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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2011 8:30am-9:00am PDT

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what did you do to reenergize oakland as a good place to do business? >> the core of the plan was to revitalize downtown and he has this famous goal and it got to about 6000 if you include the projects and they are waiting for the economy to come up. that was critical to revitalizing downtown.
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san francisco as the number 1 retail city in the bay area. oakland has made an amazing investment. we have industrial areas.
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>> how much will your strategy rest on luring companies from elsewhere in the bay area? you have highlighted that you are cheaper and more interesting than san francisco. >> you're referri >> welcome to the playground and recreation center. my name is naomi kelly, deputy city administrator for the city and county of san francisco. today's press conference, the
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purpose of the press conferences to announce the implementation plan for the san francisco locao into effect on march 25, 2011. the implementation of the city's new mandatory local hiring policy is a top priority for mayor lee. it will outline the steps taken, contractors, and the broader community for the san francisco local hiring policy for construction. the new local hiring policy will require contractors to meet mandatory levels of san francisco residents and participation. the goal is to provide predictability for all stakeholders by maximizing city resources and infrastructure to eliminate this location. i would like to acknowledge a few people. first, this park is named after
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his son, who was tragically taken from us to do to violence. he was a star athlete at balboa high school. he was in the process of being hired by recreation and parks. out of that tragedy, this very setting reminds us that we need to look after each other. i would like to thank supervisor avalos, the author of this legislation, supervisor campos, a strong supporter of this legislation. the director of city build, the many department heads that were impacted by this legislation, the head of sfmta, the head of the human rights commission, the head of the office of labor standards, the head of the
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recreation department, and more. i would like to thank local 261, josh, vince, pam, and all the city build students who are with us today. mayor lee. mayor lee came into office and reaffirmed his commitment to looking after the great people who live in our city. one of his top priorities is to stimulate the local economy with jobs and he has empowered me with implementing the new local higher policy. i promised that i would not focus on the process, but on a measurable outcomes in the areas of the employment and job training. i and others in city government are inspired by the mayor's energy and can-do spirit.
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it's my pleasure to introduce my friend and my boss, mayor lee, the 43rd mayor of san francisco. [applause] san francismayor lee: good afte. i've been going around this whole city and talking about how many promises we make year in and year out as a city and how many do we really deliver on? this is one of those promises that has been talked about a lot. i've had a lot of discussions with a supervisor of lavalos abt the promises we made ever since we started funding these projects. every time we go to the voters, we are saying, you will get something out of this. you will get jobs. for some reason, they do not appear. promises get made and a lot of times, they just get forgotten.
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we are actually building these processeprojects. this park will undergo a $13 million innovation. look exactly where it is situated, and the middle of a lot of high unemployment. then you looked at city build right behind us and they are hungry. are you hungry for jobs? [applause] they have been asking where the promises have been and who is implementing it. when we look at promise after promise not fulfilled, the city had to ask itself, can we do better? can we really deliver on this process? that's what this ordinance has been about three it's not a new promised to local jobs have always been about an old promise that we would involve more communities in what we build for the city.
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the unions know that. carpenter's know that. laborers know that. they've known that for year. have we made that aggressive action to do so? through the hard work that everybody has to chip in and not only at the hearing that the board, but also, have we made the internal commitment within the city structure? has the mayor's office joined with the board, with the office of workforce economic development, with all of our allies at the labor standards office, the human rights commission, are office of contract administration, aour dpw, puc, mta, our airports, are port -- have all gotten together?
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yes, we have. we have gone out to literally every circle of contractors and told them that the ordinance was coming. the day is upon us, march 25 is when we implement it. we have websites up. there's no excuse anymore for hiding our heads underneath the blanket. we will get our local people hired on these jobs. all right, we will do that. [applause] and of course, this ordinance has teeth. we hope never to have to resort to every using them, but we will. if we have contractors who simply decide that they're not going to do what is necessary to get our local people hired. when you look at the kids behind us and you see what hours they poured in to be trained and ready, it's no longer that you just call people up anymore.
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these kids have gone through exorbitant training to get ready for these jobs. some of them have learned extra skills to a ton of work to get that mta -- it will be out there doing tunnel work. they will be doing the concrete and asphalt and all the implications we needed to do to make sure we get the highest number of local people hired. i say to you today, it's a very simple task. the announcement that we have -- we are ready to go as a city police spent the time doing this. we covered all the bases. we warned everybody that we could 41. what we created today are a family of contractors who know how to do city work. they have hired people who are ready to go on the job and be ready for them, not only on this project, but for the hundreds of projects that have come through the pipeline that i get to see from a planning perspective for
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the next 10 years. we made the promise to our public that when we find these things, not only will we get these projects on time, but we will get the people involved and the communities involved in making sure these projects get built and get build with our sweat and tears. it's no longer promise time. this is action time. we have the websites and we have the plans to hand out free we have fulfilled all the conditions upon which we will make this ordinance successful. we have the whole city family working together. there's no reason why they're big gaps any further. the people behind me have put in several hours. you know i was the head of public works and the head of purchasing before. i replaced myself over and over again with people i can trust that will work together with me and the board of supervisors to
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make sure we implement these things well. kids, graduates of city build, the proud today. you will no longer be standing on these -- you will be going to work. you will be too busy to announce other projects. we want you to be busy. if you are not busy, of the things happen that we do not want to see happen. sue, thank you for inviting me to your son's named park. we're all very very sorry that his life was cut short. every life that exemplifies itself to want to go in the right direction -- somehow gets interrupted. every life has challenges. i want to put a good spirit behind his name. this whole renovation will be done the right way. we will do every construction project the right way and a
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better way. with that, i want to thank everyone behind me. i want to make sure you know that this mayor, as long as i'm mayor, as long as i work for the state in any capacity, the spirit of this, whether it applies legally or not to every project, will be implemented. we will have economic hurts sometimes in the city. that's how we get people to work. that's how we keep them busy. that's how we keep their future prospects of being in the city alive. i know about the census. i know what people are leaving the city. i understand why -- we did not do this earlier. we did not catch all the gaps that we have. things are changing. they are changing today. we are beginning right now. we have begun. we have already implemented a lot of this, even on projects
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that we have caught already. we have passed those departments to make sure the spirit is already in place so they can take advantage of a ready work force and take advantage of the intelligence and training that we are doing with all of our contractors. we will have great contractors working with us. i know manny is here on behalf of many other contractors. there will be a whole contracting family that knows how to do this well. the warning goes out to those contractors that do not know how -- be ready. we do not want you making mistakes. we cannot afford the gaps. we cannot afford any gaps, ok. you have me here at the helm. we are ready. march 25 is coming. we will implement this in every project -- i think it is over $400,000, but we will catch the
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smaller ones, as well. we are doing the right thing. i want to thank everybody for not only listening to my long speech, but also understand in the spirit and the law that we now have in the city. thank you very much. [applause] >> next, i would like to introduce supervisor avalos. he led the way to foster this ground-breaking legislation to strengthen local hiring, addressing high unemployment, and boosting our local economy. thank you, supervisor avalos. supervisor avalos: good morning. good afternoon. it's great to be here. mayor lee, you are speaking my language. it's wonderful to hear. i'm excited about where we are right now. we passed legislation late
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december. became law. that was only the first guard. we had to move all of our state departments to work together to make sure that we had an implementation for local hire that was going to work and trickled down to the community level. being here today at the playground in hearing the children's voices at a playground where i've played ball -- i always thought that this would be about creating big, municipal buildings, big monuments. we know that it trickles down to the neighborhood level. there are probably people in the city build classical have been to this park as children and to have taken their kids to this park. they may be part of the work that is constructed here.
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they will come afterwards and use the facilities they built with their own hands. local people, local impact, local benefits. that's the spirit of this legislation. it's wonderful to see and it gives me great hope for what we can do for this city if we put our hearts and minds together. under mayor lee's administration, too senile me kelly pulling together our city departments, the office of labor standards enforcement, the puc, the mta, to work closely with contractors, to work with the city build group -- that's the kind of work we need to see the real implementation of a local higher. i'm very hopeful. i feel very confident we will have very meaningful experiences for all the parties involved, from the workers looking for work to the contractors will be building, to the city departments to make sure we have the best services that we can have in san francisco.
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i'm so gratified and exciting we are doing this right. i look forward to all the folks continuing to work on this effort in the years to come. thank you very much. [applause] >> next, i would like to introduce supervisor campos. supervisor campos: thank you. good afternoon. i will be brief. welcome to district 9. makes sense that this amazing project would happen here. thank you, mayor lee, for making this a priority. from the beginning, you made it clear that this was at the top of your list. thank you, supervisor avalos, for your amazing work. thank you to the community partners. thank you for labor for working to make this happen. thank you very much.
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i do not think you came here to listen to politicians give speeches. the one thing i will say, this is more than just about job creation. this is a public safety issue. in my view, we recently saw in the mission a lot of violence happening. unfortunately, a lot of gang activity. there's a role for the police to play in that. one of the things that i hear, this concept that nothing stops a bullet quicker than a job. some people want job opportunities. this is what this legislation does. it gives so many people of san francisco who did not have those opportunities the ability to put food on the table. they're unemployed, not because we havdo not have the talent -- they are the best work force in the world. we disney the opportunity to make that happen. thank you, mayor lee. thank you.
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[applause] >> next, the general manager for the recreation and parks department. [applause] >> hi, everybody. i will also be brief. i just wanted to welcome you here. the ground to stand on right now will soon be a brand new playground where the children to our right will be able to laugh and engage in joyous place. thank you, mayor lee, supervisor avalos, supervisor campos. we're proud to be one of the first projects out of the chute. we have a $13 million renovation plan that will include 3000 additional square feet on the left of this building. there will be some indoor-
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outdoor space where people can get out of the sun. we will have a brand new soccer, football, and lacrosse field to your left and to my right and a beautiful new basketball courts. the project will also include a lot of improvements to our ada accessibility. we will have solar panels on the roof. it's a been tested project. we're thrilled and prowl that we will be able to hire some of resistance -- then we will be able to hire a san franciscans. our department has worked very hard to make sure we're giving them every opportunity to work. this past summer, we hired over 100 local people as part of our jobs now stimulus program. during the summer, we will hire 100 local children to help us with our summer camps and summer
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programs. we are absolutely joyed to be a part of this program. we want to thank the city family and the city community and everybody was a part of this legislation for allowing us to be one of the first projects out of the chute. thank you very much. [applause] >> next, i would like to introduce manny flores, the representative for carpenters' local 22. >> ok. i will be brief. you heard the mayor and he said it all. this has to work. what is really important for these kids and these san francisco residents is the training. that's what the carpenters' union has. we have our apprenticeship program. it's very important to make this
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work and it will work. bring on these jobs. we will put them to work and we will train them. thank you. thank you very much. congratulations. [applause] >> i would like to introduce michael, a current student at the city build academy. he first heard about city billed through add. he found himself unemployed during the -- he grew up houses away from this family. he knows the family well and often frequented this park while growing up. michael. [applause] >> thank you, everyone, for coming out this afternoon. i'm proud to be chosen to speak for my fellow students at city build. about two years ago when i lost my job, there was no hope.
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i was looking for work. i was having doors slammed in my face. i've educated. i'm a veteran. i have a strong back and i will work hard. i could not find a job. my spirits were low and i found myself getting food stamps. i ran into judy and mindy. ronny told me about city build. the more i read about it, the more i thought it was a fit for me. my grandfather taught me how to use tools. i used tools old-school way, no motors. i've never been on a construction site. what i'm learning now at city build is not going to give me a job. it's like to give me a future. it's going to give me a career. [applause] they have been referred to as children, these kids back here.
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they have the enthusiasm of kids. they are excited about this. our youngest is 19. i'm not the oldest student did we have a student who is 53 he has a strong back and he kicks my buck -- who is 50. he has a strong back. i want to thank mayor lee for continuing to support and fund this program. this program is 6 years old. we are in our 12 rotation. to date, city build has graduated 490 students. they have been placed in the 26 trades in san francisco. when these students are graduates, they are your future plumbers, electricians, painters, carpenters, laborers. they are going to build san francisco. that is what you see behind me, my brothers and sisters in the labor union. [applause] we will build your trans bay terminal.
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we will build your branch. we will seismically retrofit your fire houses. we will build this playground. why? because of this legislation. what it means to us -- it directly affects us. we now have a better chance of getting a job. there's light at the end of the tunnel for us. each year -- excuse me. 20% of every city funded project, 20% has to be filled with san francisco residents. each year, that goes up by 5%. by 2017, every project funded by san francisco -- 50% of them will be san francisco residents. we will build a future san francisco. this is san francisco's future. why? because we are residents of san
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francisco. we are proud to be from the city by the bay. we are city build and that is what we do. [applause] >> thank you, michael. any questions? >> you mentioned the central subway project. there's been a lot of data on whether the local hiring ordinance will apply to that project. can you explain how we can get locals to work on the project? >> good afternoon. i'm the executive director of the san francisco mta. currently, there is a policy with federally funded projects that you cannot encumber them with local hiring ordinances'. however, we are in the process of talking with the federal transit administration. if you look at our cities across
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the country, we're all facing these challenges in terms of creating jobs in this down economy. we're looking at opportunities on how we can use federal dollars to support the local hiring ordinances. it's not clear from the fta as to their position at this juncture. i know my colleagues, as long as myself, will be in d.c. next week. i have a meeting with the fta administrator on wednesday. i will be talking to him directly as it relates to central subway and this local ordinance. >> [inaudible] >> let me say this. this is common throughout all federally funded projects. we've always had a provision that says that we will implement all of our local laws to the extent they do not violate any federal rules and regulations. it's as simple as that. what we are trying to do is make sure that the feds understand
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what we're trying to do. there are a lot of provisions. when we crafted this local hiring ordinance with the board -- there's a lot of flexibility. you have to look at the language. the flexibility allows us to work on federal contracts without conflict. there are many aspects of this, whether it is our reach, whether it is educating the family of contractors to use city build, to look at where the work force is coming from -- a lot of those aspects will result -- they will get jobs to our local residents. >> thank you to everyone for attending the press conference today on local hire. there's an opportunity to talk to some of us afterwards. thank you for coming. [applause]