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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2011 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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>> [inaudible] >> called this meeting of the transbay joint powers authority board of directors to order. would you call the roll, please? >> i like to know -- note
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directors ford, sartpi will not be with us today. >> thank you. i would like to add that it is nice to be back. all i can say is any meeting at which you have to pass a budget and the chair and vice chair are so comfortable that they needn't be there, that is a pretty good organization. i feel pretty confident here. ok, so communications. what we have? >> let's go ahead and finish out the role -- roll. [roll call] you do have a quorum. >> indications? anything? anybody? no communications. new and old business -- anything there?
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executive director board -- i'm sure there is something. >> good morning directors, members of the public. most of our presentations now, director harbor, for your benefit, focus on the construction of date because we are in the midst of construction work, so you will be hearing more about that from steve rule of turner construction, but i wanted to report on a few more items, and that is that we reached a milestone where we have acquired all the properties for phase one, which is a really big milestone for the transbay authority that clears the way for us to move forward with the first phase. on the design front, we are working closely with pelly clark pelly. we're targeting having 100% of the documents completed next year. we're working on everything from material design review, retail design review, the bus ramp design review. we're also working closely with the seismic safety review
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committee to make sure that we have all the final approval and permanent for the structural design so there are no delays. and, of course, we continue working with our stakeholders of adjacent properties and the agency. most recently, we met with the problem of building inspection and the fire department with respect to the firelight safety on the bus level in the transit city -- transit center. we are also working with the municipal transit agency and planning on the bus plaza and the design of the overhead system for that. also, we are working closely with high-speed rail on the design of the lower rail levels. we have now agreement on where the columns will all be and where we will have the escalators and so forth. that was really good progress. with respect to the bus storage, we recently conducted a bus simulation at the proposed bus
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storage layout. the simulation prove to be very fruitful and give us ideas on how we can further refine the designed to improve the bus movements in that area. the packages were advertised on june 3, and bids due on august 10, so that is all on schedule. the temporary terminal, everything is running really well. we had a number of meetings with operators and surrounding residences and so forth in preparation for the bay to breakers, and we were happy to see that there were no incidents reported and that went well. i would like to have sarah come up and give the quarterly report update to the board on our finances. >> these are our quarterly financial reports. the first is budget to actuals through the third quarter of fiscal year 2011, and it shows that all expenditures and revenues are within budget.
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the second report is our contract status report, and it shows the amounts authorized and spent to date for all of our contracts as well as sbe and dbe percentages. i know many of you are interested in how we're doing, because so many of the packages have been set aside, of the $24 million spent so far, we have 45% sbe participation. through march 31, we awarded 36% of our contracts so far. the third report is our quarterly investment report, which shows interest earnings from our equity and will account with the city. interest rates continue to be rather low, so we continue to have a non-interest-bearing checking account, and in return, we see no fees on that account. fourth report is our inception to date.
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shows expenditures and revenues for the life of the program carrier also, on the financial side [inaudible] auditors will be coming in at the end of this month for interim field work. happy to answer any questions. >> [inaudible] >> yes, our artists are two- part. anywhere from may to june, they come in for about a week. they look at interim financial statements that we have prepared usually cut off at in the march 31 or april 30. that is when they do most of their testing and sampling, and they come in for final field work in the fall. >> questions? >> i do have a question. since vice chair ortiz is not here, and she would be asking. i was reading that to produce a basic level on dbe's was 18.5%, the actual commitment is only 13%. >> the 18.5% as our goal for the
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next three years. even though for the first six months of this three years, we are at 13%, the 18.5% was based on a contract we expect to award over three years. >> is there anything you are doing to ensure that we will eventually reach that level? >> we monitor that very closely. we have pre-bids before all of our packages go out, and we are working with business development inc., a dbe and sbe consultant based out in the bayview, for the package that was just released last week. there's a mandatory pre bit where they have to come and spend both an afternoon and a morning at tjpa offices. >> last, because i could not find it, what was the goal for sbe? >> we do not set a program-wide
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gold. the program is really just a tjpa program to try to supplement our dbe efforts. >> i would like to ask steve from turner construction to give an update on our construction progress. >> good morning, directors. construction management oversight. there we go. as of the sixth of june, the demolition contractor is substantially complete with his initial contract work, having worked 50,000 kraft hours without any accidents or injuries, completing everything all the way out to the freeway. they are just doing the final crushing and recycling, an ongoing work now will be the additional buildings that were authorized at last month's
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meeting and clean up punchless, final rubble removal, things like that. on the utility relocation side, the package -- the water and sewer relocation, we anticipate that pavement to be completed and the repayment to be done by the end of july. 4.2 is the water on mrs. tree, which is before the directors today for approval of the bid. 4.3 is water relocation on howard street. all the demolition and removal of abandoned utilities will be completed at the end of july with the payment restoration in the last week of july. water and sewer is moving along with tie-ins to be completed by july 10. we anticipate the pavement restoration to be completed by the first week in august. water store relocation joint trench on ministry. at&t has begun their cabling and termination, the demolition and
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capping of the end of utilities, which we completed on july 13. the final payment restoration at the end of the month of july. finally, 4.6, which is the store and sludge work along beale street, is under way, with completion and final restoration by mid-july. almost all of the utility packages, with the exception of 4.2, will be completed by the end of the summer, and it is ashley anticipated to get started in the first quarter of next year. quite a long material lead time on that. the other construction activity involves the 301 mission temporary wall. they got medals at framing up and will be starting the plastic this last week and completed these don't installation on the north side. we still anticipate opening up the north side of that wall that faces the millennium project, getting out of the millennium driveway by the end of the month and completing the whole project by the end of july.
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the transit center, the budget shoring and excavation work continues. we completed the woodpile the extraction in the buttress area. we extracted about twice as many as anticipated, but they are all gone. in the central section, they continue to build up shoring piles. i will continue on that. in a zone of for your, they are completing their backfill operation. they placed their drilling platform over this last week, and that will be ready for mobilization of the drilling equipment shortly. they are starting to call for the rest of the pre-trenching for the shoring wall around the perimeter of the project. final timeline on the demolition, with the added buildings, they will be completed at the end of august with everything cleaned up and out of the way. picture on the left was at the end of april. picture on the right is the east
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end of the project. that is beale street at the lower part of the picture and fremont at the upper part. they are prepping the area for where the drilling platform goes in and doing all the backfill in this picture. the rest of the project, you can see the number of soldier piles completed. that is that big stack. i think they have over 120 beam's completed, inspected, and ready to go. as i said before, on may 4, actually, all the ramp work was completed all the way out to the freeway, and you can see the right of way were the bus ramps used to run, are all cleaned up. this was the final large piece of demolition, a lab that was put in to seismically stabilize the bus ramps. i think it was in the late 1980's, early 1990's, and they
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had to remove that completely. the repaved the sidewalk for a temporary sidewalk. utility relocation package map, 4.2 at the top of the page is the final package before you today for approval, and we will be starting first quarter of next year, and that is the water on mission street. the rest will be finished up by the end of the summer. there is some of the work that went on on the utility packages. that sidewalk picture is sidewalk restoration at 555 mission on the ministry side. after all the utilities, the joint trench work was completed. to give you a perspective on some of the complications that are having working around existing conditions, this was a manhole at howard and fremont street they are getting reports. squeezing in a couple of store lines, and of course, that bill operation on the sewer. this is the stonework on the north face of the temporary
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wall. as i said, that will be opened up at the end of the month. and the pre-trenching -- we found some unforeseen concrete walls, unforeseen conditions that were not expected. some foundation walls that were out there from buildings in the late 1800/early 1900's, so we had to remove those. and, of course, they were piled- supported, so there were some additional woodpiles that need to be pulled. the next step is to start shoring wall. the blue crayon on the right there was moved over to zone four night before last, and they are starting to put the argue system on it, and that will be erected if you go by in the next day or so. that will be standing up ready to start drilling work in about a week. local labor in the bay area of
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the 50,000-plus hours completed by the demolition crew, 43,000 were completed by local labor. 88%, with the work that the cm gc is doing, they have completed 25,000 kraft hours, also without incident or injury, and 25,000 have been from local bay area labor. is there any questions? >> thank you, directors. that concludes my report. director harbor: which takes us to public comment -- director herbert -- directer harper: which takes us to public comment. >> good morning. i'm here today because i need some information. this thing has gotten completely out of control. i do not know what really causes this to happen, but there are
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absolutely no african-american contractors on this project. there are no african-american contractors on board. there are no african-american contractors doing work with pg&e. all of these big agencies, particularly webcor and turner, have decided that they did not have to hire blacks at no time because of proposition 209. what they do is say they will hire minorities. we know what that means. but people are excluded. i am now the president of a veterans association -- i am a veteran of a war, and i was in a meeting the other day with 15 black soldiers who lost a limb for this country and cannot get a job in construction, not one of them, because there are no blacks in it. these people are going crazy as far as black people are concerned. san francisco has become the
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mecca of the ku klux klan attitude because we cannot get work. 42% of black people in san francisco are unemployed. that is unheard of. something needs to be done, and someone needs to sit down and either stop this project or just come out and tell us, "we are not going to hire blacks in san francisco." is down to that. it is down to there are no african-american contractors under contract doing work in san francisco for any agency. san francisco's spent about $40 billion. black people pay taxes here just like white people do. i am asking you to -- i would like to first note -- can this agency get the number from webcor and all the rest of them on how many african-american contractors they've got. when you talk to them, they say
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they have minority contractors, but that always hides itself that they did not have to hire black contractors. it is right down to all of that. it is back to the stone age in so far as black people are concerned, and sentences could should not be like that, and i am asking for assistance from this board to launch an investigation particularly into turner. director harper: thank you, mr. walker. >> you are welcome. >> that concludes public comment on that item. that, we can move into the consent calendar. item 7.2 has been removed from the consent calendar and will be [inaudible] will actually have one item to consider, and that is the minutes of the may 12 meeting. director harper: i believe i am recused from that. does it require a quorum? can we pass it? >> majority. director harper: majority is fine? i was not here.
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any objection to those minutes? any comments, correction? seeing none. >> all right, minutes are approved. director harper: regular calendar item 8, the money. capital budget operating budget. sarah is here. >> this is the final presentation of the fiscal year budget for next year. it is a $220.3 million capital budget and a $4.3 million operating budget. it has not changed at all since it was presented in some detail last month, and we have not received any public comment. director harbor, i know you were not here, but i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> the only thing i was going to contribute to this organization had i stayed on totally as a
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board member, which -- back in 1972, i moved in sanford's is good to take a job as a planning engineer with beckel. did that for a few years and have since become a contract attorney in construction and so forth, but what i wanted to make sure was that this organization had a smooth line in contract initiation that they were developing at this stage because i am involved in so many cases in which i tell my clients, "had i only know six months ago that you were beginning to have contract problems, things would not have gotten this far, and things like that. my only hope is that we understand that that is millions of dollars at stake, and it is so important to be able to go from the field to the consulting attorney very smoothly, very quickly, and as soon as the
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supervisor, someone in the field see is that something is not going right, picks up that change in a hurry. and i think that is happening. >> yes, absolutely. director harper: great. ok, thank you. do we have a motion for approval? >> so moved. >> motion. director harper: i will second. >> no members of the public indicated they wish to speak on that item. director harper: so i have a motion and a second. is there any objection? need we have a roll call, or can it passed unanimously? >> all those in favor? >> aye. director harper: item 9. >> authorizing the executive director to execute a renewed agreement for engineering design professional services for the
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caltrain downtown extension project with parsons for a third three-year term, 2011-2014, and a maximum compensation of $4.2 million. >> good morning, directors. principal engineer. i am here to give you an update on the work being done by parsons corp. on the downtown extension. the agenda is in three parts. first, what was achieved in the first part of the contract to define what we're building, conception engineering, and the second is what we have achieved in the last three years, where we have got to, and what we plan to do for the next three years to keep this contract, no pun intended. part one defines a revised improved local preferred alternative. this was confirmed in april
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2007. it consists very simply of a two-track lead from seventh street in 2000 st., the underground station, 83-track tunnel, turning into second street. three platforms and 6 tracks fanned out into the station, and it allows for modifications to the yard to continue storage of trains and chains that do not go all the way to things like the ball park. this is the general layout. this is the agreed alignment. it has not changed. we are in the same footprint as we always were. we then went into two, which to take that design, which was roughly at the 15% level, and parsons completed by july 2010
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all the project deliverable reports, all the investigations , a geotechnical work, and design calculations were done, and that was performed within the contract budget. in fact, we save money by making certain we did not go too far, and that has produced a 30% design level with drawings that could be used at any time for a design build contract if we went that way in a fast-track process, or could be used to develop final 100% drawings for a conventional design bit build. we then did between july of last year and january of this year, some updating, and this is basically to deal with some alternatives and requirements required by high-speed rail, since they started to do their
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environmental process, and make certain that we could meet whatever comes in from high- speed rail as a future connection. we have therefore designed for them using their so far preferred of a deep tunnel approach, which they would be putting under pennsylvania avenue and coming in to join ours. we have increased the curve links approaching the station out of second street. original concept was 550, and we have agreed on a 650 radius, and we have increased the length of the tension platform so they can have ee trains, not 200 meters but 400 meters long. and we successfully have in fact worked with both high-speed rail and caltrain. parsons was very helpful in getting all this work done. we have submitted formal magic 7 formal design variance is.
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we have that approved, so we know we're building the station in the right place. we have agreed on the layout spirit we have agreed on the link with rail concourse layouts, and we are now in a state where we can bid out the below ground work with confidence that we will meet the requirements of both operators. we then start a strategy of what we should do over the next three years. that strategy, which was really important that we continue the interface with and -- caltrain and high-speed rail, that we provide all the information needed to put it to the train box being built at the early stage now where we go in to bid next year so that we do not ever have what happens on some
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projects where the systems and the work comes in to late and you have already put the concrete in, and you are looking for places to finalize work. we will go through with parson'' contract in practices, whether we actually do design build, or whether we do some early practices to move utilities out of the way, which is always important when you are doing a big toddling project. we will continue to provide -- ask them to provide cost updates. with that strategy in mind, and negotiated with parses a third term, which keeps all the information they have gone all the design capacity, and provide as needed engineering services, as directed by the tjpa, and it would be for a 36-month duration. it is a flexible enough contract to have smaller starts contract to have smaller starts at the beginni