tv [untitled] March 3, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm PST
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reason why. our backyard is situated under a large living room. this is the view. when we saw this unit, we saw that the yard would become an important extension of our indoor living space. this photograph taken from our dining room table shows at this on to space. a bustling outdoor restaurant would give the noise and smell directly into our private lives. as soon as we could afford to, we began an extensive renovation of the yard from what you see here to what you see here. today, we use our outdoor room almost every day. we spent many afternoons starting to gather. i grow vegetables and herbs in
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that yard. we have direct access to each other's yard. none of this would be possible at if this patio goes in. we would not only lose financially, but physically and emotionally. we would not feel comfortable beginning our family in a space dominated by noise, smell, and other people. it is important to foster new businesses in the neighborhood. it should not be done at the expense of long time and committed residences. >> i live at 243 bartlett street directly behind the proposed rear patio. i wanted to spend a minute looking at this map so that you could fully understand this project. this green space is a very rare
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and special open space oasis in the middle of a very urban area. the people here today to complain about this are the residences of all of these residences that are directly affected that enjoy this as part of their lives. i enjoy this on weekends. the dining room overlooks this beautiful yard. one thing that has not been pointed out is that we have a school. the middle school is on the other side of our building. that creates a fair amount of noise during the day. that is fine. all that we do when we need quiet is retreat to the backs of our homes. that is no longer possible. the sound study showed that the sound levels generated by this project would exceed the world
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health organization guidelines for community noise for annoyance and speech interference at the adjacent properties. the sound levels generated would exceed the died lines of the world health organization for sleep disturbance. this is really not acceptable. i felt that i found a dream when i bought this apartment after 20 years of living in san francisco in this neighborhood. it was an oasis. it was a dream. the stream is about to be shattered. i do not understand why there are so many vacancies in the city that pollo chose this spot. >> my name is nancy. i am part of the san francisco buddhist center which is about a block and a half away from the
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project you are talking about. we are showing our support for our neighbors and a quest for a quiet place to sleep at night. we know about this issue firsthand. for years, we have had to deal with an illegal rooftop bar and restaurant behind us. i am also an architect. i feel that there is a pervasive problem. i am sure you have been hearing a lot about this. you have commercial mission street and then there are residential properties all around us. it does not make any sense to take the loudest part of a commercial property and have it outside and bump it up against the residential use. the farmers' market, which is partially sponsored by the planning department, is a farmer's market on bartlett street. it is the first hit -- a diverse neighborhood with a lot of
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families and kids. you would be undermining your own sponsorship by allowing a restaurant with an outdoor patio of 40 people to invade. thank you. >> carlos, dennis, tammie, and tim. >> good afternoon. i live on bartlett street. it is right here. my backyard is directly adjacent and behind the proposed restaurant. i am here to propose this. having grown up in south america, i feel very connected to the latino community. the potential for growth and improvement would be great for me in the mission district.
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i feel that pollo would not compared to any of these. this is a fast-food chain that will go into my backyard. three reasons why it would be detrimental to my life. it would adversely affect my quality of life. we have enjoyed sharing a yard with their families and friends where we ordinand -- ordinarily entertain family and friends. we cannot sit out there in the afternoon or the evening. that aspect of residential life will be gone. it will affect my professional life. i work shift work. that means sometimes afternoons, sometimes overnights. i depend on the daytime hours to sleep and get some rest so i can get back to work the next day. it is already difficult to sleep during daylight hours. i cannot imagine the increase in
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noise to contribute to my sleeping patterns. i am sure that the architects and the business people do not have to deal with this kind of schedule. pollo campero is based on a fast-food concept. i cannot support this restaurant where obesity is affecting everybody, especially the latino youths. >> paul, sean. however you want to do it. everybody has two minutes to speak. >> i live at 241 bartlett
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street. right here. we are on the upper floor. i lived there with my wife and youngest son. i just want to reiterate the impact that we would feel on this project. we use the back of the garden space a lot for reading and doing homework and doing business works sometimes. there is another part of our garden that is important to us that we would like to have during the week. that is the dining area of our own. we come and have dinner at when it's warm. the third part of the space would be the dining room windows, which are on the third
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floor of the building. we need them often for the times that it is really hot. our unit gets very, very hot. we open these units up to get the ventilation. there are these areas that have been created because when we moved in 20 years ago, like the people that came before me just now, we saw, in this entire open area, a place that seemed to secure and available for doing what we wanted to do individually in our own gardens, the overall space, which has been added to enhanced by the people on mission street. i just want to try to get you a good picture of that whole area.
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i want to go now to security. >> thank you. >> is that it? >> online name is tammie. i live at 251 bartlett. my unit is apartment c. i live in the back of the building. i have the two rooms up in the back. i am pro-business in the mission. what i am opposing as having the patio. one reason i oppose it is the safety, security, privacy, and noise that would invade our peaceful lifestyle we have in the mission.
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i purchased my place 10 years ago. one of the reasons i purchased my home was because of the quiet nature of it. in the safe haven it provided in the city. this building of the patio will dramatically impact are wonderful, peaceful environment we have in the back. i want to underscore the safety, security, and privacy we all enjoy on bartlett street. >> i am a resident on bartlett street. i owned a condo with a neighbor that lives upstairs from me. we are located right here on the
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map. i am here to support my neighbors in opposition to the patio. that is one of the things i am opposed to in this development. all of the things that they have stated is very true. i am skeptical about the need for another fast-food restaurant in the mission. i wanted to give you a little bit of information about pollo campero. it is owned by an international conglomerate. they have 325 restaurants in 13 countries, 53 in the u.s. including a partnership with wal-mart. they aspire to open 1750 in the next 10 years according to a " businessweek" model. pollo camparo is the fried
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chicken chain of quantum -- mcdonald's of guatemala. they are concerned about the nutritional impact in addition to the impact that the patio will have all my neighbors. if this is the kind of restaurant we want to welcome into the community, then so be it. do it in another location. pollo campero has the resources to find another location. this privately held company held by the gutierrez family, the wealth of guatemala is concentrated in 2% of the population which owns 70% of the land. thank you. >> my name is paul.
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my partner and i live on bartlett street. we have a very modest 900 square foot home. we have put thousands of hours and more than we can afford to make it the home we can live in long-term. we supported the mission branch public library and all of the local merchants that we can. our neighborhood is already overburdened by a healthy fast- food restaurants that serve no positive purpose. they make our community less healthy, they contribute disproportionately to the trash in the neighborhood and they only provide the lowest wage jobs. the schools are trying to get sodas and unhealthy foods out of the schools. we have had the experience of two fried chicken chains in the neighborhoods. they are the worst kind of the chain's in terms of stench.
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nothing smells worse than frying chicken. that will have a direct impact on our quality of life. i am generally pro development. i did not think i would see myself here. i do not see any positive to approving this application. >> good afternoon, commissioners. you met my wife earlier. i wanted to show you something that has not been quite expressed. when we were looking at our place, the thing that convince me that this was the place i wanted to move to was the open space in the backyard. it is blocked on all sides by buildings. it is isolated from the hustle and bustle of mission. it is enclosed.
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our neighbors have taken great care of their yards. it is a great space. i wanted to barbecue in a place i could move into. we could entertain, hang out, drink a glass of wine after a hard day's work. by john moved to palo alto and now i commute two hours a day. i look forward to the time when i can relax in my backyard. i feel like this will be taken away by this project. i think this is a great opportunity for the mission. there are many open spaces. there are 20 other vacant spots in the mission. i think having something that impedes on the backyards of the neighbors is something that should not be allowed. i think that is actually it.
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my speech was short. the new sense for all of the parties involved, i did not think that approving this would create a new sense of for the neighbors, but the ongoing controversy, the calls to the police department, the rehear ing that we would have to have. there is nothing that we could set up. thank you very much. >> i have some more signatures that were collected. these are all signatures from people in the block of this proposed project. my name is sean flanagan and i live on bartlett street. my home is one of the many that butts up against the space.
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despite the seemingly perfect location of the site, it is a bad location and an oblate out that would rely on a bustling rear patio for the success of the business. it is occupied by a large kitchen and huge fryers. i am pro-business, but this is a bad plan. the disproportionate dependency on outdoor seating does not make sense in this city that is not known for its outdoor dining weather. the conservatively identified the sound at the rear patio at full capacity will be 52-54 decibels with soundproofing included, which is equivalent to the average noise found in the processing center or a department store. the edge of my yard is where i -- my partner and i spend a lot of time to friends and family.
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they have not considered a front space, which is an idea that is proving successful throughout san francisco. when it was suggested in our meeting, it was dismissed as an alternative by the architect. i have no issue with the restaurant chain itself. they have chosen the wrong space and relies too much on the patio, which is incompatible with the surrounding area. i urge you not to approve the space. >> i am a homeowner on the 200 block of bartlett street. i am here to oppose the patio and also i am personally in opposition of another fast-food
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restaurant in the mission. we have potpies on 22nd street. i think there are a lot of negatives that you have already heard. i do not need to repeat all of them. they all brought up good points. pollo campero has the largest part of their seating capacity outside of the restaurant. there are other spaces that would be more suitable so they could see their patrons inside the restaurant. one of my personal complaints from living in the neighborhood is the trash issue and having people step on our front steps with fast-food takeout containers, catch up, whatever, it is a daily process and part of living in the mission. they contribute to that. i hope you take this into consideration to not approve this proposal. thank you.
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>> my name is tim. i've lived at 203 bartlett street. i am here in support of this. i cannot imagine having this tranquillity and then all of the sudden, there is 40 people in your backyard dining and making noise and making trash. i've lived in the mission for almost 13 years now. you could smell that stands for blocks and blocks. there is no more foul odor than to have fried foods in your presence. buckets and buckets of chicken. it is not a very pleasant smell.
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i am glad to hear that was talked about, the health issue as well. the mcdonald's, the potpies chicken, the philly cheesesteak and the other on healthy items as well. i am here to support my neighbors. >> my name is george. i live on bartlett street with my partner. we are right here. at that is a picture of our yard. i have lived in san francisco for 21 years. i have lived here since 1995. i lived here as a renter first.
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i fell in love with this beautiful yard. our yard has a 100-year-old vine that erupts every spring. our yard is a huge part of our home. we entertain and we play with their pets. we have done countless hours of landscaping and maintaining our yard. i have also invested in the community, from helping a neighborhood barbecues, to working with san francisco, south to helping start r block association a few years ago. i support business. one of the reasons we love living in the mission is the multitude of businesses. new business is good for our community. it must be the right business in the right location. the bulk of their open seating is serving fried food on the other side of a six-foot fence
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from our yard. with all due respect to the people that signed the petition, none of the people have to shoulder the burden of the project. it is the neighbors being asked to shoulder the burden. i am deeply opposed to the pollo campero project. a 40-person patio is easily going to be heard day and night. the smell of the food will fill the air day and night. this will prevent us from enjoying our own home. >> thank you for the opportunity to talk. i live on 261 bartlett. the reason i moved to the neighborhood and specifically to this location is the peace and quiet. it is really a very rare location. wonderful backyards.
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it is secure. there is no way to get back there from the street. having a patio sets a bad precedent for other businesses in the area. you have a patio, why cannot we? if pollo campero goes out of business, then a bar moves in. then we have a party day in and day out with the smell of fried chicken. there is the health concerns as well. it is mainly the noise. that is why we all chose to live there, for the nice area and the peace and quiet and the separation from business and private life. i know the line of sight for the people who live directly behind us, if you can see someone, they can see you. that is a real privacy issue.
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i oppose this. >> my name is catherine. i live at 205 bartlett. i bought my unit specifically because of the tranquil yard. i hope to someday have a family myself there. i join my neighbors in opposing this. open daily from 10:00 until 10:00. 10:00 is late. there is a security noise and privacy issues that they can try to mitigate. it is going to be worse. i agree that it sets a terrible precedent for our block. >> mark, jeremy.
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>> good afternoon. i am the field marketing manager for pollo campero. i would like to apologize to the community groups. they did not receive some of the information we sent over. we met with the executive director of february 8. she brought some of these concerns to the table, to which we provided our nutritional food guide as well us some information from non-profit organizations in communities in which we are in. i would like to share with you some information. we have gone around to the neighboring businesses. we have gathered about 42 signatures of the local businesses. they are in agreement and in
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support with bragging pollo campero. i have been the person coming out and speaking to these organizations, ranging from educational institutes and overall, over 21 different groups. we have the mission hiring in support. we spoke to the middle school that it is directly in front of. with mr. mark sanchez, the mission language of vocational school executive director. with the mission asset fund as well and with the city college. this is not something that we are doing just for san francisco. this is something that we do across the board. we try to find out what is going on in the community and what the community needs are. if we get approved, we know
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where to help out in this community. >> i am with matrix systems. we are the northern california sales and service organization. these systems have been used since 1966. we got in the industry in 1982 to control commercial exhibit -- commercial exhaust. there are six on the center wall, which was completed in 2006. eight or nine different stand- alone restaurants around the financial district as well as others. i would like to present you with this literature. to summarize, commercial clearing exhaust rates, liquid, solid,
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