tv [untitled] June 2, 2011 7:00am-7:30am PDT
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there /sr-f already been identified 10 or 15 youth. we are going to take you to a warriors game. for a president of time. we are going to be with and you let you be kids. so there's some of the preplanned work that happens. some of the other activities within this general out reach has been intervening on gangville. there was one time on one of the friday night out reach. there was a group of 10 men in the mission district 24th and mission. there was about 20 guys that were going to jump these 10. we were able to mediate.
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we were able with the van that we do the canvases able to take the 10 men out and nothing erupted into violence. >> how often does this happen? how do you decide today is the day? >> is this predictable? >> we are in the western edition. there's a mission crn and then an asian pacific crn. there will be one in the sunny va le. they do an assessment of the out reach they need to target. what i mentioned was a mission related incident. some of the out reach that has
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taken place in the bay view western edition is working with those. there's out reach calendars. we produce as individual neighborhood based. >> crn program that needs to be expanded? is it? do you think, anybody does it? >> we have a hand over there. >> i am pretty sure, there's still people on the streets. obviously, you haven't done enough to focus on everybody. everybody isn't off the streets. where my mother lives. they started a program and everybody got involved in it. we have a garden. they have jobs. you got $100 a week. they got people off the street and every summer we do i
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basketball tournament. everybody likes sports. >> tyrer. who here. why can't we have more programs? jenay. >> you got it. you go girl. >> some people don't go to these programs. i am in up. i tell all my friends, you don't have to sing. you don't have to rap, and for leadership. we go out in the community and talk to people. instead of talking on the phone to me. why don't you go out in the community and talk to someone
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that matters. even if they don't come, a lot of my friends don't want me to come. i say, are you going to the up meeting. you have to pressure people to go to these programs. even if you put them out there. it doesn't mean they are going to go. >> let's ask some of the adults. who can respond? >> malik. >> first, i want to say thank you for being here. and this is actually just a sin from the creative. not a sin, but a send. i want to say, it's very
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important we allow our youth to be creative. the most important part of our community in which we lack. it's robotic state of mind. you get involved in what the tv tells you to do. our school lack creative skills and families lack creative skills. no one is able to community on that emotional level. we lack emotion because we lack creativity. everybody involved in a children's life to parlay that. >> how are we to do that?
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>> the cb o 's, these people that want to do the work. they have the heart. but they need a change. i know for myself. we all have a reason we need to get paid. but the major thing is, when you come to a community that is lacks so much, poor on so many levels. from all of those levels, you have to have a sense of creativity. at safe haven, i try to have every level of creativity. not even wants to sing or rap or play basketball. some people want to write books. these are different things we have to offer them. we have to keep move anything
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pushing this idea of creativity into their minds >> before we go on to another topic. how can we expand it. >> i will intervene. i will talk about what we need to be to be more effective. on average, san francisco spends $60 million on violence prevention. this is not the youth development that deal with young people. i am talking about after somebody has been touched by the system. we are spending $60 million. per capita, san francisco spends more than any other city.
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if you look across the way. on average oak land. we've got a lot of programs that are engaged in important work. also at the city levels, our efforts are fragmented. to expand the collaboration is to really mandate the coordination. to make sure the community builders and community interveners. to make sure we are doing it in
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a coordinated manner. we have to be more strategic. we also have to have some shared outcomes. who do we expect from the young individuals. is that a mandate this. so we can be more effective. and we're also partnering with the community. and other financial constitutions and our intentions are to consolidate so we have priorities how to spend that pot of money. >> we are talking about
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squeezing every bit of value out of $60 million. that's a lot of money. i saw your hand up >> i just want to go back. the crn. it's a collaborative network. that's part of the success you have seen. the coordination. the crn is in a program of its own. the young lady mentioned up. brother's against guns. we have taken affixed and looked at those partners. try to coordinate and communicate a little better. >> cheryl. >> i just want to piggyback to something the youth said. it's greater that we do all the
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planning. i think we cannot forget the people that we are targeting. because sometimes we set agendas and it doesn't mean it's going to work because we have been educated. we are really not educated to whether it's best for the community. we have programs and nobody comes. it's not relevant to the community. it's about being innovative. >> opening the doors doesn't mean people will come. if people won't come and they are not interested. if it's not going to take them to the place they want to be. then it's going not to work. even today.
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we have talked to some folks. we were fortunate in one of the housing developments to get money from cmlj. they may not have been what we wanted it to be. they had youth and it was probably one of the safist summers. to get those people come here. every time we go to speak. we end up in trouble. we are being identified as trouble makers or we're being identified as not following the rules and they feel like they are being punished for the stand they take to better their community. it's great to make policy. but if we're not involving the community, we will have the same problems. >> i am going to call on you. what program were you referring
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to that was working. that you said had community involvement? >> it was called open arms. it was a name that was group at that housing development created for themselves. it may not have been up to codes or standards, but what i would like to see is us put money to those who are prepared to go not community and train them. instead of saying, it's great you got 50 kids. they weren't doing what we wanted them to be. we are going to pool the money, give it to an organization and we wonder why nobody comes. this is good dialogue. >> what you're saying and some of your comments are directed
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towards the mayor's office. it's all coming from a good place. >> it's what malik said. >> i am going to go on. >> just like everybody is saying. there as always been help. you really have to go take charge. my grandma told them. you have to sit them in the room and make your point be heard. if people have that much interest. they should walk down the neighborhoods and ask them what they would be interested in. maybe they would help out. there's never before that. i was on mission street and people handed me condoms.
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you care about our sex but not about our lives >> i think brother said just what needed to be said. >> jenay. go. >> and about the program that you guys are trying to make. it's not about what people like to do. nowadays. it where you're from. say if you are from hunters point. you can't just walk in their. that's just the reality. i am not trying to be ghetto or bring stuff that you don't want to hear. if you don't like a girl, girls are going to fight. you are going to get stabbed. with boys, you can't just go anymore. you might really, really, want to do that. but i know some boys who would
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love the music program, but they are not going to come to fillmore all the way and risk their lives for something they really really, want to do. it's the areas. put it in suburbs where everybody can go to it. >> or, i notice they are building a police station. you will build a police station but not a community center. >> we are getting concrete examples here. >> did you want to respond anything before i go to questions? >> this is an issue where all hands need to be on deck. we are in a crisis. we all have to be held accountable at every level to
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have all hands on deck. we have the obliteration of our young people. homicide is the leading cause of death. for the period we have been in iraq. there are have been 4 thousand casualties. this is a program in our own back yard. we need the city coordination to insure we're having the coordination. >> can't we have a meeting, call it whatever you want, maybe your organization. you can coordinate.
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is that something that can be done? we are talking about community input. doing thing for a particular community. >> i think there are opportunities to do that. i think we have to be methodical. given the scope and size of the bureaucracy. it's easier said than done. we have to do that incrementally and in a way we have clear wins so that people can both at the city level and community level coming together to do the collective work. it's been fragmented. we need a city and organization >> we have to start somewhere. in baby steps. i want to talk a little bit
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about pilot programs. what's this called. i know not everybody agrees with you. >> no. they don't. i am in shock. >> go ahead. >> first of all. thanks for the invitation. as we all know. the juvenile probation has a pistol role. our responsibility to provide a safe place for youngsters who are accused and convicted of commit acts of violence. we also have the responsibility
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community-based programs. we wound up borrowing from adults. the victims were called in and surrounds by helpers from the community and the message was clear to the folks that were brought in. violence has to stop. if it's not stopped we will prevent that from occurring. we are offering you services. the individuals and the groups were brought in. the pilot program, was to recognize that the youth in juvenile hall are victims and
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perpetrators. they have been victimizes and participated in acts . we wound up going to our providers. we have a positive relationship with the community. whether it's through a contract or not and utilize that relationship and help plan this with us. with the colin strategy. lanny homes called in and called in the relationships with our community providers. we wound up having a call in with the providers. we focussed on youth already there and needed these
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connections and engagements with service providers. you are sitting in juvenile hall. you are upset about getting blamed and not having enough time with your family, the probation officer. not knowing. but figuring you might get released. you are called in and there are 30 folks sitting there are for you. opening their doors to you with a whole wide array of services that you can latch on to. we have had 3 of these sessions and spend a whole morning and
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take units by units into the auditorium. and then they are provided with the list of all of the agency who were there. and we incorporate that into the release plan. it's a plan in the works. i notice one the areas where it's working? reducing. it's a work in progress. one thing is for sure. we are not relying on the youths to get to the agencies. >> when did this start? >> in january. now we're going to move into a direction where we're going to assemble and call in the agencys and it's going to be for parents and it's going to be on days the heavily visiting
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days, the services will then be made available for the parents. that's where the effective indications will be. >> how many youth have participated in these 3 saturday. >> at any given time. there's over 100 kid in the detention center. so, we make certain that even, there were some concern about the kids that were in there for a long time. even if there's no hope. i say, that's short sided because the experience of having kids interact with helping adults is positive. you have the opportunity to engage with adults.
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over 350 kids >> so you're saying 350 kids participating in this? >> yes. anybody there was directed to come to this, yes. >> so the engagement is part of this. it's the follow up. how do we follow up. who's going to follow up? >> it's the responsibility of probation officers. >> i think it's back to what maya said, 350 for how many probation officers have to deal with those 350 youths. there's probably one service
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provider. how do we coordinate so your officers don't have to go to the agencies? that's been the issues because how do i connect with the probation prove that's servicing the youth? i think it's figuring out how to set up the time where they don't have to try to hit 350 service providers to accommodate that. >> i think i may have mislead everybody. >> there may not be 350 individuals. there maybe some of the kids that were there on 2 occasions. the engagements are not only based on what service are available or interesting on the part of the youth, it has to be
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also consistent with what vision of case plan is. that's really the challenging part about this. this is something we're working on very closely to make sure there's a follow up. it's still better than the folks being directed or encouraged to connect with an agency and there maybe some that falls off the chart. this is something very real and we're pledged to make this continue >> when will you have a status on it this is working >> why don't you give us a
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couple of months? >> where do we look to? where do the communities look to to see if this is working. >> our director of community programs. lonny holmes. >> david, you participate in this process in a different way. you are an outside agency. can you tell us essentially what your center does to further the cause to some of this >> sure, i would be glad to. our center, the berkeley center of law. so you know one of our basic tenant system
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