tv [untitled] July 11, 2011 6:30am-7:00am PDT
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it's old informatiti, and it's important to know that thahas the history bebend water c cflictt and has bebe for hundreds of years and will c ctinunu to be that way. weweeed to all realize that. [narrator] it's aprililn nevada, d in pyramid lake, the cui-i- fish, tracted by t t flow om the truckee river, art their r awning run. but like fresh water in other parts of ththworlrl the truckee's water has long been fought over and isistill in n spute. e truckee starar in california's highghierras and flowowowwn into the n nada desert. bubuthe water is hotly c ctested from l le tahoe to pyramid lake. this proroamamooks he c cflictingngnterests over this valuable r rource
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and at the lives ananlililihoods of the p pplee for whom truckee river water is so imimrtant. pyramid lake is the e me of the p pamid lake trtre, paiute indndns known historically as the f fh eaears or cui-ui eaters. [man] this water here, for what it is, to us s s eans more than just watching it flowown the river.r. what m mns more totoss is seeing this water ow into pyramid lake, sesengnghe pelican, seseng the cui-ui, seeingngll thihihihi that's what it meansnstete flowto s s that,lake. to make sure that we can enjoy this habitatata [man]] this is a cui-ui, which h a large lake e ckck which is native to pyramid lake and ththlower truckee river. they're very lononlived species-- theyeyl live up to 40 yeyes or more--
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and they've been listetete on the endangered species listss since e 67. the fish is very imporornt culturallylyo the tribe, and histstically theyeyere also e ofofhe staples of the paiute's s et. an] e cui-ui itself-- that's the foundationn of our culture. at's'she basis fofowhatate believe in when we talk a aut our traditions, our customs. and to seeee e spawning o o o, like the k ks that were e re this morning to wititsssshis, it's'sery exciting totoee i i [man] histsty kindndf f es bacac to thousands of years that indian people were always here on the lake and then traveling around. they w we e e n r the fish and theheild game.
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all we know is we know wewewee here... you know, forever, and we're just generatitis down from our tribe. but as the white people came over, we started fighting with them over certain s sff on the lake ananjust different things. [man] the tribe didn't'tndererandddth. theyeyidn't t ow how to getethings done, and they were unfortunatelel veryryoorly representedd by somomof the government officials who were appppnted to watch out for them. it's taken them long time, but they've learard, as things have happened,d, and they've become much betterererer but at playingarard, the white mamas game.ed,d, and they're learning the legal angngs and what's entitltl to them, and they're e e mororablele to go after it now.. for the tribe, wawawais a part of nature
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and d part of their culture. it's embedded thin their way of life. they're seeking re watereror pyramid lakee and d e cui-ui's spawnininruns. the cui-ui's endangnged species statuss has enableleththtribe procure the right to water in stampede reservoir, a lake near truckee, california, but thisisas caused anger in the truckee community. [reportete mimiael and john ashworth pe to catch a big trout, but they fear fishing stampede rerervoir willllever be the same once 85% of this water is gone. the fish and wililife seseice decicicito takakthis water now atat70,000 acrcrfeet down to 20,0,0 a ae-feet to save the endangered cui-ui fish. at stampede reservoir, terry hardisty, , , source 2. this year fish a a wililife has chosen to use.e. to attempt a cui-i- spawning run
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in a year where there's veve low natural flow. we've had a low snow year.r. there's a low nanaral flow from natural run-off. if t tre were no resererirs ananno divivsions and no w wer issues, we were backk in the natatal state, ththflow wouldn't be suffifient all by itself to support cui-i- spawnwng run this y yr. ththtown of truckee wawabubut up around the railroad, and d adadional ininststes udededimber, lumber, and ice farming. now the economy is linked more to recreational l urism, and the people of truckee see the water in stataede e servoioi as an esesntial resource that s stains this economyy [eagan] almost eveve level of our e enono relates to the environmentnt certainly most directly, recreaeaononnd tourism is a key elememe of o o e enomy. and the healal of o o envnvonment here relates strongng to the a aractiveness of our community and o o r rion,
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to people coming to visit. so o o oiece of f gigiation, the endadaered species act, s proved extremely useful to theheause the pyramid lake tribe. [john]n] the endangered species realal saved our r i-ui f f ffrfr extinction by allowininstampede reservoir in the e untains to have enough water therere to turn the flows down at cererin timesesf the e ar when they spawaw and withouou the enenngered species, we'd still be fightiti, and we've been fighthtg er since we can remembmbmbmb ng to keep that watererere. our r ople were killed because ofofhe l ld when the settlerss first came in, ananit's real hahaha for people to realale what actually hahaened back thehe t a lot of people were just killed because of land and greed d sically. the endangered species act isisiso bebebeused by the truckeeeeommunity
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keep the water in the stampede reservoir. [eagan] we have neststg bald eagles around stampede reservoir.r. that endananred spspies, in the bald eagle,servoir. needs s rge e dies of waters, and, of course, they forage on the fish h the reservoir. the drawdown of the reservoir risks ththr abilitit to nest this year and producucoffspring, and d d lso risks, inin worst-case basis, ththr food supply. the bald eagle does inhabit a aas around stampede reservoir, d they are the national symbol ofofhe u uted d ates, so naturally there's a lot of interest ininhat sort of an i i i. but in this caca, the baldldagle was basically hahay. the folks thth donon want lose the e teteup there notice there's's ld eagles s ound,, and so they sasa "i"iyou takeke all the e ter away,
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itit going to be bad for the eagleses i i ink k ey're basicallyy using it as a ploy try to keep t t watat from beieieieieased. the sympatat that i have for them i i it's sad thaha they don't'teally understandndnd the importanceat of the environment,, i i the importance of t t resources that ararhere. . i don't haveve sympathy for them for the fact they're losingngoney. momoy... money isn't everything.. money's only going t tbe therere until you spend itit the water, the lanan the air is what's being threatenen right n n by this concept of money. people are very concerned about water. clearly,y,t's a big isise erywhere in many cases. it's imporornt to understand those concerns, and papa o o o is, "isnsn t ts california water going elsewhere?" i think there's momo to it than just t at, bubui ththkk that is a big concern.
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e trtrtre e ver rises above lake t toe, and the stste boundary between californrn and n nada runs down the center of theheake. legislation has now insured that calalorora a entitled to a guaranteededhare of the water before it flows into nevada.a.a. that calbut lake tahoeitled to a guhas been theheenterre water of manyy interstate disputes. [man] interstate disputesssover te gogoacac to the 19th centuryy when the first dam was built. engineer r med alexander von schmidt wantededo damm the waters of lake tahoe and sell t tm to san francisco, develop a water developmpmt project t t ake watetewest. later in the 19th century d early 20th cenenry were theherorosals to o ke water from the eastete side throroh a tunnel intotoevadad and use ththwatete for hydrdrlectric power.
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there was also a proposal ininhe 1930s for a steam shovov to be brought from reno under police guard to actually y y r the lake's natural outlet by the dam. the steam shovel was s ought up. it was met by a sheriff's s sse and vigigintes. the vigilanteses even brought dynamite if that would d d ecessary. happily, it never was.s. they got an injunction againsnscutting the lake's rim lower, and the e e m shovel was removed.d. however, t t m mt significananchange to the truckee riviv's flow came with h e federara reclamation act of 19090 senator r ancis s newlands of n nada d a plpl to make the desert bloom.. he encouraged settlers to moveve farmlandd ararnd theheowowow fallon as a part of what t came k kwn as the newlands project. water from the carson n n r was insuffffientnt to irrigate the land, and a dam was s ilt to divertt water frfr the truckee.
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[man] whwhe wewee at here todada is derby dam. derby dam wasssthe firsn under the rereamation act. the bureau of reclamation was developed as an agenenen to implement that act,t,t, this facacitits constructionn was ththr first job. derby dam didirts about 1212000 acre-feet of water under a a rmal yearr to what's calleded the newlands p pjectctct whwhwhis about 60,0,0 acres of irrigated agriculture whwhh is mostly alfalfaa in the fallon and fefeley area ininevada. [man] my grandfather was a ainer ououin austin-ione a a a d 1914, the bureau of rereamation-- that time was calledd the u.s. reclamation service-- they pututut flyers that in essence e ticed the people to this project. hehehen a flyer and thought that wouou b b
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a goododpppptunini to briririhe family here. inin916, he moved the family this area and homeststded on property thth i stiti own. and fromomhat point then,, wewee continued to farm m is area,a,a, and we're inin t t fifth genenation, of the debragagaamily ononheheroject now. farmrmg, i guess, is a way of lifefefe it's a aough life. thththonomics is not that good, and lots of f f work. the only reason we w wk 24-h-hr days is there's only 242424rs inin day. ififhere was 30, we'd woror30. but it's rewardidi to plant seeeeeen the ground and watch them grow, and, of course, we havavcattle stuff like that. ititit way of life. u'rereind of your own bossssssa. the culture e d way of life makekeke attractive and d d d people want to do it. the didirsions at derby damm momo water for fallolo
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bububuss for pyramid lake. this threatenene the lakeke fisis and in p pticulala the lahohohohoutthroat trout. [john] our r r r as dropped about 80 to o f ft, and d at has destroyoy hontan cutthroat trout t sh which usus to travel up t t tke tahoe and spawn in thehetreamsms and comemeack down. huge fish h t t t tutut you knowow up to 40, 50 pounds. and that was completely wiped ououin the f fties. [monda] i think it was fairly soon after r e dam was constructete- thththare written n n unts of theheam gates actuallyy being shut completely off during the time when the trout were up in the river spawninin d there e st wasn't any water. the fishshust lalathere in t t bottom of the mud flopping around,d, they all died.
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it was pretty tragic really. [john] winnemucca w w the first lake to dry up. if you looooon theheapap winnemucca's off to the side there. anananat happened d s whenenhey installedd the derby dada over the yearsrs it just starard droppipi andndropping,g, and sosoinnemucca lake ended up just dropping down below and drying up.. ininhe 1960s0saided by ththendadaered species act, the tide started to turn in favavav of the pyramid lake tribe. the pyramid lala tribe has become v vy y gressive in tryryg totoororct some of these e e lems. probablylyhe most signgnicant thing thth they didi in the e ely going was to get the courtss to recognize thatatoooouch h ter was s s g to the newlands project. basically two things were happepeng. one e s that the actuauauaur
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was considered by some tototot be wastetel.l. water r s delilired to land thatatidn't have a water right. in some cases, peopop that did have w wer rights were receieing more than ththr share. so t t court recognized thth s sethihihiad t tbe done. as a result of s s sss in the c crts, much less s terrris no. isisas lefefthe e rmers the newlands project feelelg under cocoiderableleressure. [solbos] we're talking about is valley'y'futurereonight. and it's important forors to g g invnvved, and that's why you're here tonight.t. yoyocacalook over the west and see e ter r oblemsmsmsbd those acand thatatatotllcreate what we're trying to do tonight. we're trying to find ways at we can bebeme w wners and to come up with difficult solutitititi to some problems. we spent 5 years, from '80 to o 5,
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negotiating this thing again, everybody a aeed to-- the pyramid tribe, the state of nevada, california, sierer pacific, irrigation disisict, ananevererody. wasn't until a week before we went back for the hearings that the tribe, pyramid lake membership, said they wasn't getting enenen out of it and was gogog to kill thehehel. it's a two-way s seet,t, and everybodods going to veveo go down n t tether. certata people's attitides ven't changed, we're e t going to achievevanananng. it's a aasted effort. but we're going toto be there, and somebody's going to o negotiating g is thing, and hopefully ititililcome out w wl. [applause] [d[draga] i think there's a need for the cui-ui fish. nobody wants to seeeenything extinct,t,t, [d[draga] i thbut t think a need for there's a limimi there's a difference between want and need.d. don't think they n nd the amount of water they want,
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and that's beeeeee the big controversy for years-- is how much waterr they really need to r rover theheish. that question's bebeg looked at more seriously now, and hopefully someththg will come out of that that can benenen maybe both sides a l ltle bit. a loloof the people hehe at pyramid lake know a lot of the farmers over therere grew up with them, wentnto high school with them, meet w wh thememt rodeos, do things s getherer meet at the auctioioyards. so they know t tm personally over there.e.e. and we get questioned as to,oioyards. y y e we doing this to those farmers? why are e doing this to theirirriendsds in some cases, frienen are turning against t iends. the conflicts of interest over truckee water are nonoonly betetet tititimemecans another paiute indian reservations.s. is home to the fallon n ibe. they've got close historical ties
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with the pyryrid lakaktribe and dedend upon the newlands p pject for water. anan we're all rereted. in fact, the migrating.... the hunting baba in the 1818s, early 1800s ininlved both tribes. they would g g g g gis , and they would come here. some would come here to hunt, en go baba for the fisis d vice versa. so we're all r rated one way or the other. we get oururater from the project, so w wre directly linked d thehe the farmers s rere that's their only source water. there's not totomany farmers right n n making a living. there's onon a handful, maybe five or six, that d dthis for a living. got to b b topped off. ah. yeah. i'll have e come down d load her up. [burton] hohofully some young p pple will pick up the farming life style
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and continin on, because without t rming, there rerely is s thing. probably 30, 40 0 ars ago, i started farming. that's all i've ever done, full-time farmrm. ah, , 's good lala. lot ofofof has to be releveled, but most of it ows pretty good if w w wn get water for itit that's our m m mproblem now. if they take the water from us, our r rming willllave to quit, d i dodot know how we'll live then. we'l'lprobablylyave to go to work on paying g bs instead of farming fofoforselves. but somebody like me, yoyoknow, over the hill on t t downhill grgre ririt now, i'i'probably go on weweare. yeah. lies a ather potential casaslty ofofhis wateteconflili. the stililatat ldlife reserve
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is an important resting and feeding area fofomigrgring birds. e fallon tribe value e is arere in particucur, fofofostorical reasonsns [burton] the wetlands is our ancestralalrounds. at's where our tribe evolold from 3,000 to 5,000 yeararago, and thatat whehe a a t of ourureoplee e buriri right now. and d ring t t flood of 19898 ththwater raiseded way above the old boundadada of theheetlands down there, and d d when it receded,, ititncncered a whole bunchch of bururls down there. so that's an issue withths righghnow, and that's how we're tied t tthat area-- that's where we came from o oginally. whililthe argumentntcontinue asaso how mumu water should be diverted a aderby dam, therereranother ever-increasing user of truruee river water further upstream-- e growing urban area ofofeno-spspks..
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[solbos] the reno-s-srks area has about 220,000 people, 65,000 acre-fefe of water r year s svingnghose dememds. it is a fast-growing area. it groro at about 2%2%er year, and d d closeseo o lifornia. t of the c cditions weweavavhere people in california thininare quite desirable-- the cost of living is lower. the taxes are lolor.r.r. there's unskilled work the casinososnd tourism.-- people whohore havinin hard timimfinding wowo
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are generally able totoind work in nevada. basicacay you've got different, divevee types of p pple that are m ming g nevada. wiwi all t tse comomting interests s r water, was clear that legislalaononasaseeded. the truckee carsrsrs settlement a a became law in n nember 1990.. the legislation is complicated, and onon careful implememtation will bring lasting solutioio to theheegion. it wouou appear thth the pyrarad lake tribe, the losers at the start of the century, are becocong t t w wners, leaving g e fallon farmrmg community totoetetnk the futurur had we b bn able to look in a crystal ball l 1902 whenenongressmsm newlands came up with the first bureauauf rerereation projecec we w wld have e en the drying up ofofofe winnemucca. lake winnemucca is as dry as the carpet t t t sitting on.. that's t t bad we've lost
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this very unique parar of nature. would have e en,, in this crystal ball, that we were drying up pyramid lala. t what they saw inin902 wawathe desert blososmimi like a rose. but i think in fairneses totohe generatioio of farmerss whwhhave beeee the beneficiary of t ts s sert blossoming like a rose, maybybit w wld have been better off had we not done to them what now i ihappening. it's clear that farmingg willllever be the same asasaswas 20 years ago. water is the most t portant natural resourur we have. we can grow more t tes. we can plant more e shes. we c c c ce a shortage of animals from one place to the other. but one thing we can't dedelop p re o ois water.
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we simply have to figure out a way to h hdle our short supply of watete desalininition---- is very e eensive. it l lvevea tremendodoly dirty by-p-pduct-- thatats, s st. it's not going t tbe the salvation of a a our w wer problems that peoplplthink it will be. believe, in genenations to come, water will be e e center conflict all over the globe.. [wririt] water is life. uhuh.. and you have to treatt at spiririrespectable.e. you can't fight over it. you u n't makekeun of it. you can't abuse it, because this water is whahawe a a..
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[thinking] oxygen... equals...carbon dioxide plus water... hey, gina, what's up? and energy... pulmonary artery... coronary artery... teacher: i'd like to pass them back to you now. i'm very pleased with your work. ...two types of endoplasmic reticulum... 3:00 already? [girl's thoughts overlap] announcer: she's got the drive, the energy... the heart... and the talent. pre-med. announcer: but she wouldn't be here without your help.
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