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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm PDT

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and how we can work with people to get more support for the services that we are operating. we were all open to that. we are all trying to do that, but, obviously, we need to do more of it because we understand the city only has so much money, but we will support for that. we do not want to be told just go out there and go get it. we need support from the city and others to understand that supporting the services is really important. i would say just from my perspective, the san francisco foundation, i give them a lot of applause for focusing on gas services and the real needs in the community. they have really rearranged their funding to fund that, and we need others to look at that the same way because we are serving some of the most vulnerable people in san francisco, and we have been cut and cut, so we were trying to get some fairness and equity in the way things are cut, and we really appreciated supervisor cohen's leadership in moving
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forward. supervisor cohen: thank you. [applause] okay, one last housekeeping rule -- if you are on the edge, if you could move in and fill some of these center seats in this section or the road you are in, we still have people that do not have seeds that are standing up in the back that i would like to welcome in and help them get a seat. go ahead, take a second, and move in. thank you. also, i want to remind people to be thinking of questions, and we will still be coming around to collect questions for folks. next up, we are going to hear from our department heads. again, we will talk very briefly. they will introduce themselves and talk about how their department is preparing for the upcoming budget. and then, after the finish, we will begin with the question.
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maria, let's start with you. you can stay seated if it is easier. >> good afternoon -- good evening, everyone. i'm the director for the department, children, youth, and their families. thank you to the supervisor, the mayor, and apart for coming out tonight, and to the residents, particularly of district 10. for our department, we have a blended funding source within our department. we have something called the children's fund, which comes from property tax revenue, and we had general fund, which is what mr. wagner explained earlier. within our general fund, we are looking at a possible reduction of $5.7 million. our proposal for meeting this reduction is primarily to reduce a particular funding
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source that came into our department after mayor newsom last year submitted a budget. these are supplemental allocations to our budget by the board of supervisors. they came into our budget to restore funding cuts that we made to programs that had received funding from our department's previous years. right now, we are looking at reducing $5.7 million from these $7.5 million restoration or supplemental add back into our apartment. we believe back by doing this, we are preserving the intent of the policy work that we have worked with our communities over the past two years, in creating -- we were closely in creating, planning for how we allocate dollars, particularly to two major policy documents. our community assessment where
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we went out and talk with community members about the primary needs, and thank you to shaman wilson, who very eloquently expresses needs, with child care, after school services, and youth employment. these are all the areas we prioritize within our department. we went through an allocation plan, which is to say if we have this much money, how do we then allocate those dollars into meeting these needs, and that is what we did last year or two years ago with community members as well, and we came up with a plan on how we did that. then, we took that plan, and then we implemented the plan through a competitive process. unfortunately, when we implemented that process, we were faced with almost and $8 million reduction. unfortunately, we were not able to fully fund all of those programs that submitted an application to us. during that competitive process,
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we received $69 million of requests, and all we had available was $20 million. we received 650 applications here in the end, we selected 150 applicants. it was extremely competitive, and it was extremely unfortunate because there are lots of programs that we wanted to fund and could not. it was wonderful that the board of supervisors allocated these dollars, but at the same time, we wanted to make sure that we stay true to the intent and integrity of that competitive solicitation process. a lot of people i see in this room submitted applications to us in that application. once again, our proposal to meet the 20% reduction for the general fund is to reduce our advance, which came into our department to -- through board of supervisors supplemental allocations. and the remaining dollars, for those of you who are math whizzes in the room, there is
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$1.8 million that remains after we had the required general fund reduction. -- after we cut the required general fund reduction appeared as you know, the state still has not balanced the budget. thankfully, the feds finally did a temporary budget. right now, we are looking at a potential of significant reduction to child care services. particularly to the first five san francisco budget, and it is anywhere from $11 million to $20 million. if that is the case, a lot of child care providers in this room and within district 10 will not be able to survive. if this it eliminates the funding that we used to augment our violence prevention program -- if the state eliminates the funniest of will -- of met our violence prevention program, we will not be able to continue to fund a lot of the services we have now. if the state decides to eliminate some of the federal funding if they provide for work
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force development, we will not be able to continue funding the programs that we currently fun. as a result, we are proposing to hold up $1.8 million, so we can figure out how to allocate. we definitely hope to be able to reallocate to meet the highest needs in the community, and today's meeting is extremely important, and i definitely want to hear from community members what the priorities are. thank you. >> barbara garcia, department of public health. we are one of the largest general fund organizations. one of the opportunities we have is the ability to create revenue. 2/3 of the $400 million we have we can create revenue to that account, leveraging those dollars. i know it to meet this target, which for the department is $69.6 million, we tried to look at revenues, and we have been able to come up with almost $56
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million of revenue. so we are left with about a $13 million cut. we then drove down to all the general fund that we have that we do not leverage other dollars with, and those are just pure general fund. from that, we were able to cut $13 million in order to meet the budget. $4.3 million will be cut out of outpatient programs. the department over the last several years has had stakeholder meetings with all of our ceo's because part of -- with all of our cbo's because part of our service is to our community-based organizations. the cuts will be about $4 million to outpatient programs, and in the only non-matched general fund, there will be about 50% cut of their unmatched general fund, which is about 2% of the entire budget for those services. then, we will cut about $1
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million of civil service positions. we will also cut about $3 million out of residential programs. that will represent about a 10% cut. then, we have about $4 million of efficiencies in which we try to find ways of not impacting individuals, but try to be more efficient with apartments. $3 million of that will be asking to outsource our security so we do not have to cut more services. we save about $3 million during that period and $1 million by using the new pipeline and closing our sro's, so no one will lose their houses, and we will be transferring moving people to new housing that is coming on. that $13 million cut for the department we anticipate at least 2000 people being impacted by these cuts, and we tried to do it so that we would not cut more revenue said that $13 million does not represent $20 million of $26 million in cuts, but trying to be as efficient as
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we can, looking at the $13 million of cuts. >> good evening. i am a deputy director of the human service agency. our agency was assigned the task of coming up with a little over $9 million in our 10% cut. we approached this challenge with the following principles adopted by our commission, that we want to preserve programs and services that meet basic human needs, and for the human service agency, where our task is working with some of the most vulnerable populations in the city, basic human needs translate to trying to maintain our food programs, trying to maintain our housing programs, trying to maintain the protection and safety programs, both for young children and for disabled persons and seniors, and to also maintain health care and income support.
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based on those principles, we were able to achieve our initial cut through some of the same way as the department of public health bit because we also have one of the challenges is that a great deal of our general fund money leverage is state and federal money, which limits some of the options that we have. but what we had done is to reduce some of our administrative costs, reduce staff within the department where we could. we also changed our business practices. for example, in the last two years, we have had almost a 60% increase in the number of persons on food stamps. because we were able to change our business practices, we have been able to meet that need with about the same number of staff that we had two years ago. we talk about changing business practice and everything for all the departments. these cuts here require us to
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examine how we are working and how we can work more efficiently. we also have done our best to try to leverage additional state and federal resources so that we can minimize the amount of general fund money that is going to go to our programs. i would see our challenges right now, especially in families in district 10. district 10 families represent almost 40% of all the families in san francisco. the program calworks is now being cut by the state. there will be an 8% grant cuts starting in july. we will beat -- we are busy right now to see what we can do, develop strategies to ensure that those families are protected as much as possible, to try to expand our employment opportunities for those families so that they are not adversely impacted or to
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minimize the impacts of those cuts. at this point in time, we also have some cuts going on in our aging and adult services every now, and we're working again with our cbo partners how we can minimize the damage -- cut's going on in our aging and adult services arena. >> good evening, everybody. for some reason, i cannot talk sitting down. i do not know what that is about. but just a couple of things -- i am fred blackwell from the san francisco redevelopment agency. we are not a general fund department. we are funded through a mechanism called tax increment financing, which basically means in redevelopment project areas, with give the intrigue -- we give the increases and property tax developments and put that money back into its
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product development areas. our product areas in district 10 are bayview hunters point, and the hunters point shipyard, basically. our biggest budget question this year -- if you have not been reading the newspaper -- is whether or not we will be around. the governor, as part of his budget in january, proposed the elimination of redevelopment agencies statewide. the current status right now in sacramento is that the governor does not have the 2/3 votes needed to actually move that proposal forward. there is rumor that the proposal may be redrafted in a way that will allow him to pursue a majority vote in the legislature. it is not clear as to whether or not the majority is there to eliminate redevelopment. that all being said, we are
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presenting a budget to mayor lee and the board of supervisors that assumes we are around. that budget has a few priorities when it comes to district 10. i'll go by project area. in visitation valley, you will have noticed probably by now that these locks and is not there. that is a redevelopment project area. we will be working this year to put together the agreements that will revitalize the area. the plan there is for 1200 units of housing, along with improvements to the streets date on leland avenue, and on bayshore. in bayview hunters point project area, our main focus is on third street. we have dedicated this year about $1 million for a revolving
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loan program for small businesses that are operating on third street, in addition to that, a significant amount of money, about 3/-- about $750,000 for improvements on third street. in addition to those things, our priorities are to wrap up and complete and in some cases initiate affordable housing developments. our two major priorities with regard to housing in bayview hunters point in the upcoming year are to get the revitalization of double lock off the ground and to basically commit all of the funding that will get us through the revitalization of hunters view. there are two phases of the shipyard. the first is under way. we hope in the next year with our development partner to initiate the first vertical development on phase one, and on phase two, our hope is to
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complete the entitlement process there and commence the work associated with phase two, which, as everybody probably knows, has 10,000 units of housing associated with it. the biggest park investment in the city since the golden gate park as well as 2 million square feet of commercial real estate space there. the last thing we are prioritizing is making sure that san francisco folks work on all those physical investments that i mentioned and that san francisco contractors get as much of the work as possible. on the work force development side, we have a major investment in what we call the job readiness initiative where we are funded community-based organizations in order to prepare people for the construction jobs that will be created as a result of our work. we also are investing heavily to make sure the san francisco businesses have the opportunity
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to work on the physical projects that i have talked about. the last thing that i would mention, just from a housing one of you, just because kathy is in the room, and she will kick me if i do not mention this, is to develop senior housing and to complete the project as well. so that is our story. [applause] >> good evening. i am the chief of the san francisco police department. i was told by your aid to hurry up, so i am glad you took some of my time. the sentence is the police department has a little over 2000 sworn officers. our budget is a little over $400 million with an increase this next fiscal year of about $31 million. over $400 million, about 87% of that entire budget is salaries,
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which leaves very little for equipment and expenses. we averaged between six and 8 officers a month that retire. we need to have about three 50- person academy class is a year to maintain the number of offices -- officers in the field. were as to give that $11 million back, that will cause some layoffs as far as officers are concerned. what my plan is in order to get back the $11 million is to go through the entire department, which i'm doing now, looking at the command structure, to see how we can sit salaries, look at every officer in an administrative position and said the hall of justice, and put a "work smarter, not harder" attitude to get as many officers back in the field, and i have ordered all my department heads to put at least 20% of everybody that is in that building, including my office, back in the
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field. so we are able to accomplish that. it would be easy for me to sit here and tell you the sky is falling and without these officers crime is going to go up, but my pledge to you, as it has been to the mayor, is i will to everything i can to reevaluate how the resources are deployed, work smarter, and make sure the core service is keeping this community state will continue to be safe. i could ask for more officers because without the officer's i cannot do that, but in order for me to be successful, all the other social programs have to be successful. after-school programs have to be successful here domestic violence programs have to be successful. they are not successful, i cannot be successful here my obligation is i will give the 10% that. we will be able to continue to provide police services to this community as effectively as we always do. [applause] >> good evening, everybody. i'm from the mta. i will be even shorter.
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different from most of our colleagues in the city, we actually had a two-year budget, required by the voters, so we actually had a second-year budget that does need to be open and balance, but let me talk about a couple of priorities in our second year. of course, first, is to improve muni services. we had to cut services last year because we lost a lot of funding, so we are focusing on improving muni. we are able to add back 50% of services we cut back. i am interested to hear that there were groups focused on personal habits and exercise. we have a lot of our funding focused on adding bikes and peds into the transportation infrastructure. so people can take those and address their personal habits and exercise. also, we are one of the few agencies this year that really
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built a lot of big projects. we are doing central subway. we have large capital projects where we can help in terms of employment, local employment, so we are working very hard to improve our local hiring in large projects. the last thing i want to mention is that we have implemented a discount youth pass this past year, and we are working to have a $10 pass for low-income youth. this is the second year we are implementing that. those are the major programs that i think -- that i want to share with you, but we do have a balanced budget, so we are not participating in the drastic cuts that some of the other departments are for this 2012. >> i'm glad the police department and mta went so quickly because that gives me more time.
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i cannot talk while i'm sitting down, so i am going to stand. i am the general manager of your recreation and park apartment. our budget challenges have been well publicized. over the last seven years, our department has been asked to either cut or raise $43 million of general fund subsidies. overall, we have about $115 million operating budget. the steward for thousand acres of open space. 220 neighborhood parks and a lot of recreational facilities that you all hold very dear in this district. -- we stored -- we steward 4000 acres of open space. los angeles lost 400 or 500 of its recreation staff. we are all scrambling. i think one important message for me is that we need to were all more funding and investment in parks.
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it is some of the solution to health issues and public safety issues, having clean, state parks and places for our kids to play. so how are we managing this? we are doing as best as we can. like the department of human services, we have some budget- balancing principles we have used to guide us over the last two years. i am going to give you a couple of them here one is we prioritize revenue over cuts. we are short staffed as we feel like we need we can be to continue to provide to our communities. prioritize revenue, and i want to thank the mayor and supervisor cohen for helping us make some really tough decisions that helps us for a ride -- prioritize revenue over cuts. we do not want to cut our staff. we are focused on protecting our ability to provide clean, safe, and well maintained parks. our kids, families, seniors -- we deserve it.
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we want to protect our mission to provide healthy recreational choices for all of our citizens regardless of ability to pay. i am very proud of what we have been able to do on the recreation side of late. with significantly fewer resources, we have been able to add 20,000 hours of programming this year by reorganizing how we deliver recreation. we will have 87 summer camps this year. we will have the largest scholarship fund we have ever had. we have tripled l the tripled learn to swim and a quiet classes, and drowning is the number two cause of death among city youth. we are focused on making sure that our own houses in order. this year, we have cut the cost of new worker consultation plans by $250,000 and significantly reduced over -- overtime. we had a very cohesive internal department. we are working very well together as a staff. this year, we have been asked --
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our 10% cut amounts to approximately $10.4 million, and the good news, because of some of the tough choices we are making and some of the new revenue we have been able to bring in through programming and other creative ideas -- we think we are going to be able to fundamentally solve that 10% challenge this year, primarily on revenue. last year was horrible for us, one of the worst years in the department is history. but i am optimistic that we will be able to get through our budget without laying off any partners and without laying off any more rec directors. i am confident you will not see any service reductions this coming year. your rec/park department is working its tail off to continue to deliver services, even in difficult budget times. [applause] supervisor cohen: all right, thank you. come on, we do not have time for
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applause. ok, now, it is time for the highlight of the evening. we will start with questions. first one comes from annie chung. where is she? from self help for the elderly. >> thank you very much. tonight, we brought out about 1% of the seniors that we serve in district 10. many of them came from visitation valley and bayview- hunters point, and a couple of them just got here because they got lost. thank you for providing the translation so our seniors feel they could participate in these very difficult budget hearings. how can our city make a pledge that you will never abandon and always protect the most vulnerable? because the seniors in district 10 -- these are very frail
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seniors. low-income, immigrant seniors who need a lot of services. we have over 20 years built up the safety net services so they could have activities and nutritious meals. homebound seniors get home- delivered meals. we also serve citizenship class is and case management. if the department of aging cuts the 10% contingency cut, it would mean a total of almost $250,000 loss for our services in district 10 and other districts. i hope that you know that the old population in san francisco has a plan, but there is no money to fund it, so i hope that we will not give senior population just lip service, but actually back it up with money that we will provide services for the very frail and very
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believable. thank you. supervisor cohen: no applause. remember. strict time limit. thank you. i just also want to remind people when they get to the microphone to ask questions. they can e-mail their statement and supporting documentation to the department heads, but this is an opportunity for people to ask questions. is there any member of the panel that would like to address the question, specificallyspecificao to protect the vulnerable seniors of district 10? >> one of the things we're trying to do is to increase the access of seniors to food stamps. it is typically a population that does not take advantage of that program, and we met with cbo's to establish an