tv [untitled] October 6, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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and i was coerced. i did not know. [laughter] i suppose. -- i suppose. -- oppose. [laughter] >> good afternoon, commissioners. i have been a resident of for over 20 years. throughout this, i was never notified by at&t and the the antenna proposal. furthermore, san francisco's emergency department, function
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number to already stated the cellular service is prone to disruption due to the overloaded system at the time of disaster. it may not be reliable and dependable at such a time. therefore, how can at&t claim they need this for emergency regions -- emergency reasons. a survey conducted in july 2011, 86% indicates the current recession is already good, excellent and 78% respond indicate the current data is
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excellent. there is no need for at&t to install new antennas in this immediate neighborhood. the technology and funding should be implemented in another part of the city where reception is not as good. thank you for your time, commissioners. as you can see all of the neighbors need your support. >> [speaking foreign-language]
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>> i live on raymond avenue in visitation valley. i have been living there for more than 20 years. i am an at&t customer as well. the reception on my mobile phone is crystal clear. no issue whatsoever. i oppose the proposed installation at 199 leland avenue. i would suggest at&t select a site that is further away from the residential area. thank you.
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>> i want to say i feel like it is indefensible that only four other people are here and since i have come back from the assessor's office downstairs, there's one other person here briefly that has left. maybe it is because these are asian people and there might be a bit of discrimination there. what i wanted to put on record as the owners of this land are michael d. quinn land and sea and the ryland. i also want to say while i was down there, i found two other mistakes.
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it is owned by the convent of the sacred heart. >> i live on visitation alley for more than 20 years. at&t wants to put a wireless tower on 199 leland. they try to improve the service for the 101 freeway corridor. but 280 is two or 3 miles from where that is. if they want to put they camped along the side of 101 and tunnel avenue where the recycle center there to improve when no one service.
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in a very short time, we have collected more than 1000 signatures opposing this construction. many of our residents attended these community meetings and they unanimously opposed the installation of this antenna. once again, the residents of visitation valley request at&t reconsider their construction plans. do not construct this tower in
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protect the rights and benefits and seniors and the disabled. thank you. commissioner miguel: are there any additional speakers? all additional speakers, this is the second time i have requested, everyone who wants to speak, please line up on the side. >> [speaking foreign language] >> oat been brought -- [speaking a foreign language] >> i have been living in this area for more than a decade.
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>> i have been living next to 199 leland avenue for 20 years. i oppose the proposed construction of at&t's antenna at that site. there are actually quite a few community members close by. there is a child-care center, a school, and such. i wish that they can relocate to a further location. thank you. commissioner miguel: are there any additional speakers? >> i support to the neighbors on this. please sign a conditional use.
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thank you. commissioner miguel: are there any additional speakers? public comment is closed. if i could ask the public -- if i could ask the project's sponsors to come up. was there bilingual at the booth at your leland avenue fair? >> there was not. commissioner miguel: that's all i want to know. it my advice to you is if you do things like that in the future, take that into consideration. i think that was a bit of a faux pas on at&t's part. there was a comment regarding the equipment to be placed in the garage. is or is that not or replacing a current legal parking space?
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>> the building was designed for seniors. the garage is an extra-large space for wheelchair accessibility and we placed some of our equipment there. the garage will continue to provide access for wheelchair's and handicap vans. >> there is no diminishing of actual, usable space for which the garage was designed? >> no, sir. commissioner miguel: that's all i have for you. thank you. i have not been presented with any facts that would cause me to
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turn down this request. me, personally, i cannot speak for the rest of the commission. we have to deal with factual material. i greatly appreciated the fact that supervisor cohen, in an attempt to resolve things asked for a continuance, which we automatically granted, as we always do when a supervisor requests it and should be done. i appreciate her efforts of that enters staff in trying to resolve this issue. i am very disappointed that it cannot be done. i may do some follow-up on that personally. since there have been no factual materials presented to me i can consider in this, that would
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cause me not to grand this, i am going to move approval with conditions. >> second. president olague: i want to make mention that we were watching this on television in the back. commissioner sugaya: with respect to other sites, can you give me an example -- let me go on for one second. if you go little further east on leland, you come to bay shore boulevard or what ever the highway is there. there is a building -- i am looking on my ipad, that is a newer structure, it just looks
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like one or two properties and i don't know if you guys took a look at that property or not. >> i have 1485 bayshore boulevards and 2011 bayshore boulevards which is half a mile away. both are existing macros sites? i don't know if that corresponds -- >> it is hard to describe other than what i am looking at here. >> we have 13 alternative sites. we looked at five very carefully that have macro's sites. >> with respect to the citing of this particular facility and the locations you are looking at, i assume you do not need to go any further east because that's already looks to be fairly well covered. you are looking to go west, north, and south, more or less.
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>> we do have a site on tunnel road, just for the record. commissioner sugaya: since there has already been approved development plans through the redevelopment agency for right across the bay shore boulevard, would at&t ever consider this to be an interim site pending new development across the way which might, to which you might locate this particular antenna facility? >> i think we could definitely look at that. we are in the process of upgrading a lot of our facilities and we could definitely look at it if it becomes available if
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redevelopment would be able to least to us and it meets the radio frequency requirements in that area. >> i don't know when the development will start. given the economy, it will be a number of years away, i suspect. given that it is new development, there might be an opportunity and that might make the rest of the community happy. although i warn you that development is highly residential. maybe if it is there, you might have a different reaction. in any case, if you could keep that in mind. >> yes. commissioner antonini: i have a few questions and the translator might want to translate the answers for the benefit of the public. i want to ask about recology.
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that would be a redundancy and would not work. >> i want to correct what i said. it is half a mile away and we already have a site. want to put it appear so you can see it. that is the top of a tunnel road. there is a sight there already. >> the important part is, maybe dead translator could -- the site is not close enough to cover the area that has the need. >> [speaking foreign language] >> one of the things i think is
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worth translating is there will be no loss of parking. is that what we are hearing? commissioner antonini: i had some other comments that do not need to be translated. there is a huge gap, as we can see on the maps. as we have been hearing all along, with the huge increase in demand, we need more sites and we need sides closer to the area, say you have to take what you can get. i guess there are no sites above preference 5 on what he you evaluated. i see no aesthetic impact, which is not one of the things that
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was brought up, but that is sometimes a consideration. just a couple of general comments here. some commentators came up and one gentleman made a comment about who owns the land, which is irrelevant to this discussion. there was also a comment about some of the commissioners are not being here. we are often here at 10 hours at a time and we do not have breaks for eating. we go out and watch it on the television in the back. those who were not here were hearing the discussion and in no way was meant to be disrespectful. we is have to eat like everyone else everyone's awhile. this may be worthy of translation. forever -- for whoever is in charge or perhaps each of these individuals came on their own, we have federal laws we have to follow. in terms of rf transmission and
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in terms of non-discrimination. if the emissions are below the standards, it is allowed -- we cannot disapprove a project based upon the emissions and we cannot discriminate from one carrier to another. people have to understand this concept because it might keep us from having to go over it so many times. can you put that briefly in -- >> [speaking foreign-language]
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commissioner antonini: my only final comments -- you have to analyze that might be necessary in an area like visitation valley to have a spanish- speaking translator. perhaps a vietnamese speaking translators. i am not saying you can always do that, but perhaps some kind of middle ground where you have someone who can at least direct the people to someone who could answer their questions or have printed materials in different language. that would be helpful. it is an idea that might help. >>president olague: many people were raising health concerns.
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