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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2011 10:00am-10:30am PST

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powwows and special events, such as the kqed unsung hero award. i would like to quote the words of his wife, in recognition of his unsung hero award. "earl is a legend in his own time. he is well known throughout indian country and gives back everything he can to the community. through all of his own challenges and life experiences, he has maintained strong ties to his kiowa tribal affairs. he maintains strong principals and manages to always have a positive attitude towards life indirectly, and directly influencing others to be the best they can be. as a role model in the community, girl knows everyone from grandmas and grandpas to newborn babies. he is full of life and likes to
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joke around, give opinions, provide constructive criticism, and is always giving. he gives with enthusiasm, is a loyal friend, and spreads his wisdom and knowledge, when a corporate and called upon. earl is one of these unsung heroes. often, are most involved community members are taken for granted. earl is someone who fills a need, creates a bridge, and is able to reach all populations. our community would not be as strongly connected it was not for earl. congratulations on your recognition as a kqed on some hero. please step to the podium. -- unsung hero. [applause]
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>> i said i was that going to cry, so i won't. i was overwhelmed last year, when i emceed on behalf of tom phillips. he gave me a call and asked him to -- asked me to help again this year. he said, kqed will contact you in one or two days. 10 minutes later, kqed calls, and we are going over some of the things that we are doing
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today. and her voice said, you know, you were nominated, and you won one of the awards. i said, what? she repeated herself. she did it three times. before it sank in. again, thank you. for this prestigious award recognizing native americans in the community. my friend joe sent me an e-mail. he said, first off,
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congratulations. there are two reasons why they give community service awards. the first reason is because they think you are old, in poor health, ready to die, and they want to honor you before you die. [laughter] the second reason is because you are a nice guy, earl. joe, i hope it is the latter, because i do feel pretty good. in our kiowa language, the best it can possibly be. i want to thank my wife -- we have been together 17 years. happy anniversary. [applause]
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i said i was not going to cry. thank you for putting up with me for 17 years. hopefully, there are 17 more years. i just want to let everyone know, each and everyone of you, my goal is to inspire you to dream, and then to go out and accomplish those dreams. thank you. [applause] that was difficult presenting an award to myself. thank you, susan.
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calling to the stage at this time joan benoit. [applause] >> good evening. excited to be here to celebrate our honorees. excited to be here with our sister organizations, to prevent -- present this evening, with kqed. it is my great pleasure and honor to introduce corrina gould. she is a leader and co-founder of the indian people organizing for change and peace walk, and title 7 coordinator at the native american child resource center.
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she was born and raised in oakland, california. the mother of three children. she currently works as the title seven court nader. -- coordinator. she is assisting and directing an after-school program that includes wraparound services for native students in oakland. she is also the co-founder and a lead organizer for indian people organizing for change, a small native-run organization that works on indigenous people issues, as well as sponsoring an annual peace walk to bring about education and awareness of the desecration of the sacred sites in the greater bay area. in april of this year, corrina, wounded knee decampo, and others, put out a call to warriors to put out a vigil and
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occupation of vallejo, calif., a secret 15-acre site. the occupation lasted for 109 days and resulted in a cultural easement between the city of vallejo, the greater vallejo recreation district, and two federally recognized drives. this struggle was victorious and will set precedents for this type of work, going forward, with others working on sacred sites within city boundaries in california. corrina also sits on the california indigenous environmental association board, border directors for the oakland street academy foundation, and is the treasurer for the hoa. she is also an avid raiders fan. i would[applause]
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>> i said good day, my name is corrina. noi am honored to be here. and my ancestors were enslaved of mission san jose and at mission dolores and san francisco. it has been my great honor to do the work of the ancestors for the past 15 years. by doing that that means reading
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about the recognition of the people in the bay area and continuing to allow our ancestors to have a voice here in this land. i was honored by taking part in an occupation we hear about occupation all the time right now. anbut the occupation that happed in vallejo, calif., was like changing, not only for myself, but for many people. it changed the world of indian people in california by allowing cultural easement. . so this was not just my victory, but a victory of the ancestors and the work they have put us through over the past 15 years reading the peace talks, by walking to each of the sites
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that have been desecrated by buildings being put on top of them in red robes and bathrooms and bars. by honoring our ancestors that each place we went to, the ancestor found as it to do the work. so i am honored to do that work, and continue to do that work. i am also really thrilled to be a part of this because it is a humbling experience. i think when people go through humbling experiences, it helps them to seek further and see how they can do more. had i not on the work, i would not have met so many young people who have a passion to do something that it's different. i think that is one of the things i've learned, that when we were asked for 109 days, we allow people to come and live there, but allow them to create a space where they could have community. everyone had a space and job
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there and felt welcome there. i sing when we look at our lives in the past as indian people that we remember that that is how we lived before. and we're trying to have those things in an urban setting, and not always easy to do. -- i say when we look at our lives in the past as indian people, that we remember that is how we lived before. and i was actually grocery shopping when i got the phone call asking if i would accept it, and when i talk to ear l before he went to hawaii last week, i set aside for a check to say anything? he said no. i also want to thank all the people out there that are familiar faces. and i hope we continue to
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support the work of our ancestors in this country, and we do what we're supposed to do in this world. i[applause] >> corrina, you did not get the memo? i was just kidding. [laughter] have you looked at all of these bios in your programs? i notice all of the other nominees awardees, they are on some board, board of directors. the closest i came to a board was a surf board last week in hawaii. i have talked to you guys. -- my hats off to you guys.
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wow. at this time i am calling upon ronald rolfwel. friendship house of board of director in san francisco. [applause] nice to see you here tonight. i am pleased and honored also to be able to bring eddy madrill up here as an award of the american eagle local award. and he is a member of the tribe
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of southern arizona. he is an active and highly- respected member of the san francisco bay area communities representing and celebrating his culture as a dancer, singer, culture, playwright, filmmaker, artist, and educator. all around renaissance man here yen his involvement and commitment to native heritage has brought him the opportunity to share wealth of information with the first communities. his gift for reaching used in powerful ways is reflected intense popular presentations and bay area schools come arts, educationally and youth prevention programs where he works closely with students to develop their appreciation and respect for american indian dance, music, culture, history and sign language. he is the founding member of the ensemble four winds american
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history dance that has been performing over four years. dancing is a form of prayer. he has researched and worked with tribal elders to preserve and present sacred traditional ceremonial the ants within tribal settings and active and dedicated to passing these cultural riches and traditions on to our american indian youth. he has taught american in his music at san francisco state and three-year recipient of the council artist in residence grant. as a dancer and educator he has performed throughout the western united states, including the san francisco ethnic dance festival , the olympic games, and in powwows across the nation. as a playwright and film maker, his works have been presented on
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stage at such venues us the center for the arts and this brought the theater. -- and the brava theater. i am also proud to say as president of the board of friendship house, eddie has been a faithful and dedicated board member since the year 2000. he is a local treasurer and respected treasurer in the community. i think you. -- i thank you. [applause] eddie.
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>> just like you, i am hoping it is for the latter also. for those of you that know me really well, like my family, you will know because of my voice i will not be talking very long. [applause] there is my family. [laughter] it is an honor and pleasure to be nominated and receive this award. i want to say thank-you to the people that nominated and the people that chose to have this come through. but like we are talking about, we would recognize the people make is who we are to do what we do. it is really the unsung heroes that are out there.
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through your teachings and influence and through our relationships as a brother, wife, mother, on golf, sister, at grandma, grandpa, and all of you that are out there, and equally our friends and associates that give this information for us to teach, give us your influence and power for us to give back. it was given to me from a wise person that said we take nothing with us to the next life except for what we of given down here. it is always this circle of reciprocation. i say thank you to all of you who haven't been the influence either directly by your teachings or indirectly by your support and love. it really is a part of all of
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us. i say thank you to all of you. i[laughter] [applause] >> were you just reading -- that was everything i wrote. i was lucky enough to be in one of his films. he was bringing the camera up really close, and i said can you get my good side? he said he did not have a good side. -- you do not have a good side. [laughter] all right. calling up to the microphone at this time.
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liz hunt of santa clara valley. [applause] >> this to know -- just to know, we did not nominate you because you are old or dead. it is my pleasure to introduce our fourth honoree. she is president, current president of the board of directors of the indian health center, and might agency is located in san jose for those of you that have not been there, it is in the southern part of the state. a little joke there. lee says connection -- lisa's connection with these surt luck
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or destiny. she moved to san jose and was working as a litigation attorney for an intellectual property law firm and finishing the prerequisites for medical school. at least twice a day she would drive down meridian ave and go past a strange looking building that defined itself as indian health center. she would think to yourself, i should see if that place needs volunteers. one day she called, and of -- beloved physician we had identified a project for lisa and actor -- ask her to consider joining the board of directors.
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with leases unique legal and medical backgrounds, benefits from having both in a single board member we save some times. thank you. and her commitment and leadership have helped guide through more than a decade of growth and the challenges that come with it. her quick, usually irreverent and sometimes wacky, actually always wacky sense of humor enlivens the board meetings, and may leave her in the future to the stage at one of my agencies comedy jam event. lisa looks forward to reading and continuing efforts to improve the health of the indians come to advocate for health care for the underserved, and to innovate in the prevention and chronic illness.
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and lease that is part miami -- lisa is part miami on her mother's side. and part choctaw on her father's side. she earned a b.a. from cal state in 1986. in 1989 she graduated from uc- berkeley school of law and practice law before starting medical school in 2000. she graduated from stanford in 2006 and completed residency in anatomic and clinical pathology, also a stanford in june of 2011. she is currently a transfusion medicine, as well as serving as clinical pathology chief resident. lisa is very humble and the last person who would think of herself as an on song local
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hero. but it has been because of her sound th, unwavering and strong commitment that the agency has flourished. i am honored and proud and asked her to come up to the podium. >> i am not good at taking directions. thank you for those kind remarks. thank you also to my friends and families who have come to share
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the special evening with me. i was worried when i heard there was going to be so many people taking pictures, not only because the camera ads 15 pounds, but because the last time i interacted with the media in any way, it was because my dog had done all widely coyote off a cliff. she went off the edge and fell 25 feet into a creek here again to rescue my drawiog, i slid don a 25 foot slope, and managed to which my but between the creek bed and group and get stuck in waist-deep water. it was apparently a very slow news day, so in addition to fire and police rescue. kgo news showed up to witness the extraction of me and my dog. to highlight this they described an elaborate police system used
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to hoist me out of the creek. and there was no police system used, which by then brother-in- law was happy to replace it over and over again to anyone who came into the house. this is much better. this is a much better media event for me. i have been thinking about what it means to be a hero since i learned i would share this honor tonight. i was tremendously grateful to learn it did not involve a cape or tights. i will share deep with you what i figured out so far. -- i will share with you what i figured out so far. my goal is to entertain you. to do that i will have to rely on quotes from gondi, mother teresa, and david liberma lette
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no. 10, 99% of the antihero or leader is showing up. this is paraphrase from woody allen. this is at the heart of my service to indian help center. i was trying to think of a single event or thing or contribution i had made in my years of service, and there really is not one. when i did it showed up at least once a month for a few hours for the past almost 14 years and share my opinions, many opinions, and what i had to offer. i think a lot of times people underestimate what showing up can really do. number nine, always wear comfortable shoes. this is important for at least two reasons. one, it is hard to do your best thinking when your feet hurt. number two, it makes it easier to get away from people who do not approve of your opinions or might be chasing you. number eight, being kind it
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takes no more time than it takes to be a jerk. i learned most of that whenever is practicing law. -- when i was practicing law. number seven, stand up for yourself, even if you are afraid. you have to be willing to stand up to the police that cross your path, or you will not be able to advocate effectively or anyone else. number six, other people can have good ideas, to come even if i do not always agree with them. my nephew is 9, and he has a hard time with this, but all i can say is we will keep trying. i do not always like to read it, but it is