tv [untitled] June 12, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT
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listening to the commonwealth of california radio program. we're talking with ed lee, mayor of san francisco. you mentioned the america's cup is coming. it is coming to san francisco in 2013. it is expected to bring over $1 billion of economic benefit to the city. in exchange for paying $55 million along the waterfront, the developers get rights and a 66-year lease at the peeriers. harvey rose the city could wind up paying more than the original deal said. is that report accurate? is this going to be a good deal long term for san francisco? >> the report has been reviewed by economists on all sides.
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i do think it is a great deal. it is not only for the historic nature of the event. but people are putting up their own money to help us repair dilapidated structures. one of the reasons why the port is not the maritime operation as much as it used to be is because the properties are in bad shape. it is very expensive to repair the underwater structures. i say that as a city administrator involved in reviewing the capital plans. we have not fixed because it is too expensive. we have had to rely on private investment, smart investment, to make some of these piers turnaround. the cruise ship terminal is one of the big focuses. we're looking at building a new cruise ship terminal and having it available for the america's
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cup, the center of it, and being able to use it for generations thereafter. everything we're putting in the long wharf -- and along the worth will last beyond the america's cup events. we're trying to do its smartly. whether it is transportation, infrastructure investments, we're making sure the structures are there for the benefit of san francisco. we will have it there in between the events as they occur. we are even doing street improvements with the america's cup moneys. those investments will obviously help with transporting people around when there is no event as all. >> it could be a good deal for the city long term and not just the developers. >> absolutely. those improvements will not
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silvio berlusconi for this event. they will be for the permanent use for everybody. >> as the economy creates more homeless folks, what more can be done to divert them off the streets and into housing and job training? >> if i could answer that easily. one of the reasons i came to work enthusiastically with the former mayor is that i truly believe in the care not cash approach to ending homelessness. the solution is permanent supportive is in. we're already putting up the housing but not of the pace we would like because of the economy. that will continue to be the target and focus of the true answer to the challenge of homelessness>> the more you wile
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individuals changing their lives. in doing so, we continue to have a very active human services agency on the ground, and getting them in the shelters that we have and trying to operate programs like project homeless connect and others where we bring tremendous amounts of volunteer support. the hope is to engage people to make better decisions. you can't force people. we have to persuade them to do so. we can at least strongly encourage people cannot lay down on the streets. we have the city and live ordnance.
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they are already starting to get the warnings. they are bringing people to pay attention to this. we are offering services to people. we're doing in the san francisco way, eventually we have to get people into situations like community courts where they face a choice. they have to make a better choice for themselves. it is all about getting people to pay attention to the choices they are making. some people have to be in a position to make those choices. >> about the san francisco forty-niners. they want a new stadium. your predecessor had a bit of a falling out with them. even recently met with them, and
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what have they told you about what it will take to come back there. >> and they haven't told me anything more than what the public has already known. they have a very aggressive campaign that they are doing for the proposed stadium. what i have tried to do first of all is do what i think is very natural for me. that is to form a very solid relationship and make sure that they are treated as they should be. they are a sentences the football team. they are our team. where is the enthusiasm? it should be there. you remind yourself when the giants won the world series, when they were in the dow and out, we love them. some of us didn't.
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we cursed them. the they are winners, everybody loves them. during these very hard times, they have suggested that they are looking elsewhere. these are the most challenging times. what i offer is keeping in your open and keeping your allegiance to the city because i am keeping line. i have so many generations of people that want to see them succeed. having a relationship is first of all, important. and continuing the viability of our proposal so that if the nfl cells them from what we hear, it suggests maybe the economics are not there. i'm not praying for a bad
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situation for them, but should be economic to be there, i want to know that we have plans here for being a b plan to a 1a plan. is to have a relationship so that is not embarrassing for him to say, why don't we take another look at what's at francisco has to offer. you not only do that by having a relationship, but by celebrating what they are doing today. they are still our team and they are still in our communities. i would like to have a welcome party. very soon. he is our coach. there are things that we have done in the past that have exhibited -- he is very excited
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about having one of those lunches that we used to have. get everybody together and root for the team. we might disagree with their effort, but that doesn't mean that they are not our team. >> humans and lloyd brown earlier. how often have you talked to them. >> i know them vaguely. willie and rows of the wonderful friends for so many years. they give me great advice. i asked them a lot for the vice, especially when we have such a very serious fight with jerry brown over redevelopment. i have never intended for them at all to be a negative, because he is doing what he needs to do. >> eliminated from the state
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budget? >> it also hurts us in long term ways. we have used redevelopment of the correct way. the governor knows that. he knows there are other things to gain by this elimination. in that dialogue and, i have asked for a lot of device. with all of the changing term limits, and who do we talk with? he says to be bold, talk to people you ordinarily won't talk to. and to build allegiances as mayor. for this great city, i can pick up the phone and call people and loss angeles, all of the mayor's. that was his first device. yet the 10 biggest mares
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together and start forming allegiance. when you put that together, you have a powerful voice of there. they listened across aisles. we have most of the populations of the states. that was one good advice. don't form a wall even if you disagree. just because we are kind of more blue in san francisco. >> a lot more blue. >> a lot of our investors, they are republican. i was laughing about it because
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it was kind of this irony where the only investors that are trusted us are putting their omaha, we are trying to convince a democratic brotherhood. we are not trying to be green. we are trying to create the economy better. you have to move towards green a lot more. >> a couple more quick questions here as we are running short on time. we have got to talk about shark fin souop. -- soup.
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it is a chinese delicacy, the sharks are tossed back into the water to die. you took a simi controversial stand by admitting that you have been an -- eaten shark fin soup. explain a bit about this. >> i told the truth. you may are may not get that out of a politician. i don't eat it at all very rarely, but it is a delicacy that is used for weddings and special banquets. having said that, i am a very
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strong supporter of the fishing standards that the u.s. has about how you properly fish. there are reasons for those standards being created. that is where the education is, the fishing practices. that is why i wasn't ready to support a ban. i wasn't sure if a ban was going to get there or not. i want to the science to tell us the proper thing to do. i am very open. the that is where i have been on the environment. if there are species of sharks, if there are continuing things that we need to do to protect the oceans and the environment,
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the banning of eating this will add to that, i am open to it. the focus has been, i think a lot of san francisco and a lot of chinese eat a lot of this. they understand that the fishing practice is the thing that should be banned. we don't know if it will directly contribute to that at this time. >> there is time for one last question. it is an audience question. how can the local hiring policy be made compatible with the existing situation. >> there is obviously policy and reality.
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the policy that embraces local higher. i want her those that pay more to have a fair chance. we begin with this construction ordnance where we have special steps to be taken for contractors to show that they are making every effort to comply with the word of its. we had people that were ready and willing to do that same work in san francisco. in my opinion, that is not fair for all of us that is paying for those projects. having said that, when you look at the city work force, i begin by saying, i remember when lily told me, if you want this job, move to san francisco. i made that sacrifice.
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how can everybody do that? i am not sure. i would like to champion more work force housing. it offers everyone a chance to afford to live here. that way it is a little easier. for the most part, may be for their salaries, it has been hard to make that choice. >> things to the mayor of san francisco. a also think our audiences here on the internet and on the radio. this meeting of the commonwealth, we are adjourning. [applause]
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>> i get really concerned one ip -- hear people say the payroll tax is a job killer. maybe in some industries the payroll tax might be a disincentive on business going forward, but i would not be surprised if we came out of the whole discussion about remaking our tax for next year that it involves a combination of a payroll tax, commercial occupancy tax, and gross receipts tax. all of that could be in a remade form of our business tax structure. >> that is a good question to ask. i will ask this monday. >> i was born in of los angeles. i was in a mexican-american, a
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chicano town. my dad was a launch your worker. my mother was an office worker at usc. my parents were divorced when i was 10 years old. i moved to the east coast and lived there for six years and then fled back to california after high school. i went to school at uc santa barbara. i have been in san francisco since 1989, have lived in the excelsior since 1999. the difficulty is, muni often sees it as an industrial area, not a neighborhood. we have to figure out how to make it work as a neighborhood and as a place that can service the light rail vehicles. i have had lots of different jobs. my main job has been doing social work for san francisco state university. i have been a community organizer, a social worker, but i have also been a legislative aide.
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i worked mostly for community- based organization supporting kids and families, working for labor. i got to see how city hall could be an effective tool to create change. i looked at running in 2007, 2008, and somehow i made it. i have been in politics for so many ways, doing work around central america, supporting people in central america against u.s. imperialism, their right to live, self determination. i did a lot of work on that on campus when i was in college. a bit of work on apartheid when i was in college as well. >> i never got involved in supporting a candidate. i never thought a candidate was someone that i would support. then when tom ammiano ran against willie brown, i got inspired. i thought, someone with integrity and honesty, if they
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can run for mayor, maybe i can be somebody who represents what is true about our people. that is what inspired me to run and be a candidate. one thing this year that i really tackling, and i expect to for a long time, looking at me and how it operates in my district. san francisco, we talk about it being a transit first city, but it does not mean a lot if transit is not very well thought out in places away from downtown. my district is where we need to create better options. all the way down to randall street, there is no accessible boarding areas for the church. there is a woman that lives in a wheelchair on santa rosa. she has to go across to glen park to get out transit. >> those new stations, those are
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the ones that we are going to have to depend on. >> along balboa park station, near geneva, i have been pushing hard to get ramps for pedestrians. right now, it is dangerous to cross the street. i want to insure the department of parking and traffic is painting lines on alemany street. beyond that, we need to figure out how to calm the traffic. a lot of cars go speeding through. sidewalks are not convenient for people. >> i am the supervisor for district 11, the debt -- the best district in san francisco. this year, we get to show how great district 11 really is. >> we are in our fifth year of major budget deficits. it is inevitable that we will make painful cuts. so how do we do it in a way that will minimize the impact on every day san franciscans? >> i really appreciate what
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you're doing here. you are a really patient gentleman, and i appreciate that. >> our parks are often cut first. how do we maintain our safety net, public health services, security services? all of these are critical decisions that have to be made. >> i have seen many people come forward today who i know whose lives have changed because of the services we are providing. that is something that we can be proud of and have a as a goal at the budget process to make sure that we can turn lives around and create a liveable communities. >> if we do not resolve the pension issue, we will have to cut. we will see fewer options for muni. we will see the parks deteriorate. i think the tide is rising. we have to figure out how to swim very quickly.
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clearness as a set of political alliances and possibilities that it is behind the sphere of dominant gay and lesbian culture. the curator fills us in on the process of creating this thoughtful exhibition. and what she would like you to take away from it. >> i co-cureated with danny, a chicago-based writer and curator. the conceptual framework is what it means to be clear and radical for our generation. clearness as a set of political alliances and possibilities, not necessarily related to institutions of gender and swam formativity. danny and i wanted the show to feel funky and to have a really tangible quality to it.
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so part of that was incorporated handmade objects and installations and beautifully printed photographs and videos. there is also a lot of opportunities to participate and to take postcards or to get the photo taken or sit within a tent made out of afghan blankets to watch videos. the exhibition is organized in three distinct galleries. in gallery one, which is the gallery designated to clear activism, there is an installation by the oakland-based collaboration and it's called "unleashed power." it's all focused on one protest that happened in chicago in 1991 with the activist organization act up, which was protesting the inadequate health care for people living in aids, and specifically it focuses on an act of police
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violence that occurred at that protest. the thing that is really interesting for me about that piece is that it brings us back 20 years to what clear activism looked like at the height of the aids crisis. gallery two features work that is related to intentionally communities that exist both within cities, also in rural spaces, and transient communities as well. the return features a no madic clear tribe, the people who join this tribe are often in various states of transition themselves, whether it's leaving behind previous gender assignments or corporate jobs or a life within cities. a lot of the work featured in the exhibition and a lot of the installations are handmade objects. there is a lot of do-it-yourself aesthetic and
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that handmade do-it-yourself feeling is something that mimics the idea and the reality of the alternative world making that we're trying to represent here as far as the self-sufficient community goes. gallery three features work that relates to the ideas of self-determinenism, alternative world making and utopia. visits can still participate in this -- visitors can still participate in this project. during the opening, we invite visitors to come in and try on these costumes, pose in front of the backdrop. he was really inspired by comic books that he read as growing up and thinks of this space as a post-apocalyptic monster portrait gallery where people can remain genderless once they
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put on the costumes. we think it's important that this be happening in san francisco, which is considered an ekpe center of the queer actual cure. the majority of the queer cultural events happen in june which has been designated as the pride month. which to me translates as the period of time in which people can be in clear arts and culture. in september, it's hashingening back to that and proving that this is something that is scon significantly happening all the time. what danny and i hope visitors take away from this exhibition is to observe the diversity within the designation of queer in terms of race, in terms of
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