tv [untitled] August 17, 2011 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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other thing that we can put on the web, sfgtv, and other places. so for those who cannot attend meetings, they can access the information and learn simple and cost-effective ways to make their homes more seismically safe, for example. commissioner walker: thank you very much for the implementation work you are doing. a lot of us have been working on this for a decade or more. it is really gratifying to see some of this move forward. i also want to remind commissioners and folks that heidi and i actually were invited to present in vancouver, canada to 150 professionals from the building industry there. their city is, unfortunately, dealing with some very
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challenging buildings, a lot of cement construction there that is problematic. their risk is maybe less of happening in the near future than ours, but they have expressed interest in partnering with us, that we could share our process that we have worked on for so long, and provide them a template to help them define their inventory, setting forth a similar recovery program. that is really what, i think, this is about. we have focused on our own inventory buildings, making it safer, but because of the process, are able to share that template with other cities that are at risk. i think that is an exciting part of this, that we can be one of the folks at the cutting edge of this, to try to get then head of an event, preparing for an earthquake.
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this is a wonderful complement to our city, that vancouver has asked for our assistance. thank you for taking it on and making it available, and for making our cities save, as well as for cities that face similar challenges. >> we are happy to share information. we gain as much as that -- from that as we give. commissioner hechanova: additional comments? thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to address the commission. more importantly, working with you. with this commission where we had two years ago passed a green building policy, the greenest in the country, and recently, san francisco being recognized as the greatest city in the category of building codes and
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also practices, is terrific. i think we could merge that effort with the resiliency and safety of our citizens. that is paramount to the health and welfare of our citizens. i think we could be the leading edge in all categories. not only for san francisco, but for the bay area. thank you very much for your efforts, commission, department. if we can help in any way, we are on call. >> thank you. i appreciate that. we will definitely be taking you up on that offer. it is really a partnership and so much of the leadership has to continue coming from your department and commission. i agree with you 100%. i see this going hand in hand
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with sustainability and green practices to make sure that as many of our building stock as possible could survive the anticipated earthquake. we will not have all of that debris to haul away, new building, co2 emissions that go with that. i see this as very much a green practice to try to go about an increase our resilience. commissioner hechanova: thank you. any further questions? thank you. >> is there any public comment on item 3? commissioner leeseeing none. item 4. public comment. the bic will take public comment on matters within the commission's jurisdiction that are not part of this agenda.
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>> good morning, city resident for 39 years. first of all, i want to wish ms. day with her medical issues. i wish her a speedy recovery. i have been here four times in the past. three times in the past i have accused ms. day of malfeasance and lack of communication to staff. let us make it four. you guys have done nothing. the taint of malfeasance is now on you. accordingly, i have sent a letter to the mayor and the president of the board of supervisors requesting all of your replacement. maybe in a normal year they ignore me. as this is an election year, i think they may be inclined to do something about it. i have also cc;ed:ed numerous ma
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organizations regarding this issue. i am sorry that you have not listen to me in the past. i will see if i can fix this problem on my own. and i will not be back. thank you very much. >> good morning, commissioners. i just wanted to come to say goodbye. i am ann aherne, secretary of the commission for 13 years. i recently retired. i was on medical leave before and i did not get a chance to say goodbye. i want to say how much i enjoyed working with everybody. i worked with over 30 commissioners. i have seen all kinds of personalities and all kinds of different people, and have worked with all of them. some of them you might think for
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the most difficult were some of my favorite. i would also like to say that i enjoyed working with everyone in the department, and i thank them all for their help. they really do help behind the scenes. the commissioners do not see all of the crazy calls that come into the commission that sonya will now be taking care of, and customers that come in. they do not see the day to day of what goes on in the department and how much the department really helps everyone in the commission. they save you a lot of time and a lot of the aggravation -- sometimes they just need somebody to listen to them. i know vivian does not like the term clerk, but i would like to thank all of the clerks in the
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department that do a really good job, and who helps to take care of the customers. i do not think they get enough appreciation. well, i would like to say i'm very much appreciate those people that helped me. the people here at city hall are absolutely wonderful. they are so great to work with. i should not mention any names because i will forget somebody. i have also worked with the city attorney's office and i can say that they have all been professional. i just want to say good luck. and i do love dbi. i like the department of building inspection. i will be forcing my opinion. good luck to all of you. i know there are quite a few seats up in december. sonya, you will probably reach 40. we will see how many commissioners wish to stay on. good luck to all of you.
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i hope to be back once in awhile. i have a few question that i would like to ask from this side. thank you. [applause] commissioner walker: i have been on this commission for almost 10 years. the presence of secretary aherne in providing continuity through all of the different politics that exist in san francisco, at dbi and city hall, to provide us with comments, helping us to advise the director, as far as the department running, making sure that the staff is taking care of, that our stakeholders that
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come in and use our services are heard. i have been in ann's office on any given day. eventually, the calls can make it to the commissioners, but the word that the secretary does to support us doing our job is just essential. i have to say, i have not seen a secretary perform as well as you have anywhere in the city on a constant basis of providing us with what we need to get our job done. so i want to personally thank you for helping me as a commissioner, as a new commissioner and now as an older commissioner. you have really made it possible to make sure that the commission serves and provides the service that we know we can.
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without you, specifically, without our secretary and support staff, we would not be able to do our job. you have been instrumental in performing this department and setting us on the course we are on now, as frustrating and slow as it is sometimes, it is because of you that we have been able to do what we have. so thank you for your support and working for us to provide this wonderful support for the city. thank you. commissioner murphy: it was great working with you. i have known you for over 20 years. always great to come into your office, especially with that great big basket of candy on your desk. you were just a great person to be around. you never took sides. you were always there -- fair. i just think tonya -- sonya will
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have a tough time filling your shoes. commissioner lee: thank you for your service and congratulations on your retirement. i do not think any of us were expecting you. to tell you the truth, i was going to ask the commission later on if we could properly thank you and commend you had a future commission meeting and invite you back. i hope that we can still do that. maybe we will see you at that time, too. commissioner mar: for me, i am the new kid on the block up here. i do not think i could have gone orientated to the department without your help. thank you for that. you are right. it is the people on the front line of the department that gets a lot of the work done. i am learning that. sometimes, i do not they are
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appreciated as much as they could be. commissioner hechanova: no words can explain enough our gratitude for your service and also to the commissioners, to the city. you will be missed, but you will be around. we look forward to helping you celebrate your new chapter, but at the same time, you will always be welcome back. thank you very much, ann. [applause] >> is there any further public comment? >> good morning commissioners. -- good morning, commissioners. i did not expect ann to be here
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either. it just shows her commitment and how much she loves dbi. she was a great person to contact, even to chat. we are going to miss you, ann. looking forward to seeing you again. thank you. >>item 5. update on housing code enforcement. 5a, status of mou with housing authority. commissioner walker: this was an agenda item i ask to be put on as part of the update with our -- partnership with the housing authority. thank you for being here. maybe staff could come first?
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>> good morning. chief housing inspector. i was not quite sure of all the data to provide you with today, so we basically went through our database and summarized for you, in a form that we have presented to the commission back in 2008, the number of complaints that lead directly received on housing authority cases on the basis of an mou executed between the housing authority and department of building inspection, what that breakout happens to be. with respect to that, from 2007 until year to date, 150 cases that you see on the summary, there are currently four cases
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still open. two are associated with heat, in which the individuals have temporary heating devices while an overall system is replaced in the public housing projects in which they reside. the other remaining two cases have to do with access issues. we believe those items have been corrected. so of the 150 cases, keep in mind, when a complaint comes to dbi under the procedures of the mou, sometimes the individual is complaining about more than one item. in the far left, and you will see that that totals of the particular items that came in under that particular complaint. while it is 150 particular cases, it was about 244 actual items that we had to address. in looking back at this mou now since it was executed in 2007,
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commissioner walker, you remember it took us almost two years to get the mou executed because both parties had to agree on the language. john was monumental in helping us with the language at the time. from the protocol established in the mou that we respond to complete within so many days, we do an inspection if it is a life safety hazard -- all those types of things seem to be working. as far as complaints made directly to the housing authority through a their systemor 311, i cannot speak to that because that is outside of the department of building inspection. so unless there are any particular questions, i am able to answer those, but it seemed as though the commission also wanted to hear from the housing authority on those other issues. commissioner walker: thank you.
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>> good morning. management analyst for the san francisco housing authority. we have no formal report at this time on the status of the mou. there were some heeding complaints at a prior commission meeting that took place a few months ago. to my knowledge, those have been resolved. i will be happy to entertain any questions you have and report back any comments to the housing authority. commissioner walker: this is really helpful because we have complaints that make it back to our department. there are also several organizations that we contract with to provide tenant out of reach. we have been hearing from them that there had been a delay in working with the housing authority to resolve some of the have the ability issues.
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-- tenant outreach. apparently, there was an effort to get information on the housing authority's mold, mildew, have the ability, complaints that have come through this organization, and there seemed to be a reluctance to share that information. my goal as having this as an agenda item is making sure that we are working towards the same goal, which is to provide safe, clean, and help the housing to folks out in the city of san francisco. i wanted to just get an update on how the mou was working and make sure there was a commitment to partnering on these kinds of activities. that is really my goal here. commissioner hechanova: additional questions?
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do you have a comment? >> our designated representative who was supposed to be here this morning unexpectedly fell ill. i cannot present the status of the mou, but we can do so at the next meeting. commissioner walker: ok. the purpose here is to make sure we have a solid partnership and are working together. it is due to hear, -- good to hear, once we get a hold of a complaint we are working in a way that works with a housing authority. i just want to make sure our contractors are given the same courtesy in working with the housing authority on habitability issues. commissioner mar: it seems like when the complaints are issued, problems are getting resolved in a fairly timely manner. the other thing i was wondering,
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if there was a breakdown in more problems and complaints from specific projects? there are a lot of different housing projects. maybe some of them are older, others that are more problematic. do you have a break down about that? >> with respect to the fact that the housing authority has 6000 or more units and the number of complaints that we get, they are not representative as far as sampling. we do have some customer that will call us because it is their habit to do so. if he does not go on at a particular time in a certain project. we then assist them with the housing authority. generally, what we see, not necessarily a cluster like that, but more a situation where the housing authority is willing to do -- if it is a large capital improvement project -- to do something to help that tenant. whether it is giving them
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interim heat or relocating them. that is one option that they can look into, moving into a unit that is more agreeable to them. so we see a plethora of the things that they are doing with respect to the complaints, but not the kind of saturation that we would come if we were out there doing another similar type of inspection. commissioner walker: so we have the have theoutreach folks in our sro collaborative dealing with these issues so that they do not get to us, hopefully. >> and there is a history of working within the housing authority, that we have some expertise in the program. commissioner walker: are we meeting with the housing authority on a regular basis to resolve these issues? i think it would be very
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beneficial to do that through our through ouroutreach. -- code enforcement outreach. >> with respect to the housing authority, currently, it is complaint-driven. one of the good things about the mou -- which did not have been previously -- as soon as we get a complaint that comes to us and it goes to the housing authority, their in-house counsel knows about that complaint. that seems to go a long way in helping to resolve these issues more quickly. currently, it is complete- driven. -- complaint-driven. commissioner walker: if i may, in might be good to be proactive and have a collaborative meeting with the authority. >> we are happy to do that, but
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-- the last time i made a presentation on that issue before the commission was in march 2008. if we move towards anything else with our current resources, then that is policy issues that the commission would need to be involved in, as well as executive management. to refresh your recollection, when the condition at that time would be to meet with house authority to meet with those properties, two, to give input from our out rich people, and then to 3, survey the properties. and we have the new issue of 3112 like it did take a look of the basin of the commission asked, whether there are a cluster of complaints coming in to a particular product that we are not seeing appeared before launching into anything else other than a complete-driven system, these would definitely be the thing that we want to have your joint input into.
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commissioner murphy: 6000 units? >> approximately, [inaudible] commissioner murphy: don't they have in-house plumbers and electricians? >> it is my understanding that they do. i believe the deputy director can give you information about that. commissioner murphy: out of 6000 units, it seems like the complaints are very small. >> if you look at the percentages with the amount of units, there are not that many complaints coming into us. commissioner murphy: so i do not understand why we are diving into this? we have a small staff. do we have enough manpower to take on all this stuff? >> no, and that is why i was
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saying, all we're doing now is complaint-driven. we would be looking at an unfunded mandate essentially. not that we should not do it, but it is unfounded. commissioner murphy: -- unfunded. commissioner murphy: the buck stops with us, but we should not be out here in force and all of these things. >> that is correct. back in 2008, when we had this conversation, i had seven clerical staff and one supervisor. i have gone down to one clerical staff and one supervisor. if we were to take on more, we would need more resources and staff to even begin to look at anything different than what we are doing now. commissioner murphy: i just do not want this to get into bed bug issue.
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that is what everyone was talking about up to the election. i have not heard about it recently. >> unfortunately, they are still out there -- commissioner walker: the point i'm trying to make is the stuff that comes into us is not all we are dealing with. i want to make sure that we are engaged, as we have committed to, no more, no less, and that we are aware of the issues. i have heard complaints through other programs as well. i just want to make sure that the partnership is in tact and that we are available to help with these types of issues that come up. >> absolutely, and at that point, it would be the decision of the executive management and commission to do something else. we would be able to immediately do that because we have got such good working relationships with the housing authority and those
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other groups that are well versed with the problems going on. commissioner walker: absolutely. without committing more of our staff time and anything else, we already have our code enforcement outreach there. it could just be a matter of bringing housing authority in to those meetings. >> the housing rights committee has historically done a phenomenal work in these projects. this goes back to when we had those lawsuits. going back to significant resources being put into adjacent areas. in the oakdale project, we spent 60 hours on the notice of violation, participating on the project. the housing rights committee was an essential part of that.
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commissioner hechanova: was there resolution of all of those components? >> yes, but it took a long time to go item by item. part of the problem was, at the time the housing authority had plans to partially vacate that part of the project. there was one part that was still occupied but not well maintained. it took quite a bit of time to be able to get those items addressed. commissioner hechanova: but they have been resolved? >> yes, but things may recur, but yes. >> >> good morning, commissioners. just a little background. their federally funded. we will probably start to get more complaints about their man's.
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