tv [untitled] March 31, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT
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officer suguitan reacted under tremendous circumstances by discharging his department's firearms and ending on stopping the threat posed by the suspect. officer suguitan, in a split- second, had to act on the threat posed by a his environment and realize that he and his partner and the reporting party were in grave danger of serious bodily harm or death. officer suguitan's actions saved his life, that does it of his partner, and that of mr. smith's roommate, and should be considered heroic. mr. smith considered killing himself and that of the responding officers as evidenced by a phone call the made to his doctor prior to the incident. the message he left his doctor was, just call the cops. the number was inaudible. then he stated, not my house anymore. i am going to try to take them out when they come to take me. it is all over today, doctor.
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it is all over today. bye-bye. for his heroic actions, the police department has offered officer suguitan the bronze medal of honor. [applause] in the audience, i would also like to acknowledge his partner, samuel fung. if he could remain standing and let everyone know who you are. congratulations. [applause] officer fung, we think you every day for the work that you do as well.
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uniform and part of the seven dale housing team responding to a report of shots fired on the 1800 block of sunnyvale ave. officers trail, peregoy, and obot were in the trip same vehicle as they reached the 1700 block of sunnyvale ave. they were flagged down by a citizen who stated, they are shooting up there right now. as they pointed west on sunday dale avenue, instantly, the officers looked west and saw the suspect armed with an uzi-type assault weapon on the 1800 block. the officers saw the suspect had the weapon in both hands and was firing in the direction of a crowd of people. as the suspect fire the weapon, numerous people began running in various directions. officers could hear the shots being fired and could see smoke coming from the weapon. the suspect fired at least -- approximate three to four shots and then fired in the air.
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officer trail broadcast over the radio shots fired and a suspect description as numerous units responded. officers pulled up to the suspect, at which point the suspect notice the officers, and while fully armed, began running from the officers westbound on sunday dale avenue. officer obot pursue the suspect on foot while officers peregoy and trailed initially pursued from their vehicle. officer obot parallel the suspect on foot, ordering him to stop as the suspect ran south from sun and dell toward brookdale ave. officers peregoy and trail drove a short distance and elected to pursue the suspect on foot along with officer obot. officers peregoy and trail bravely turned a corner and in pursuit of the suspect and noticed he was still holding onto the uzi assault weapon while facing east on centreville
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avenue. officer peregoy and trail could hear officer obot from another direction yell, drop the gun. officer trail yelled, drop the gun or i will shoot. the suspect got the gun, was tackled by officers, and was taken into custody without injury to the officers or suspect. as the officers detained the suspect, additional suspects approached the officers but were ordered back. the officers quickly determine this incident started over a dispute with another group, and that an additional shooter was involved and was also quickly detained by members of the attack -- gang task force. as a result of all the shooting at the scene, property damage at the scene had occurred but not one individual was struck. officers trail, peregoy, and obot instantly responded to shots fired and were confronted by an extremely dangerous individual. the officers made a split-second
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decision to place their lives in jeopardy and without hesitation pursued the suspect. opposition under the risk of danger. -- the officers were well aware of the danger that they were stepping into. they quickly realized the suspect needed to be apprehended or innocent bystanders could be seriously injured or killed. these three officers are able to apprehend an individual who was heavily armed and did not easily surrender. their capture was without injury to the suspect, by standards, or themselves. the officers acted heroically, and the community in which they patrol was a safer place to this day because of their rope actions. because of their actions, these three officers are being awarded by the department and commission the bronze medal of valor.
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on february 17, 2010, at 4:30 in the afternoon, lt. henry parra and started russell gordon of terrible station confronted a deadly situation on the 1800 block of urban street. 1800 block of urban street is a light commercial corridor, starts on 19th avenue and runs nw. it contains many restaurants and businesses and is surrounded by residents. in many of the businesses, they are owned by business owners -- they are owned by asian business owners. this was the beginning of the lunar new year. when they arrived to work, they decided to walk a foot speed on irving street.
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as they arrived on 1800 block, unbeknownst to them, two men with violent criminal histories or having an argument inside one of the restaurants. these men were career criminals with asian gang affiliations. their arrest histories include robbery, carjacking, trafficking, assault weapons. this argument escalated and moved out onto the street, growing heated, just as sergeant gordon pulled the car to the curb approximately 10 feet from the restaurant. the string of four parking spaces next to his vehicle were empty, so he had a clear, unobstructed view of the two men as they came out of the restaurant arguing. sergeant gordon saw one man pushed the other backwards and told lt. parra there was a fight in progress and both police began to exit their car. in that instant, sergeant gordon saw that one man now have a revolving in his hands and was
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shooting in down irving street in the direction of the other man. surgeon court and chatted to lt. parra that they now had an argument that had escalated to a shooting. both officers sprang into action without hesitation. sergeant gordon, while driving his firearm, alerted dispatchers and other officers that a shooting was in progress. lt. parra, while drawing his fire arm, and exited the passenger side of the vehicle, move to the sidewalk, and john for pedestrians to get off the street. in those put seconds, the victim fell to the ground and the suspect fired additional shots in a denver direction, executing him. sergeant gordon and lt. parra were now within 10 feet of an armed murderer. there were no vehicles behind which they could take cover. their field of fire was the backdrop of a busy irving street. it was packed with pedestrians,
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class storefronts, passing motorists, and an armed killer. these officers knew that they had to end the deadly threat posed by this man. yet, they knew any rounds fired on that street, whether by them or the suspect, who had the potential to kill or individual victims. they knew they had to draw the attention of this suspect and gain control of him to prevent any further loss of life. sergeant gordon and lt. parra did not hesitate. they confronted the suspect, shouting out that they were the police and ordering him to drop his weapon. with nothing between them and this murder, they used their tactical expertise to triangulate on the suspect. they chose to close the distance between them. advancing on the murder in a purposeful manner. they knew every foot of sidewalk
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or st. they could close would reduce the number of pedestrians and civilians exposed. the suspect turned toward them with gun in hand. lt. parra and sergeant gordon were no more than 5 feet from the man. both had that split-second to realize that they were on the brink of using deadly force with all of its consequences. once again, the officers ordered the suspect to drop his gun. staring down officers, the suspect raised the gun and then tossed it to the ground. lt. parra and sergeant gordon maintained control of the scene. they directed the subjects -- suspect to the ground and directed him away from the gun, handcuffing him. they also rendered aid to the victim in an attempt to save his life. they turned their attention to isolating other potential suspects. they directed the arriving units to secure the suspect,
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perimeter, murder weapon, to locate witnesses, they ran a textbook investigation and follow-up. we are tremendously fortunate that these two officers were on that street that night. their outstanding bravery and ability to respond without hesitation, there's protection decision making to assess, tactically respond to, and control the immediate deadly threat, their willingness to put their lives at risk, knowing it was necessary to save the lives of others, their control and disciplined response initially and managing the resulting homicide scene, for these actions, the arabs each being awarded the gold medal of valor. [applause]
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>> commissioner dejesus wanted to say a few words. >> i also want to thank all of the awardees tonight. i also want to acknowledge our officers give time, energy, and oftentimes money in the community they live in, as well as to the children in those communities. lt. henry parr is the coordinator of the housing authority but is also active in the operation dream, which gives
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toys to children in the housing -- over $25,000. they will start distributing those toys december 20 through december 23. we are going to post and on the website. i just wanted knowledge, in doing your everyday work, they give so much time to our community, and this is a wonderful thing to do to give toys to the children of those in the housing authority. thank you. [applause]
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timothy paine, sergeant james o'malley, sgt gregory kane, officer william eleiff, and officer steven stearns. [applause] >> on may 5, 2004, a round in o'clock p.m., there was an attempted kidnapping of strangers of a woman and her son. the suspect proceeded in a chevy trailblazer and used a large caliber gun and fled westbound on any street. the suspect's description was broadcast five minutes later at 8:05.
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two minutes after that, officer eleiff saw the suspect vehicle and paged and began following it. as he broadcast, holding a court microphone, his location, the vehicle sped off at a high rate of speed. opposite the live activated his lights and sirens and pursue the vehicle. the suspect drove west on haight and then northwest on the visitor. the suspect drove northbound in the southbound lanes of the visitor. of azeri live broadcast a license plate as the suspect turned west on hayes. the suspect drove north on broadway and fired one shot at officer eleiff. , -- stearns, and kane.
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those shots can be heard of the recording of the night. the suspect headed north and again leaned out the window to fire at the pursuing officers. the suspect then turned eastbound on to turkey into oncoming one way traffic. officers paine and o'malley saw the vehicle traveling up a high rate of speed on to oncoming traffic. officer pain is a specialist. they are more heavily trained in these types of situations. knowing the information, he attempted to halt the suspect by firing at the suspect. the round, but officers hearing the shot at the suspect had fired at them. officers o'malley and paine,
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knowing that officer eleiff was a single unit, decided to pursue the suspect. the suspect continued into oncoming traffic until he turned north on webster and the east oneddy, sot on buchanan. during this pursuit, officer you lift prop broadcast the suspects route while driving, holding the microphone in one hand. once in large rally, the suspect drove along the block calling for residents of the housing project to come out and stop his car. officers paid and o'malley not arrived at the other end of the alley. officer of valley got out of his car and ran down the building line toward the vehicle. the vehicle started again. fear of the suspect might get into another altercation with civilians, as this was mayor of the scene of the initial incident, or leave the alley to in danger citizens and officers,
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officer of valley stopped -- officer o'malley shot one shot. the suspect fired a round at them through his back window. officers came, stern, and the live, returned fire without hitting the suspect. the officers continued their verbal commands to the suspect to put up his hands and leave the vehicles. the suspect got out of the driver's door, raised his hands, took off his shirt doing a full circle. the suspect then dropped his hands to his waist and took a few steps toward the officers who did not fire at these provoking actions. the suspect then returned to his car and sat on the running board. officers kept up a stream of commands for the suspect to surrender which he ignored. officer pain move down the alley toward the alley, warning people to get out of the street. sgt. paine had arrived at a position parallel to that of the
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subject -- suspect. the suspect turned in the car and appeared to be getting something. he turned back toward the officers who again held their fire. the suspect turned back toward the inside of the vehicle, appeared to shield his movement. officer -- sgt. kane saw the suspect reached under his driver seat. the suspect then spun around toward the officers. sgt. paine, believing the suspect would again opened fire, fire three shots. the suspect fell to the ground. officers called for an ambulance and administered first aid. the suspect was pronounced dead at the same. the suspect's gun was recovered in the driver's door. the suspect was initially wanted for attempted to kidnap a stranger and alison son using a gun. this heinous crime testify the
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pursuit of the subject. the suspect's crimes showed a gravest threat to public safety. the suspect then fired repeatedly at officers. each of these officers had time to make a decision to put their lives at risk for the public safety. each of these officers could have made decisions to not join in on the efforts or to abandon their attempts to take the dangers of its critics suspect into -- custody. officer eleiff could have backed off the chase as a 1 person unit. officer stearns and sgt. kane could have done nothing. officer came and started o'malley also could have decided not to. each of these officers showed restraint in not firing their weapons where a suspect provocative action would normally end in shooting.
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>> it is with great pride that we honor these individuals for their valor. every day, officers put their lives at risk and do very good police work and we do not do enough to thank them for that. i am brought to be part of a ceremony where we can point to these heroes and thank them publicly, the way that we should do so every day publicly. so thank you again. [applause]
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the police commission and the park would would also like to think the diversity of california's san francisco for its generous support in co- sponsored tonight's event. we would like to single out the community relations office and the conference center office for putting tonight's ceremony and their generous support. i also want to thank ms. tom. she is the one that put the packs together and organized the event. she did a lot of work and happy that she could be here tonight. this concludes our ceremony. there will be refreshments out in front. there is a photographer. you want to take pictures. i am going to go outside and shake the hands of some heroes
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and thank them. i hope that you will do the same. thank you for coming again. hey, yo, check out this chef, right? right? that's so gay. that's really gay. dude, look at those pants. please don't say that. what? don't say that something is gay when you mean that something is dumb or stupid. it's insulting. it's like if i thought this pepper shaker was stupid, and i said, "man, this pepper shaker is
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