tv [untitled] November 22, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PST
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that information and to know when invoices are submitted. they know to go to the prime contractor. additionally, they will know when it has been paid. finally, we have access to compliance officers that handle the proper payment issue so that if it is not being paid, they can contact the compliance officer for assistance and they will investigate it. %zgv>> we have one more. >> i believe suppliers fall under the same requirements as subcontractors do. i wonder if you have any
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mechanisms in place for suppliers to go through -- it falls under the definition of a subcontractor. >> some of the things that we have done, you have miles of diameter pipe. we typically pay when it is installed. they deliver it in the warehouse and have to wait until the contractor installs it before we pay. of a sudden, there is no material. one of the things we have looked at is for suppliers, and we will pay a portion of the money.
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what? so maybe we can talk about -- how you know, we can try to be creative. >> the other entity then you could possibly talk to would be the purchasing department for the o.c.a. the are responsible for the procurement of commodities. >> [inaudible] >> we can talk about it as far as participation. >> we have been talking a lot
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about the trade packages. for every contract, we list of all of those so that the subcontractors and suppliers know who to submit bids into to approach for other opportunities because a dozen and -- we published the list of the contact information so that you can call them. all of them require temporary toilets for field staff and they have hired that service. they should be looking at all of the projects. >> you hear that the trade packages are going to keep coming. we're working in different models of delivery and we have a contact of information whether
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it is a design builder. you will have it before this -- before construction even starts. i know that there has been a general service trade packages that include the type of work the you do end the taking bids on those types of things. you guys talk about contract compliance hasn't payments and stuff. who watches you guys? i am a woman own business. i have done all of these certifications and there is an ongoing contract for the city had a contractor was given that and charges what he wants. i had tried the opportunity. i have a small business, i can't afford a lawyer. i have been trying to do business and i have been denied.
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tell me, where do i go from here so that i can have the opportunities that everyone else has? anybody. the port authority? the housing authority? >> we will have one last person. >> i am going to be very quick. i would like to say that the majority of us here are contractors, consultants and we offer professional services or whatever it may be. we are accustomed to getting paid at the very end of the 30 days. not to be disrespectful, but it would be really great if we can get all of our checks on time.
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you get paid, i am assuming, every two weeks. imagine how it would be to get paid every 60 days and you're trying to run a small business. that is the first thing i want to say. just to be mindful of that, i wanted to follow up -- we have come to these meetings and events and we talk about what we want and what we don't have. i don't know if you heard, he basically said that he would want to talk or some of the other departments here will talk to small business owners. we are in recessions of the way that we used to run businesses are not the way we are running businesses today. i am a little afraid to get some contracts because i am hearing that their payout is 90 days or so. of the contract that we do have, it is every 15.
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following up with mr. kelly, i really want to make sure that some of these other contractors that are larger than my business is today, that they can sit down and talk about other ways of how we can actually get more business and make sure we are getting paid on time. and any other concerns that these small business owners have right here, not just in this community, but overall. we have a tendency to forget. as some mentioned, lines of credit can only go so far. >> one final speaker, mr. robinson. >> i just wanted to address the panel, and particularly the young lady that works for the mayor's office of economic workforce, this is not good faith.
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this is title six. pertaining to -- talking about the jobs, to be in the improvement of that. the perfect example is the mta. they promised that they would build three parking garages. we have one. they did parallel parking, but not the three parking garages. the city of san francisco is in violation when it comes to federal dollars. if you don't know the law, you can't address the law. i this want to make people aware that we don't have to beg for these jobs. we have an entitlement.
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>> perhaps you and i can have an offline conversation. >> this is not an attack, we have the killing in september 24 as of 1956 with matthew johnson by san francisco police officer and 45 years later, on the same thing. we are still looking for opportunities. it sounds good, but it is not being implemented. who is holding this panel accountable to the law? someone has told the panel accountable. if i am going down the street 65 miles an hour, i am in violation of the law. the city, county, san francisco is in violation of the law of title 6. >> thank you for all the great questions. for closing, which have our
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commissioner. >> i want to thank his supervisor cohen for posting this. this is actually the beginning of a dialogue between the community and the departments in your supervisors. i want to thank the panelists of the department for coming. and giving the information that they did. i would like to thank you for coming and also for welcoming us to your community. we basically -- our goal in this district is very important to us right now. all of us see the high unemployment over 30%. we see the opportunity for development in here.
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it probably has the largest opportunity for development in the entire city. what we're doing, we do the certification, we like to basically find the small businesses, identify them, certify that. we are also responsible, one person questioned who is looking after if i have a complaint about a contract, where do i go? you come to us. we will look into it for you. we will also work with the department's, and on the ordinance, the few things we talked about, i will be talking about profit payments for years. just like when you mail a
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package, you can go on line with the tracking system, that is the ultimate goal. the ultimate goal is to get there. it is basically your lifeline, there will get the payment as soon as possible. we have worked about alternative dispute resolution so that you don't have to pay an attorney. harlan kelly has been
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instrumental for bringing several people to the table and making sure that it has actually put together in a fashion that works for you guys. the departments are working very hard to break the contract as much as possible so that the small business, the micro business can participate and obtain these contracts. our biggest goal is to the make sure that businesses are certified and the ultimate goal is to see will graduate from the program. that means that we have succeeded if you have exceeded the threshold. thank you for coming, and let us know if we have any concerns with the human rights commission at let's look at this town hall meeting as the beginning of this dialogue so we can have more in
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9 judge terri l. jackson. the court is now recruiting prospective civil grand jurors. our goal is to develop a pool of candidates that is inclusive of all segments of our city's population. >> the jury conducts investigations and publishes findings and recommendations. these reports them become a key part of the civic dialog on how we can make san francisco a better place to live and work. >> i want to encourage anyone that is on the fence, is considering participating as a grand jury member, to do so. >> so if you are interested in our local city government and would like to work with 18 other enthusiastic citizens committed to improving its operations, i encourage you to consider
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applying for service on the civil grand jury. >> for more information, visit the civil grand jury website at or call >> welcome to city hall. it is my pleasure today to join board president david chiu. our chief of police is here today. hydra mendoza, the president of our board of education. the director of public works. my wife anita -- she is the most important. who else do we have? the director of our treasure island authority is here.
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also member of our housing authority. thank you very much for being here. our city librarian -- thank you for being here as well. the president of the san francisco giants is here. all right. and they won today. [applause] sorry if i forgot to mention anybody. i know supervisor avalos will join us later. and sandy. thank you for being with us today. sharon has been here for many years. thank you for being here as well. to all of you who our guests -- family, friends, brothers and sisters of our youth commission -- thank you very much for joining us. i have been very thrilled to be your mayor for the last eight months, and one of the things that i have delighted in in
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terms of meeting all the different -- come on up, john. supervisor avalos, good to see you. [applause] one of the things i have been delighted in in all the different town hall budget meetings and the community-based organization meetings we have had is to listen to what our views were saying about our city -- listen to what our youth were saying about our city. it either make me happy or sad. it is your opinions that measure the polls and the direction of what we're doing as a city. ultimately, and i know all the other departments will agree with me -- you are going to take over this city. you are going to take it over. you are going to take my job. you are going to take their jobs. you are going to do better than we did. the reason is because we know that we can only do so much, and
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we have limited time in the offices that we have. but for right now, for you, where you are at, you can give us the best advice about where we should go as a city. you can give us the advice about better legislation, about better programs, about being more sensitive to families in this city, and to our youth, to the future leaders that this city will have pirie whether you are a police officer or police chief, firefighter, or you may become a doctor or nurse or a teacher or you may become a librarian for the batter for the next giants team, or you may become a social service worker, or you may become a major -- mayor, in all of these efforts, we need your input.
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we need your advice. it is with great pleasure that we have this opportunity to point you to our youth commission. as a whole body, we need to listen to our youth, so we know which is the right and wrong directions for us to go to and what your needs are. whether it is education, whether it is in sports and social programs for socializing, whether it is ideas about how to make your life safer, whether your communities are safer, or whether it is just how to make the city a happier place, we need that input. so i want to thank all of your family and friends here today because they will need your support. every commissioner that served in public capacity always sacrifices personal time, and your sacrifice will be well worth it, i assure you. because i will listen and supervisors will listen as you go through your deliberations. all we ask is that you create an
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opportunity for us to listen to you carefully and make sure we consider your ideas to help make the city better. so before we do the official swearing in, i know that board president chiu would like to share a few words and also supervisor avalos as well. [applause] supervisor chiu: thank you. i want to add my congratulations to the folks that he has that. there are a couple of folks i would also like to of knowledge. first of all, mario from the youth commission. [applause] who has done an incredible job in helping to mentor our future leaders. i also want to recognize someone who recently joined the staff. [applause] thank you for the work you are doing. and there is one other group of folks that we have to take a moment to acknowledge, and that
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is your mothers and fathers. can we give it to the parents in the house? [applause] and, of course, all the other surrogate parents that i know are here along with your biological parents. as many of you know, the commission was born 15 years ago. that means it is a 15-year-old teenager. i have to tell you, when i was 15 years old, i could not find city hall on a map. congratulations for being, as mayor lee said, our next generation of leaders. [applause] without the work that you do, mayor lee, john avalos, hydra mendoza -- we would not have ideas about how to improve public safety, how to improve our schools, or i do not think
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any of us would have thought about the importance of providing free muni you have shown tremendous leadership. you represent the diversity of san francisco. you represent our neighborhoods and every corner of our city. you inspire us. when you are able to come together, it signals to us, the adults of city hall, that we also have to come together. we have to work together. she is excited as well. [laughter] i want to tell you to keep on fighting and in part in the wisdom -- imparting wisdom you can see through your eyes as we're deliberating here. i look forward sunday to working on the campaigns of some of you here -- someday to working on the campaigns of some of you here. i look forward to working with
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you as you head up our city departments, non-profits, companies, and this great city of san francisco. thank you and congratulations. [applause] >> you have touched on many aspects of your work as commissioners. you have acknowledged your family's supporting you as well. i want to say thank you for your service. thank you for taking on this leadership role. it is not just looking at your future. it is about looking at what your present is like. that is a huge commitment you are making to your peers and generation. that is knowledge can bring to us to help us make decisions at city hall. i think it is a great idea whose
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time has come. the work the youth commission did last year working with community organizations and youth from around the city was exceptional and worthy of action on our part to make sure it gets done. i wanted to say thank you for that. i want to acknowledge other folks who have gone on to public office from the recent youth commission. jesse is on the city council berkeley. exceptional things are going on that you will have access to in terms of government service. it is not just working as elected officials. nonprofit workers, julie has had an exceptional career serving in people. we have nicole in the back to used to be a staffer at the youth commission who is now doing a lot of great political work. you may know her. i want to say thank you for taking on this leadership role.
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i look forward to working with you over the next year. i work very closely with the youth commission. i am very excited about the things we can do together, crafting legislation, approving budgets, insuring the young people continue to have a voice that will be acted upon by government. thank you so much. [applause] >> are you ready? if i may say this, first of all when they say free muni, let's make sure we know where the money is coming from. we have to be responsible. i want to say congratulations. now you are going to take up the responsibility you have not taken up before. it is no longer about you. it is about us and our city. i want to make sure that you know that as you deliberate and
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recommend to me and the board of supervisors, the police chief, hydra, know that it is no longer a recommendation for the city. we are in international city. your recommendations will be viewed around the world, not just in san francisco. it will be around the world in hundreds of difference of languages -- in hundreds of different languages. we realize we're not just a city of san francisco in the state of california. we are san francisco, known throughout the world to provide leadership and hope to provide many other countries in the world. what you say will be heard around the world. note that. please stand and raise your right hand. police say your full name and repeat after me.
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i, full name, do solidly a firm that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california against all enemies foreign and domestic, that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california, that i take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. i will well
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