tv [untitled] April 23, 2011 10:30am-11:00am PDT
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term, but we look at this as an opportunity to build ongoing capacity. my question is simple. we missed an opportunity, mayor lee, to submit a federal application, and one of the things i would hope that we would do in this and subsequent meetings is that we not make our communities interests competitive. with african-americans leaving this city. we already know that. we need a strategy for that. historically, for the last year and a half, we've not had any institutional anchoring in our rfp's, rfq's to ensure we are sustaining a commitment to make sure the most vulnerable -- vulnerable people are here.
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the one and tell them the ethnicity of your caseload? it is african-american. we have a large population in visitation valley that has moved into what has historically been african-american communities and we have a burgeoning tension, and we do not have to. i would ask that we not hear from the parks, but we hear from the people. the people who have to deal with this. when they -- the good to 16th street, 63, district 6. i would hope that we looked at the cross pollination of these most vulnerable populations in our city and did not be a d-10 issue, but we look at empirical data for were the highest risk populations are, where emerging populations are in terms of
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immigrant populations. public safety, jobs, health are synonymous with the highest level of needs in our community. we know that. i would ask respectfully, supervisor -- you know i love you. i would ask respectfully that we respect our people first. and we look at generating revenue and ideas. not saying what we need. we're talking about synergy and strategy. we're talking about a more aggressive position in terms of pursuit at the state and local level. i would respectfully ask that when president obama comes to our beautiful city that there be a request put before him that we look at the city and county, which is the city and the municipality, ok? we got some showers here that need no where else. to -- we got some powers here
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that ain't nowhere else. we are a city and county. we are a consolidated neighborhood. we may have missed our opportunity to be a model for the redevelopment agency. one second, ma'am. 50% of the money has gone to affordable housing. we are not doing ballparks. this is the fact. we need that affordable housing. it need that for black people and people -- we need that for black people and people of color and so third-generation immigrants can live here. so, i am thinking that one of the things that we did do to deal with public safety, to deal with land use issues is to now
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start a commitment for jobs, housing. supervisor cohen: sharon -- >> lets make sure the twitter people are connected to creating affordable housing so people can afford to live and work here and give us their taxes. i want to thank you for tolerating the. because i have to get back to the union. my organization has not been funded in one year. so, i know what it means to live in these times. we all have to get used to that. our focus should be revenue generation. we should put more pressure on the fed's. let's create a model and think about the long-term strategy. supervisor cohen: thank you. >> respectfully, thank you. and thank you to this city. and i would like to state thank you to god. we have an opportunity. [applause]
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supervisor cohen: all right. still ginzberg, i have -- phil ginsberg, a question for you. this is an anonymous question. >> which is that are really passionate speech about revenue and tradeoffs. i would rather charge to see an area brother then shutter its. the botanical garden is one small strategy among many a times to replace the money we need to cut would revenue, so we can provide services to our community. we did note joy out of charging -- get no joy out of charging
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fees. but our primary mission is to keep our parks clean and safe. the botanical garden is a treasure. 25 acres of bliss. 55 acres. tin gardners. do you know how many gardeners i can afford? 3. difficult choices. we get no joy in charging fees. we will fight, fight, fight to raise revenues so we can continue to provide services to our community. supervisor cohen: ok. we have five minutes. i am going to give mayor lee an opportunity -- >> [unintelligible] we need to hear from you, supervisors, the mayor, and everybody here. we need to hear from you all. i ask respectfully you make a comment about that.
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supervisor cohen: all right. that is a fair request. is there anybody on the panel who would like to address this. >> we fully support the program. i think the best news for our department is because of the 2008 and the money we of been able to obtain from the state of california, we are building new direct centers -- rec centers. you talk about social enterprise. here is finding that can begin to address our $1.6 billion of means, and to a higher san franciscans. i had the pleasure of working with the mayor and many people at this table. the rec center will be our
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first project of the gate. we have the sunset rec center. we're fully committed to having san franciscans rebuild our pulls and our parks. -- pools and our parks. >> [unintelligible] >> i think the vast majority of people who work in my department are san franciscans. i do not have the precise number. i am going to say way over 70%. our department is unique. we of multi generational -- i of a number of 30-year employees. a number of kids who got jobs in their summer programs that turned into full-time jobs. rec and park has a pipeline within itself. we are focused on hiring san
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franciscans. supervisor cohen: why don't we -- fred? >> just on the local hire issue, we supported as well. we had 26% last year local hire, which represented $8.1 million in earnings. we have a web-based program that allows us to hold contractors and developers accountable for our goals, which are at 50%. this year, we are looking at developing a policy, even though we're already at better than 20% that has been adopted. >> and mayor lee will be the last -- >> [unintelligible] supervisor cohen: excuse me.
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just a minute. i am giving everyone else and opportunity. just a minute. >> [unintelligible] you did not answer anybody else. i am asking you. supervisor cohen: mr. mayor, can you please articulate your position? >> my position should be clear. local hire is the law of sentences go. it became so last month. i of make -- i have made sure that every department is compliant. we have a number of programs. we're working with all the unions to make sure they are in compliance and we have the contractors. there should be no reason and no excuse. i represent the city, and there is no doubt in my mind. this is a priority. i am unequivocal on local hire.
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that is the policy i believe in. and we will get those jobs into the community where we deserve it. and we will make sure that we do it. i am working with those large contractors. i do not see problems. we got people to solve those problems. everybody is around a table, including supervisor cohen. it is the law. it is the policy. we are embracing it with every single department was contract authority. supervisor cohen: for my position, it is the law, and i will continue to support those who supported me. are we clear? >> [unintelligible] you have a responsibility to represent everybody. not only the people who voted
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for you. the people that you now represent. you have all whole district of representation, my dear. we want you to listen clearly. [unintelligible] obviously, a lot of folks are not here today. we want to make this clear to year, -- to you, that as a representative of the people, you do not say that about who supported you. because you do not know the supported you. that is what it is all about. it is about hanging around with people. you do, with your energy and
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your intelligence and durability -- your ability, you have an opportunity. this specific location and most homeowners, if you have the ability to change things. 4 x 4 with concrete grass to places with families and development. i look forward to working with you. that is what brings you here. that is what takes you out. i love you. supervisor cohen: thank you. let's work together. thank you, everyone, for coming out tonight.
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mayor lee: good morning, everyone. good morning, san francisco. it is great to see you here this morning. i would ask before we get started today, if you would join me in a moment of silence for the people of japan who have been so tragically impacted by the disastrous earthquake and tsunami there. if we could have a moment of silence please. thank you very much. good morning. welcome to the 2011 bay area council outlook conference. we have an outstanding agenda for you today. we have been doing this for seven years. every one of these has been very
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exciting. i think the program we put together is an extremely robust and eclectic program. i think we are all going to learn something. it is a place for action as well. the whole history taking place here, and outlook that results in real action out in the environment. we are really excited about the discussions that will take place today. they will be thought-provoking. i would be remiss if i did not remind everyone to please turn off your cellphone ringers so we do not have any distractions. there is one exception to that rule, and that would be larry bair. i hear that your ringtone is "we are the champions," and that one
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is ok with me. speaking of larry, the giants were pleased to share with us the world series trophy. [applause] the giants have brought so much to this city, sharing with us this incredible trophy. it is just outstanding. it will be at the giants' boost today when we have a break -- booth today when we have a break. you can take a few photos. but do not take it home with you. you'll be hearing from me from time to time today, so i will keep this short. to kick off our events and provide welcoming remarks, allow me to introduce our newest rock star -- mayor ed lee.
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has shown that he is a natural for the job. i have been closed to him for decades. he is the head of the human- rights commission. he went on to become the city purchaser. mayer brown appointed him to be the director of public works, and he spent several years as city administrator. i never would have thought that ed lee would be mayor of san francisco. because he is such a can-do kind of person, such a great problem solver, but i never thought of him as someone running a political institution, and san francisco is certainly that. but he has shown tremendous prowess in the job. i think he is perfect for it. most recently, his move to keep twitter headquartered in san francisco was a big thing and showed a major commitment to keep jobs here, and i want to thank mayor lee for stepping up
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and doing that. obviously, as san francisco goes, and in many ways, so goes the region. i really appreciate the work that ed lee is doing. if there is some way we can often -- if there is some way we can convince him to stay on, your suggestions are welcome. ladies and gentlemen, without further read too, welcome s.f. mayor, ed lee. [applause] mayor lee: good morning. thank you for that wonderful introduction. i just want to preface it by saying, when you get a call in your in hong kong, and that call comes from former mayor willie brown, it is hard to say no. i have taken up this challenge.
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i want to thank you, members of the bay area council, for your tireless work periods it is significant -- for your tireless work. it is significant this group has come together this morning around the critical issues of the bay area. education. infrastructure. sports. there is no issue more important today than the bay area's ability to compete and win business in the global economy. in san francisco, creating and retaining jobs has been a top priority, because that is what helps keep families in san francisco and helps them thrive. we are leading the way in education, health care, and the environment. for the past three months, we have made significant progress in making sure our business climate is alive and welcoming. let's begin with our central market payroll tax exclusion.
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yes. we have got a very important final vote today that allows us really to refresh our efforts, to rebuild midmarket street. and that is for the company that is so important, the twitter company. but not just twitter. twitter knows they are going to be an anchor for us and they are already attracting other businesses such as burning man, the cultural arts. you're going to see these cultural arts agencies, all live along midmarket. that is what we are trying to do. we're trying to make improvements to encourage business to continue coming to the area, and to create improvements for the whole area. the city is also working on improving blight. just last week when we had our first vote, not celebrating just because of twitter, we walked together -- with twitter, with
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the shorenstein group, and began at the noon substation on fifth street. we are going to make it safe for everybody. you are going to be able to walk that street and not feel the traditional fears you felt before. we are going to improve the blight. i am proud to be joined by some many great reporters and advocates. market street is in inderal in the diverse makeup of san francisco. we will make sure it becomes a bustling central locale for innovation. we are also thrilled twitter is joining us in central market. that stretch is going to be opened for change. it is not just to have twitter there. but as you know, and as events
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unfolded throughout the world this past beginning year and last year, we saw the product of twitter changing world of dance all across -- world events all across the international stage. after 3:00 today, we can simply announce that twitter is made and engineered in san francisco, with 400 million users across the world. thank you for your support on that. [applause] and of course, just last week, we simultaneously announced that burning man will be moving into the bay area, and already i am tickled with some invitations to go to burning man this year. i do not know if i am going to do that. but they just announced a five- year lease over 18,000 square feet to be located on midmarket
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street. that is a wonderful follow-up. there will be more to come. twitter has many other firms that will follow. you want to be there with the creativity they will bring to midmarket as well. these are great additions we have in the works. it is also no surprise that the 34th america's cup is coming to san francisco in 2013, and we are hard at work in preparing that event. as you know, we announced the people plan, the plan which will move some 200,000 people every single day, on march 31. two years out, we are aggressively trying to meet our commitments for this spectacular 2013 event. we are trying to set a new standard because we know that not only moving to hundred thousand people will be -- 200,000 people will be a challenge, but sustaining the
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events will constantly be our challenge. we are aiming to make the 34th america's cup the most transit, bicycle, and pedestrian-friendly as forcing event -- sporting event in our history. strategic adaptability and the positive legacy. anything we build must last all long time -- a long time, beyond the america's cup event. we want to make sure all our neighborhoods -- chinatown, the mission, and north beach, the south east sector -- all come for this event. we are engaging transit advocates, and neighbors, and the public, beginning to ensure that we meet transportation needs of the races, as well as
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our residents and commuters. we are doing this, as i said, the san francisco y, in partnership with the public -- the san francisco way, in partnership with the public and our stakeholders. the transportation plan is up on the website already. we will end -- we will wait until the end of may before we published the final document. between now and then, we will have a great amount of feedback. we are leveraging resources and enthusiasms to set new standards, and we will leave a positive long-term legacy. let me reenforce the america's cup is about bringing thousands of jobs to san francisco and generating revenue for our city. we are also working on one of the hardest topics not only we are facing, not only the region is facing, but the state of
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california is facing. that is pension reform. i am working hard with staff, labor groups, in my budget team. one of the most pressing issues we have to deal with is to make sure our city remains solvent through the hard economic times, like the ones we are still facing, and that challenges us to make sure we are still reforming the system. i still got everybody at the table. and we are about to launch into our reconfirmation in a couple of weeks. it is my hope that we keep the city together and we produce one ballot measure in november and the changes we have in pension reform our long term. that we fix it and we fix it for everybody for generations, so they will have a dignified pension system to work with. this all ties as back to investing in our neighborhoods and our communities.
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we can make the positive investments to keep our families in our city. and i want to make sure you here this, because i want sentences get to be the northern terminus for high-speed rail in the state. -- i want san francisco to be the northern terminus for high- speed rail in the state. we are committed to that. it will be the most beautiful terminal he will see in your lifetime. -- you will see in your lifetime. we are working hard to keep the city together. i find every day, people are telling us they want jobs. they want their dignity to be reflected in having a good job. i cannot do it without making sure we have unity at our board of supervisors. i am very mindful that every single day i have a private meeting with each member of the board of supervisors, a different member every other day, talking about what they
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need, treating them with respect, making sure the dialogue is open. and this new-found unity will help me as i enter on my first one-hour discussion with the board of supervisors. wish me luck. [laughter] because i do think we need positive dialogue in this city. the fractious times are over with. we need a unified dialogue. i have every faith that this unity will bring about the success that wean are known for -- that we are known for. and by the way -- though, giants. let's have another win in this city. we can handle it. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, mayor lee.
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