tv [untitled] April 21, 2011 5:00am-5:30am PDT
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about it. we get on the phone with police and they are open to that. i think keeping on going communication is a good effort. plus we worked on having a hot line. they advertise it. he it probably tell you more of that. even in schools, we have a hot line, if you are feeling threatened or whatever, they want them to call on it. we are doing a lot of different things. we have to keep doing it it. there's always better ideas to make it better. >> thank you. superintendent garcia. one of the first actions we took in terms of the mta upon your joining the city as our superintendent was to talk about the relationship between
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the mta and the school district. we are intrusted with thousands and thousands of students. we have to make sure you get there savely. it's additionally personal to me because i have 2 children in the unified school district. we do take this very seriously. back to 2001. there was a mtap program. we have dozens of individuals who are out there to work specifically with schools and work close with schools. they have the individuals in this program, primarily in middle schools and highs. they have relationships with
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school security personnel, the idea being, if we do get the information, we are able to redeploy these individuals to head off these conflicts. one of the things we tried to do was one, we increased mtap personnel and this year, where you hear about the cuts as it relates to staffing. we have not reduced personnel assigned to that. it also is responsible for parking and traffic and in that unit is school crossing guards. school safety as it relates to students getting to and from school.
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we want to make sure we protect everyone out there. the challenge is staffing and having enough people as well as education. one of the programs that he we implemented was electronic devices. it used to be ipods. it's a target for criminal activity in terms of ipod. also work in terms of educational processes. it's nice to have those, put it in your pocket so no one has the urge to take it. there's also a lot more we can do. i am here too look for ideas to do it better. right now we have mtap. there's not a day that goes by
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that our people aren't reporting back they stopped a fight. we could do even more and also, i think there maybe an student to look at our bus operators. they have a responsibility to drive the bus. they are aware of issues brewing and they need to step up their involvement with student safety. there's a great deal more work to do. in the past 6 months, there as not been and incidents involving weapons. we feel like we are headed in the right direction. not just for our youth. but we have to look at it from a home land security aspect. while it may not appear to be amount of work going on.
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there's a lot on video cameras. all of our vehicles are out fitted. if something happens, we will be able to identify them and take proper recourse. it's front burner. he wasn't here a week before we were sitting with my top managers relating to students getting to and from school and how to do a better job. he mentioned a phone number. do you have that number? >> i will get that and be able to provide it to you. >> so we can announce is during this summit. >> it's called the safe school line. it was adopted this year. we have yellow cards and
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there's 3 ways to report an incident to the safe school line. to handle incidences related to school. you can go online, click on either of those and it will take you to the save school line. it's again on the yellow card and you can email a complaint. this system was set up so youths can report complaints anonymously. what we found out is that youth are less likely to report crimes and incidences because
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of no snitching. so having an online system or telephone where you don't have to leave your name or give school hints as to what's happening so they can address it when it starts. someone mugging at someone before it gets into a huge brawl. >> 241-2141. >> i was going to say that's an action item >> can i put an idea on the table. it's a slightly different approach. but, what parents and young people tell us is they don't participate in a lot of after school programs and other kinds of programs because they don't feel safe. so what they're doing in they
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have a fleet of buses that go around every neighborhood and young people can register for the bus. it stops at the local library and it goes from morning it evening. we do fund van collaboratives. but really having a system in san francisco, it not only gets them safely, we could design it for san francisco and it can go to the every neighborhood and go from neighborhood to neighborhood. that's something i'm interested in looking at. it would provide an alternative.
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if you tell the mayor it's going to be a green us. they make peek his interest. i am interested to see what people think about this. is this something the children's fund. we can do a pool. how much of you believe that is a problem? people having transportation to your services? >> all right. so i will take that as a 92 percent rule. >> thank you. >> i would like to ask, thank you very much, margaret, that was great. i would like to ask principle dierck about an experience at his school when i young person saw another person being victimized and actually a group of young adults were stealing
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school binders and he was afraid she was going to be victimized. how do you work collaboratively with schools, >> i have 2 stories to relate. the first one, took place at washington high school. we had adopted a hot line many years ago before they were in vogue. this young man call about criminals victimizing kids on the 38 bus line. every day these guys were getting on the same stop and steal shoesing and pack backs from kids and get off the next
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stop. no one did anything about it. he didn't do anything about it until the guy in the row in front of him got victimized. the police were able to put up a sting operation and that they were able to catch them. another instance. somebody jumped on the bus and beat this boy up and jumped off the bus and the other students at our school have all our students have been taught what to do in case someone hurts you on the bus. they had the bus number.
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the time, the description of what the people looked like and within 2 days these people were arrested. part of what we need to do is teach our kids to be aware of their environments. especially for middle school kids. they are not as worldly as high school kids. they need to be trained to negotiate their environments. >> i think that's a great bridge to doctor wenz, you teach people how to negotiate an environment. it you tell us what your advice would be and also what the science has shown what works and what doesn't? >> at this time, i was just
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introduced to mr. dierck, and had the opportunity to see what he was doing at his middle school. i was very impressed. my background has been in education since about 1972. this whole movement for social-emotional movement is gathering a lot of momentum. when george anderson developed this and he saw a need in california. his curriculum that he developed is the only one accepted by the courts as well as the prison system because of it's effectiveness. george expanded to that to include emotional intelligence
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and the 4 components are developing empathy, creating compassion and working collaborative and forgiveness. in developing that, in order to understand what george developed, i have to say that i am a little nervous. you have to excuse me. it's been a while. george is a 70-year old black man who group up in mississippi and was diagnosed as retarded before special education. he was one of 6 people with a
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nonmedical degree to participate in a harvard study in science. george has been in business for close to 40 years. he developed this anger management program to help people get along with themselves and secondly, to get along with each other. the one thing he believes and practices, our emotions are the characteristics that unite us all. the one thing we share in common are feelings and emotions. this is the one area we fail so badly as educators, counselors and therapists. one of the commonalities as an educator and as a counselor is, i was, 10 years ago.
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i was working with native american students, i am from the midwest and i moved out here 6 years ago. prior to that, however, i was, the counseling department for a native american therapeutic school. we had 260 students grades 4 through 8. 75 percent were on special education ie p's. 90 percent were already enrolled in the juvenile system and in the drug and alcohol programs. later on, i would show up and be a counselor at the betty ford center with attorneys and other professionals. the one commonality that the
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children at therapeutic school and the professionals at the betty ford center had in common was no clue about feelings and how to be aware of their feelings and how to address them. what mr. dierck has done is one of the things that we as educators, it's the one thing we have missed. it's the absolutely one thing we missed to teach our children to recognize and be aware of their own feelings and work with children with similar feelings. we can teach them all the math. we don't have clue one to teach them how to feel and express it appropriately. it's the same thing i start
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with in in-patient or out-patient. how do you feel and how do you express that. the sel is very important. social, emotional learning. one is illinois, they have laid out an entire track. the teachers have to be taught before they graduate and become certified. and texas just recently passed the law, every middle school and high school student has to go 3 anger management and emotional training before they leave school. what makes more sense? how do live with yourself and others at the same time.
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>> thank you. i am going to ask officer parillo to talk. often people are intimidated by police presence. how have you been able to work collaboratively with parents to gain trust and how have you used community policing, that term can mean many things to see a police officer as an ally as an friend rather than perhaps an authority figure who is simply going to be disciplinaryian? thank you. for me and my ceople. parents. esl. everything. i got so excited about the potential could be.
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and it changed the neighborhood and young people. if you want to talk about safety. i think we can make a joint commitment to this philosophy and start making it happen in san francisco. >> i really, i completely agree with margaret. when you look at this list, the reason some schools have this is because those schools go out and hustle funds. we are blessed because d.c. yf. we have the city that helps us.
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we have prop h. but the reality, the bottom route is our state doesn't fund anything. our problem, frustration as a school districts. they are not opposed to doing what texas has done. we would love to have social emotional communities. we don't even have the money to have a basic teacher in every classroom. california is an out right disgrace. how can we be the eighth richest economy? we're the 8th richest economy and we rank 48th.
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