tv [untitled] January 27, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm PST
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>> the commission does not tolerate any outbursts, clapping, speaking out of order, etc. please turn off all mobile devices that may sound off during the proceedings. when speaking before the commission, please speak directly into the microphone and state your name for the record. at this time, i would like to
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take roll. [roll call] commissioner borden has not yet arrived. first up on your calendar our consideration of items proposed for continuance. item one, case 2010.0758d 4 greenwich street is proposed for continuance of february 3. in 3 for 950 mason st. is proposed for continuance to april 14, 2011.
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commissioners, items 4a and d that appear under your continuance calendar do not need to be acted upon as they will be re-notice prior to the hearing date. i need to advise the commissioners also of a clerical error that omitted the park merced certification of the environmental impact report continuance for case 2008. 0021e to february 3, 2011. procedurally, if it does not appear on this calendar, it automatically is continued, but i wanted to advise you of that. i will ask under commissioners questions and matters that you direct staff to place it on the february calendar. further, under your regular calendar, items 14a and b for
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two to six -- for 226 cabrillo street, we have received a request for continuance, and i assume we will take that up when the item is called. finally, on item 15, we have received a withdrawal letter from the requested, so that will not need to be heard. commissioner miguel: is there any public comment on items for the continuance calendar? >> good afternoon, members of the commission. david is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. he was in hospital for the last week. he cannot focused his team on
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this effort. i would hope that we could keep humanity in the process and allow this requested to have a 90-day medical leave so that he can get his health back and the issue can be taken up. i have spoken with mr. wang -- mr. wing lee. he is the architect for the project, and he said his owner wants no further delay. i wonder if that can be taken now so we do not have to wait all afternoon. thank you. commissioner olague: i was just going to ask that we take it up now and move that. i mean -- is up to you all. commissioner antonini: i'm sorry, you were going to move it? move to continue? i'm in agreement with that. if there's no other comments -- commissioner olague: people can vote against it if they want to -- commissioner antonini: i'm fine with that. why don't you make a motion,
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then? >> commissioners, excuse me, the city attorney has reminded me that the project sponsor needs to have an opportunity to speak to the continuance request. commissioner miguel: i do not think we can do it at this time. i think we have to wait for the call of the item, since the project sponsor particularly is not here. commissioner olague: ok, that is fine. move to continue items one, 2a, 2b, 3b4a, 4b, 4c, 4d to the dates noted. >> second, but i think that 4a through d need no action. also the park merced case. on that motion to continue as proposed, --
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[will call -- [roll call] so would, commissioners. we are now under commissioners questions and matters. if you could direct the commission secretary to ed that item to the february calendar -- to add the item to appear on the february calendar. you are now on the item 5, election of officers. commissioner moore: i would like to make a motion to appoint a commissioner olague as president and commissioner miguel as vice president. their service and teaming has set an exemplary performance for the last two years, and given the discussion, which we had four years in a row, the
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switching of responsibilities, i think, maintains the stability of the experience but gives a slightly different yet complementary dynamic to the commission, so i move to approve commissioner olague as president and commissioner miguel as vice- president. >> second. commissioner antonini: i have not had a chance to consider this until today. of course, it would be up to commissioner olague to comment on this, but i know, for myself, being employed full time, it would be really difficult being the president, not that the vice-president does not have a lot of things to do as well, but it seems to me it is a very time consuming position, and i would find it hard to do if i were working full time, so i'm not sure i'm supportive of the motion. commissioner moore: i would just like to add as a complement to
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what commissioner miguel said, the majority of us work full time, and even being here requires quite a skill and quite a commitment, so i do not believe that full time employment is indeed in contradiction to serving as president, vice president, or as commissioner -- commission member. i have been asked a number of years ago if i would consider running as vice president for also consider being appointed as commission president, and my own personal qualifications make me feel i am a stronger person being just a commissioner, so i leave that standing as its own argument. and perhaps we need to move on the vote on it -- and ask that we move on the vote on my motion. commissioner antonini: i just wanted to ask -- i have not had a chance to talk to commissioner olague.
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how do you feel about this? commissioner olague: i think i have the time to do it. i want to also respect that commissioner miguel would be willing to do it again, but i have been vice president for a couple of terms, so i would be willing to do it, but i do not want to upset the apple cart or whatever, but i do have the time to take it up. >> commissioners, there is a motion and second. [roll call] that motion passes unanimously. congratulations, commission president olague. commissioner moore: i would like
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to congratulate the same team, the same friends, and the same commitment. i have been delighted to work under your leadership, and in the end, it does not make much of a difference to me, being on the receiving end of who is who, except performance matters, and that performance is impeccable. commissioner miguel: i would like to say that i have had the pleasure of working with commissioner olague now since i have been on the commission. it has been a very harmonious relationship, and i look forward to that. commissioner olague: we had a conversation last night. i was not aware that there might be a motion contrary to what we spoke of, but, you know. i think we will continue to work harmoniously, as we have here for the past -- >> commissioners, next item.
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item six, commission comments and questions. commissioner sugaya: yes, last -- at last thursday's hearing, reciting the top market, i made a certain, that was -- let me put it in context. commissioner borden was in the process of saying what her feelings were about the project, and in summing up, she made a comment that there might be other opportunities to make money at the store, something else could be sold in the store, and she mentioned perhaps clothing, and i think kind of shrug it off as something that probably was not possible. in that context, i made a comment, which i learned on monday from supervisor ken -- kim was taken as being very
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insensitive to the tenderloin community, and for that, i'm very, very sorry. it was not meant to be taken in that regard, and the comment was at that time directed to the project sponsor of tiptop market, who is seeking a conditional use permit, so it was not intended to be addressed to the larger community, but it has been taken that way. subsequently, i have talked to the owner of the stock-market -- the tiptop market, to make sure that what i said was not offensive to him. he assured me that it was not, and he volunteered to come here today if needed, but i told him i did not think that was necessary and that i think people can take my word that he did not have a problem. i also then subsequently called and talked to mr. buckley at the central city tesoro citysro
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collette -- central city sro collaborative. he did say that members of the collaborative were interested in having a meeting with me, and we are currently in the process of setting that up, which i assume will be fairly shortly. after making my comment, i did make a little side are saying that it might come back around at me through a supervisor, which it did on monday morning. so that did happen. i think, to the greater community and especially the tenderloin community and to supervisor kim, i do truly apologize for making that comment. commissioner antonini: yes, a couple of items, part of our general correspondence was a letter from the jones hall law
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firm, i believe directed to michael yarney, january 21, 2011, rich is a restatement of infrastructure -- proposed infrastructure refinancing. i believe it is available online, but i would like to see if we can get a hard copy of that. i think there was just the one copy. i do not remember receiving a is for today. i think that is an important issue and one i would like to look at a little bit more. it is a fairly long document to print out. also want to thank sfpuc. had a meeting with them i think the 12th of january, very productive meeting regards to the item we will be considering later on our agenda, and i met with peter from sfmta and we
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went over some very interesting plans for different parts of the city, and i thank him for taking the time, and i think we will be talking about those in greater detail in the weeks and months that follow. commissioner moore: i would like to spend a moment suggesting something to the commissioners after receiving an e-mail regarding ceqa training. ceqa training is, for me, personally, an issue which is part of renewing my professional license. it takes time, but given or rendered by the proper people, that allows me to get the professional credits, given the organization who is doing it. while i am open for staff to give the training to the commissioners, i would like to suggest that we perhaps stepped it up so that staff or a number of people who need the same training could get the credits from outside organizations like the association of environmental
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professionals or the american planning association or the american institute of certified planners to give this lesson to the commissioners with staff being present, so that indeed, it is a win-win, for all of us who need to spend additional time. i'm not getting any discussion about ceqa. i believe it is in flux as being discussed that an outside organization might provide as training, which leaves those issues in flux, and we can acknowledge them. i think it would be better training, and it would help everybody in a broader way. that is just a suggestion on my part. i'm not representing any professional group which is doing this. i'm just suggesting to take a step further. >> -- commissioner sugaya: i believe it is in this current
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issue of the "business times" -- there is a small article mentioning that there was a city study done that said that partmerced was financially unfeasible. the problem with that one paragraph little note was that it was not referenced. it did not say whether it was an official city of san francisco study or if it was done by someone independently or whatever. it had no references or anything. but it was in there, so i do not know what they were referring to. it made it sound like it was an independent study apart from the project sponsor. maybe staff could look into that. >> commissioners, that will put us under directors report. item seven, directors announcements.
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>> good afternoon, commission. i'm here today because the director is on vacation with family this week. i did communicate with him, and we have nothing to report under directors report. so i will -- sorry, go ahead. >> item eight, review of last week's events of the board of supervisors, board of appeals, and historic preservation commission. >> now, i'm putting on the legislators have for ms. rogers, who has a report for me to read to you. for the board hearings this week, then his committee met and discussed the ring, hill -- rincon hill and for mission financing district. you did consider it the enabling legislation on july 22, 2010.
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you heard an ordinance that would create an area plan infrastructure finance committee to advise the city on infrastructure finance districts. you recommend approval knowing that it would be the first pilot program proposed for ifd. you ask that the board seek additional funding to extend the pilot program to include an ifd for the eastern neighborhood and ask that the city include additional study on the long- term effects for the general plans. the area plan infrastructure finance committee has been established. the planning department is one of the members of the committee and is committed to ensuring that the concerns of the commission are fairly considered. this week was an informational hearing at the land use committee, and no action was taken. as far as the full board, they did consider the appointment and reappointment of members of the preservation commission. on tuesday, the board approved appointments.
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all three members were approved. also, there were a couple of introductions i would like to mention. supervisor winner requested a hearing on the impact of historic preservation policies on other major policy goals and the need to adopt legislation to ensure that policies are achieved. supervisor farrell introduce an amended ordinance to allow new restaurants not defined as formula retail and to require the planning commission to consider date time usage on the block when approving a new restaurant. lastly, several supervisors introduced a resolution opposing current proposed changes to the california state budget to eliminate redevelopment agencies. as far as the board of appeals, zoning administrator scot sanchez informed me that although the board met, they did not consider any items pertinent to your vision. those are the only things i have
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to report for board of appeals. >> commissioners, last week, you did not get an update on the historic preservation commission, but this week, you will for the hearing that was held last week. some items of interest to this commission would be their request for review and comment to some resolution and findings recommended to approve nominations for the south san francisco opera house, and 3232 pacific ave, the chilean labor house. both of those motions were adopted. -- the chilean -- the julian waver house. finally, there was a request for
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appropriateness to replace ground floor store fronts installing windows and signs for the commercial tenant and civic center historic district. those will just the highlights of that hearing. commissioner miguel: thank you. before we start in with anything else, commissioner moore had some materials, which i think we're nuts -- >> they were sitting here on the banister, but they are gone. >> i apologize. i thought those were boxed to return to the department. commissioner moore: and not before the hearing. could you return them to me please? they are not here anymore. >> they were returned to the department with the staffme
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