tv [untitled] April 27, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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speaking in spanish] >> this issue specifically affects my family because we are not able to live independently. we have to share with other families, who like us, do not have enough resources to have our own apartment for house -- or house. >> [speaking in spanish] >> this issue, as you can imagine, affects our whole community. for the same reasons we do not have steady employment, and in
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london we have is not stable, and a lot of the families in my community, as i mentioned, cannot afford the housing that is available. we are not able to live in dignified conditions. >> [speaking in spanish] >> our community is working on this issue. the most important thing is all of the communities, all of us are here. all these people in the same district come together to create
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better conditions for our families and for all of us who are working hard to make a living every day. >> [speaking in spanish] >> the solutions, what we need, is communities coming together and have been support from the city, from our county. for example, with your help, we can obtain the empty lots in our
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community and build affordable housing. and in that way, the community will obtain the resources it needs. >> [speaking in spanish] >> we are asking you to help us obtain the empty lots in our community and to help us build affordable housing for the communities. since these lots are owned by the city, not private entities,
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we believe strongly that you can help us in building new affordable housing for low income communities. as a close example, the empty lots, here in balboa park. as you know, we are working to obtain that, and we hope you can help us in that. >> thank you very much for your time. [applause] >> thank you, stephanie. juan is going to share about the ability of members to access programs. there have been a real underutilization of workforce development strategies city- wide, citybuild, academies. if you could say bit about that.
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>> hello, everyone. i am from poder. i am also part of smac, students making a change. that is also in district 11. at poder, we're working with immigrant families. many times, these communities are left out of the conversation, conversations that includes affordable housing and jobs. as many of you know, driving in the state of california, you need a driver's license. in order to bget a driver's license, you have to prove that you are a legal resident of california. we are left out. we depend on cars and vehicles to make a living. it would greatly benefit our community, the immigrant
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community, if the city of san francisco extended that great theory that when you are stopped by a police you can call someone with a driver's license to pick up your car and take it to your destination. it would benefit us if they extend and that time period from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. sometimes that is not enough time to get to where we are at. i know times are tough right now, but they are extremely tough for immigrant families. our communities are struggling to keep a roof on our head, to feed our families, to close the our relatives. we feel we should be included in conversations that involve jobs and job-training. we believe jobs should be for anyone and everyone that qualifies for them. our immigrant community should be able to have jobs in health care, green technology, health
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services, and social services. a job training center would greatly benefit this district because in this district, it is mainly composed of low income and immigrant families. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. i just wanted to close this section of community development by talking about what we're doing in the neighborhood. it is not just about proposition n. there was a big cushion during the census to make sure that every community member was counted so that we could bring in federal money. also, the leaders that charlie talked about earlier, we did a presentation with the san francisco foundation. they have chosen to invest in the excelsior neighborhood. so we are bringing some of the solvency that you mentioned to
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make sure there is continued investment. we hope to continue community development, planning, work force districts. it is really that third s that you mentioned, and the community coming up with a stronger platform. thank you very much. [applause] thank you, terry, for your presentation. next, we have the district 11 council. stephen currier will become forward. he is also the president of the power -- outer misson district. >> thank you for being out here. there are almost 15 organizations under this umbrella organization.
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we have met a couple of time to talk about quality of life issues in district 11. not only in district 11, but in surrounding communities. i am going to enumerate them. there are five that i would like to talk about quickly. supervisor avalos, mayor lee, you all were out here three times. our first issue is, back in 1998, our neighborhood started working on the balboa park bart stations, which is the busiest station in the whole system except for downtown. we addressed issues with the not only then-department of public parking and traffic, but also with muni, now sfmta come on issues this district has been
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working on for over 10 years. on the same transportation issues, these are major factors in the neighborhood. a major intersection for models of traffic are mission street and geneva. one of the heaviest intersections in san francisco. geneva avenue, i-280, highway 101, bubble park station, and with that, and the better parts neighborhood in 2002. we want to get it finished. there is a proposed transit city village. one of the biggest issues we deal with in the district is we do with the legal building and a blight issues. one of the things that our organization -- not only
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representing district 11 in the district 11 council -- was life issues and have reworked -- how we worked with light issues, whether it was with dpw or dbi issues, code violations or graffiti issues. san francisco has passed laws regarding these issues, including not only taxis parking in residential neighborhoods, and businesses being run out of homes with fleets of cars and trucks, but also dealing with graffiti. people that have pulled dealing permits and let them expire. we live with the ramifications. i know this is a big issue. i have been living here for 18 years. one of the things is, the grass
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is overgrown, you have a job car parked in your driveway, it brings the property value down. it does, but it is also the aesthetic value of where we live. it is the responsibility of our neighbors to have these issues taking care of. what we're looking for is enforcement, not only through building a station, but through dpw. ed riskin knows well what we're talking about. the third issue is parks. i want to qualify my statement about parks to say that we were given a beautiful park on naples between geneva and rock avenue. the first permanent pavement to park project in san francisco.
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it was a gift, not only from the city, but also from dpw. let me detail what we are talking about in our district, programs in the vessels there -- excelsior. many more park sapping and patrol in our major parks such as crocker-amazon, burke's part, allis chalmers. with those parks, we deal with a lot of seniors. in crocker-amazon, we're given a great gift with the bocce ball courts started over a month ago. trash dumping -- i will be real quick. trash dumping in our neighborhood supported by the efforts of supervisor cohen and at avalos. there are certain hot spots that we cannot do with any longer.
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we need public service announcements about big trash days, at least two times a year. i last issue, public safety. engleside and terrible station represents the biggest area of san francisco. -- terraval station represents the biggest area of san francisco. engleside to visitation valley. we are down about 20 officers in each district. we need to look at the classes of retirement, people on sick leave, officers on sick leave, officers on disability. we know that the first to go are our police officers on foot patrol in those corridors. i am glad that mayor lee brought
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this up. public safety in this district, engleside, terreval -- we love our police officers. i want to thank you for this opportunity and i want to thank you for listening to our issues in district 11. [applause] >> thank you, stephen. next we have patty and mary harris, who will talk about health and human service needs in our district. thank you. [applause] >> thank you and will come here welcome to all of our distinguished guests. i am the director of san francisco 80 services for catholic charities. i am here tonight as ever the end of of our omi community collaborative. we have some great human service needs. i know some of these were
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mentioned before, but it is worth repeating. our district has the highest percentage of vulnerable children, youth, and seniors compared to the city as a whole. our district has the set -- second highest incident related to domestic violence. we have one of the highest alleged child maltreatment, the highest rates of poverty and community violence to. lowest per-capita income. in district 11, we have the most diverse community compared to the city as a whole. so our needs are great. our services for seniors, we need to be able to provide services to those who are the most believable and less capable of accessing resources outside of the community. transportation for seniors, specifically, because the geographically out of district 11 is difficult to maneuver. programs for seniors to provide opportunities to interact with others who may be living alone
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and deprived of social contact. these programs are often their first step into the long term care system, playing a pivotal role in the coordination and access of services to allow seniors to remain an age in place, thus saving us money down the road. we need services for immigrants. language assistance, at esl classes for adults. case management and information referral services. our mental health services are in great need. out sincere -- excelsior has little to no capacity to provide mental health services for our children, youth, and bolts, and seniors. many families are forced to access that the health services in other districts. for many who cannot afford to travel costs, they do not receive services, which in the long run, perpetuates the problem and becomes a larger cost for the city to remedy later. we have names but district 11
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also has great assets and strengths. we have good collaborations and leveraging of resources. the existing organizations in district 11 have the capacity to provide programs and services in multiple languages. we have the commitment and work from community volunteers. family resource centers and other centers are providing as much support as possible to provide support, not only for an individual, but for the whole family. despite the limited funding from the city, all organizations are working together to streamline services so that they can be more effective to all members of the family in order to foster a more thriving community. our solution is simple. we know the budget is tight. in district 11, we cannot accept any further cuts. it is already an underserved community. we are already working with a significant lack of services, and to cut the few we have to be
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detrimental to the help of our residents and communities. [applause] >> as a community leader, i am seeing the golden years for our seniors are not so golden. many of our seniors have to make choices, like buying food or paying the pg&e bill. or buying a prescription they need. our many food pantries are filled to capacity. however, we continue to work on systems to make sure that people are not going to multiple food pantries. our senior lunch program in the excelsior and omi injures our seniors have at least one good meal a day and have some socialization. please continue to fund these programs and especially the transportation for our seniors to get to these programs.
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that is being threatened with one third to one-half being cut. our neighborhoods have lots of hills. the senior center in the omi had to remove from ocean avenue to beverly street, so transportation for seniors is a problem. senior program need to be funded so that they can be provided more hours and programs for multiple ages. our seniors that are 60 and 70 and 80 and 92 not need the same exact programs. so we need a variety of programs for our seniors. funding for senior case management and services is also on the chopping block. our homebound need to be visited. this is something difficult to fund raise four. it is not a topic that they were
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tried to raise money for, case management. i also wanted to point out to the mayor, we are also trying to do something to help ourselves. we have the community living campaign. i wanted to pass that along to you. we have an angel in omi named doris mcgee. our supervisor recently honored her. she realized many of our seniors were going hungry but could not get out of the house. 40% of our seniors live alone. half of them are over 75 years old. so she started a program to make and deliver boxes for them. she starred with a couple dozen families, and now she is up to 51 and does not have much more capacity, but she makes sure
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that these people get the food they need. after that, she started an offspring of breast cancer support groups. she does this without any funding, from the love of her heart, and gets other volunteers to do this. i wanted to let you know that we are also trying to do what we can with what we have. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you patti, mary. thank you for mentioning the work of doors mcgee. quite an angel in our district. next up we have our youth service providers and leaders. [applause] >> good evening. i am from the filipino community
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center as well as active leadership to advance youth. we have ryan from the excelsior action group. we also have two students from balboa high school. i am here speaking on behalf of the youth in the excelsior as well as the omi community collaborative. district 11 is diverse in its members, but also in this agency and the work we do. our agencies that are culturally competent. many are currently working together to bring diverse groups of people working across different cultures. we are working collaborative way on a number of different community events around health's, families, resources, and art walks.
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dcyf funded a collaborative, but even now the funding is not there anymore. we continue to work together. in 2004, dcyf reported that district 11 is the most underserved community and has the highest concentration of you off. we are not only serving youth in our community, but we are serving youth from other districts. in addition, district 11 also has the highest number of schools in one district alone. a high population of youth resides here. they come to the district to attend school and after-school programs. [applause] >> good evening. i'm the program director at out of sight youth arts center. i want to talk about the curve needs of the district 11 youth that we work with and that many
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of our organization work with. with our current budget cuts on education, school aren't being cut, furlough days enacted, resources diminishing, we know that school is not enough. today, are you is faced with many challenges, peer pressures at school, other issues. you get involved with an after- school programming in order to learn more, make friends, feel empowered, develop leadership skills, and become more active in the community. these programs are not playtime. they are -- they offer real opportunity for the youth to have a hand in better in their own district community. they are also programs for you to have no other areas in the life for meaningful connection, to foster powerful karen relationships with their peers and adults. some examples that we have heard have been that these programs
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have become a second home. they have become a place for youth to learn and grow from young adults. i wanted to pass that on, so that you could hear from some of these people. [applause] >> my name is derek. i am a senior at the ball high school. -- balboa high school. in the years that i have been there, more and more money gets taken away from our budget. the more money i see disappear from our school funds, the more familiar faces i see disappear from the hallways. a lot of those cases were my friends. i see them in the streets. some of them i do not know where they are at. those people were really close to me. seeing them disappear before my eyes, it takes a toll on me. i knew these guys rolling out.
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they had a futures. we cannot afford to pay for supplies, teachers, after-school programs that could have saved them, kept them off the streets. now i just kind of sit there -- and the seat next to be in class. where did they go? it is not a coincidence that the dropout rates and crime rates, especially between the ages of 15 and 19 years old, keep going up. the more money taken away from the budget, the more it will keep happening. we need to focus on these youth. we need to give them the attention that they need, that my friends unfortunately did not get. how could they? they have 40 kids crammed into one classroom? one teacher cannot take care of all those kids.
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everyone learns differently, and unfortunately, they did not get to learn what they needed and are no longer with us. i am sorry to say that. thankfully, i am part of a program there. i do a lot of community work, out of reach. i talk to the underclassmen about what i went through. hopefully, they do not go through the same mistakes, but we need this funding. we need to keep these kids off the streets. i do not want our future you it to be just another statistic, like my friends were. thank you for your time. [applause] >> good evening, everyone. my name is nicole. i attend city arts and technology high school.
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i am speaking on behalf of all the youth here in the omi. we all agree that these programs are important to us. we just touched on the negative side on the lack of programs and resources, but i want to talk about the positives and how much of benefited from them. i would not be here if it were not for my coordinator. having support of adults in our lives makes such a difference. my friend went to the budget cut rally with the fcc. we also got to participate. youth programs give us a chance to advocate for our interests, get us ready for adult good, and train us for the work force. an example of that, my friend is an intern for supervisor avalos. she t
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