home what do you keep for them? make sure you keep them entertained and have food they like. the most useful tool in a disaster? scissors. if you use clothes you will be
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cold. [inaudible]. duct tape. many uses. you want garbage bags. line the toilet with trash bags. you want to line it, line it up use the tape, tape it around. the other bag to hold it. put a second bag in there. in a disaster you don't have to go outside you use your own bathroom close the door. you have one lined on the toilet, you take it out and tie it up. comfortable shoes. if you have one in the trunk of your car that's great. also have one at work. get an old pair of sneakers, put it in your bag and put if
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under the desk. if you have to walk home you have comfortable shoes. pet food. make sure you have food and water for them. kids, too. make sure you have stuff to keep them entertained. after 2 hours, you will be in trouble. be aware of that. information. these are the initially, you are going to have all the radio stations will have emergency broadcast system. they will tell you where to go. where's the shelter supplies. initially after any disaster all the radio stations will broadcast on what's happening. the news to tell you what's happening. after that they will broadcast the evacuation centers. where to get medical help. one per floor for fire
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extinguishers. if you don't know how to use it we will talk about it in class number 2. you need a unification site. if you pick up the home phone and don't hear a dial tone, try again. make sure there is a land line hard wired to the -- not plugged in. if you can make a phone call you should call somewhere further away. if you have someone out of state that way they are not effected. who's okay, who's not, who has not called yet, that way you know who you are waiting for. after an earthquake or disaster if you know everyone in the family is safe you have no worries.
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if you work in the city and you live in the north bay, the bridge is down. make that phone call. your family is safe, you are safe. i can do more work helping the people in san francisco than trying to get back right away. your family knows you are okay and you could be rescuing the city. having a family plan. twice a year we say, change your batteries in your smoke detectors and replenish your supplies with new food. your spouses say what are you going to do in a disaster? if you go to school, the school has a plan set in place. if a quake hits they will evacuate to certain areas. you will have to pick them up at a certain age.
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talk to your family. don't wait for a disaster. you should talk about it tonight. everybody in an event of a disaster meet in the front or back of the house. as soon as you know everybody is safe if you want to get something that's fine. as long as you know everybody in the family is safe and that person wants to use a garden hose to put out the fire. if you don't this is a possibility. a single story wood structure building is the safest to be in but has to be bolted to the foundation. everybody know where the water heater is.
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if you haven't change it in 10 years it might be free standing it has to be elevated 18 inches and strapped the top and bottom third. used to be like this. this is 3 quarter inch tape. top and bottom third and bolted against a stud not just dry wall it has to hit the stud. this is what to look for. the top of the shelves. yeah. when the earthquake hit it moves side sways. a lot of the time filing cabinets, they open the shelf, if you do that it will fall
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over. lock it or balance the weight out. computers. notice this new computer, here. [laughter]. >> save yourself a lot of money by strapping it down. putting velcro on it so it doesn't fall off. tip it over all the stuff will fall off. to be properly say it should be 50 feet away from the window. how many people have 30 foot bedrooms? the best thing to do [inaudible] it will break like a car windshield it shatters and staying together. or close the drapes so if it breaks it will shatter on the
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drapes and it will fall to the ground. multiple pair of slippers under your bed. most of us get out of bed at night time and close our eyes, you know where it is. in a disaster you might have glass on the carpet or floor. if you get out any start walking you will get cut. how about this? kitchen. the most dangerous place to be in a disaster because that's where all the stuff breaks, in the kitchen. where do you put the heaviest pot? top shelf in the back over the fridge. least accessible area. they are the first to fly out. how do you medigate that problem? what do you think?
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on my house i have a 5 and 7 year old everything was baby safe. that's the same for earthquake proofing you don't want the glass to fall and come out. the way they do it in new york. these are different types. hook the hooks. put safety latches you can put the magnetic ones. any heard of [inaudible] wax. she this expensive vase if it's earthquaked it will not fall because we use this. a silly puddy you put on if you have things of value you don't want breaking in an earthquake, grab this. all hardware stores have them.
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anybody have this at home? >> this is, why is this a hazard aside from it being in an earthquake? most of the home it is built in the city before the 1850's was meant for one socket not for a stereo and everything plugged into it it was meant for one item. hazardous material. this draino and different things, read the labels. it's important to know what you have in the home in case somebody injest it. make sure you know what you have so you don't cross contaminate. you don't want to put bleach next to ammonia. in a disaster if /taeu break and mix, what will happen.
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you will have a hazardous material place in your house. how about this? the typical garage. most people don't have gas in the suburbs you do. if you have lawn mowers. store it low. gas fumes will creep down to the bottom. if you have to store gas, store it mostly full. if you have an empty gas container -- if you want to protect yourself put cords across it so it doesn't fall in an earthquake. you screw it in. strap it across. make sure the shelf is screwed into the wall if it's screwed into a stud it will not tip over. when you go home look at your
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hazards. get everything in a box. there is no correct spot to put it. some people get a can and put it in their yard. it's up to you. there is no correct spot it's where everybody in your family knows where it is. if you are not home and a disaster hits who the find it. the whole family gets involved you, yourself, family members, kids, let them know where it is. if something happens they can help /thefplgz. themselves. if you can help yourself you take a load off of us. yourself, your neighbors a few hours after, we know that
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[inaudible] activated a few times for y 2 k after 911 we had people. the [inaudible] has not know tried yet if you go there after a disaster you will be by yourself. a few hours after, that's when people form and that's when they help out. >> this is the home work. you don't have to write it down it's in the manual. simple things for your home. hazardous conditions in our house. there is a course evaluation in the back of the book. i'm rob [laughter]. >> okay. let's get into the program
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today is utility control and fire hazard material. we will teaching how to turn your utility's off and what hazardous materials to look for. >> the first thing is natural gas. what do you know about natural gas? flammable. it goes, boom. it's important to shut this off. we use it for cooking, eating and hot water. there were 40,000 people that called pg and e about their gas. that means they call turned off their gas? did they need to do that? when do you have to? when there is a problem. how long did you think it takes pg and e to get out and turn it
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back on? 45,000 people. days weeks, may be a month. who has seen this in the streets. a lot of muck is in there is it's full of dirt and weeds you turn it to the right to tighten it and left to loosen it. your home work you have to look at your house, pop open the lid, look in there see what's going on in there it's not nice and clean like this. who has seen this around their house? everybody. each meter has a shut off. you want to find out where your gas meter is. you can keep track of your usage but you will know how to shut it off. here's the shut off.
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i have some tools up here, you can look at these. any hardware store has these. they fit on this and it allows you to turn off the gas. when we talk about the wheels it's these on top. if you have a broken pipe. they will spin like mad. when it's daylight, go home, you have the heater on or the oven, look at the top wheels they are spinning got now mad. if you turn on every gas appliance in our house they will move. if you break a pipe it will spin like mad. you smell gas it's dad egg smell it's methane. it rises, it's lighter than air.
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if you smell the natural gas you want to get out. shut off the gas and ventilate the room. get the natural gas out. to test it you want to turn it an eighth of a turn and turn it back to the way it it was. notice the little thing? that's going straight with the flow of the pipe that means it's open. if it's across that means you turned off the gas. the eighth of a turn you didn't turn it off you just moved it. these are in better shape. if you can get to this valve, safely, the building's collapsed on it you can't get to it you have to use the one in the street. pg and e put all the meters outside the houses in a lot of
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the neighborhoods, these are pretty easy to get to. they are easy to find. if you can find the little round circle in the sidewalk. if you look directly at the house you will find this meter and this shut off on the ground floor. in is a closeup of the shut off. in is the wrench i recommend you you use it for other things. they are cheap and they will work. this is great because you can use it somewhere else if you have to. an adjustable open end wrench. a diagram are off/on. shut off valve. another shut off coming out of the dirt. another problem you have a wrench that doesn't quite work. we like to leave the wrenches next to the shut off.
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tie is off with a wire. we will cover it again. when you shut off the gas. if the build's's collapsed good idea to shut it off there are probably pipes broken and you can have a gas leak. if you smell gas, leave the /tkaors open, don't operate electric switches that will cause a spark. don't use your cell phone. use the cell phone outside or a neighbor's phone to call 911. get everyone out of the building, close the gas valve and forget it. don't open it up again. there is probably a leak and you will have troubles wait for pg and e to test it. what's the most important thing in an emergency? everyday, water.
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somewhere in front of the house you will see these. san francisco water department. how do you get in here? easy. a long screwdriver or pry bar. pull it this way and the whole thing will lift out. even if it's crusty you can get it out. that's what it looks like. that's brass covered water meter. there it is. how would you tell if water was leaking if the building without going in there? that thing woulding pegged. this guy would be spinning. here's how you shut it on and off. like the gas thing, the valve thing with the square head. there are a couple of ears. you lineup the 2 ears. there is a hole to put a
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padlock. if it's on ita in direction of the /phroe. flow. when it's off, these 2 lineup. the 2 ears will lineup so you can put a padlock in there. that tells you you hava shut off. like that gas circle thing, if you see that thing in a sidewalk and you are standing in the street and you have that in front of you and look directly at the house you will find the gas shut off. same with the water. if you have the water thing in front of you and look directly at the house. 9 times out of 10 on the floor you will find the main water shut off, here. a lot of places have the sprinklers if you shut off the main in the street you shut off the fire systems. so, if you have a choice of
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shutting off the water in somebody's house go for the one that coming between the foundation, usually it's in the garage or basement. you turn it to the right. right to tighten, left to loosen. this is easier to turn on and off if you is get in the garage. if you can't use the one in the street. do it only if it's say safe to do so. if it's dangerous, leave it. >> this is a basic electric system. a switch and the screw in fuses. there are not many of these anymore. most have the breakers. okay. to show you what they look like. on, off. this is a safety box you can't get it open until you turn it off. a couple of screw in fuses. this is a cartridge and screw
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in fuses. here it says on and off. pull it out stick it upside down and stick it back in. circuit break /-rs this is what most have. you have the meter. that's how pg and e /khrarpblgs us. you have the big main. usually there are 60 or a hundred or 50. the little guys are 20-15-30. if you want to shut off the power you shut off the little guys first than the main. when you throw a switch there is the arch. like water when water flows in an old house any you shut it off quick you get the hammer effect? that's like electricity.
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is it safe to do it if you smell natural gas? show of hands. >> nobody has their hands up. it's not safe to flicking any switches if you smell natural gas. how about if there is smoke coming out of an outlet. if you shut this off in an area where there is no gas, good idea. >> just about anything can be a hazardous material, cleaners, solvants, hair products anything can be hazardous. they are every where. the only time they are hazardous if they are misused our there is a disaster. do you see these in san
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francisco? that's probably propane. we have a port. in an industrial area. it identified where they are stored. are there hazardous storage places in this air? no. are there a dry cleaners? yes. who remembers grand auto. they have solvants, cleaners, octane boosters. it's great until there is a natural disaster. where does this end up? on the floor. it gets mixed together and becomes a hazardous soup and it's usually slippery. safeway, what do you think they have in there, kids? we will show you. bleach. okay. bleach is great i used it this afternoon to get my shirt white
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it's great. do we need this much bleach at home? no. safeway need it? probably not. look what they have across from the bleach. it says don't mix ammonia and bleach makes a gas. these are bad things to mix with bleach. who's got these under their sink in i do. everybody does. you want to separate the ones that don't go to together. how do you find out? read the labels. these are department of transportation placards, they are colored. they are all red. they have the sort of flame thing up there. the little number here and number here. we've got books in our rig that tell us what these are. based on a number. we will see a 1219, look in the
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book and say a truck carrying 1219 and it's leaking every where what do we have. george, we have 92 octane gasoline, that's not good. we call people and get help. we as volunteers are not going to be hazardous material people. you need to know this is red, it's flammable. if there is a problem, let us know and keep people away from it. these are more placards. explosives, anything orange, reds yellow. oxidizer, that's going to make a small fire into a really big fire without much help.
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inhalation hazards, don't breathe it. okay. the rest it self explanatory. there is nfpa 704 diamonds, you don't need to know that blue, health. :number 4 it will wreck your health fast. 0 means no problem. red, same. 4 means it's a fire hazard and poof, catch on fire like that. this is it may detonate. this is the dns hacienda. there is a health hazard but we are clueing into number 4. there is flammable stuff in there when frank and i show up we put
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