tv [untitled] October 25, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT
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and we are going to align the funding priorities of the district. part of this will be exactly what vice-president yee was talking about, having metric to measure of accountability and more importantly for impact purposes. that is the crux. you have captured a perfectly, of why we are doing what we are doing. commissioner norton: i want to second to that. we don't do that enough, we don't connect enough. here is what we did, here is what we spent, and this is what we got out of it. i think there are maybe some things that we are doing that we should not fund any more. i don't know what they are. it is easier for us to stop funding things that we shouldn't be funding if we can see it has
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not had the impact we would like it to have. commissioner fewer: i noted that because i think we are going to have to get very lean and mean. i like that we are a district that is willing to look at things that are not aligned for strategic planning goals and not have a great impact and has not helped us to close the achievement gap. and even though we have these things for a long time, we are brave enough to looked at that, that the budget is aligned to what the goals are. although we have had the programs that were protected, we are now preparing children for a very rigorous academic course of study. we have a college growing culture here. it is our mission to graduate every student in the district ready for college or living wage
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jobs. i think is going to take -- i call upon my colleagues, i think it is going to take a lot of intestinal fortitude to be able to look at this budget in a very concrete way. how are we going to close the racial achievement gap that for so long has plagued this district across the nation and early in the district having the largest achievement gap in the state of california. it looks like we have got a lot of work ahead of us. >> in terms of how reporting will happen or when we will get regular updates on the work that we are doing, how does that play out? i know that currently, one of the things i am always
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challenged with is quality middle schools and what that means, how that gets played out. how we explain to the community. when will things like that get reported or be shared with us so that we have a clear understanding of what moving forward looks like. >> our goal is to have all of that for the major initiatives. we're trying to create a plan that is integrating as opposed to plans for just one at a time. we hope to present and discuss it at the december 6 committee as a whole meeting. it doesn't mean that for informational updates that cannot be available until then. we can work with the board office and when you figure out
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the particular questions that need to be addressed, a for them, we plan to present to the full board by december 6 by identifying dependencies that we can follow up, for example, like the quality middle schools. we can respond to questions like that as they come out. we're going to establish a cycle for on going updates on the annual implementation section. i imagine it would be in the vote, the beginning of every school year. reporting what happened at two different levels. president mendoza: any other questions or comments on this? a deputy superintendent, and you have anything further? >> no, i want to thank the board for their input.
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they have been critical levers for us. president mendoza: item n is consideration of the calendar. this was removed at the previous meeting for second reading and action. they were removed for first reading by the superintendent. are there any comments by the superintendent or the deputy superintendent? any comments from the board? roll call, please. [roll call vote]
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the report from the committee on student assignment. commissioner murase, would you mind reporting on that? i'm sorry, ad hoc committee on student assignment. commissioner murase: on october 19, we addressed informational items. we heard from staff about the enrollment process for the 2012- 2013 school year. there is a proposal to move from unlimited choices in the august assignment system to the single highway pool. there is out of reach and recruitment -- november 5 is the enrollment affair.
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we received an annual report on student assignment. we're developing questions and getting the help from researchers on how to evaluate this new one. student assignment that includes a consideration for neighborhood assignment. there was an update on the redesign of transportation services. president mendoza: any other reports on any of the committees that may have met? commissioner norton: i'm not reporting on a committee, but i did go see a bilingual community council meeting. i did not know we were doing this, but we have begun translating the annual test reports that all parents get in the mail. parents are getting them in their native languages which is a huge step forward. it has been a lot of work, apparently, but it was very much appreciated.
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i wanted to add my thanks, it is a big improvement. commissioner fewer: on october 19, i attended the school district's first annual lgbt family center. it was a smashing success. i think they thought 50 people would show up and it was packed. clearly next year, will have to have a larger venue. i would like to thank staff for putting this on. this was a fun event and i felt that everyone who attended had a great spirit, very family feeling, and i hope that next year we will have more families that will participate. at this time, i would like to make an appointment to my advisory committee.
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i would like to appoint edwin yuen to the bilingual council. he is bilingual in spanish and chinese and is the parent of a daughter. commissioner maufas: the select committee meeting is this thursday over in city hall starting at 3:30. i wanted to say before this meeting is over -- president mendoza: do you know what the topic -- commissioner maufas: an update on the shipyard school district. >> i got my test back a few weeks ago in chinese and i could not read it. my mom was bashing on me and i could not read it. why didn't i get one in english?
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>> everybody got them in english in august and it took a month to get them translated. that is why you got a copy in chinese after word. commissioner murase: i wanted to report on the rules committee meeting that met on monday, october 24 for action. we reviewed the online board of education policies. we are going very deep into that process trying to bring the board policies on line. i invite my colleagues to join in on that. we will probably need back for recommendation in december. we reviewed the policy for committing non 7 it is residents to the school of the arts, and when so was started, there was a hard cap recommended of 10% of out of district students.
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it was unknown to the staff, so the principle has made a commitment in the coming year to really keep to that, because currently they have 60% overall out of district students. some departments are as high as 39%. one of the arguments given to us was that there aren't enough qualified seven it is students. i am here to say that san francisco students should apply. we want to see lots of applicants and phyllis many spaces as possible with san francisco students. there are some exceptions, when there is a need for a particular baritone or tenor who to invite and out of district students, but we would like to have as many san francisco students applied as we can. under state and federal policy, there have been bullying
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measures signed by the governor, and this thursday, the district attorney is hosting a very important cyber bullying event for the middle school families that is open to the public and will be at marina middle school from 6:00 to 7:30 on thursday. really targeting families and what they should know about cyber bullying. it is hard to keep up with. there is a lot going on with sell funds and social media has tools for really some very negative behavior. it is a very important event. commissioner norton: i forgot to say that the next meeting of the curriculum and program committee will be on monday november 7 and we will have at 4:00 p.m., slightly earlier than usual.
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>> commissioners, i wanted to say that the superintendent as i mentioned earlier is in boston for the council of the great city schools, i want you to know that we are honored that we will have the two presentations that this national convening including san francisco unified staff. from the research and accountability department, they will be presenting on our partnership with stanford university and our counsel. we will be presenting an immigration issues with students. we are honored to have this representation. commissioner fewer: i would like to make an announcement that the budget committee will meet this thursday, october 27 at 5:00 p.m. in this room. we are inviting everyone to attend. we will have an exciting discussion about the state but
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the engine support services. >> is always really thrilling. >> adjusting case not all the commissioners , in every department, we have students go out once a week to middle schools to a guest who teach middle school kids about the arts that we do. that is one way we are recruiting students. >> and you're doing this in san francisco middle schools? [laughter] commissioner yee: i would really like to say, several of us were there yesterday morning, and the mission high school community was treated really treated by a
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former michigan high school student. there was some article -- the panel that he had with them, his wife and the peter -- and peter. one other, i should know his name. the message they sent to the students was pretty consistent to them that in order for them to the to get to any level, you need to focus now and be the best person to do the best you
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can. i am just an ordinary person that focused on what my passion was. >> i want to thank them and his wife cindy, they were phenomenal. he was there from 8:00 in the morning until 1:00 in the afternoon. the principal was beside himself. the left to the classrooms and said hello to the students. he had a panel discussion with a very informal conversation to the kids, and they could pretty much as can anything.
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he did a 10 minute or 20 minute stint with the kids practicing on stage and performed with the kids. he mentioned being 16 years old and performing with carlos santana. it was just great, there were 15 students on stage. the students exited and he played for us for another half- hour. it was a delight. he donated, the drums and guitars. he is commissioning a mural to be painted in the hallway, and he really wanted to congratulate the kids because 85 percent were going on to college. we have a much higher rate of graduation this last year. he was thrilled and honored to be amongst the kids and they were thrilled and honored to be with him. a couple of other thank yous. the educational partnership
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celebrated the tenth anniversary. the deputy superintendent and i had the opportunity to go to their celebration. it is filipino history month. i wanted to thank cbs and the park. they took out 50 of the kids from the marina middle school. they had the street team from cirque du soleil come and run the obstacle course. lee will install on lighting, it will be on the time morceli will be able to save funding on that. the kids came out, they did a drawing for premier tickets for tonight for five of our students. and they would not put them down, they were doing these obstacle courses and they would not set their tickets down.
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it was really fantastic. i wanted to invite everybody, especially the alums to the dance on november 5. it will be a really great party and a great fundraiser for the school as well. >> and the jazz band will be performing, i am in that. that is kind of cool. >> our president is very humbled but she was also awarded and recognized at the banquet this saturday night for her contributions to the community. congratulations. [applause] president mendoza: thank you. regular board meeting announcements. our next regular board meeting falls on november 8, all of you should know is a special day.
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it is election day. our board meeting is going to get changed to tuesday, november 15 here in the boardroom. no board meeting on tuesday, november 8. >> it will run my routine. >> but you only have one board meeting this month. if there is no other announcements, a report of the closed session actions of october 18, 2011. the approve the contract for one assistant principal. the board of education approved the ratification of the suspended explosion of one high school student. in following litigation matters, -- the board of
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be new technology that could make it easier to get to your destination. many are taking a position of next bus technology now in use around the city. updated at regular intervals from the comfort of their home or workplace. next bus uses satellite technology and advanced computer modeling to track buses and trains, estimating are bought stocks with a high degree of accuracy. the bus and train our arrival information can be accessed from your computer and even on your cellular phone or personal digital assistant. knowing their arrival time of the bus allows riders the choice of waiting for it or perhaps doing some shopping locally or getting a cup of coffee. it also gives a greater sense that they can count on you to get to their destination on time. the next bus our arrival information is also transmitted to bus shelters around the city equipped with the next bus sign. riders are updated strictly
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about arrival times. to make this information available, muni has tested push to talk buttons at trial shelters. rider when pushes the button, the text is displayed -- when a rider pushes the button. >> the success of these tests led to the expansion of the program to all stations on the light rail and is part of the new shelter contract, push to talk will be installed. check out the new technology making your right easier every day
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>> director of emergency management here in san francisco. it's a flows welcome you here today to commemorate our community celebration since loama created us. i think all of you here in the audience if you were anywhere in the bay area 22 years ago, have stories tell us about the earth shaking. i, myself, had a 4-year-old son who came running into the house to tell us mommy, mommy, the earth is moving. i was watching the early baseball game and hadn't even felt it. so it shows where my mind was anyway, i think we're going to learn today the whole approach to disaster recovery.
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we all know about preparedness and the initial recovery phases, but really we're talking about resiliency and how quickly we bounced back after this big one. we have lots of dignitaries in the audience today, our keynote speaker from fema. nancy ward who is our region nine fema director. we have cal e.m.a. here, mike dayton and his staff. chief greg sir and they brought their whole command staff. we have many nert scroll teers. nert was a group that came about from 9/11 i mean -- shows where my mind is. from loma prieta.
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we have a lot prepared for you and i want to welcome our two chiefs up. joanne, would you like to start with a few words and then chief greg sir after that? >> thank you, anne, for the kind introductions. it was amazing 22 years ago this city in the bay area region experienced the loma prieta earthquake. i was not yet in the fire department. it was about five months before i joined and like anne alluded to, if anyone lived here, they remember where they were. >> i was at a high school when it happened and all of us remember the frightening moments and the aftermath of loma prieta. and it's always
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