tv [untitled] April 11, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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to truly engaged where we are at. if they were going to enforce the laws and regulations that are currently in place, it would have a totally different starting point that what they look at in this report. before they enforce the rules, we should not even have this report. i encourage you guys to pass this resolution. thank you very much. supervisor wiener: next speaker. >> i don't have an opinion as i have a well behaved and dog that has gone horseback riding after words on the beach, the san francisco police department has a vicious and dangerous animal
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unit. even though i suffered a dog attack that left me in need of surgery and my horse with open wounds, i was neither able to avail myself to this unit can have a hearing nor was i even able to be provided with information of whether that dog had a rabies shot given the fact that my horse had open wounds. the owner of the dog was in sight of the whole thing, he did nothing, did not call his dog, and thinking he did not realize the gravity of the situation, i rode my horse up to the area where he was. he still did nothing after i asked him. i tried to slide of my horse, but the dog was biting front to
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back. my horse fell and 1,000 pounds felony -- fell on me. the bottom line is, here i am. i love dogs. i love my dogs off-leash. but if there are no ramifications and i can't turn to a unit that is established to deal with this or turn to city officials to find out if they have rabies, something is wrong. [chime] >> think you for having this hearing. >> if i could call more names, my apologies for interrupting you. [reads names]
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you may proceed. >> i am a 42-year resident of san francisco and also a homeowner and an active advocate for our city parks. i am also very supportive of environmental issues. but i am very worried about the proposed proposal to limit dog use in the park. i am here to speak on behalf of my family, husband, children, and grandchildren.
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god planned activities are very much a multi-generational activity to bind families and bring us to parks. i also wanted you to know that we proudly show off san francisco's dog play areas to our out of town guests. people are amazed that we have this ability to show this kind of recreation as such a wonderful happy family home and recreational activity. they don't see it in other parts of the country. it is such a beautiful thing. you see people of all ages mingling together with their dogs. it is a wonderful thing. i also wanted to stress what other people have said. the golden gate national recreation area is a unique
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urban park. it is the urban area that we want to combine with all of these recreational activities. >> next speaker, please. and if the speakers want to move up a little more, that would be great. >> i am a 30-year resident of san francisco. as we all know, when a control virtually all access to the waterfronts of the city. i am very concerned when 90% of the 1% area restricted, a figure that this is hardly a balanced approach. i would strongly support a resolution for re-examination because i don't think the data is there to support such
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restrictions. i think we should come up with a better solution. supervisor wiener: supervisor campos has serious concerns about the proposal. he is not allowed to come up here because they constitute a quorum of the public safety committee. he wanted me to convey that. next speaker. >> i am a research scientist in san francisco. they don't let me out often. i am shocked and appalled when some of the people in uniform behind me are using in abusing the data. that is how we got into trouble. weapons of mass destruction.
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are we are looking at her dogs of mass destruction. they have admitted that the same time there is no data for that. we should take this entire plan, throw it out, let's look at some real data and maybe we will find something else that helps the birds even more. after all, there is probably more scientific data that shows that cats indeed attack birds. we don't have any data that shows that the dogs attack birds except for an anecdotal data with no witnesses. i think it is time that the federal government stop using and abusing scientific research. i have a lot of confidence in the woman that was here earlier, it sounds like people from san francisco really know how to manage things in san francisco. maybe we let rec and park takeover christie beach.
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maybe we are satisfied with local presence if there are great problems with the golden gate national recreation area. >> i live in the senate side neighborhood of san francisco. i am also an environmental activist. i have worked on climate change and renewal energy for a decade. a lot of folks sent pictures of people read creating with their dogs and it is such a diversity of people, i think it is amazing to see. i want to speak to why we should pass a resolution. we need to make them take our concerns more seriously. it will not stop them from moving forward, and i am afraid
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that they think we can submit comments and they can keep going. but if the city of san francisco says this is not ok, they will take it more seriously. we need to get the city involved by submitting comments. passing a resolution will help the federal representatives get involved. if we can go to them and say, the city of san francisco is taking this very seriously, we need to take him seriously as well. i think we should pass a resolution to the knowledge the impact this will have on the community to reject the idea of that it is us versus the environment and insist that there is another way. i think we need a resolution because we need to tell them that you can slap together a bunch of data and make a recommendation that isn't actually supported by the data. we also need to tell them it is not updated put forward an
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environmental impact statement that does not provide data of the impact of city parks. >> next speaker. gosh, this is my service in the mall. i really did not like dogs. my solution was to go to places where there were not dogs. it was not that hard to find. i had a change of heart when i got very ill and started to develop panic attacks. my friend cozy dog is what saved me from these panic attacks. her daughter would sit with me and make me feel better. i am starting to get to the point where i needed to get out of the house more, and this is in the best addition to my life. one of the reasons or ways that i am able to have her with me all day is that every day, we
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get up and we run around for a least 45 minutes. we go to ocean beach or christie field. we prefer to go to the beach because the dog parks are overcrowded at lunchtime. that is when the dog walkers are taking the dogs back, after the lunch time walks. if you go to the dog park, it is sometimes so crowded that it is not comfortable. i am telling you, it is just a pack. those pictures are accurate from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. here in. she has been sitting here for over two hours, calm. i am curious to know that our city has more acreage than any other city for dogs. how many dogs do we have compared to the other cities as
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well? if you could research this issue thoroughly in support the resolution, we would really appreciate it. >> next speaksupervisor wiener:t speaker. >> i'm a dog owner and i'm 13 years old. i am commenting because i think this is an important issue that should be discussed by young people. we take away these places and there will be nowhere else to go. there are other ways to help the environment. the birds need protection, but there are other ways to protect it. certain areas should be put aside for the habitat and i acknowledge there should be certain rules put in place.
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the ggnra says they need to protect the area for future generations. i'd cut my dogs feces, why should i be punished? -- i pick up my dog's feces, why should i be punished. dogs will not be socialized. this will increase user conflicts and there'll be more accidents. it affects me because i will not get enough exercise, my dog will become unhealthy and will not be socialized. my community will be overcrowded. in the bay area, one in three houses have these cuts. they don't have any proof that these things are true.
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i suggest next time they want to put out a test plan, they do their homework before. [applause] supervisor wiener: thank you very much. >> that is a hard act to follow. i want you to imagine this scenario. your buried under the rubble of a detached building or an avalanche. everyone has forgotten about you and you hear a webber or you feel a cold, soft nos. what would you do for that animal that came to your aid? i just want to read you a list of some of the things that dog to do for us. police dogs, service dogs, search and rescue, avalanche dogs, cadaver dogs, and they were the unspoken heroes of 9/11. cancer detection, seizure
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detection, dogs have changed human beings lives. wheat domesticated them and we must take care of them. dogs need run free and the dogs. that is why we need to have a large area. of life came from the sea, that is why i like to take my dog to the port. i feel rejuvenated by the air and the people and the wonderful dogs around me. i would not go there if it weren't for my dog. i want to point out a couple of other things. i want to point out that we have rules: no age discrimination and the ata. the rules that let us what our dogs say that we may walk our dogs only at the beach. i don't know about the rest of you, but i have had any operation. i can't get down that sliding
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path to the beach. that is discrimination. there are seniors that meet every morning that can't get down to the beach. let us mingo with everybody else and enjoy a where no one else will be. they are not nesting on those blocks. i would like to suggest that the dogs have to be restrained, let's restrain children. supervisor wiener: next speaker. >> i am here representing the san francisco lead of conservation voters. it is a stellar national park, one that would be a national park whether or not this area was next to it. it contains an area more rare than any other national parks.
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this is unprecedented in the national park system. in its welcoming of dog activity in its welcoming of off-leash dog activity. it is already a huge compromise. one principle agreed to by all parties which i participated in was that visitors that wanted to have a dog-free experience in the park had that right. the plan prepared now would not allow such an experience in nearly every part. to those that claim there is no impact, the time has stolen many people's memory when there were brush rabbit in california quail. we are lucky enough to live next to the ggnra.
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but it prevents the germans but other managers -- visitors and is causing unsustainable damage to the habitat. other generations will not be able to enjoy the park that we enjoy today unless this is brought under control. >> i am a san francisco resident. i wholeheartedly support the resolution opposing the proposed a dog plan and i don't know how you list all these comments. -- listen to all of these comments. a couple of things i will reiterate, and dogs are not off- leash because they are well behaved, they are well behaved because they are off-leash this is about dog owner rights. limiting the tiny dog parks is
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a back of the bus segregation. there of recreation is limited by their own dogs. i don't have time to do by unexercised somewhere else. 1% has been said, i think it is worth stating again. i don't understand why proponents don't suggest that we take another 1% of the parks and allocate them to non-humans. they are supporting their own recreation. and i will say to that dog owners are not against wildlife. they're far more connected and empathetic to animals. the also have the authority to manage different than yellowstone. i also question motives when they are using golden gate national park as the name is
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that of the golden gate national recreation area. the no-action option is misleading. it includes compliance management that would potentially lead to a total ban. they offer no way to go backwards. [chime] supervisor wiener: next speaker. >> a year ago, i adopted a dog that turned out to have serious behavior problems. including severe anxiety. i thought i would have to give her up. i was informed that vigorous exercise were important keys to resolving such issues. places like the off-leash areas have been an integral part of her recovery at transformation into a well behaved member of the community. san francisco has more dogs and children. their well-being and their
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owner's said the, i understand some people are afraid of dogs, but the way to encourage enjoyment is not through segregation of animals or by relocating. that is what they seem to want. even the u.s. fish and wildlife service has not listed ocean beach as a critical habitat for those birds. ggnra has an obvious federal agenda that disregards the city and people of san francisco, not to mention the dogs. supervisor wiener: let me call some more names. [reads names]
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>> i would like to say something about the health aspects of recreation. in my own case, my doctor has advised me and required me to exercise. in particular, to walk. i tried walking on my own and i found it excruciatingly boring and like a forced march. fortunately, i have a dog. so i walk. sometimes the weather is terrible, but it is always possible in both the
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contemporary in the traditional meetings of the term that. there is community there, both of those walking dogs and those that don't have dogs and come there in order to see the dogs. in terms of both physical and mental well-being, this small less than 1% off leash area is a very important component of our lives. by maintaining and optimally expanding off-leash, and the federal government has a chance to be at the cutting edge of its own healthy parks healthy people program. enhancing opportunities for people to exercise. unfortunately, they are going in the wrong direction. the city has an opportunity to remind them of the traditional uses of this tiny area and of
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the consequences to the residents of this city of this severe truncation of off-leash areas. thank you for this hearing. thank you for your resolution, and thank you for the opportunity finally to speak. >> i have been a resident of san francisco for almost seven years. i have never read created in the lands where off-leash dog walking is allowed in july adopted a dog. i am extremely grateful for the 1% available park like where i can exercise my dog off-leash. my dog came with problems that i found only adequate exercise could solve. having a previously abused dog, i am thankful for ocean beach for the places where my dog has
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found her confidence, finally come to feel safe and even like in a society with people that previously betrayed her trust. walking with exceptionally high energy three hours a day around city parks is not comparable to the 30 minutes off-leash time she gets. it would be detrimental to my dog's well-being and rehabilitation progress if off- leash dog walking is approved. i always pick up after her as well as other people's trash like sandwich wrappers, soda cans, cigarette butts. i wish i could speak for all dog owners, but i don't want ito mae the same mistake of ggnra of making generalizations. it is no different from
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attempting to limit the number of cars because of a minority of reckless drivers causing trouble on the road. a proposal over 2000 pages with so little data will answer the questions raised by either supervisors is unreasonable to the extreme. i urge the board of supervisors to take these into consideration when voting on the resolution. thank you. >> i live in the city for 35 years. hi have on the dog for 49 years and i love this city. in the big picture, it is the land of the nuts and fruits. what i love about that, we are educated and we vote. i appreciate the supergene from being here -- super dean being here from the ggnra.
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if the bird gets 10 months out of the year, that is a good thing. why not give them 12? we can keep a steady calendar of what months and cannot harass the clover. they are really great. when i first moved here, i let my dog chase them. i realize that didn't like that behavior. for the last 35 years, my dogs dogs chasing birds. but to stick them on a leash and put them in the city park with the overcrowding, it would be horrendous. it would make the dogs behave criminally and make the honors behave criminally. it would have some much stress on the parts that it would be ridiculous.
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if the bird has 10 months, given 12. it seems to be the power grab and the land grab of the federal government. don't like it, don't appreciated. thank you for letting us speak. supervisor wiener: next speaker. or singer. >> ♪ running free like you want your best friend to be now he's running real fast as he can now ♪ ♪ and the dog will have fun fun fun at fort funsten unless you take the off-leash dog law away and the dog will have fun fun fun unless you take the off-leash dog law away ♪
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♪ and you can jump or your dog jumping if you want to feel the freedom of your dog jump jump for the dog tell me now if you want your dog to be happy and free that jumps for your dog. ♪ ♪ jump for your dog today ♪ [applause] supervisor wiener: thank you. >> my name is sheila mahoney, fortunately for you, i want same today. i am
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