tv [untitled] April 1, 2011 3:30am-4:00am PDT
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maybe so but actually it's not just an ordinary person that complains. what do you mean not an ordinary person? someone with three heads, six legs? a ghost? very funny, sir, but actually it's a samurai. samurai? next door? why didn't you tell us. we don't like samurais? sometimes they just kill people by mistakes. sorry about that. samurai? okay. okay. we understand and we'll be quiet. okay. ladies sorry. parties over. see you next time. sorry. we will go to bed now. shall i bring out the futons. yes but don't put them in a row.
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put the heads together so we can talk in bed. is it okay for us to talk in bed. that's no problem talk as much as you like. okay. thank you. samurai next door told us to shut up. that's okay. i don't mind. these things happen when you travel. any way it's a good story to tell our friends back home. i remember that night when the samurai told us to shut up. [laughing] by the way did you see the sumo tournament? the grand finals. no. i missed it. >> you missed a great fight! what happened? dynasty made a great move -
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yes. oh, no, next door being noisy again. so, sorry, i'll go and tell them to be quiet. sorry, sorry. excuse me. [ noises] hey! come and join us. sorry but can you be quiet please, samurai. samurai? samurai? sorry we forgot. sorry. samurai. okay. we'll be quiet. unbelievable. that was your fault. you were the one that started talking about, sum. that was you making all the
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noise. shhhhhhh be quiet. let's change the subject. what shall we talk about now. we talked about sports. the weather. no. i know. let's talk about [whistles] women, love, romance, passion. look at us. we're not popular with the ladies. we haven't got any stories. actually we've got no experience. wait! i've got a story. i had an experience. you? yeah. actually i've never told you this before but in my younger days i used to work in a kimono
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shop. you did? yes. and 8 years ago i went to the house of the samurai to sell kimonos and the samurais name was,uto,gotomosh. but when i arrived only the samurais wife was home. sam ris wife? i bet she was gorgeous! oh, yes, she was very sexy, beautiful lady and she invited me into the back room and served me sak . go on! go on! well i stayed there all afternoon. talking and drinking saki and
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suddenly she looked at me and said, mr. kimono man, come closer. closer. and she looked me right in the eyes and said, i think i'm falling in love with you. i am! i love you. i want you. i need you. then she started taking off her kimono. she started to take off her - what happened next! calm down. i can't. i'm just so jealous. wow you must have had a wonderful night together. you think so? yeah. actually, no. no. just because right as i was
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kissing her. samurais brother suddenly came home. diver suddenly came home. what happened? well, when he saw us he was so angry and he puld out his sword and was going to kill me. oh! how exciting. it was not exciting. what happens. as he ran towards me, he slipped on the shiney floor and dropped his sword. so, i picked it up and i cut him down! you killed? that's right. at that point the wife took out 100 yellow gold coins and said, come on, let's run away
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together. now is our chance, let's go, let's go. and did you? no. i cut her down from behind. you killed the samurais wife? my god! why did you do such a terrible thing. because then there's no proof. no proof. ah, right. so, you killed two people and got all the gold and nobody knows about it and your still a free man. your really smart. your a real lady killer! get it? lady killer. your a playboy! [singing]hia chi!
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hia chi! [yawns] oh, samurai is calling again. i wonder what is wrong. oh, i'll never get any sleep tonight. samurai did you call me? yes,iha chi, come in. listen? oh, no. next door being noisy again. i'll go tell them to be quiet. not this time. hia chi let me introduce myself. my name is goto motimoshi and 8 years ago my wife and brother
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will were killed and i've been searching since for the man who did it. fortunately, i found him. congratulations! where? here. here? the man next door and i'm going to kill him. tell him to come here now. go tell him to come here now. [crying] excuse me. [singing] come on in and listen to this story! is it the story about gatomoshi. how do you know. because the samurai next door is him.
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he's going to kill you. kill me? no. listen, it wasn't me. it was somebody else. i just hear that story. i'm sorry. last month and i thought that's good story but actually it wasn't me. it was another man. it wasn't you? oh, no. someone else. go tell samurai, please! okay. i'll try but, i don't know if he'll listen. he's very, very angry. please! please! samurai - where is he? bring him to me! wait. let me explain. he said actually it wasn't him.
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it was somebody else and he just told the story. i'm sorry. it wasn't him. it was another man. another man? i don't think so. he did it and i'm going to kill him! bring him here now. please! please! don't kill him here in this hotel if you kill him here, everybody will think it's a dangerous place and no one will stay here and it will be the end of my business. please don't kill him here. okay. i understand your situation. all right. then i will fight him tomorrow morning at the temple. is that okay? thank you so much. thank you! but if he tries to escape tonight i will kill all of them and you too!
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me too? why me too? excuse me. iha chi is everything okay. no. i told him what you said but he didn't believe me. he's going to kill you. kill me? here? now? no. he said he will fight you tomorrow morning at the temple. if you try to escape tonight he'll kill you and your friends and me too! friends? we're not his friends! we just met him. we hardly no each other. the man was so panic stricken and afraid that they couldn't sleep all night.
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they just sat in total silence. it was a very quiet night. the next morning,hia chi, hia chi! oh, this is a voice i will never ever forget. samurai, good morning. oh, good morningiha chi come on. i had a very good sleep last night. very good. wonderful. yes, so i'd like to pay my bill. keep the change. thank you. thank you.
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>> welcome to this afternoon's performance. before the actual performance starts i thought i would say a few brief words about what japanese chamber music means. there are quite a different number of japanese chamber music. what you will hear today however is a musical form that was transmitted by a specific group of musicians. all of the musicians by definition were blind males. the significance of this genre is perhaps at most notable for
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the aesthetic quality of its pieces of some of the great art works of this period and are represented by these artists which will appearing in the second piece. despite of this high aesthetic quality or the value of the repertoire itself the musicians were professional musicians and expected to perform a wide variety of pieces, and as such this does not represent one genre. rather this is a collection of different genres that were practiced by different musicians and within this group of different pieces you have everything from extraordinarily silly pieces and for example the first piece to the great art
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works of 18 -- 19th century japan. the first piece -- this is very much a comic piece, and i do hope that you had type to look at the text of the program. i apologize for the formatting however my talents do not lay in the area of design. what i had hoped to do so you have line by line happening and the english equivalent and those of you that have not had a chance to look at the text very briefly this is a parody of buddhist ritual. a priest decides he is going to show the powers of mystic buddhism and he appears and on the alter with different sorts ofornmen of owns
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and then progresses through profound things and all of these are tongue twisters but it's the first round of tongue twisters nothing happens and the priest is very upset and blushes extraordinary red and he tries again. the second time the chants are much shorter and he begins to lose his patience and again nothing happens. third time nothing happens and he basically says how much time to turn to the wonderrous powers of the lotus set raand he does chanting and the parody is something like if anyone is old enough to remember and the mouse before vatican two and you don't
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understand anything and it's mumbo jump bow and this is a parody of that. the second and third pieces before the intermission i will not introduce. i think the program notes are sufficient and rather than lecture i would much rather you enjoy the performance. the one thing i would like to emphasize about the first piece this is indeed a comic piece and in most instances westerners have a great problem when they come to a concert of classical music and view it as this is supposed to be serious music. this is not serious music and i would ask to you laugh. you are welcome to laugh. you may laugh. you need to practice laughing. we can progress --
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all right. now, for those of you that find laughing difficult ladies and gentlemens you can at this timtiter in a nice way andf you want to be butch about it do the manly thought. please this isn't a work of aesthetic value it should be seen as humorous. as i of practicing this piece i can assure you and my ability for tongue twisters in english is limited let alone in japanese so if you see me stop and the priest turn extraordinarily red it's because i had a booboo. if you will excuse me.
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