tv [untitled] January 25, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PST
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redirected to the redevelopment agencies. we are trying to attract clean energy and clean businesses out to the hunters part -- the hunters point shipyard. we have a lot of work to do as a city to get there. it is more of an invitation right now to work with folks going forward. i think if you could consider the needs of the project area, i noted it was number of four in your strategic plan objective. you do not want to forget the work force development objective. i am happy to answer any questions that commissioners might have. president vietor: any questions or comments? we appreciate your reminding us of these issues. we hope you'll come back as opportunities arise to see how we can help. it would be great to develop the work force and provide as many opportunities as we can out there. >> if i may, i did a back of the
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envelope calculation reminding you that phase one is approximately 1200 homes. the remaining 10,500 homes have yet to be built up. there is a lot of high-density development, ranging from towers 35 stories tall to a very big projects. i did a back of the envelope to regulation of the projected energy to create 10,000 jobs, you are looking at something like the $125 per year subsidy per job to facilitate the attraction of those businesses. that is one ankle and one way to think about it as we move forward. president vietor: thank you very much. next item, please. >> next item -- discussion of possible action authorizing the general manager to request approval from the board of
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supervisors to accept and expand congressionally directed project funds from the 2009 omnibus appropriations act, as administered by the department of energy, for the fats, oil and grease to biodiesel project, currently in the process of demonstrated -- of demonstrating technologies to recover greece to be converted into biofuel including biodiesel. president vietor: is there a motion to adopt this item? any public comment? all those in favor? opposed? the motion carries. next item, please. >> item 14, discussion of possible action to approve the selection of esa+orion jv, a ward of the -- award of the hetch hetcy moccasin facilities
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upgrade, and authorize the general manager to negotiate and execute the professional services agreement. >> i have a question. that is whether this project is ready. what i am thinking is as we go to the budget process, one of the things i want to talk about is the nature and pace of this program. i am wondering if we have the project will one of defined to put into the environmental review process -- we have the project well enough defined to put into the environmental review process. >> commissioner, i think there are a number of facilities that need to be upgraded. i am not sure that we have a project totally ready to start right now. the contract would not begin until march.
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we can explain. >> go ahead. [laughter] >> michael karlin, deputy general manager. we think this whole program is maturing all our facilities. as part of the budget process, we will take you through some of our facility needs outside of san francisco. we are building 525 golden gate. but our staff is currently working out of moccasin. we would like to upgrade those facilities so they have the equivalent of what people in san francisco have. we have been studying it. we have layouts of facilities we want to of great and what they entail. -- we want to upgrade and what they entail. we want an environmental consultant in place as we take the project forward. we think we are ready. >> i am not going to object to
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this. i am just putting everybody on notice. >> we have several specific slides just to talk about how much we would be spending on facilities. president vietor: any other comments on item 14? is there a motion to adopt item 14? any motions? item 14? second? hearing none, what do i do? to table it until -- continue it to the next meeting, until we have more information and can look at the slides? >> is there any time line when the bid runs out, anything like that? president vietor: i don't think so. hearing no objections, i would
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like to continue -- can we please continue this to the next meeting and get more information at this time? next item, please. >> item 15, discussion and possible action to approve the selection of hdr engineering, harry tracy water treatment plant long-term improvements project construction management services staff augmentation, to authorize the general manager to execute the professional services agreement with hdr engineering not to exceed $16 million with a duration of five years, subject to board of supervisors' approval. >> julie labonte, executive director. do you have questions on any specific items? president vietor: any questions or comments on this item?
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is there a motion to adopt item 16? i am sorry -- 15. is there a second? hough -- public comment on this item? all those in favor of adopting item 15? opposed? the motion carries. >> item 16, discussion and possible action to approve the plans and specifications of the water enterprise water system improvement program, crystal springs pipeline number to replacement project to the lowest qualified responsible bidder, ranger pipelines, to provide improvements that will add seismic reliability to the northern peninsula. >> i want to point out that this
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item shows we are continuing to benefit from a very favorable bidding environment. in this case, we were able to save $13.80 million with the lowest bid, which represents 30% of savings from our budget. >> and ranger pipeline, as i recall, is a san francisco firm located in bayview. >> they have done very good work for us so far. president vietor: public comment on this item? all those in favor? opposed? next item, please. >> madame president, i believe we are coming to the end of the regular calendar. >> there are no closed session items today. if you could take those off calendar and move to item 22, if the commissioner has any
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additional new business items? president vietor: any new business items? >> move to adjourn. >> let me put a nail on the to buy four. we are talking about issuing debt and for the first time ever against our credit. we are talking essentially about giving a rate to one part of the city that would be at the end of five years 20% below market rates. we are also talking about building facilities. that picture bothers me. we are heading into budget season. that would be the time to talk about that. there are significant bears --
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i'm robert chief and i'm the park's supervisor in the parks in the sunset district. i've been working here for 3 years. we are 60-70 street below street level. the 64 acre park. the park is divided into 2 sections we are in the stern area. when you get over to pine lake meadow and pine lake, pine lake is considered a natural area. in 1847, the green family came out here, back then this was kind of an empty canyon and sand dun area. they claimed this property. in 1892. george green who's a second generation built the truckdaro club house. there was a hotel then. it was said this was the place
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to go if you were weary of the dirty city and the police. there were a couple of gun fights the front door has bullet holes. i don't ever repair them. 1931 stig mond bought the property from the green family. she donated it to the city of san francisco and had a specification, i'm giving it to the city that will be used forever for the enjoyment forever of the people of the city of san francisco. it has ever since. every summer the stern grove association in san francisco rec and parks put on 10 free concerts. usually people come out at 10 in the morning it's a family affair. everybody is on the lawn with picnics and it's free. anybody can come out. it's a great way to spend a
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sunday. >> goes to 1-2 in the afternoon and runs until 5. [music]. thanks to the stern grove association they renovated the concert meadow. it used to be a rolling grafsy area. put in a new stage and stage building. they put in terraces. we get from 8,000 to 12,000 people. and the meadow next to the concert meadow is full of people even though they can't see the music they hear it. i walked into the meadow several times and they don't even care. we do have literally events going on day and night. the concert association has kids days during the week. the performers come out for hundred 200 kids.
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now, the truckadero truck house gets rented out for weddings and retirement. the croquet clubs and horse shoes. 2 play grounds, tennis courts. we have from 25 to a hundred dogs here. it's like bisons going across the mid west. there are so many dogs they are covering the ground cht it's a get together. all the dog walkers know each other. if you go to pine lake day camp now, you will see 50 kids there. the r directors are wonder.
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>> the pine lake is natural. they take of the area around the lake. they plant natives that are drought tolerant. one that stands the dry summers here. the whole park is under going quite a bit of reconstruction. they will renovate the trails around the lake. and the big project is the capital project for pine lake meadow. they are going to returf the dog run and the meadow by the day camp. we are looking for a very busy fall. by the spring of next year should have major renovations to the mark thal make it an outstanding park. i don't ever refer to it as my park. all the parks belong to all the people. this park belongs just as much to the familin
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