tv [untitled] March 31, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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extensions and bulbing that curb and on street parking, that can be a solution to increase the crossing of across the streets. one of the things or places you've seen improvements in pedestrian safety is having to do with signals and signal timing. i think they're critical. you stole my thunder on that one. in the course i teach we do use san francisco study, the 25% reduction fact. i was looking at the slide that shows that statistic and that's - that i think - san francisco really is the only place that have or has enough countdown signals to get this sort of good study so continuing to put those in will be a huge benefit. other things with signal timing. someone talked about the double left and right turn lane. how can we provide those across
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locations with heavy flows. you have to deal with heavy flow of traffic. can we do signal timing to provide that the cross walks are not closed at that time. that's challenge. people want to cross whether they're closed any way. i think your aware of that and anything we can do to retime for allowing pedestrian crossing will be important. banning turns on red at certain locations depending on a situation. sometimes it's beneficial and sometimes not if cars are turning left on green maybe this would not be help full. i think jack mentioned the pedestrian has would or what we cause 2 - 5 seconds of walk signal prior to the vehicle giving they're green can really provide is a pedestrian ahead
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start. so, the motorist can see them and yield to them. those are some of the very few examples of the counter me sures and i can answer questions but right now we're at the end of our time. >> couple of questions? >> countdown as an example of synergy tools but i think we need more that bring together bicyclists, pedestrian and cars because that's where the point of impact where time and space collide and as a risk manager i'd like to work closely with you to implement these tools. flashing stop signs. great idea. time has come. >> actually that was about question but good comment. >> i wanted to ask not being traffic engineer but counter
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measures is interesting term. you design a street out for vehicles and then you a layer of pedestrian safety rather than integrating it from the start is. that the intent or terminology? >> the reason i use that terminology and i was going to mention this a little bit. in the federal training i give it's given a few,fhwa and california is one of them where they identified through they're statistics where there are more crashes per capita than other states and this program is generally, we see there is a problem on the existing roads and areas and let's fix those existing problems that's why counter measures is what i say. you're absolutely right know. your looking to rebuild a road in any sort of fashion it's really important to think of
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pedestrian activity and bicycle activity right up front and designing for them at the beginning because when we have to do only counter measures to fix it after the fact, we're left with not all the opportunities or tools that we could use if we started from the get - go. one thing i wanted to mention, one thing i think is important is removing the word accident from our vocabulary and put the word crash in. we use that in our course because it's really - they are not accidents. they are things that we know we can fix them and we know we can come up with counter measures to make them better. [applause] >> again there will be time for additional questions from michael. i'd like to introduce megan who is an epidemiologist with the
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san francisco department of public health with strong focus on interrelations of land-use and transportation planning with pedestrian safety. megan? >> hi. thanks for having me here today. i'm going to start with just a little - i'm sorry i can't see the slides but a walking trail as apposed to a road map regarding key points today. which is our environmental health perspective of pedestrian safety and health impact work and forecasting model to understand how at tar you level what factors predict injuries for pedestrian in san francisco and implications for this approach for crash reduction approaches in san francisco. from an environmental health perspective and pedestrian promotes public health schools preventing or reducing these and
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promoting safe and healthy walking. we agree that vehicle crashes are preventable and there's no acceptable risk of walking. it's understanding relative safety as a standard but there should be no risk of walking in our city. we also are interested in the role that cars are involved in every pedestrian collision and the roles they play. the next image is a map of the distribution of the pedestrian and collision rate and this is in comparison to the healthy people, 20, ton targets to have no more than 20 per 100,000 population of pedestrian population injuries and fatalitys in the area. one thing we found interesting about this map is you can see there's a huge disparity of fatality rates and collision and we want to
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better understand that at a community or neighborhood level. our environmental area level approach focuses on the environment to shape the behaviors of people walking and driving and further that transportation and land-use planning decision shape that environment and ultimately the help of people in our city. key determinants based on research include traffic buy ins as well as people in an area. we developed a model to look at the number that occur and next slide looks at the different factors we considered again at an area level. built environment and what are factors in terms of streets with land-use and zoning. population characteristics and how many people are walking in the commute patterns in that development. our final model we found that the volume of traffic and types
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of streets in an area and types of zoning we think could be proxies for pedestrian trackers since we don't have direct me sures of pedestrian activity. number of employees and residents in an area in addition to the people below poverty level, age and land area all contribute to predictg the number of pedestrian injury collisions. okay. sure. so, the lightest color has the lowest number of collisions attend darkest has the highest number of collisions in the city. is that clear?
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eastern may pore hoods analysis slidneighborhoods analysis slide. we applied these to the environmental plans to estimate the increase in pedestrian injury collisions we would be predicted by what we know about how increases in residents as well as increases in volume in an area increase pedestrian collision. and this map which i hope we're showing now shows increases in collisions that would be predicted by land-use and land-use development and those areas so. what can we understand from this application? this model does describe evidence based relationships between increases and people and they're activity as well as increases in traffic. we're limited by available data
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so some of this could be described as core less. it doesn't anticipate the future lightly but the context of changes that are going to be made during land-use and transportation planning. these mitigations and improvements can then perform decreases and traffic volumes in speed as well as safe walk in the context of this crash reduction measures i want to briefly touch on what this model implys for crash prevention and that includes transportation and plan use coordination and management and traffic calming and coordination can include street intersection engineering and menty as and context of planning to introduce new people to new areas and considering where the people are going and how can we make that environment safer to promote safe walking.
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can also include transportation demand management which incentives not driving and provides incentives to not drive so parking prices is one of the key ways to disincentive people from driving and use other modes of transportation and finally traffic calming with which a number of our speakers have addressed that ultimately decreases vehicles speeds and putting new people in the places they need to go. thank you. >> again if there's a couple of specific questions for megan, go ahead. >> well this also applies to the previous speaker with freeway ramps. with the map with the red that snaked down following the
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freeway. i wondered if you had any thoughts about how freeway ramps are a danger but also the way they suck the traffic in and spit it out into those high speed streets were people are totally focused on freeway speed and if you have ideas about how we have freeways going through the city and they seem to be nightmares walking around them as well as ramps. special ideas for treating that. you're not on the freeway you're in the city and there's people there. >> i've actually had the opportunity to participate in the western summit community process and they're dealing with a lot of issue about freeway areas and introducing high speed traffic volume and one approach they're recommending is great or gateway treatments and they're writing that in to their
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community plan. thank you. >> hi.. susan king in walk san francisco. one of things noticed is massive gridlock where cars continue to go through the intersection after the light has changed forcing pedestrians to string their way through the intersections and i'm wondering if we can explore what they've done in new york. the entire intersection is considered a box and anyone trapped in it is subject to a $250 fine. that's sufficient to force people where they want to be when that light changes because no one wants to get stuck in the box. i wonder if we can do that and create that ethic if you're doing this not only is it bad but you have to pay a lot of money if you get caught. >> yes, i'd like to take that
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one. in fact that is a law. it's illegal to block the intersection. 15 or so years back. some years back we used to stripe the box and had a, sign that said do not block the box but the state law changed to provide the same - they had one that said do not block the intersection and parking patrol and police can issue that citation. it's not $250. maybe that's something to consider. also something i could or would think policy makers can look at in terms of fine they want to charge and how much they want to publicize that issue. >> we have about ten minutes left and there's a couple of people that didn't get their questions answered. >> i'm richard rothman and i'm an active walker in the city and i'm just as scared of the
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bicyclists and i'm disappointing nobodies on the panel or talking about the relationship between bicycle and the walkers and why nobody is here from muni bicycle program. you know i've talked to people and they're supposed to have a safety program and just to hide it under the rug is not going to do it. you know bicycle, pedestrian and walkers we all share the city together. and i'm in the intersection and mored of a bicycle running through the red light or i'm in across walk clearly walked and a bicyclist comes right in front of me and breaks my stride so i think we need to talk about this and peter jacobson he lumped pedestrian and bicyclist together and i think they should be separate and i wanted to know if he's done studies or the city
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has between bicyclists and pedestrians and i really think this should be brought up and not hidden under the rug. thank you. >> um... i can help answer that. i'm with m.t.a's livable streets. the program of pet project traffic calming. we'll talk more about that in the lunchtime session. this session is more focused on the things we've heard about from these speakers so if you don't mind delaying that discussion for now and we can focus on these speakers topics. >> peter i don't know if you have a specific response to that. >> i don't. >> this woman had her and up in earlier session. >> i guess he talked about the bikes but i want to let you know
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i was hit by a bike riding on the sidewalk and you mentioned you would make the sidewalks wider. don't you think the bike riders will ride there. where they going to go? i think you should take care of that first and not widen or make the streets more narrow because the bike riders are going to go on the sidewalk more and also i would like to know how i go about having bumps put on the street between shock well and 26th and 25th because they ride through there like race. >> on the question how to get bumps on your street. bridget smith will be happy to work with you on that. widening the sidewalks to negligent bikes, i completely agree we want to take care of the lanes and that's an issue
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we've discussed a lot. reckon hillary and how wide the streets should be and how much space needed for bicyclists and traffic in general. >> regarding the speed bumps we have applications in the back by traffic calming that people can pick up today and let us know about your needs to let you know. >> this gentlemen had his and up next. >> mr. mcclain, walker from the sunset district. there's an idea cranking around in my mind for some time and it's about a teachable moment and it's when the driver becomes a pedestrian and that moment happens in a very concentrated way when they have to put money in the meter and i wanted to suggest that and i'm sure there's all kinds of rules
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against doing this, but put little traffic pedestrian, driver rules in plain english, not fancy ordinance language right on the meter so they're confronted with one rule on one meter and one rule on another to teach because they've just become a pedestrian. >> great idea. i'm going to get this gentlemen next. gray turtleneck? >> thank you. i'd like to ask mr. mull and mr. fleck you both talked about count down traffic signals and it's note worthy in san francisco we have lots of them. we all learned early in life the devil is in the details and one of the issues people have. the countdown traffic light at van ness and it gives you less than
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four seconds of walk time to walk six lanes of traffic and a median in the middle. this is because there's some kind of turn signal there. people walk out in the middle of the street with the thing not being on and you get 16 seconds. i can do that in 21 seconds but there's a lot of people in this room that feel uncomfortable so maybe you can talk about countdown one thing but there needs to be recognition of what's getting counting off. >> um... yeah i'll mention the issue really is the amount of both walk time and the total countdown time which is what we call pedestrian clearance time. there's proposed of federal manual traffic device which we're bound to installing signals and signs and there's
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major changes in place in the draft out right now for review until july something and those changes include a minimum of 7 seconds for the walk which is or as apposed to the four there today. and walking from four feet down to 3 1/2, so the amount of time will be longer if they follow the manual uniformed traffic devices. recent studies found, the old studies looked at how fast people walked were done but four feet per second were chosen but people walk slower than that and jack mentioned there's people using 2 and 1/2 feet per second but overall there will be an increase and that's big benefit providing that much more time and of course, so crossing van ness exactly where those change
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wills come into play adding time to that to meet the current standard. >> just to one other point on that. a lot of times people don't catch the fact that the walk sign is on and we encourage people that move slowly to lead at the beginning of the walk and one thing we found is that audible sound coming on causes pedestrian to leave quicker when the light changes which is a benefit to those especially moving slowly. that's another advantage. >> i think we have time for one more question, so go ahead. >> sidewalk at corner street and duran. when i try to push my wheelchair up it tends to roll back into the street and the car come behind me and it's very, very dangerous. often times when i'm right at a
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corner i ask someone near-by me to push me but sometimes there's no one around and also if someone raised a problem earlier, pedestrian. i was right in the middle of the cross walk and car kept coming and i have to raise to my and and yell to them stop. i wish there were more police patrol give them big, big fine because that's only way they can learn. don't lecture, give them big fine. if they keep doing this several times, suspend the drivers license for three months or something. maybe that's only way to learn and another one sh, when i ride muni train, street car, many times, often times stop right in front of the door and people
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cannot get in and out and so many times people walk on the cross walk to get into the train. they have to back out and get back into the sidewalk to let the car go so if the police go around and go after them, watch them more often especially in sunset area, oh! they do that every time. if police get after them. it will get some revenue for the city too. >> those are good segways to our other sections coming in. >> great comments and we'll take a break - take one more? >> let's let this gentleman have a quick question. >> i'm a safety rap actor with rubber tires and i feel if you put more decals on motor coaches and other city vehicles showing pedestrian crossing because we get a lot of incidents where
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people get off the bus and walk in front and car will come right around the bus and they just go fly through it. and that educate advertise and public by media or some sort? >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. i think we better wrap or we're going late for the re of the day. >> we have a break downnow andn at 11 we have another panel. >> our next panel this morning is on enforcements role in pedestrian safety. the moderator is julian ju let the cochair of coalition to save our streets. neighborhood group
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of residents, merchant, institutes and schools along the gearr ero corridor. they work extensively to bring safety enforcement, greening and neighborhood planning to a largely residential corridor connecting market street to,i - 280. she's a member of the board of directors of spur and now the chair of the transportation committee and also on the board of walk san francisco. please help me welcome julian. [applause] >> thank you very much. welcome back. so, this panel discussion is going on enforcement and we'll touch on the three,es mentioned by jack fleck and now we'll talk about
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rather than how our city is built we'll talk about how we remind people to follow the rules. um... so joining me today are officer keith mathews from the police department who is responsible for the spot program, safe passive travel and education and enforcement around construction sites. representing the police department and traffic company also known as company -k we'll have sergeant pat toben rather than sergeant that's off trafficking the torch today. tough day for the police department. we're also joined by mary holland the m.t.a's parking enforcement agency. she's been with the city since 1979 when she started as a
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parking patrol officer and assists in the management of day-to-day operations of her division, planning and a ministering work and activity office senior parking patrol officers and officers engaged in parking enforcement and intersection control. last but not least we're joined by deputy or sorry, district attorney paul henderson that will help understand the enforcement related of prosecution of collisions. so, mary, please begin. >> good morning. as julian said i'm mary fo a lo on the security and enforcement division. in ours we have 271 parking patrol officers. 30 field supervisors and three
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assistant directors and what we do as it relates to pedestrian safety is we enforce parking regulations. those closely related are sidewalk parking, cross walks, bus zones, intersection blockage and to ensure the safety of pedestrians. our goal and our mission in enforcement is to ensure the safe and efficient movement of people and goods throughout the city. sidewalk parking, number one, sidewalk parking. from this quarter to the previous quarter, our sidewalk issuing has gone up 34 percent so we're well aware of the issues regarding safety and vehicles parked on the sidewalk. bus zones, that's a very big one. we want to keep the bus
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