tv [untitled] September 14, 2011 3:22pm-3:52pm PDT
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witnessed several progressives vote for a moderate saw the progress of dreams away. >> we ostensibly had a majority on the board of supervisors. we had an opportunity and we made the biggest fumble in san francisco political history. >> once it became clear that ed lee had the votes to win, nobody wanted to pull the trigger. so they stopped the meeting -- at midnight -- and decided to have another meeting that friday. at the end of the day, so many people had been put up for consideration, and here is the one person that had not and he ends up being the person who the board ends up with. that is a huge shock. >> when the board finally made their appointment, i was joyful because i thought it would be much more difficult. >> supervisors avalos and, thus ask that the meeting be recessed until friday to allow for a meeting with ed lee.
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>> i have not had a chance to talk to ed lee, any more than him, to my office and telling me that he was not interested in doing it. that was my last conversation with him. ed lee is currently in china. i would like to see if i can have a conversation with him before we make any kind of determination. >> the current board had run its term. they return for one last meeting to begin -- finish what they began on tuesday, nominating ed lee. >> i will support mr. lee. >> it is for those reasons i will be supporting mr. lee's nomination. the reason why i wholeheartedly support ed lee is because he is a qualified person and he is the right person to lead san francisco. >> we have engaged in an orderly transition of leadership. this is what separates us, as a democratic society, from other
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less democratic societies. and i am so proud of us for what we are about to do today. so with that, colleagues, thank you for being part of this historic moment. >> the supervisor campos? there are 10 ayes, one no. [applause] >> the motion for edwin lee passes. [applause] >> you are talking to one of the happiest people in san francisco. this was an extraordinary an historic vote. but it was symbolic. remember, the new board of supervisors who convenes tomorrow will make the actual decision on who the next mayor will be. >> everybody came down to ed lee with the expectation that it will be done in the most intellectually honest way and in
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a way that role and order is respected. i think we discussed a few nominations and came down to this one by a common denominator. >> i had a sense of urgency because i did not want to see anyone being acting mayor in the presence of the board of supervisors. that is not the kind of transition i talked about. we need to have a transition -- legislative branch separate from the executive branch of san francisco. that is the best way to do our work. people would not like the situation of having an acting mayor and president of the board of supervisors. >> now the dominoes in this chain of political events were falling day-by-day. the next day, january 8, new board members were sworn in.
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>> congratulations. [applause] >> and on monday, gavin newsom was finally sworn in as lieutenant governor of california. >> the duties upon which i am about to enter. [applause] >> the very next day, january 11, the new board of supervisors met for the first time, with the historic first decision of their new term. >> item 3 is a motion to ratify the appointment of a successor mayor due to the occurrence of a vacancy in the offense of a mayor expiring january 8, 2012. >> i am hoping for is, as we look forward to the confirmation of mr. lee, that we will also, leaving behind the kind of tactics that were used last week, that i thought really made
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the process feel more clumsy than it should have been. >> this is ed lee's day. i have said a lot about my perspective of this man who comes from the community, who is rooted in our community, who has a tremendous breath and death of city experience. colleagues, at this time, i hope and ask that we unanimously vote for ed lee to be our next mayor. >> supervisor campos? president to? supervisor chu? supervisor colon? supervisor elsbernd? there are 11 ayes. the motion is approved a [applause] . >> colleagues, i am going to move that we recessed the meeting and we conduct the swearing in ceremony of the new
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mayor in the rotunda of city hall. [applause] >> so ended one of the greatest challenges the board of supervisors has ever faced, resulting in the first interim mayor in san francisco in 32 years. >> we had a real sense of belief when the full board made the final appointment to successor mayor. we thought there were some and gaps in our knowledge about how to appoint a successor mayor. by the time it was actually done, it seemed almost easy, but it was not, to be honest. we had planned for different types of variables to occur, and none of that actually happened. no conflict of interest laws came into play, no inquiry issues. >> i thought they did a good job, actually, trying to figure out something that had very little precedent in our city's history, something that was very
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important. >> angela and her staff did an extremely professional job. she was on the hot seat, under a tremendous amount of pressure. i did not see a lot of the back room arm-twisting, hair pulling, chest pounding that was going on, the pressure she was under, but when she walked out into the board chamber, when she walked into the hallway and the reporters were chasing after her, she was precise and professional. >> in the end, there were some questions about the charter of san francisco. >> our charter spells out a formal process, but lee is pretty silent on that application process. >> this has happened in 32 years, but i think we need some better certainty on how we deal with this decision of succession. >> the charter has worked several times during times of vacancies like this. it certainly worked during aftermath of mayor mosconi and
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harvey milk. >> so we may be seeing more of these successor issues coming up, certainly something we do not want to legislate. i hope that we can trust people to be grown up about it, but if that is not the case, we can spell that out. >> going through the first time with little knowledge and information was difficult. now that we have got our record of how to do this, i think the next clerk and the city will be much informed with having our process and having our archives to look too. >> and that is how san francisco government worked out the kinks, twists and turns, bombs in the road, to select its new interim mayor, ed lee. san francisco's first asian- american mayor. >> this has been an unprecedented and historic transition of power here in san francisco. i am so happy the board of supervisors came together to select an outstanding choice
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along many outstanding candidates to lead us over the next several years. >> over the past several months when this issue has come up, it had been agonizing. the board has been put into a difficult situation. there are a lot of differences of opinion on how to run the city, how to mass make a decision, who should be in place, 11 people to agree on that is a challenging thing. i think we have done the best we can do in the process, considering the difference of opinions. >> the people of san francisco can now choose their mayor, the direction they want to go. that is why this decision was so appropriate. >> the other big shock is that the moderates seem to have won this round. people thought, progressives have themselves on the board. there is no reason that they will not get together and take a noted leader who is a progressive to be interim mayor, and then stayed there for another term. the great thing about being in term mayor is to get to run as
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an incumbent. the fact that the progressives could not get together to get somebody into office as interim mayor in their own self-interest was very surprising for a lot of us. >> what happened in the last month in city hall was an incredible show of democracy that was part policy, part politics, and it all came together, and more than anything -- not just from a reporter's perspective, often was this? but there was a public interest as well on what was going on in san francisco government. we take it for granted a law that there is a city government here. this was something that brought people together. you heard people talking about it at the cafes, park playground, people who do not always pay attention. in that $0.10, it was the best thing we could have done for city government, even though it was a little bit messy. it was a lot of fun and an eye opener. it got people interested again.
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video. it is part of the department of elections right choice voting outreach campaign and is designed to educate san francisco rig franciscoht choice voting. today we will learn what it is and who is elected using this voting method. we will also talk about with the ranked joyce l. looks like and how to market correctly. finally, we will see how the ranked joyce voting process works and to you an example of an election using ranked choice of voting. so, what is ranked joyce voting? in march 2002 san francisco voters adopted a charter to implement ranked choice of voting, also known as instant runoff voting. san francisco voters will use it to elect most local officials by selecting a first choice candidate in the first column on the ballot and deborah second and third choice candidates in the second and third columns
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resect to do -- respectively. this makes it possible to elect local officials with the majority of votes. more than 50% without the need for a second runoff election. in san francisco, ranked choice of voting is for the election of members of the board of supervisors, the mayor, sharon, just -- district attorney, city attorney, treasurer, this is a recorder, and public defender. ranked joyce voting does not apply to elections for local school and community college board members. number the election of state or federal officials. ranked choice of voting does not affect the adoption ballot measures. when voters received their ballot, either at a polling place or an absentee ballot in the mail, it will consist of multiple cards. voters will receive cards with contests for federal and state
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offices, as well as for state propositions and local ballot measures. for ranked choice voting contest, voters will receive a separate ranked choice ballot card. it will have instructions to rank three choices, which is new. the ranked choice ballot is designed in the side by side column format that lists the names of all candidates in each of the three columns. when marking the ranked choice ballot, voters elect their first choice in the first column by completing the aero pointing to their choice. for their second choice, voters selected different wind by completing the arab pointing to their choice in the second column. for their third choice, voters elect a different candidate by completing the arrow pointing to their choice. voters wishing to vote for qualified write-in candidate can write it in on the line
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provided. and they must complete the arrow pointing to their choice. keep in mind, it voters should select a different candidate for each of the three columns of the ranked choice ballot card. if the voters elect the same candidate in more than one column, his or her vote for that candidate will count only once. also, a voter's second choice will be counted only if his or her first choice candidate has been eliminated. and a voter's third choice will be counted only if both his or her first and second choice candidates have been eliminated. we have talked about how to mark the ranked choice ballot. now let's look at how ranked choice of voting works. initially, every first choice vote is a candidate. any candidate that receives a majority, more than 50% of the first choice to vote, is determined to be the winner. if no candidate receives more than 50% of the first choice
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votes, a process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes begins. first, the candidate who received the fewest numbers of first choice votes is eliminated from the race. second, voters who selected the eliminated candidate as their first choice will have their vote to transfer to their second choice. there, all the votes are recounted. fourth, if any candidate receives more than 50% of the votes, he/she is declared the winner. if no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, the process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes is repeated until one candidate has a winning majority. now let's look at an example of an election using ranked choice of voting. in this example, we have three candidates. candidate a, b, and c.
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after all the first choice votes are counted, none of the three candidates has received more than 50%, or a majority of the first choice vote cast. candidate a g-205% ofb the votes% received 40%. and c received 35% of the boats. because no candidate received a majority, the candidate who received the fewest number of first choice votes, a candidate a, is eliminated from the race. voters to pick a candidate a as their first choice candidate will have their but transferred to their second choice. and the voters to pick and a, 15% chose candidate b as their second choice, and 10% chose c as their second choice. these votes are then applied to b and c, and the votes are recounted. candidate b now has 55% of the votes.
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candidate c as 45%. candidate b has more than 50% of the votes and is determined as the winner. >> thank you for watching. we hope you have ranked choice learned ranked choice of voting and was elected. you have seen the ballot, learned how to market, and learned how the voting process works. if you have any further questions about ranked choice voting, please contact us at department of elections, city hall, room 48, 1 dr. carlton be good lit place, sentences go, california, 94102. or 415-554-4375. visit our website,
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>> " yes 08 so. this company represents yet again another successful recruitment it be well and attraction of our city to manufacturing. i want to congratulate robyn and catherine or air decision to locate here. it is about 20,000 square feet, and the hope is that the next three years, they will grow with our help and with the help of a good, strong economy i in the city, that they will grow from
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the 20,000 square foot starting blocks to hopefully about 60,000 square feet i in the next three years. heath ceramics is now based out of sausalito, but i know robin will give you a story about the family and how they occur over about eight years ago, but for them to come here at this time and to make a go at it is a wonderful story for our city. we have been recruiting companies like this to actually did manufacturing right here in our city. you are going to see actually clay being manufactured right here to produce this type of beautiful setting. this kind kyle you will see -- this kind of tile you will see. you will also see their be aware, which is world renowned,
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and it has been sold to places like slanted york -- door and some other fine eating establishments in the bay area. garrett orr is well known. the sausalito plant will continue manufacturing back, but the new tile, and decorative ceramic will be manufactured here from the actual making of the clay to developing orders here to actually sending it out and delivery right here. you are standing in between which would be trucked out and delivered here. this is a great manufacturing plant. it will all potentially about 34 employees that will be here. they are all making great salaries and will have a great health insurance benefits and 401 (k) matching funds. that is a great addition to our
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work force. so an important at the actual manufacturing is based instead francisco. i would say that our city because it you -- our city is so important because in games, you are manufacturing here. biotech, you are manufacturing here. we have done a lot to invite companies that want to manufacture here, especially for this type of entry where i think the workforce is even more absurd. you're going to have people here that can really work with their hands, work with the design firms that the heath company has attracted to it a buy, high class both dinner wear as well as ceramics. i am so glad to welcome them here to santa and cisco, right
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on the northeast sector of the mission area, right eye in the heart of where a lot of other manufacturing the car going on as well. congratulationst to sfmade. katie has been working really hard with our office of economic and workforce development to attract businesses of this nature. it is really nice to have a manufacturing plant who will make these grants. thank you very much but locating here. i hope it's not a risk for you. i hope you are going to tell us about how mrs. heath started her career. the body as she started on clay
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street. robin, please, come on up. >> thanks for coming. i do not do a press conference every day, so my remarks are a little more prepared. we came by it in thousand three. it has spent eight years now. we found an iconic company that has april by an agent or design aflac manufacturing but it's of reinvigoration. our goal has been and remains to return design back to its important role i american manufacturing and life. we want to set an example for other companies to assure the possibilities, and that is why we're here today doing what we're doing at plan to do over the next many decades. as we look to expand our factory and bring more to our customers, san francisco west always where we edition -- where
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we envision would look next. it was here that even if he created her first product in the late 1940's. we found possibility where we did not expect it. we communicated our vision for a space that could allow us to create, and of a common share, and. and experience -- and curate and experience. here we are to celebrate that realization. kate understood our language, believed i and our company, and connected us with a building owner willing to support our vision. you guys are all back there somewhere. you guys should come on up.
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as we grow as a company, we remain committed to local manufacturing. as a delivery van works behind us, our ceramics are still made by in sausalito since 1948. today, we at san francisco to that phrase, but the honesty and spirit of the deficit remains true. our new location in a neighborhood known granite act allows us to connect with the community and bring our products into their homes and lives. we believe in building community, and we are achieving back not only through a job creation by nca manufacturing -- but in seeing manufacturing as a way to enhance the environment. we seek to create create a court introducing crack years---
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introducing crafters ina new and positive way. we will have others up as create to remain true to our values and make business decisions with community and mine. i cannot emphasize that an. we are proud to be employee more than 200 today. we are helping to reinvigorate the city at a court for artists and manufacturing, and we thank mayor lee and supervisor kim, could not be here today, for creating an environment that supports local business. also, thank you to the owners of the building or working with us to transform the space and share our vision. also want to thank alison kelly
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from pacific ventures as well as vince and rob from new resource bank whose belief by the benefit of small business made this project entirely possible. of course, a grateful they still everything kate has done and will continue ice together today -- greg poe thanks for everything case has done and will continue in bringing us together today. harv>> i also want to recognize mark, the original founder of the bid and that having -- visiion of having sfmade.
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it started with the been that we could reconnect the sector we have here and over time help san francisco reclaim its rightful place as a home for partisan scale manufacturing, and i thank reaching a 215 member companies who collectively right now already currently employed close to 3000 people across companies just like heath, we are beginning to realize that been. when we started, bebop was less that we would be looking to the outside to bring lots of companies into the city -- the though was less that we would be looking into the outside. we wanted to start with what we had indigenously grown and help companies better connect with each other and back into the resources the city had available to it. what we did not and to stand what we did not and to stand with the power and amplificatio
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