tv [untitled] February 22, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm PST
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but i will tell you, being a parent of two kids, growing up and being in education for a long time. the truth always lies somewhere in the middle. so it's nice to hear your side of it but we also need to have an opportunity to hear the other sides of it. thank you. president mendoza: thank you. i want to also thank you for all coming out. our next item is the consent calendar. i need a motion and a consent. any corrections by the summit? seeing none. any items removed from first reading by the board? seeing none. any items for the board for summit tonight? seeing none. roll call, pleas. item eight, the summits's proposals, there are none tonight. item j is a request regarding general 345er9s and we have another set of folks that we
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will have speaking on item j. so there are a couple of folks that are not speaking under the 10-21 group. they want to have you guys come up first because it's just a handful or it's just a few. so kimberly -- i want to keep all the fciu folks together because you're going to have a set time. but anybody who's not speaking on fciu, i'd like for you to come forward first. so kimberly is on a general item. let's see if there's anyone else.
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and school staff. evelyn from cleveland, is this on a general matter? evelyn? is this on a general matter, not on a -- ok. come on up. so i'm going to have the two of you speak and just before that if you wouldn't mind letting me read the list of speakers that will be speaking after you. [names being read] linda, you're going to be speaking on general matters also, so come up to the front, please. [names being read]
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evelyn, you're speaking now, right? ok. so the s.a.u. group, you guys have 20 minutes but that will come after the first group. i have three individuals. you have two minutes. >> good evening. my name is kim. i'm a student at the university of san francisco in the multieducational program, huge rights. i've worked in san francisco schools for about the last 10 years. i'm here to express concern and share information about the university of san francisco. it's decided to evict the upward bound program that's been delivered on its campus since 19 6. and it's presently serving 136 students and provides recovery students at a time when cybra
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high subjects are very scares and night school is nearly extinct. the reason given from the university at the last two town hall meetings is that it's about space not refinances. the upbard -- upward bound shares its students with the rotc. they're keeping the rotc. i'm here to ask that the school board of education and san francisco unified school district get involved, because right now the youth of san francisco need you as well as the community needs you. bobby seal will be at the university this thursday and he's going to be asked by the students to address this issue and myself along with some students in the b.s.u. are trying to galvanize the other culturally centered programs in the university to get involved on march 3 in which we'll do a
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silent demonstration. we ask you to consider a redecision. president mendoza: thank you very much. i'm sure there will be a few of us to get in contact with you. next speaker, please? >> good evening, everybody. we're ropting the cleveland elementary school. -- representing the cleveland elementary school. our problem right now is that we're having cuts for the person in charge of the cafeteria. although the parents are concerned about this issue, we have noticed that she's really good with all the kids at the school.
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the person who is in charge of the cafeteria is very responsible with our kids so we want her to stay in our school. and we collected signatures from all the parents. thank you. president mendoza: thank you very much. >> good evening superintendent garcia, commissioners, ladies and gentlemen. i'm linda plaque. executive vice president of the united educators of san francisco. i know that on march 1 you will have a special session to consider a resolution having to do with layoffs of certificated employees. of course, this is very regrettable but we understand that this is something that must be done to meet the march 15 deadline and and we're all hoping that there will not be layoffs in san francisco unified. but one concern we have is with
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the district's possible plan to treat part-time teachers differently in layoffs and in recalls as compared to like credentials -- credentialed, full-time certificate indicated employees. we feel that you should not be treating part-timers differently because this will dispo portionly affect the layoff of women. when we analyze the stats from the school district, we see that the aiming groups that are part-timers are essentially the working mothers in our district. in other words, to focus layoffs or recalls against part-timers means that we were targeting women. mostly mothers who stay home or work part time in order to care for their children. among all certificated employees, females are 70% of the work force. part time teachers are 7% of the work force.
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82% of the part time teachers are females. within that group of part-time female teachers, 37% are less than 39 years of age. 64 bank account are less than 50 -- 64% are less than 50 years of age. these are the younger teachers who are of child-bearing age. this is the reason we feel that social justice and equity is served when seniority is the sole determinant of layoffs and recalls. we hope you use that criteria in this resolution. thank you very much. president mendoza: there was one other name -- there you are. we're going to give you 25 minutes to have all your speakers speak and we'll let you know when 15 minutes has passed. miswilson? miss wilson? when 15 minutes has passed would you let me know, please? thank you. >> good evening, commissioners, summit and friends.
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i'm a resident and voter in district number eight and a taxpayer. twice the school district has filed a motion to eliminate the district workers from the civil service commission and twice that motion was struck down by the courts. now that same motion has been filed a third time. i am puzzed that the school district seems to have unlimited funds to eliminate the civil service from their workers. the beauty of the civil service is that it doesn't cost the district a dime. i want to remain in the civil service. thank you. [applause] president mendoza: thank you. >> good evening. can i ask all fciu people to stand up for a moment, please? i want to personally thank all of you for coming. thank you. my name is karen bishop and i am president of seiu school district for our local.
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i've been in this district as an employee for 42 years and i went through this school district as a student. i want to speak on the fact that for several years now the school district has only been hiring as-needed workers, specifically in our student nutrition department, although we have as-needed workers who are secretaries and custodians. as-needed workers have no benefits. nothing. no medical, no dental, no vision, no holiday pay. every time school is closed, they don't get to work and they have no money. so i don't understand why we consider that temporary workers can help be a large part of this district and perform duties every day faith li --
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faith fully, many of them who are parents. we've been in negotiations since last may. the student nutrition workers, in excess of almost 300 of them. they want to downsize them and reduce them in salary. they are already the lowest paid workers in our union. in the school district. we want the board commissioners to know that we will not stand by and have our members be treated in the manner like they are an indentured servant. they deserve more respect than that. they faithfully work for you and faithfully feed the students here in this district every day. so thank you. [applause] president mendoza: thank you. >> good evening.
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carlos, superintendent garcia. my name is jovanna johnson miller and i'm here to talk to you about furlough days. we were closed out. we were locked out -- what day was that? february 4. and i understand there's another furlough day woman cog -- coming up and i don't know why it's being imposed upon us. as you know, we are the lowest paid workers here in this part of the city. we don't make as much as our sisters and brothers across the street, but yet things are being taken away from us. we can't get a contract yet. don't know why that is and yet we're still being imposed with furlough days. we have to bargain those days and i think we deserve the right to bargain those days. let us do that. let us bar incident and give us
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a contract, a decent contract. and another thing, we want to say in civil service. if you want to take us out ask us how we feel about it. don't dictate and take us out anyway. let us know what's going on. let us tell you what we want. you don't decide for us. thank you. [applause] >> good evening. my name is kaden. i am the field statuer for local 1021 assigned to the school district. the san francisco unified classified workers. i have negotiated many contracts at the service of several unions but no negotiations have been, i would say, so clearly defined as the one we've entered with the san francisco unified school district. it's really a shame what has happened here. let me outline what that means on our end in. the first place, the san francisco unified refused to
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bargain furloughs. literally refused and then it hit impasse and at the time you hit impasse, in order to avoid not being certified for impasse, you are returned to the table to bargain again. at the time you have to certify that both parties negotiated in good faith. and then you have to certify it again a second time. as soon as you got out of impasse and went into a fact finding you filed charges for failure to bargain in good faith. go figure. if it wasn't for the fact to thour ever you're attempting to that he we go do not have rights on a strike. so a document was filed and targeted both myself, targeted the negotiations team. and other than that, we also had, as the previous speaker explained to you, we also have an agreement which avoided a
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trial about your reele -- refusal to bargain for furloughs. the agreement was that you'd bargain the furloughs. gets to february 4 and guess what happens? the school district locked out all of us then decided to, in bad faith again, have an agreement where the signatures are on the paper and we still have the piece of paper in hand. so this is the school district at work. let's put that aside. during negotiations you managed to repeatedly do regressive bargaining. so you bring a proposal to the table, hand it to us we'd say, ok. you'd return next day and say that's not exactly what i intended to say. so this happened repeatedly. now, i'm also aware -- i'm very aware, that the members of the board have been told, specifically by certain
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individuals in your negotiations team that the field staff for sciu has had behavioral problems during negotiations. the only people who screened the negotiations, banged doors, ran out of the building while we were sitting there were the members of your negotiations team. and to actually think that this is happening under closed doors in conversations with all of you is rather disturbing. now, these tactics are basically union busting as far as i'm concerned. you can look at what's happening -- that's you, mr. summit, sitting right here refusing to meet with staff repeatedly. thank god we're meeting on the 28, and that's the date we set on the first time in how many years? count it for us. i really want to tell you this point-blank. i'm also aware that members of one of the team approached some of my coworkers to state that
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the problem with negotiations was the cavin, the field satisfy for sciu happens to have poor control to have english language. let me answer that for you tonight. i understand that some of us who are foreign born nationalized u.s. citizens may have an accent and that kind of conversation as far as i'm concerned is nothing short of bigotry and racism and that's sanctioned right out of your office. stop the union busting and stop the crazy tactics. [applause] president mendoza: ho, ho, ho. -- >> ho, ho, ho. to follow him. good evening, board of education and summits. my name is maria and i work for the child development program and i've been will -- there for almost 38 years. i don't want to talk about me. i've been on the bargaining team for three contracts and we
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tried to put a measure on there for the student health workers and they worked only three and a half hours, maybe more, but they still don't get any health, dental. no benefits. now, some are parents that work at other jobs in order to help meet themselves or their families. you know what they serve our children? their breakfast, and they serve lunch. not the children but the students, ok? and they need more hours. by the way, please don't take me away from the civil service. i need it. thank you. [applause] >> my name is arena flores and i have been employed for 15 years as a clerk. like my children, i too attended the district schools. i know first hand of the very important work of the support staff at schools and central
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offices. it is they who provide county and stability to the statue and children during the ever-changing superintendents, staff . we are being threatened with the possibility of separation from civil service, which would mean no place under the city hold over list and no possibility of reemployment. thanks but no thanks. not one clerk or secretary among the many that i have spoken with wants a separation. please don't patronize us by traying to trying to pass this off as something we want. the mostly sunny are clear and we do need a contract. thank you. >> everybody, sorry, english is not my first language but i'll try to let you know. i'm a custodian in -- high school. also, i am the first time for the team. tonight i would like to say
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about the school district after custodian cleaning the windows. as a custodian they are all happy to work hard, to make sure our school has a clean and healthy atmosphere for all our students and -- environment for all our students and faculty members. but as we all know, window cleaning belongs to a larger classification. window cleaner. they are numbered 739 2. as a custodian, we cannot step over our classifications and we take other employees' jobs, taking away their live hood and their employment opportunities. tough. president mendoza: could you state your name, please?
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i'm sorry. sir? could you state your name for the record, please? >> my name is -- president mendoza: thank you. >> good evening board members, superintendent. brothers and sisters to have bay area and wisconsin. [applause] and the general public. my name is david generalsen and i'm a senior clerk typist if the central office of the child development program. i've been working for the district for almost 35 years. i am on the current negotiation team and have been on various negotiation teams for over 25 years. i am here to talk about the various differentials and premiums and adjustments in supervisor pay in our contract. from the outside these adjustments look complicated and unnecessary, but only because the classifications have not been updated to reflect the actually work assignments. they are suggested as takeaways
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by the district without an update on pay schedule, this represents a pay cut to our members. without a cost of living raise in years, every takeaway and increase in dedid you gos represents a pay cut. on paper, our salaries look respectable and we thank our union and the past teams for those gains but our take-home pay barely covers the essentials of living in the bay area. obviously the furlough days are a serious pay cut that we cannot afford. the district budget cannot and will not be balanced on the backs of the classified staff. how many new administrators and consultants have been hired in the last five years? we need to look at all the six-figure salaries in the district for serious cutting. and i, too, want to stay in the civil service. thank you. [applause] >> hello. i'm michael. i work at buildings and grounds
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in the fire equipment shop. going on 33 years now. i was hired into the district through the civil service system and i do not wish to lose any of its protections by being taken away from it. let's me start by saying that in the eight yeergs between the middle of 2003 and the middle of this year, i think members have received a total 4% cost of living increase, which works out to about one-half of 1% per year. a couple of more years, we'll work tote even less. how does that compare to management and other folks? these are why the premiums and adjustments in our contract are so important. now i understand the district is proposing some of the following -- suspending the longevity premium. this is 30 cents an hour. $12 a week for folks that have
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given more than 10 years of service, to balance the subject. and a word processing premium. this is paid to folks that much worked here since at least 1994 and represent a lot of the institutional knowledge of district operations. i guess we would be robbing them twice, as they would also qualify for the longevity pay. lunch room helper and charge pay. this seems really mean spirited to me. these are the folks that feed our children and are already among the lowest district employees. some of these workers are not even paid enough hours to qualify for health insurance, though many of them work enough hours. changes tonight, duty pay. all of our custodians that clean our buildings are affected by this as well as other workers. i'm a product of this district as my father and daughter were and my grandson will be in
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september. and i wish for all of us to succeed in this room, don't balance your budget on our backs. thank you. [applause] >> hello. my name is lorraine bowser and i'm a 2615. i work with the student nutrition department. i'm the employee in charge. i've been there 20-plus years. i would just like toe say that i'm a parent. i'm an auntie. i have nephews and nieces that are part of the school district and i'm here now and i would like to say i'm an seu union member. i'm on the bargaining team and we need a contract. and we need a contract soon, like now. so i wish you guys would really consider this. it's not easy. it's really not easy working in student nutrition, working as a part-time worker for over 20-something years but i love
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my job and i love what i do. and i love the children. that's why i'm continuing to be there, ok? but i would like to say, please don't take us out of the civil service because that is the only protection that i have. thank you. [applause] president mendoza: thank you. so you have -- there's about eight minutes left in your time. you have about eight minutes left. and there are about 10 of you. >> my name is jeant coleman and i'm an employee of student nutrition services. i would like to sit here and discuss with you our professional development day. we need professional adopt day two to three times a year. we need it at the beginning of the year, the middle of the year and before school is out. why? we need it for opportunities, education, training, sexual harassment, health issues. we also need to come together, collect ideas and pass these
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ideas along. so i'm asking each and every last one of you, consider us for professional development day and i also would like to stay with the civil service system. thank you. [applause] >> good evening. my -- to president mendoza, board members, supervisor garcia. my name is arlene sharp. i have worked for the school district as a 2615 school lunchroom helper for 19 years. i am also a grand parent. i have one grandchild who attends james mack middle school. i'm a 1021 member and i want a contract now. not tomorrow but now. ok, we've been without a contract too long. last year -- last year in may.
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and i want to stay in san francisco's civil service because i enjoy my job. and i enjoy receive -- serving the kids, and they enjoy me. thank you. president mendoza: thank you. [applause] >> good evening. my name is carol wood. i am a secretary at chavez elementary school. a 1446. i've been there 19 years. i have over 900 hours of sick leave. i'm either a fool or i'm very healthy. i think both. but i work very hard. i love my job. i'm dedicated. i go in almost every single day whether i feel well or not and i don't think i'm unique. i think all of the workers in sciu 10-21 are hard workers. we deserve a decent contract and i do not want to be out of
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civil service. thank you. [applause] >> good evening president mendoza, board members, superintendent garcia, ladies and gentlemen. my name is rudy f. johnston. i work here for over 25 years in unified school all over in this city, including in every school. i worked so hard. i teach to the unified school district. i'm handicapped now because they never teach the people how to manage things and i'm still working because i can't afford the working compensation because i lost my house six years ago. my car. i didn't lose my wife because she's still with me. but for me, it's ridiculous. we're working so hard with a lot of kids and we have to do everything. and the school i work in right now is the bol
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