tv [untitled] February 1, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm PST
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they block it, send the a ticket to their driver's license. that is a good way to make money for you. >> are for public comment on matters not on the agenda today. >> for the record, the first, the law does, the most accurate data generated was cemented accurately by myself in 1998. to provide a fair and objective of accounting of taxi service, that includes san francisco. i live, work, play, a vote. i do not live in san francisco. when in san francisco, i travel mostly by taxi or some other independent form of transportation. in my opinion, san francisco
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taxi service is unsatisfactory, good, or excellent. i think they are generally unsatisfactory, and good, or excellent because i would add a number of calves, not sure, or no more cabs. the number of cabs it is, you are asked if your e-mail or female, address, neighborhood, zip code, states, or country. the age group, 18-26, 56-70 or older. i have submitted this data for the last 13 years. over 12,000 customers have been surveyed. i have yet to see one customer survey. i have yet to see the analysis of this data. i believe you do have these purposes and they are supposed to be held annually, as in this
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memo from 2004. i do not believe this has been amended. nobody has informed me this has been amended. you are required in between that time to exhume the continuing force. i have yet to see that, too. >> next speaker, please. >> followed by christopher. >> good afternoon. >> how does this thing work? >> this is a minor issue, but maybe it is not a minor issue. i believe the city has been committed to getting illegal limos operating at helping
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taxicabs. you are looking at this side of the hall. ever since it opened, you will notice that there are no taxis there. some of them are not black. they are picking somebody up. basically, they are just town cars and they totally blocked the street. i picked up three times on the other side of the street. people had to walk across the street to get to me. three or four months ago, somebody moved to around the corner of hayes and van ness. there is an entrance there. 90% of the people come out of this entrance. 10%, out of the other one. anybody that wants to go to will call as to what they bought from
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the cab stand. if they are a senior citizen, they can take the elevator. nobody talked to her about doing it. this is another picture. these guys are sitting there. they are trying to solicit rides to the limo. those guys have been blocking traffic for a solid hour. the symphony is not like the opera. it is not a society event. people do not take limos. >> christopher is the last person who has turned in a speaker car. >> good afternoon. i would like to protest the structure of the review process.
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the means by which the taxi industry and the way it has been attempted or not so well attempted to be fit into the miscible transit authority. there is not currently an actual forum. drivers can come to this meeting. this is highly burdened with other sorts of work. the taxi advisory committee as the only forum. its mandate is to review the medallion sales program. the taxi advisory committee is clearly meant to be a mouthpiece for your transformation of the taxi industry and perhaps an
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entry-level transit job in your organization. if that is your agenda, please let us know that some of us are unhappy with that direction. as an indication of that, some of us have noted that there are no union representatives by your committee. the union did not agree with what you were pushing. it renders the taxi advisory committee less than fully credible. there are a number of side agendas. chief among which is the designer medallion issue that keeps getting discussed. designer medallions are not part of the taxi sales program. i would like to protest that we are being reduced. >> herbert.
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>> good afternoon. >> i am a former member of rescue muni. i would like to bring up an issue that is familiar to this group and that is the bus lines. that has not worked to the benefit of people. people who are frail, ill, have to walk a block to the one california bus line. this is not the public interest. people in the richmond district want those lines restored. i believe the mta is supposed to act in public interest. they are not. they do not represent the public interest when we do this. i would like to see these lines
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restored. at a community meeting two months ago. it was in october. people unanimously wanted to have that restored to where it was before. i think it is the responsibility to act in public interest. as far as i can see, the mta does not out in public interest. --act in public interest. this is a sterling example of this. other neighborhoods were able to get their lines restored. this is really unfair. a lot of people do not speak english in this district. i do not think they realize what the stakes were. >> this is the last person who
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turned in a speaker card. >> good afternoon, directors. i wanted to make a comment about taxi medallions distributor issue that was on the agenda today. we have a pilot program here. my assessment of this, that is not only a long time coming, we did something that i did not think what happened in san francisco. addressing the people that do not have medallions. it is going to raise an enormous amount of money for the agency. i was at a conference in chicago last year. the other cities we were staying at were san francisco. are you saying increasing revenue by a selling taxi medallions would increase revenue because only qualified drivers would have them?
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although there are times that of the people can assess the s, this program has been a tremendous benefit to the industry. secondarily, i wanted to talk a little bit about pete time medallions. --peak-time medallions. the idea of having these medallions in something that the industry can embrace. one thing i wanted to make very clear is that the taxi industry is not going to support the idea of the city replacing the medallion holder as the income earner. that is to sell the taxi medallion. if be city replaces the working driver, it is going to be fiercely resisted by industry. i just wanted to make that clear as we go down this path. >> thank you.
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>> directors, all of these items are considered to be routine unless a member of the public wishes to have a an item but severed and considered separately. >> i would like to ask your indulgence and sever item 10.2, a-k on the consent calendar. it is related to cesar chavez streetscape project. i wanted to emphasize the pedestrian related parts of this project. pedestrian safety has been of great interest to you and members of the board lately. we are interested in working collaborative lee with the city. -- collaboratively with the city. >> on the remaining items, which
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are 10.1, a10.2 10, l-w, and 10. >> is there a motion to approve? >> sutton. >> all of those who approved. >> aye. >> the mta has been working collaborative lay with other departments to improved thestreetscape for cesar chavez. this project spans the light of the street between u.s. 101 n guerrero street. includes street lighting, streetscape, signals, and
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reorientation of the travel lanes. we as a city adopted these last year and allow the various elements to be fully integrated and built up a work costs due to department of scale with other departments working together. i would like to call up at this time come mike from our sustainable st. the vision to give you an overview of the project so you will understand what we bundled together with other projects. >> thank you. good afternoon, chairman and directors. i work with this division of the mta. thank you for a great introduction. i would like to get into the power point. i would like to answer the questions during or after the presentation.
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on the mta side, this is pulled out on the side of the screen. this is covered by our bicycle plan. they have a plan to upgrade the lighting along the street. they had a land scraping -- landscaping grant for the st. the sewer project where the street is gone to be significantly torn up to add a sewer. this was a great opportunity to rebuild the street in a better configuration. not only was there an opportunity at the confluence of projects, there have been demands for in the public to do something on the street. to improve safety, to lower the prevailing speeds, to improve crossings for pedestrians. there are many schools and parks
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along the stretch. there has been a demand for improved safety along the street. these are some photos from the area. there is one part-time bicycle lane. you can see atypical sidewalk scene where there is a lot of clutter and it is very narrow. it is only about four feet past the transit shelter. this is what a typical pedestrian sees when they crossed the street. you see what little sidewalk there is. it is covered by the utility bins and people parking their cars on the sidewalk. we want to improve the street using elements of the better street plan. these are the four partner agencies that were involved in the process. we started off with a set of consultants and agencies. we came up with three different
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designs for the community. we took the various designs to the community over a span of three different workshops. we described the pros and cons. the preferred more bike lanes, etc. we found that most people -- most people supported the wider median. people have the opportunity to vote for no project. the alternative one was by far the winner. this is a cross-section of the project. the bottom picture shows the addition of bicycle lanes, a significant landscaping down the bottom of the roadway. two lanes in each direction. that does not show are left turn along the street. we have done many of these
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projects where we reallocate lane space. you can imagine, at if you have your own left turn pocket, you will feel the pressure from behind to make a left turn. you do not have to make lane changes to go around that traffic. these are some elements of the project itself. the left turn pocket. there have been some discussions about whether we can do this project without moving a lane. the answer is no. that is not only desirable, but it improve safety by 17% -- 49%. it creates space for pedestrians, bicyclists, etc. as we go down the sidewalk extensions, all transit stops are going to have more space for
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shelters for passengers. storm water planters. there has been a history of flooding along the street. a lot of these elements are meant to control the flooding. instead of the storm water going into the sea were, it will go into the ground water -- into the sewer, it will go into the groundwater. here are some of the things you might see in cesar chavez. on the top right, the storm water planting going into the plantar itself. the shortens the distance of crossing the street. it improves the visibility of pedestrians themselves. in a five-year span, our primary concern is safety.
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15% of crashes involving pedestrians, others involved bicyclist. that is over representative. this is just a partial list. it came from various agencies. this is an existing boad know of cesar chavez. it is designed -- existing photographs of cesar chavez. it is designed p foreak-hour travel. you see people parking on the sidewalk. i wanted to make a parallel with the richmond district. in the 1970's, there was an effort to add traffic coming
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measures to the richmond district. -- calming measures to the richmond district. this is what the end result was. people in the richmond district have put in traffic cones. they are 40 years behind on schedule. the differences are eye opening. you can tell this is much safer. with that, imagine what cesar chavez can look like with the about -- adoption of this project. we have been to some public hearings. all of the hearings have been done by our standards. we are at the mta board today. the work is projected to start in spring, 2011.
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construction time is about 18 months. that is the project website at the bottom of if people would like more information about this web site. >> there are some members of the public to would like to address this. >> yes. >> is that ok? >> quincyu, bob, fran will be our first three. >> good afternoon. some of the street was forgotten. there are many, many problems. it was mentioned in terms of collapse sidewalks. drainage, speeding cars are the main problem. too many cars on such a small street. the street goes into a two-lane
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street past guerrero. there are many more cars on the street than there are on the other street. i would ask you to pay attention to the entire street, not just south of guerrero. if you go west, there are numerous problems that continue down that street. >> good afternoon. >> i am bob. the efficacy and analysis of this product has been around long enough. when they got involved, i was still chairman of the group. in that action, you could see myself, my crutches in the background, the member of the pedestrian safety advisory committee, the advocate from the santa fe bureau neighborhood. i want you to see that there
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has bend a diversity of input along the cesar chavez corridor. we support this. we would like to point out with the triangle slide at the end, that is where i lived with my kids for many years. it is a lot easier for the city housing project to have that calming traffic area in that neighborhood. you have the elementary school and the catholic parish school, you have some preschools. there are vulnerable populations that need safety and protection. that is why we support this project and ask you to move ahead. f >>ran followed by a daniel and sydney. >> i am the co-chair of this project that has been working on
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this for about five years. i understand that some of the ongoing opposition that continues now is from drivers that say that they have to sit at a light for an additional 60 seconds. i can speak for my fellow muni riders, if we face a delay of 30 seconds, we kiss the ground. even two or three minutes is pretty good. muni is seeing gaps in this project. i want this to move along as quickly as possible. i would like you to consider what has been requested and continue to request an increase in east-west muni service. if you want to get br fromyant to third street, you have to
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walk through a pretty nasty area. there are several large employers there. how are those workers going to get to work? these are some of the issues that are coming up later in the agenda as far as muni parking. workers will have no east-west service to get to that yard. it might even help some of the nannies get to work without a car. >> daniel, sidney, anna. >> good afternoon, director. there are many flaws in the current proposal at believe that alternative should be examined. dozens of people use the cesar chavez every day to get to work
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and family. according to the bar mental impact report, this raises the level of service at key intersections. it will eventually lead to delays of three or four minutes or more. this is significant impacts on large numbers of people. these negative impacts are night -- never revealed during the planning process. the planning department assured that the community that the impact would not be significant. the alternatives presented to the public would involve removing lanes of traffic. i strongly support the proposed movement. those goals can be reached without removing a line of traffic. three lanes of traffic in each direction is not large. there is no reason they cannot make the safe. i would support making this
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corridor more accessible. the best way to do so would be a bike boulevard on 26th street. the issue is one of balance. we realize the thousands of drivers rely on cesar chavez street every day. no analysis has been done on the amount a bicyclists use this. some might use this tool reachedcaltrain. the extreme traffic congestion that would be created by this plan would be bad for everybody, pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists. i would ask you to look for alternative approaches. >> good afternoon. >> my name is daniel. thank you for taking the time to hear me.
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i am 8 district 9 and president. i am a part of the south separate cisco impact. i bicycled there sometimes. i often drive there. i want to say how excited i am about this project. i have been working on this for years. some of the changes were implemented. that was an awakening to me. i see the same possibility. it has been such a barrier for that to happen over in cesar chavez. the ground is being broken up for a very important reason. i think it is an incredible opportunity toi. ts flaw is tragic. a lot of the changes are clarifying. it may slow down traffic. the level of sce
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