tv [untitled] January 13, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm PST
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commissioner fong: here. commissioner moore: here. commissioner sugaya: here. >> will consider items proposed for a continuance. item one, case # 2009-0649c. it is proposed for continuance in definitely. item 2 below, for 524 howard st., proposed for a continuance to march 24, 2011. item three, parking in south of market and mission bay, is proposed for continuance to february 10, 2011. president miguel: is there any public comment on the items proposed for continuance?
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>> i am here to request that item one the continued not indefinitely but for 30 days. the community has been working hard for the past four months collecting signatures and having house meetings to talk about this. they are anxious for it to come up and for you to support this project. we hope you can get this done as soon as possible. president miguel: thank you. is there any other public comment on the items proposed for continuance? if not, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini: just a question on item 3, which is being continued, but the author is no longer on the board of supervisors. i guess the legislation continues on anyway. >> amy rogers, planning department staff. not necessarily. pieces of legislation that were sponsored by an outgoing board
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member may be signed on by any existing members of the board of supervisors. in this case, this legislation deals solely with district six, and the new supervisor for the district needs more time to consider whether she wants to sign on or not. commissioner antonini: it seems reasonable to continue it. if it is not, it will be pulled off the calendar, i assume. vice president olague: i would like to call mr. bustos back up. have you met with the project sponsor on this item? i was wondering what those dialogues have been like. >> we got notification within 300 feet of the property where this project is being proposed. one meeting happened in the fall at mission cultural center. t mobile had a representative there and told us this was going to happen no matter what, that
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this was a done deal and that the meeting was basically to educate us. that was their outreach to the community. i did personally try to have a conversation. i sent an e-mail to the owner of the building expressing our opposition to it for being unsightly, undesirable, and unnecessary. he has refused to talk to me. i see him all the time. he does not approach me, does not talk to me, and has not responded to the e-mail. there has been a lot of movement in opposition to this. i mean, there was a meeting this saturday about it. and people want to come out. they feel like they have been working very hard to collect signatures, talked to neighbors, talk to residents, and talk to the businesses. they want to get this over with. vice president olague: i was a little bit concerned because i
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had heard from members of the latino community that they did not feel they were being respected by the project sponsor. that was a cause for concern in my mind. i would like to set a date for 30 days from today and in the meantime have a conversation with the staff who are working on this, and also possibly with the project sponsor, to get a sense of what their tone with the public has been. >> the town has been very condescending, to be honest with you. even the staffer associated with this has called one of our members a hypocrite because he had a cell phone. the town on many levels has not been very positive -- the town -- the tone on many levels has not been very positive. a lot of people are upset. many people have signed a petition against this. they are ready to come up. vice president olague: think you
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for that in sight. that is also what i have been hearing. it is really upsetting to me that the latino community is being this respected in this way. i talk -- i could talk to the project sponsor. maybe there are misunderstandings. i am going to go ahead and move that we set a 30-day continuance. maybe we will work things out and get more information in the meantime. i am sorry to hear that happened. >> would that be to february 17? vice president olague: yes. >> i apologize. we did receive a request from the public. there was a requested continuance of an item further on your regular calendar. vice president olague: i did speak with him. i think he is going to be here. i think we can wait until the call of the item.
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he is coming today to this meeting. i would like to move that we move to item one to february 17, item 2 below to march 24, and i guess we will leave no. 3 until february 10. maybe by then we will know one way or the other whether the sponsor is good to continue with this or not. >> on the motion to continue -- commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner fong: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. vice president olague: aye. commissioner moore: -- president miguel: aye. >> that moves us to the consent calendar.
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these matters are considered routine and will be acted on by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which case the matter should be removed from the cent -- from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item. there is only one item, for 2451 sacramento st., intention to initiate a project-sponsored amendment to san francisco zoning map two. president miguel: is there any public comment? >> my name is paul warren, speaking on this case. we would like it pulled off the consent calendar. president miguel: thank you. is there any other public comment on the consent items? >> good afternoon,
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commissioners. i am barbara smith with the san francisco housing authority. i am not sure if it is appropriate for me to speak at this time. president miguel: we are only considering whether it stays on consent. if it does not, as the member of the public has requested, we will hear it on the regular calendar. >> thank you. president miguel: certainly. is there any other member of the public? if not, public comment is closed. where will consider it the first item on the regular agenda. >> we are then on commissioners questions and matters, consideration of adoption of a draft minutes for february 18, october 21, and december 9, 2010. commissioner sugaya: i did not get any minutes. president miguel: they are in
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there. i have mine. commissioner moore: i did not get minutes either. commissioner borden: i got them, but i only got the special meeting on nine in the 18. i did not get the other two. >> duly noted. commission comments and questions? president miguel: if i may start that off, during the break -- and welcome back everybody -- i have met regarding cpmc, the 24th street sell tower, an item on pleasant street, and also met with three of the court in
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coming new supervisors -- three of the four incoming new supervisors. i was out of town for the fourth. they did extremely well in briefing the new supervisors regarding the planning department, introducing them to senior staff, taking their questions, and that sort of thing. that went very well. also, a brief statement. a recently received two communications from theresa sparks, the executive director of the human rights commission. they followed a discussion of commissioner sugaya's comments at our november 18 meeting and realized they were not expressed by the hall commission.
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the expressed thanks for the commissioners apology made at the commission meeting, and directed his expressed willingness to engage in sensitivity training. my understanding is that the human rights commission is considering the possibility of such training for all san francisco commissioners on all commissions. i assured her that if such a program is instituted, the planning commission will most certainly participate. commissioner moore: i just wanted to express my delight about san francisco winning the america's cup and some of the challenges that will allow us to showcase of what the department has done, the new plans. hopefully, we can kick some of them in with great speed, such as the better streets plan. we want to show the streets bordering the bay in full force. i have a question for the director.
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i was confused about the message i got yesterday saying they are taking on the planning of ocean avenue. in addition, there were talking about, as i understood it -- in electronics, letters are abbreviated -- that there were taking on the joint planning downtown. i was hoping that the planning department was already in charge of physical planning and would stay in dialogue and would be a full participant in all these efforts. >> thank you for that. spirt received a grant -- spur received a grant from the state or the feds to do planning and outreach work along ocean avenue, which is part of ocean beach, part of the golden gate national recreation area. it is not under our jurisdiction
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in the department. the planning department is part of a larger -- i sit on the advisory group, along with several other department heads from parks and the public utilities commission in overseeing the effort. they did specifically receive a grant to be the lead on that effort to convene department heads and agencies to look at issues along ocean beach. the second part of your question -- i will look into that. commissioner moore: i think both of them are interesting. it is very positive. i just hope that we will never encourage fragmented efforts, especially on ocean beach properties, which we frequently talk about. i hope there will be open doors for all of us to hear and see and participate in a wonderful effort. i hope there is an invitation to us. commissioner borden: i would
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also like to reiterate what commissioner morse said -- moore said about being thrilled about america's cup. i look forward to the environmental review documents. i also want to congratulate all the new supervisors and the new interim mayor. i look forward to working with them on planning issues and to having a very productive time on a couple of issues. when is the presidio. i know there are plans for a hotel there. meetings have been canceled. i was wondering if we could have someone from the presidio update us on their plans and their philosophy. that way, the community has a forum that is a little more public than the existing forum. if that would be something other commissioners could agree to, that would be great. the other thing is that i wanted to request that the park merced project scheduled february 3 be
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moved. i will be out of town. after sifting through all the hearings, i would like to weigh in on the outcome. president miguel: [unintelligible] commissioner borden: no, i will not. vice president olague: i believe it is also chinese new year on the third. there may be members of staff -- commissioner fong may want to spend time with his family. that is what i have heard from the chinese community, the trouble with having park merced scheduled on that day. that made my life easy. thank you, commissioner borden. i would like to request an update on the market and octavia plan. i am not sure when that is going
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to be scheduled. >> it is specifically on the implementation? vice president olague: the status of it. that sort of thing. i would kind of like to hear that. i know i have not had an attempt to speak with commissioner -- not commissioner. i am sort of distracted right now. commissioner miguel about this. we had a sustainable strategy discussion scheduled for january 27. i would not mind having a little bit of the information about market and octavia ahead of that discussion. i was actually going to request at some point that rather than hear the ses discussion on the 27th that we move it over to february. i wonder if we can possibly move that up to february 10. >> i will say, tentatively, one of the concerns is that we might, given commissioner
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borden's request, that we might want to move that to the 10th. if so, we might not want to have other major projects on the agenda that day. vice president olague: later in february, the 17 or the 24th. >> ironically, the calendar is already getting quite awful for the first quarter. we will see what we can do. vice president olague: we can move markets octavia on the 27th. i know we cannot move things up once they are scheduled, but i think the 27th is pretty crowded. the 24th is pretty light. so maybe the 24th could work for sustainable community strategies discussion. the 27th is looking pretty -- >> to be clear, you would like the first discussion to be about market octavia. vice president olague: yes. it deals with transit-oriented
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development, etc., etc. i would like to have that conversation proceed. commissioner antonini: just for discussion purposes, we do have a calendar for the year, but we are not going to take that up today. president miguel: it is not on the agenda. it is strictly a draft. commissioner antonini: unless i hear otherwise, the dates on the calendar will be -- i have a couple of things. i think staff for, as always, the excellent commerce and industry report from 2009. there is good news and bad news. the good news is that san francisco in 2009 was the only county in the bay area to grow both in population and also the number of residents employed in the bay area labor force, which is good. in fact, our increase in unemployment was the lowest of any of the counties, according to their thing.
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but the bad news is, as many of you have heard, we have lost a lot of employees from state compensation. we lost the entire aaa operation. i did have the occasion to talk to people over the break, both employees and employers, about the things that most drive businesses away or keep businesses from coming here. some of these are beyond our scope. the obviously talked about cost factors and the extraordinary fees and policies that cost businesses a lot more to operate in san francisco than other counties. a lot of individual people talk about non-elective public school assignments outside of one neighborhood, and that could be dealt in other areas, but they are not land-use assignments. there could be changes of that coming up. one thing they did talk about was the general appearance of the city. i am glad to hear that the batter's street -- the better street policy is coming up.
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