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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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kelly. one is k4, which i would ask you to also consider with k 13. these are added to fight as tall development program expenditures. the child development program, we are told, is in severe under- funding and needs all the money it can get. these expenditures were not for child development. one would be portrayed development. the other seven would be in other programs. i realize it may very well be that there is other money that is being used to pay for these. the tax code would give that indication. but the code also does not clearly specify how much money was going from which fund to pay
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for who. try to figure it out, the closest i can figure is mitchell development fund is paying for at least two of -- the child development fund is paying for at least two of these people. one of the other items is k-six. k-six is using sig money for a community-based organization that is going to do supplement the work -- to do supplementary work. i hope we were going to spend that money within the school district, to the degree possible. i question why it is being spent outside of the school district. item k eight races a simple question. -- raises a simple question. the money comes from the
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principal's discretionary fund. we would like to see a table of where the discretionary funds are, and what they're totals are. -- and what their funds are. president mendoza: i need emotion and a second on the consent calendar. any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent experts -- superintendent? >> we have one correction. the dollar amounts associated with each" are incorrect. however, the overall total cost is accurate. the revised version has been made available.
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there is another item we would like to withdraw. p you are withdrawing k 36 -- president mendoza: you are withdrawing k-36. any items removed from first reading by the board? seeing none, any item severed for discussion tonight? commissioner norton: can i severe the resolution about the summer school funds? president mendoza: that is k-14 through 33. commissioner norton: i am sure we can address them all in one. it is basically the same question.
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president mendoza: thank you. the roll-call vote will take place now. commissioner murase:-- commissioner maufas: k seven and k eight -- k-7 and k-8. president mendoza: any others tex seeing none, item h is the superintendent's proposal -- and the others? seeing none, item h is the superintendent proposal. commissioner yee? i am sorry. this was the resolution of the board of education ordering an election to authorize general obligation bonds, is publishing specifications of the election order. -- establishing specifications
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of the election order. vice president yee: we had discussions of what it would do, and also had a discussion of our earlier bonds and what that has done. for this particular bond measure, the total amount would be $531 million. that would work on 52 sites, completing the work for the district. we have had two major bond measures prior to this. we have also, in addition to the elementary schools, high school sites, and middle school sites, there will be certain early education sites we will be working on. we will be adding into this
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funding to green our schoolyards. the other thing would be that there is funding in their to rebuild, and to also look at the cost of building a new school in the mission bay area. president mendoza: thanks so much. we now need a reading of the resolution by our chief facilities officer. >> good evening. i apologize for being a tad horse. -- hoarse. i am try and figure out how to read this so it does not go on for 35 minutes.
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ordering an election to authorize up to $531 million of general obligation bonds, establishing specifications of the election order. the board has determined that certain properties and facilities within seven francisco unified school district and the county of san francisco need to be constructed and approved to of enable the district to enhance the educational opportunities of the students in the district. whereas the judgment of the board is in the best interest of the district to provide funding for such needs by means of various sources, including general obligation bonds. we can go on to a number of other whereases. is there a final whereas?
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i am trying to find the key whereas. and whereas it is advisable to order the city and county of san francisco director of elections to call an election on the question of whether bond funds should be issued and solved for the purposes set before it. the school board does hereby determine that all the above recitals are true and correct. the board, pursuant to section 152.64 of the education code has determined that an election is advisable. i will call an election and submit to the voters of the
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district the question of whether the bonds of the district in the aggregate principal amount, not to exceed $531 million, shall be issued and sold for the purposes of raising the money for the of prudence listed in the proposition. -- the improvements listed in the proposition. president mendoza: i do not see any movement or public speaker side up. are there any comments? commissioner murase: does the motion need to be moved before amendments are entertained? president mendoza: it was already moved and seconded on may 10. commissioner murase: i would like to propose an amendment. i would like to add 25 van ness to the list of properties. president mendoza: i need a
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second on that motion. >> second. commissioner murase: i would like to add, after our discussions at the building committee and with attorneys, and also our bond counsel, i would like to add 1950 mission on to that list. it adds us that option. president mendoza: we are going to do this separately. i need a motion. one moment, please. let me run the meeting. you guys are confusing. if i can get a vote.
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elvina fan: yes. commissioner fewer: yes. commissioner murase: yes. commissioner murase: aye. commissioner norton: aye. commissioner wynns: aye. vice president yee: yes. president mendoza: no. we will make that amendment. we need a motion and a second to add 1950 mission street, please. we are doing the separately. commissioner fewer: i move it again. >> on 1950 mission -- elvina fan: yes. commissioner maufas: aye. commissioner murase: yes. commissioner wynns: aye. vice president yee: no.
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president mendoza: yes. now we are going to, with the -- any other comments by the board or the superintendent? superintendent garcia: just for the record, i disagree on both of those. president mendoza: thank you. the amendments folded into the resolution, adding 135 van ness and 1315 mission street as part of the complete resolution, which does not say we have to do this but gives us the opportunity to do work on it. commissioner fewer: yes. commissioner murase: yes. commissioner norton: yes. commissioner wynns: aye. vice president yee: aye. president mendoza: yes.
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>> seven ayes. president mendoza: we are looking forward to moving this forward. this will complete all of our schools, is that correct? >> actually, lopez will be completed at the end of the 2006 fund program, on june 30, 2012. this will fully modernize and bring upper to 21st century learning another 50 schools, which should pretty much complete the cycle. president mendoza: it will be an exciting time. we will be upgrading all our schools and will all be modernized. i just want to reiterate that. >> the next item is item i, board members' proposals.
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this is the -- this was moved and seconded on may 10. i need a report from the rules committee. commissioner murase: at the rules committee, we had a presentation by cathy fleming about the public education enrichment fund. this is a $30 million general fund, in kind support from the city. one-third goes to children ages 0 to 5. a third comes to find music. one-third goes to general purposes, including nurses and violence intervention. a parent who is also here tonight presented together with mr. fong.
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a principal at garfield elementary school presented, and did a principal at a high school. all of them serve on the advisory committee to the enrichment fund. they expressed support for the resolution. it passed out of committee with unanimous support. i believe there are staff members of that committee here with us tonight. president mendoza: a u.n. to do the reading, or would you like stuff? -- do you want to do the reading, or would you like staff? commissioner murase: i would be honored if bombing would read the resolution into the record. -- if fleming would read the resolution into the record. >> resolution 115-10 a 3,
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redefining the responsibilities of the advisory committee for the public education and richmond fund. this creates the community advisory committee to make recommendations for the superintendent and board of education for the use of money and in kind services supported with the education and retirement fund. whereas the board of vacation recognizes the crucial importance of input from all voices of the critical community and i use their expertise and considering how funding is used currently, and in the future, and where as the members are representatives of the community who spend a volunteer hours dedicated to educating community it stakeholders, and whereas
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the board of education and recommends -- recognizes the advisory committee as having a role to directly inform the superintendent and the public at large on the impact to the broader community, with members appointed to each student delegate and by the superintendent, representing the schools. the will serve as a conduit for receiving input from stakeholders, parents, staff, and other committee members in order to assist the superintendent and the board of the education to effectively allocate funding, working with district staff to coordinate their efforts. they will review data to advise
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the board of the education and superintendent and contribute to communication and awareness, and be it further resolved that the recommendations show be aligned to support one or more of the district goals in accordance with the strategic plan adopted with access and equity and student accountability. almost done. further be it resolved that the feedback and recommendations show be prepared by the committee members with staff report for presentation to the board and superintendent between two to four times annually regarding funding in the sports and music plan and other categories. be it further resolved that the annual expenditure plan shall be heard for first reading the, referred to committees, and then hard for second reading and
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approval in january. -- then heard for second reading and approval in january. i am cathy fleming, of the public and returned fund. i have folks here with me today who will introduce themselves to you. >> this falls within my office. >> my name is tan linen. -- tim linen. i am a parent. >> i am steve onkuk. i am an alumni of thurgood marshall. i was proud to see marcus get the award today. president mendoza: terrific. thank you. i have no public speaker signed up for this item. i would like to go to comments from the board or superintendent. commissioner maufas: i would
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like to propose an amendment. be it resolved down at the last part -- there are members representing each of the three divisions. president mendoza: i see consensus on that. nobody is good to argue about that. other comments from commissioners? commissioner norton: i actually wanted to ask our members with the you think this resolution does as it is titled.
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you have gotten mixed messages from board members. i think this is going to clarify the committee's role and allow you to move forward in your work. >> i would like to address that briefly. this is much clearer than the previous resolution. the cac is in general agreement with this proposal. the only question will be to the degree our style that we recommend any changes are possible changes to the funding, given that the funding has been consistent without changes, and that the significant changes that happened to be made by the board, independent of the cac. we are looking forward to, in the resolution, have in future
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meetings with the board of education. this is going to be grand and wonderful and to the benefit of both. president mendoza: for those that do not know the difference between the first resolution and the second resolution, the key points aside from what mr. lenon had added - are other changes to what it is now? >> one of the major changes is that there is more opportunity and there are annual presentations to the board, one of which will be the back on the development of the plan. we will have a review process to
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go over the plan that will be before the board. that is in lieu of the previous report that was in the previous resolution that was due november 1. the timing was felt to be off on that. that is a big change that will enable the timing to be more timely. the new resolution and the alignment of all the activities are with the district's strategic plan goals. that is a little bit of a shift. also, a focus on advocacy and communications with the public. i want to say about the major roles that are articulated in the new resolution, which are in your power point.
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they are to review information on programming. this is different. before, it really focused on collecting feedback from the community and turning it into this report, which ended up taking a lot of the cac's time and effort. that is a big difference. that is really the crux are the basis from which the impact of funding, in the context of the district goals. the first and most important is really the in-depth knowledge that the members will receive -- program impact, what kind of
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evaluation is taking place. that is going to inform the other roles. the think that summarizes the major changes. commissioner wynns: at the rules committee, we had some discussion about the effectiveness being less than we anticipated about the student averts. -- efforts. are we just punting that over to the student advisory council? >> to so the audience is clear, we have generally known it is really difficult for student delegates to appoint members. the already have enough on their plates. jlñçthis began as a discussio. i talked with our
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parliamentarians. possibly, this needs to be articulated in the resolution. we are continuing to work on it. the idea is that we have a youth vote. we have many students who run for election to be student delegates. we only have one or two. would it be possible for those students who decide to move into leadership positions to possibly take up those empty seats that remain empty, much of the time? this is a position of leadership within the school district. those students that come in second, third, fourth, and fifth -- that is still in discussion. because the student advisory council has finished a meeting company it will not be part of that particular discussion, but
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may come back as an amendment. we will have to look at the original resolution, which talks about placing the student voice on the cac > -- cac. commissioner wynns: thank you. i just thought we should inform the board about our discussion. >> it is a concern that it is the delegates that can do the appointments and so we would ask the student advisory council? >> within the student advisory council, after we look at the original resolution, can the student advisory council, through the youth vote council -- here is an opportune to the remains empty. -- an opportunity to fill that
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which remains empty. >> so you are going to wait until later to propose that? >> you are not exactly sure how the system worked. we are not sure whether we were to pick something from a certain group or anyone we wanted. >> that is not like -- not unlike many of the processes. commissioner wynns: even in the past when we have had people appointed, we have not have full participation. we need to work toward further student participation. commissioner fewer: thank you to the members of the cac. having served for many years, i know it is many volunteer hours.
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thank you for the good and the discussion we had on the 11th at your last community meeting. hearing from you about your role in advising us, i just want to thank you ahead of time for stepping up for a much more strengthened role as an advisory. we look forward to hearing from you. i just want to tell you i think the cac expressed more interest in board members rotating to their meetings every so often so that board members can be kept abreast with what is going on. there would be a good idea for us to be more involved in our advisor in committee, who will help us make the decision on how to spend $30 million.