tv [untitled] October 2, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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real dollars from our public employees. >> i am trusting myself into what i think is the biggest challenge within the budget, and that is the cost associated with our city employee pensions and health benefits. those are the single biggest drivers to our expenses, far exceeding our revenues. we're talking literally hundreds of billions of dollars, this upcoming fiscal year approaching on pension and benefits alone, spending just shy of $1 billion. >> i was hoping not to have to stand up. i do not think there would have to second the motion that is frankly so irresponsible, the notion that cost neutral is not defined -- all due respect, i do not need a definition to tell me what cost neutral and means. money comes in, money comes out. if it is neutral, it is neutral. i do not need a definition and a chart to tell me what cost neutral list. this is not a smart program. it needs to go away. extending it any wonder,
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spending any more money on this would be just a waste. >> i think the district has always been home to a voice of passionate common sense. that is how i like to phrase it. and it has been for decades. it is the voicecenter to bring to the board of supervisors. >> three ballot measures were placed on the ballot at the very last minute by four members of the board of supervisors. i think in the last 48 hours, we have seen that those ballot measures were written rather hastily. they're all kinds of unintended consequences. this charter amendment fixes that problem. frankly, it gives it a bit of a lifeline to those four supervisors and to the mayor if they ever descending like this again. -- if they ever go through this again. >> the fact that we're taxing employers on how many jobs they create scenes of the counterproductive. we want to encourage people to create jobs.
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i do not think asking employers to pay a tax on how many they create makes a lot of sense. i think it is my job to be as responsive to the businesses in the district as it is to be to the constituents. i am their face of city hall. i need to be accessible, open, and responsive. and i can help clear up a lot of this red tape for them. >> if you try to use a knife, you run the cheesecake. and he knows that, because when he sells the cheesecake, it comes with a piece of fish wire. and that is what you need used at this cheesecake, because it is so soft. it is so frothy -- [laughter] it is amazing. >> we have to think of san francisco 10 to 30 years from now and we have to prepare ourselves for what the economy will be. whether or not it is biotech, which i think will be a key piece, but information technology, can we be the hub of that? we have to put in place, whether
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it is addressing our payroll tax, whether it is addressing it land use decisions, put in place a conducive atmosphere to attracting those economies. we do that, and it helps with our basic budget. it helps develop new jobs. there is a lot we can do to catch that new economy. >> briefly, this is your day, to those of you who have been elected. congratulations just duty off on what president chiu said. the little but i would say is it is going to be over before you know it. i am is sitting here, and it is dawning on me that it is my last time here in an inaugural meeting. take advantage of every moment you have here. go after every goal you want to pursue. do not shy away from the challenges. keep fighting, keep working for those who sent you here. and i guarantee, it will be a
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rewarding experience and the city of san francisco will be better off for the work that you do. congratulations. [applause] ♪ >> the public wants to access particular information about your house or neighborhood we point them to gis. gis is a combination of maps and data. not a graphic you see on a screen. you get the traffic for the
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streets the number of crimes for a police district in a period of time. if the idea of combining the different layerce of information and stacking them on top of each other to present to the public. >> other types of gis are web based mapping systems. like google earth, yahoo maps. microsoft. those are examples of on line mapping systems that can be used to find businesses or get driving directions or check on traffic conditions. all digital maps. >> gis is used in the city of san francisco to better support what departments do. >> you imagine all the various elements of a city including parcels and the critical infrastructure where the storm drains are. the city access like the traffic
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lights and fire hydrants. anything you is represent in a geo graphic space with be stored for retrieval and analysis. >> the department of public works they maintain what goes on in the right-of-way, looking to dig up the streets to put in a pipe. with the permit. with mapping you click on the map, click on the street and up will come up the nchgz that will help them make a decision. currently available is sf parcel the assessor's application. you can go to the assessor's website and bring up a map of san francisco you can search by
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address and get information about any place in san francisco. you can search by address and find incidents of crime in san francisco in the last 90 days. we have [inaudible] which allows you to click on a map and get nchldz like your supervisor or who your supervisor is. the nearest public facility. and through the sf applications we support from the mayor's office of neighborhood services. you can drill down in the neighborhood and get where the newest hospital or police or fire station. >> we are positive about gis not only people access it in the office but from home because we use the internet. what we used to do was carry the large maps and it took a long time to find the information.
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>> it saves the city time and money. you are not taking up the time of a particular employee at the assessor's office. you might be doing things more efficient. >> they have it ready to go and say, this is what i want. >> they are finding the same things happening on the phone where people call in and ask, how do i find this information? we say, go to this website and they go and get the information easily. >> a picture tells a thousand stories. some say a map >> alright. good morning. it is a beautiful sunny day here in the bayview, right in the heart of the baby.
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is a great day to be here. we of great things we are talking about today. i am the director of public works for at least a little bit longer. happy to be here with this great group of folks behind me. i am going to introduce the folks who will speak, but just a little context here. there is a lot -- there are two themes coming together here we are talking about today. one of the themes is our neighborhoods. neighborhoods of san francisco are what make san francisco. for those of us who live here, they have an identity. they have a character. we want them looking good. the commercial corridors in our neighborhoods are the lifeblood of the neighborhoods. it is where we come to shop and to be and to walk around. it also happens to be were the greatest need is in terms of keeping the city clean.
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we want to be strategic about where we deploy our resources. said that is one of the themes here today. -- so that is one of the themes here today. the second theme is jobs. when maoyr lee -- mayor lee came into office, he recognized that as one of his priorities. we have a great, new, strong ordinance, a new law in place. the one thing the mayor has been singing from day one. we need to think beyond construction. we need to think about the private sector, elsewhere in the public sector.
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neighborhoods and jobs coming together is why we are here. without further ado, the man who is responsible for all of this and has been leading this great city very well for the last seven months or so, our mayor, ed lee. [applause] mayor lee: thank you, ed. thank you, public works. as you know, i used to head the agency. thank you. you have been helping keep our city clean and keep the projects going and keep the employment that is so vital to the city up and keep the projects going to full completion, whether it is generally hospital or the library programs. i also want to think -- i also want to thank supervisor cohen.
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this is about promises we have heard from many, many years. and i want to thank her for being aggressive on this, because these are old promises that our city has made to communities like the bayview for many, many years. it takes new talent to keep those fulfilled. so, her office, with the mta getting their funding, and the department of the nine men -- putting all this funding together to work on the corridors program and to work with redevelopment and work force development to make sure we are there as well. these programs combine to hire san francisco residents, to use a very valuable program verysf
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-- very valuable program called sf shine. and to work with a nonprofit she heads up. combining all that fulfills a promise that supervisor cohen and i have been talking about for a long time. how do we get back to cleaning up our streets? business facades that helps small businesses. how do we bring pride and economic development at the same time, and how do we breed hope in people by locating shops that pay well? we also do that with a principle i have always held, and it is one i have had reflected in our relationship with the labor union.
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we do it with our labor friends. we do it with their apprenticeship programs. and while we have a pre- apprentice at the -- pre- apprentice ship program if we have an apprenticeship program. that apprentice ship program has been one in that opportunity to work with. the local labor unions have always found a way to work with the city. they have found it this way, and working with us and freeing up their resources to help establish a mission neighborhood district center and having a nonprofit host their pre-apprenticeship program, they are providing financial resources as well as their apprenticeships rules directed program. we have done this the right way.
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i know everyone put a lot of valuable time into making this sunrise and putting all the funding together with the various departments coming together. what we have in store will cover 175 blocks in the city. the most gritty, i get the most sensitive ones that are commercial -- the most ready, yet the most sensitive ones that are commercial corridors in the city. they have already been through the hiring process. these individuals a proven they want to show up to work. it is a world-class economy, and to let folks know the folks who will be cleaning streets, removing stickers from polls, cleaning graffiti, i want you to know, you are part of a world- class city. you are part of a work force
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that keeps our world-class status here. i do not want you to think you are just part of a street cleaning program. you are not. you are part of a world-class city. just like the labor union, the department of the environment. we take pride in connecting everyone up. it begins in our neighborhoods. but it ends with the whole city's world-class status. and we could not do this without everybody feeling the same y. they are part of the work force, some 26,000 people that served in the city, and they are part of a world-class standard. so, i want international tourists to be visiting this restaurant and to know that it was part of sf shines, part of a program at the neighborhood level, but they have world class people to serve them better part
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of our revelation of businesses along the first street corridor, and i am so proud to be down here to kick this program off with supervisor cohen, knowing that it has the world-class touch to let. we have been feeling isolated, disconnected. we do not want that to happen. we want to make sure that those on third street feel a part of the. we did this with the renovation of the t-line. it is an old promise, being led by new leaders like malia cohen. thank you for all the departments of come together on this. we have been talking about this
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for many months. especially last year when the budget had to be cut for the corridors program. we said, we are not going to let that stop was. mohamad talked about this, saying, how are we going to restore pride? we have to do it through at job creation. have to do it the right way. everyone has had combined efforts. even the puc, with their money, they know keeping track out of the water drainage system, that will all flow in when it is raining, they will be a better performing utilities commission on this. so, they put their money in. everybody has done is the right way. mostly, i am proud of all of the residents here giving up hope that they can have these jobs that are modern jobs. with that come my congratulations to everybody.
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congratulations to all the department's. -- with that, my congratulations to everybody. all the 175 blocks to bring all level of planning, and a level of civic pride. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, mr. maher. he kind of breeze over it, but i do want to note -- when he took office, he was facing a more than $300 million deficit he had to close. building the budget, he was focused on cutting in a way that was responsible. but it was mostly a cutting exercise. when we went to him and said, we actually need to grow, sir, it took a lot of courage for him to make an investment as part of this budget. which he did.
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that, you could say, was may be the easy part. he proposes the budget, and then he has to turn to the board. the board was faced with a lot of demands for a small amount of resources. supervisor cohen was a great leader. they saw the value in this investment. investing in our neighborhoods, investing in our people be buying -- investing in our people. so, i do not want that to be lost in the fact that the mayor and the board have taken a courageous steps in making those dollars available. representing the board today, we're in her district, you're great supervisor, supervisor melia -- supervisor malia cohen. supervisor cohen: i want to talk about mayor lee.
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he is so may your role now. there was a time when he would go to the microphone and say two or three sentences. those days are gone. he took all of my talking points. i want to commend his leadership in office, what he has been able to to. he has honor his commitments. everything he said he is going to do, he has done. i just want to also acknowledge -- thank you for being a business on that the third street emerging corridor. you've made donations for a lot of our meetings. this is a beacon of hope. we are not stopping here. we are working along the third street corridor.
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steps that we are taking today are going to assure that folks who come to san francisco are going to come along the corridor and shop and spend their money and be able to see and feel the committee -- the community we have here. we will not be deterred by negative energy. we will continue to move forward in bill. i am glad to see the bayview here. it is today we kicked off the ambassadors program. -- yesterday we to adopt the ambassadors program. the commitment we have to the community is on wavering. we are going to be here. i will be here with the department heads the banking or screaming, they will be here. hello? 35 members. this is local hire at its
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finest. at one to introduce vivian. everyone needs a visionary. everyone needs a visionary on their team. she runs the sf shines program. i also want to acknowledge our third street management corridor. we and many partners year that will make this community robust and drive. with other partners. we have these san francisco housing development corp. i could go on and on. it is important that we continue to show thankfulness and a strong sense of gratitude. we do this work on a daily basis. i want to come out here and reiterate my commitment. is on wavering. i will be here in good times and
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bad. i will bring it the mayor and everyone else with me. i want to let them know the role they are playing along third street is important. you are, in many ways, the ambassador. it is important we keep the bayview clean and make it sparkle and shine. when we start to see pieces of trash, that sends a message to the residence that we do not care. today, we are watching and we are taking back third street. like i said, one block at a time. thank you, everyone. >> thank you, supervisor cohen, for your leadership. i will not be coming kicking and screaming. and just so you know, the mayor already gave me your list of concerns about the muni coming through your district. the supervisor talked about this program, and putting folks to
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work is really resuscitating a program started years back. the reason why this is called a partnership is because it is not just about the city coming in and clean. is about a partnership with our businesses and residents in these corridors. in each one of these corridors, we work hard to establish relationships with the merchants to help educate in terms of responsibility for keeping the city clean, and to work with them to find out what we needed to jointly, collectively to make the city as beautiful as it is, to make it the world-class city the mayor spoke about. we have a great partner right here in the bayview. i want to ask a representative -- she goes with the bayview renaissance center and the bayview merchants association. >> good morning, afternoon probably now.
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thank you, ed. i am the vice president of the bayview merchants association. as you ever heard from the mayor and ed and are supervisor, revitalization is about a lot of things. is about a lot of moving parts. is about a lot of relationships and things happen simultaneously. the work we are doing with the apprenticeship program, the things we're doing as bayview merchants, we are a robust group, and the work that the redevelopment agency and the mayor's office is doing with sf shine, all this work happens together. malia also referenced our community partners. revitalizing neighborhoods means
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all that were. and growing up, our mothers and fathers told us to where our best to sunday church. -- wear our best to sunday church. how things look matter. people need to be proud of how they look. vivian, we love you. this sf shines program is vital. you have appetizer's for as -- for us. we have merchants available. wheat thank you so much. this program, the work we are all doing together is going to make as the thriving bustling
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commercial corridor we want to be part of. i want to thank the mayor's office and dpw. thank you to james. we will continue to do the work. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. so come that you have heard from the people who brought the leadership and the vision and the means to implement. now i want to give you an opportunity to hear from someone on the ground. from someone who knows what this work is, what it means, how important this is typical of this city. someone who has been part of the dpw family. >> thank you. good morning. dpw.
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i am going to talk about my experiences as dpw. it gave me an opportunity. i've learned a lot of things to the corridor. i have also -- we just came up here. while. would put some decomposed granite in these bottles, and came out with some volunteers, and we weeded out the trees and all that stuff, but this has been a great opportunity. i will soon be graduating. when i came in, i was a 99-16. these guys are in the prince -- are in the pre-apprenticeship program. i took pride in my job. i took pride in my job. sometimes it would be tedious
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